path: root/BigBrotherDoc.cpp
authorMichael Krelin <>2004-07-05 01:53:09 (UTC)
committer Michael Krelin <>2004-07-05 01:53:09 (UTC)
commitfb8b43dbce8bc310718614384297aeaabb9a3cbb (patch) (side-by-side diff)
treeaf9d2c2b71ddffff93a97a02fe26611096b78645 /BigBrotherDoc.cpp
initial commit into svn repository
git-svn-id: fe716a7a-6dde-0310-88d9-d003556173a8
Diffstat (limited to 'BigBrotherDoc.cpp') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 1039 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BigBrotherDoc.cpp b/BigBrotherDoc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a5328e
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/BigBrotherDoc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@
+// BigBrotherDoc.cpp : implementation of the CBigBrotherDoc class
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "BigBrother.h"
+#include "BigBrotherDoc.h"
+#include "BigBrotherView.h"
+#include "ActivityView.h"
+#include "HostPropertyPages.h"
+#include "MainFrm.h"
+#include "Preferences.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define new DEBUG_NEW
+#undef THIS_FILE
+static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
+// CBigBrotherDoc
+BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBigBrotherDoc, CDocument)
+ //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CBigBrotherDoc)
+// CBigBrotherDoc construction/destruction
+ : m_MaxLogTime(0,1,0,0), m_Threads(0), m_MaxThreads(10), m_PingSize(32), m_RootBrother(NULL),
+ m_bSaveOnShutdown(TRUE), m_AutoSave(0,0,30,0), m_bStoreLastActivity(FALSE)
+ m_BBView = NULL;
+ m_AView = NULL;
+ CleanUp();
+BOOL CBigBrotherDoc::OnNewDocument()
+ if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
+ return FALSE;
+ CleanUp();
+ m_RootBrother=new CBrother();
+ return TRUE;
+// CBigBrotherDoc serialization
+void CBigBrotherDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
+ CDocument::Serialize(ar);
+ ar.MapObject(this);
+ ar.SerializeClass(RUNTIME_CLASS(CBigBrotherDoc));
+ if (ar.IsStoring())
+ {
+ // Store to archive
+ ar << m_PingSize;
+ ar << m_MaxThreads;
+ ar << m_MaxLogTime;
+ ar << m_bSaveOnShutdown;
+ ar << m_AutoSave;
+ ar << m_LogFile;
+ ar << m_bStoreLastActivity;
+ ar << m_RootBrother;
+ m_Brotherhood.Serialize(ar);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UINT schema = ar.GetObjectSchema();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ {
+ CString tmp;
+ tmp.Format("Doc-OSchema: %u\n",schema);
+ TRACE0(tmp);
+ }
+ CleanUp();
+ m_ThisMap.RemoveAll();
+ // Read from archive
+ ar >> m_PingSize;
+ ar >> m_MaxThreads;
+ ar >> m_MaxLogTime;
+ if(schema>=2){
+ ar >> m_bSaveOnShutdown;
+ ar >> m_AutoSave;
+ }
+ ar >> m_LogFile;
+ if(schema>=3)
+ ar >> m_bStoreLastActivity;
+ ar >> m_RootBrother;
+ m_Brotherhood.Serialize(ar);
+ // Read from archive
+ m_ThisMap.RemoveAll();
+ // Log loading
+ CString logLine;
+ logLine.Format(IDS_LOG_LOADFILE,(LPCTSTR)GetTitle());
+ logLine=CTime::GetCurrentTime().Format(IDS_LOG_DATEFORMAT)+" "+logLine;
+ LogLine(logLine);
+ }
+// CBigBrotherDoc diagnostics
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CBigBrotherDoc::AssertValid() const
+ CDocument::AssertValid();
+void CBigBrotherDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
+ CDocument::Dump(dc);
+#endif //_DEBUG
+// CBigBrotherDoc commands
+CBrother::CBrother(CBrother *daddy)
+ CleanUp();
+ m_Daddy=daddy;
+ ParentalAdjust(TRUE);
+void CBrother::CleanUp()
+ m_Item=NULL;
+ flags=0;
+ m_bLog=TRUE;
+ m_Daddy=NULL;
+ m_Desc.Empty();
+ m_Down.CleanUp();
+ m_Host.Empty();
+ m_IntervalBad=30;
+ m_IntervalGood=30;
+ m_Retries=3;
+ m_TimeOut=5000;
+ m_Up.CleanUp();
+ m_bPinged=FALSE;
+ m_bPending=FALSE;
+ m_bIsUp=TRUE;
+ m_bPinging=FALSE;
+ m_bUp=TRUE;
+ m_bToKill=FALSE;
