diff --git a/T42.h b/T42.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b330a9f --- a/dev/null +++ b/ T42.h |
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
| |
1 | // T42.h : main header file for the T42 application
| |
2 | //
| |
3 |
| |
4 | #ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
| |
5 | #error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
| |
6 | #endif
| |
7 |
| |
8 | #include "resource.h" // main symbols
| |
9 |
| |
10 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| |
11 | // CT42App:
| |
12 | // See T42.cpp for the implementation of this class
| |
13 | //
| |
14 |
| |
15 | class CT42Dlg;
| |
16 | class CT42App : public CWinApp
| |
17 | {
| |
18 | public:
| |
19 | void FlushT42CallsLog();
| |
20 | CString m_HelpFile;
| |
21 | UINT m_T42TalkPort;
| |
22 | UINT m_T42LinesBusy;
| |
23 | BOOL m_bAwayOnScreenSaver;
| |
24 | BOOL UpdateT42Call(CT42CallLogEntry& entry);
| |
25 | CT42Dlg* m_pT42Dlg;
| |
26 | BOOL DelT42Call(CTime& time);
| |
27 | BOOL AddT42Call(CT42CallLogEntry& entry);
| |
28 | LONG m_nT42Calls;
| |
29 | LONG GetT42Calls();
| |
30 | BOOL GetT42Call(LONG call,CT42CallLogEntry& entry);
| |
31 | LONG m_t42Call;
| |
32 | BOOL CloseT42CallsLog();
| |
33 | BOOL OpenT42CallsLog();
| |
34 | CString m_t42CallsFile;
| |
35 | CT42CallLogm_T42Calls;
| |
36 | CStringm_T42SGreeting;
| |
37 | CTimeSpan m_T42STimeLimit;
| |
38 | UINT m_T42SWinLimit;
| |
39 | UINT m_T42SBytesLimit;
| |
40 | COLORREF m_crT42LocalBG;
| |
41 | COLORREF m_crT42RemoteBG;
| |
42 | CHARFORMAT m_fmtT42System;
| |
43 | CHARFORMAT m_fmtT42Remote;
| |
44 | CHARFORMAT m_fmtT42Local;
| |
45 | void Options(CWnd* pParent=NULL);
| |
46 | void StopSound(LPCTSTR snd);
| |
47 | BOOL StartSound(LPCTSTR snd,BOOL bLoop = FALSE);
| |
48 | void Initialize();
| |
49 | CString m_sndTeapotWhistle;
| |
50 | CString m_sndBoilingTeapot;
| |
51 | CString m_sndTeaDrop;
| |
52 | CString m_sndT42Wake;
| |
53 | BOOL m_bT42PromptLoop;
| |
54 | CString m_sndT42Prompt;
| |
55 | CString m_sndT42Bell;
| |
56 | BOOL m_bt42AutosaveLayout;
| |
57 | UINT m_maxT42Callers;
| |
58 | CStringList m_t42Callers;
| |
59 | BOOL LastCaller(LPCTSTR caller);
| |
60 | void LoadSettings();
| |
61 | void SaveSettings();
| |
62 | UINT m_maxT42Callees;
| |
63 | BOOL LastCallee(LPCTSTR callee);
| |
64 | CStringList m_t42Callees;
| |
65 | CDocTemplate* m_pTemplate;
| |
66 | CT42App();
| |
67 |
| |
68 | // Overrides
| |
69 | // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
| |
70 | //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CT42App)
| |
71 | public:
| |
72 | virtual BOOL InitInstance();
| |
73 | //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
| |
74 |
| |
75 | // Implementation
| |
76 |
| |
77 | //{{AFX_MSG(CT42App)
| |
78 | //}}AFX_MSG
| |
| |
80 | };
| |
81 |
| |
82 |
| |
83 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////