+ m_Doc=NULL;
+ CleanUp();
+void CAction::CleanUp()
+ flags=0;
+ m_Custom.Empty();
+ m_Sound.Empty();
+CAction& CAction::operator=(CAction& src)
+ flags=src.flags;
+ m_Custom=src.m_Custom;
+ m_Sound=src.m_Sound;
+ return *this;
+void CBrother::ParentalAdjust(BOOL cleanUp)
+ if(!m_Daddy){
+ flags|=flagsOverrideIntervals|flagsOverrideTimeout|flagsOverrideRetries|flagsOverrideActions|flagsOverrideLogging;
+ if(cleanUp){
+ m_Desc.LoadString(IDS_ROOTNODENAME);
+ m_IntervalBad=30, m_IntervalGood=30;
+ m_TimeOut=5000;
+ m_Retries=3;
+ {
+ m_Up.CleanUp();
+ m_Down.CleanUp();
+ m_Up.flags=m_Down.flags=CAction::flagsPlayASound;
+ m_Up.m_Sound.LoadString(IDS_ACTION_HOST_UP);
+ m_Down.m_Sound.LoadString(IDS_ACTION_HOST_DOWN);
+ }
+ m_bLog=TRUE;
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(!(flags&flagsOverrideIntervals)){
+ CBrother *parent = m_Daddy;
+ while(!(parent->flags&flagsOverrideIntervals)){
+ ASSERT(parent->m_Daddy);
+ parent=parent->m_Daddy;
+ }
+ m_IntervalBad=parent->m_IntervalBad;
+ m_IntervalGood=parent->m_IntervalGood;
+ }
+ if(!(flags&flagsOverrideTimeout)){
+ CBrother *parent = m_Daddy;
+ while(!(parent->flags&flagsOverrideTimeout)){
+ ASSERT(parent->m_Daddy);
+ parent=parent->m_Daddy;
+ }
+ m_TimeOut=parent->m_TimeOut;
+ }
+ if(!(flags&flagsOverrideRetries)){
+ CBrother *parent = m_Daddy;
+ while(!(parent->flags&flagsOverrideRetries)){
+ ASSERT(parent->m_Daddy);
+ parent=parent->m_Daddy;
+ }
+ m_Retries=parent->m_Retries;
+ }
+ if(!(flags&flagsOverrideActions)){
+ CBrother *parent = m_Daddy;
+ while(!(parent->flags&flagsOverrideActions)){
+ ASSERT(parent->m_Daddy);
+ parent=parent->m_Daddy;
+ }
+ m_Up=parent->m_Up;
+ m_Down=parent->m_Down;
+ }
+ if(!(flags&flagsOverrideLogging)){
+ CBrother *parent = m_Daddy;
+ while(!(parent->flags&flagsOverrideLogging)){
+ ASSERT(parent->m_Daddy);
+ parent=parent->m_Daddy;
+ }
+ m_bLog=parent->m_bLog;
+ }
+ }
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnChangedViewList()
+ m_BBView=NULL;
+ m_AView=NULL;
+POSITION p = GetFirstViewPosition();
+ while(p){
+ CView* v = GetNextView(p);
+ if(v->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CBigBrotherView))){
+ ASSERT(!m_BBView);
+ m_BBView=(CBigBrotherView*)v;
+ }else if(v->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CActivityView))){
+ ASSERT(!m_AView);
+ m_AView=(CActivityView*)v;
+ }
+ }
+ CDocument::OnChangedViewList();
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnBrothersNew()
+ ASSERT(m_BBView);
+CBrother *bro = m_BBView->GetCurrentBrother();
+ ASSERT(bro);
+CBrother *lb = new CBrother(bro);
+ m_Brotherhood.AddTail(lb);
+ SetModifiedFlag();
+ m_BBView->AddBrother(lb);
+ m_BBView->GotoBrother(lb);
+void CBigBrotherDoc::CheckPendingQueue()
+ if(flags&flagsSuspended)
+ return;
+CTime currentTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
+CTime nearestCheck;
+BOOL nearested = CheckPendingBrother(m_RootBrother,currentTime,nearestCheck,FALSE);
+POSITION p = m_Brotherhood.GetHeadPosition();
+ while(p){
+ CBrother *b = (CBrother*)m_Brotherhood.GetNext(p);
+ ASSERT(b);
+ nearested|=CheckPendingBrother(b,currentTime,nearestCheck,nearested);
+ }
+ if(m_AutoSave.GetTotalMinutes()){
+ CTime nc = m_AutoSaved+m_AutoSave;
+ if(nc<=currentTime){
+ if(IsModified())
+ DoFileSave();
+ m_AutoSaved=currentTime;
+ while(nc<=currentTime)
+ nc=nc+m_AutoSave;
+ }
+ if((!nearested) || nc<nearestCheck){
+ nearestCheck=nc;
+ nearested=TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!nearested)
+ return;
+ currentTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
+CTimeSpan nextto = nearestCheck-currentTime;
+UINT timer = 60000;
+ if(nextto.GetTotalSeconds()<60)
+ timer=nextto.GetTotalSeconds()*1000;
+ if(m_BBView) // In case we're destroying..
+ m_BBView->SetTimer(TM_CHECK,timer,NULL);
+BOOL CBigBrotherDoc::CheckPendingBrother(CBrother* b,CTime& currentTime,CTime& nearestCheck,BOOL nearested)
+ if(!b)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(b->m_Host.IsEmpty() || b->m_bPinging){
+ b->m_bPending=FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if(b->m_bPending){
+ TryBrother(b);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+CTime nextCheck = b->m_Pinged+CTimeSpan(b->m_bIsUp?b->m_IntervalGood:b->m_IntervalBad);
+ if(nextCheck<=currentTime){
+ TryBrother(b);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if((!nearested) || nextCheck<nearestCheck){
+ nearestCheck=nextCheck;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void CBigBrotherDoc::TryBrother(CBrother *b)
+ ASSERT(!b->m_Host.IsEmpty());
+ if(!(m_Threads<m_MaxThreads)){
+ b->m_bPending=TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!m_BBView)
+ return; // In case we're dying
+ m_BBView->SendMessage(WM_ACTIVITYCOUNT,1,0);
+ b->m_Doc=this;
+ b->m_bPinging=TRUE;
+ VERIFY(AfxBeginThread(CBrother::DoCheck,(LPVOID)b));
+UINT CBrother::DoCheck(LPVOID pParam)
+CBrother *b = (CBrother*)pParam;
+ ASSERT(b);
+ return b->Check();
+UINT CBrother::Check()
+CBigBrotherDoc *m_Doc = (CBigBrotherDoc*)CBrother::m_Doc;
+ if(!m_bToKill){
+ ASSERT(m_Doc);
+ ASSERT(m_Doc->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CBigBrotherDoc)));
+ ASSERT(m_Doc->m_BBView);
+ m_Doc->m_BBView->PostMessage(WM_UPDATETREEBROTHER,0,(LPARAM)this);
+ }
+UINT dataSize = m_bToKill?32:m_Doc->m_PingSize;
+in_addr ip;
+ ip.s_addr = inet_addr(m_Host);
+CLogEntry le;
+ if(ip.s_addr==INADDR_NONE){
+ hostent *he = gethostbyname(m_Host);
+ if(!he){
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_FAILEDTORESOLVE);
+ goto goBye;
+ }
+ memmove(&ip.s_addr,he->h_addr,sizeof(ip.s_addr));
+ }
+ pICMP = CICMP::CreateICMP();
+ if(!(pICMP && pICMP->Initialize())) {
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_UNABLETOICMP);
+ goto goBye;
+ }
+ INT status;
+ LONG rtt;
+ rtt=pICMP->Ping(ip,dataSize,m_TimeOut,&status);
+ switch(status){
+ case CICMP::ipSuccess:
+ le.m_bReached=TRUE;
+ le.m_RTT=rtt;
+ le.m_Status.Empty();
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipBuffTooSmall:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_INTERNALERROR);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipDestNetUnreachable:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_NETUNREACHABLE);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipDestHostUnreachable:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_HOSTUNREACHABLE);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipDestProtUnreachable:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_PROTUNREACHABLE);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipDestPortUnreachable:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_PORTUNREACHABLE);
+ case CICMP::ipNoResources:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_NORESOURCES);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipBadOption:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_INTERNALERROR);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipHWError:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_HWERROR);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipPacketTooBig:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_BIGPACKET);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipTimeOut:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_TIMEOUT);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipBadRequest:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_INTERNALERROR);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipBadRoute:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_BADROUTE);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipTTLExpiredInTransit:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_TTLEXPTRANSIT);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipTTLExpiredInReasm:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_TTLEXPREASM);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipParamProblem:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_IPARAMP);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipSourceQuench:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_SOURCEQUENCH);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipOptionTooBig:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_BIGOPTION);
+ break;
+ case CICMP::ipBadDest:
+ le.m_Status.LoadString(IDS_PS_BADDEST);
+ break;
+ default:
+ le.m_Status.Format(IDS_PS_UNKNOWNERROR,status);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(pICMP) {
+ pICMP->Deinitialize();
+ delete pICMP;
+ }
+ if(le.m_bReached)
+ m_bIsUp=TRUE;
+ else{
+ if(m_bIsUp)
+ m_HowDown=0;
+ m_bIsUp=FALSE;
+ m_HowDown++;
+ }
+ le.m_Time=CTime::GetCurrentTime();
+CLogEntry *newLE = NULL;
+ if(!m_Log.IsEmpty()){
+ CLogEntry *head = m_Log.GetHead();
+ while(head && (m_bToKill?FALSE:(m_Doc->m_MaxLogTime<(le.m_Time-head->m_Time)))){
+ m_Log.RemoveHead();
+ if(newLE)
+ delete head;
+ else
+ newLE=head;
+ if(m_Log.IsEmpty())
+ head=NULL;
+ else
+ head = m_Log.GetHead();
+ }
+ }
+ if(newLE)
+ (*newLE)=le;
+ else
+ newLE=new CLogEntry(le);
+ m_Log.AddTail(newLE);
+ if(m_bToKill)
+ delete this;
+ else{
+ m_bPinged=TRUE;
+ m_Pinged = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
+ if(m_Doc)
+ m_Doc->m_BBView->SendMessage(WM_ACTIVITYCOUNT,(WPARAM)-1,0);
+ if(m_Doc)
+ m_Doc->SetModifiedFlag();
+ if(m_Doc)
+ m_Doc->m_BBView->SendMessage(WM_UPDATETREEBROTHER,TRUE,(LPARAM)this);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ flags=0;
+ m_bReached=FALSE;
+ m_Status.Empty();
+ m_Time=CTime::GetCurrentTime();
+POSITION p = m_Log.GetHeadPosition();
+ while(p){
+ CLogEntry *le = m_Log.GetNext(p);
+ delete le;
+ }
+ m_Log.RemoveAll();
+void CBigBrotherDoc::CleanUp()
+ if(m_BBView && m_BBView->m_Pages){
+ m_BBView->m_Pages->SetBrother(NULL);
+ }
+ if(m_RootBrother){
+ while(!m_Brotherhood.IsEmpty()){
+ CBrother *b = m_Brotherhood.GetHead();
+ ASSERT(b);
+ b->m_Doc=this;
+ b->Suicide();
+ }
+ m_RootBrother->m_Doc=this;
+ m_RootBrother->Suicide();
+ m_RootBrother=NULL;
+ }
+ m_MaxLogTime = CTimeSpan(0,1,0,0);
+ m_MaxThreads = 5;
+ m_PingSize = 32;
+ m_bSaveOnShutdown = TRUE;
+ m_AutoSave = CTimeSpan(0,0,30,0);
+ m_AutoSaved = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
+ flags=0;
+CBrother* CBigBrotherDoc::GetCurrentBrother()
+ if(m_BBView);
+ return m_BBView->GetCurrentBrother();
+ return NULL;
+BOOL CBrother::IsValuable()
+ return !m_Host.IsEmpty();
+void CBigBrotherDoc::GetFamily(CBrother *b,CBrotherList *bh)
+ ASSERT(b);
+ ASSERT(bh);
+ ASSERT(m_BBView);
+ m_BBView->GetFamily(b,bh);
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnUpdateBrothersAddbrother(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
+ ASSERT(m_BBView);
+CBrother *bro = m_BBView->GetCurrentBrother();
+ if(bro)
+ pCmdUI->Enable(bro->m_Daddy!=NULL);
+ else
+ pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE);
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnBrothersAddbrother()
+ ASSERT(m_BBView);
+CBrother *bro = m_BBView->GetCurrentBrother();
+ ASSERT(bro);
+ bro = bro->m_Daddy;
+ ASSERT(bro);
+CBrother *lb = new CBrother(bro);
+ m_Brotherhood.AddTail(lb);
+ SetModifiedFlag();
+ m_BBView->AddBrother(lb);
+ m_BBView->GotoBrother(lb);
+BOOL CAction::PlayASound(LPCTSTR sound)
+CString str;
+ str.LoadString(IDS_ACTION_HOST_UP);
+ if(!str.CompareNoCase(sound))
+ str.LoadString(IDS_ACTION_HOST_DOWN);
+ if(!str.CompareNoCase(sound))
+ str.LoadString(IDS_ACTION_SYSTEM_OK);
+ if(!str.CompareNoCase(sound))
+ return MessageBeep(MB_ICONASTERISK);
+ if(!str.CompareNoCase(sound))
+ return MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND);
+ return ::PlaySound(sound,AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance,SND_ASYNC|SND_NODEFAULT|SND_NOSTOP|SND_NOWAIT|SND_FILENAME);
+CLogEntry& CLogEntry::operator=(CLogEntry& src)
+ m_bReached=src.m_bReached;
+ m_RTT=src.m_RTT;
+ m_Status=src.m_Status;
+ m_Time=src.m_Time;
+ flags=src.flags;
+ return *this;
+CLogEntry::CLogEntry(CLogEntry& src)
+ (*this)=src;
+void CAction::PerformAction(CBrother *b)
+ if(flags&flagsPlayASound)
+ PlayASound(m_Sound);
+ if(flags&flagsRunCustom){
+ CString cmd = FormatLine(m_Custom,b);
+ system(cmd);
+ }
+void CBrother::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
+ CObject::Serialize(ar);
+CBigBrotherDoc *pDoc = (CBigBrotherDoc*)ar.m_pDocument;
+ ASSERT(pDoc);
+ ASSERT(pDoc->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CBigBrotherDoc)));
+ if (ar.IsStoring())
+ {
+ if(pDoc->m_BBView && (pDoc->m_BBView->GetTreeCtrl().GetItemState(m_Item,TVIS_EXPANDED)&TVIS_EXPANDED))
+ flags|=flagsExpandedTree;
+ else
+ flags&=~flagsExpandedTree;
+ if(pDoc->GetCurrentBrother()==this)
+ flags|=flagsCurrentBrother;
+ else
+ flags&=~flagsCurrentBrother;
+ // Store to archive
+ ar << (DWORD)this;
+ ar << (DWORD)m_Daddy;
+ ar << flags;
+ ar << m_bLog;
+ ar << m_Host;
+ ar << m_Desc;
+ ar << m_IntervalGood;
+ ar << m_IntervalBad;
+ ar << m_TimeOut;
+ ar << m_Retries;
+ ar << &m_Up;
+ ar << &m_Down;
+ if(pDoc->m_bStoreLastActivity)
+ m_Log.Serialize(ar);
+ else{
+ CLogList tmp;
+ tmp.Serialize(ar);
+ }
+ }else{
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ {
+ CString tmp;
+ tmp.Format("Bro-OSchema: %u\n",ar.GetObjectSchema());
+ TRACE0(tmp);
+ }
+ // Read from archive
+ DWORD dw;
+ ar >> dw;
+ pDoc->m_ThisMap[dw]=this;
+ ar >> dw;
+ if(dw){
+ VERIFY(pDoc->m_ThisMap.Lookup(dw,m_Daddy));
+ }else
+ m_Daddy=NULL;
+ ar >> flags;
+ ar >> m_bLog;
+ ar >> m_Host;
+ ar >> m_Desc;
+ ar >> m_IntervalGood;
+ ar >> m_IntervalBad;
+ ar >> m_TimeOut;
+ ar >> m_Retries;
+ CAction *act = NULL;
+ ar >> act;
+ m_Up = *act;
+ delete act;
+ act = NULL;
+ ar >> act;
+ m_Down = *act;
+ delete act;
+ m_Log.Serialize(ar);
+ ParentalAdjust();
+ }
+void CAction::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
+ CObject::Serialize(ar);
+ if (ar.IsStoring())
+ {
+ // Store to archive
+ ar << flags;
+ ar << m_Sound;
+ ar << m_Custom;
+ }else{
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ {
+ CString tmp;
+ tmp.Format("Act-OSchema: %u\n",ar.GetObjectSchema());
+ TRACE0(tmp);
+ }
+ // Read from archive
+ ar >> flags;
+ ar >> m_Sound;
+ ar >> m_Custom;
+ }
+void CLogEntry::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
+ CObject::Serialize(ar);
+ if (ar.IsStoring())
+ {
+ // Store to archive
+ ar << flags;
+ ar << m_Time;
+ ar << m_bReached;
+ ar << m_RTT;
+ ar << m_Status;
+ }else{
+ UINT schema = ar.GetObjectSchema();
+ /*
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ {
+ CString tmp;
+ tmp.Format("Log-OSchema: %u\n",schema);
+ TRACE0(tmp);
+ }
+ */
+ // Read from archive
+ if(schema>=2){
+ ar >> flags;
+ }
+ ar >> m_Time;
+ ar >> m_bReached;
+ ar >> m_RTT;
+ ar >> m_Status;
+ }
+ CleanUp();
+ ParentalAdjust(TRUE);
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnUpdateBrothersDelete(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
+ pCmdUI->Enable(GetCurrentBrother()!=NULL);
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnBrothersDelete()
+ ASSERT(m_BBView);
+CBrother *b = GetCurrentBrother();
+ ASSERT(b);
+ m_BBView->KillBrother(b);
+ SetModifiedFlag();
+void CBrother::Suicide()
+ ASSERT(m_Doc);
+ ASSERT(m_Doc->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CBigBrotherDoc)));
+CBigBrotherDoc *pDoc = (CBigBrotherDoc*)m_Doc;
+ if(pDoc->m_BBView && pDoc->m_BBView->m_Pages->m_Brother==this)
+ pDoc->m_BBView->m_Pages->m_Brother=NULL;
+POSITION p = pDoc->m_Brotherhood.Find(this);
+ if(p)
+ pDoc->m_Brotherhood.RemoveAt(p);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ else{
+ ASSERT(!m_Daddy);
+ }
+ m_Item=NULL;
+ if(m_bPinging){
+ m_bToKill=TRUE;
+ m_Daddy=NULL;
+ m_Doc=NULL;
+ }else
+ delete this;
+BOOL CBrother::operator==(CBrother& b)
+ if(flags!=b.flags)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_bLog!=b.m_bLog)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_Desc.Compare(b.m_Desc))
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_Down!=b.m_Down)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_Host.Compare(b.m_Host))
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_IntervalGood!=b.m_IntervalGood || m_IntervalBad!=b.m_IntervalBad)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_Retries!=b.m_Retries)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_TimeOut!=b.m_TimeOut)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_Up!=b.m_Up)
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL CBrother::operator!=(CBrother& b)
+ return !((*this)==b);
+BOOL CAction::operator==(CAction& a)
+ if(flags!=a.flags)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_Custom.Compare(a.m_Custom))
+ return FALSE;
+ if(m_Sound.Compare(a.m_Sound))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL CAction::operator!=(CAction& a)
+ return !((*this)==a);
+CBrother& CBrother::operator=(CBrother& b)
+ flags=b.flags;
+ m_bLog=b.m_bLog;
+ m_Desc=b.m_Desc;
+ m_Down=b.m_Down;
+ m_Host=b.m_Host;
+ m_IntervalGood=b.m_IntervalGood;
+ m_IntervalBad=b.m_IntervalBad;
+ m_Retries=b.m_Retries;
+ m_TimeOut=b.m_TimeOut;
+ m_Up=b.m_Up;
+ return *this;
+BOOL CBigBrotherDoc::SaveModified()
+ if(((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->m_bShuttingDown && m_bSaveOnShutdown){
+ DoFileSave();
+ ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->m_bShuttingDown = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return CDocument::SaveModified();
+void CBrother::AppendSeparator()
+CLogEntry *le = new CLogEntry();
+ le->flags=CLogEntry::flagsSeparator;
+ m_Log.AddTail(le);
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnFilePreferences()
+CPreferences prefs(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd);
+ prefs.m_AutosaveMinutes=m_AutoSave.GetTotalMinutes();
+ prefs.m_LogFile=m_LogFile;
+ prefs.m_MaxThreads=m_MaxThreads;
+ prefs.m_PingSize=m_PingSize;
+ prefs.m_SaveOnShutdown=m_bSaveOnShutdown;
+ prefs.m_LogMins=m_MaxLogTime.GetTotalMinutes();
+ prefs.m_bStoreLastActivity=m_bStoreLastActivity;
+ if(prefs.DoModal()==IDOK){
+ m_AutoSave = CTimeSpan(0,prefs.m_AutosaveMinutes/60,prefs.m_AutosaveMinutes%60,0);
+ m_LogFile=prefs.m_LogFile;
+ m_MaxThreads=prefs.m_MaxThreads;
+ m_PingSize=prefs.m_PingSize;
+ m_bSaveOnShutdown=prefs.m_SaveOnShutdown;
+ m_MaxLogTime = CTimeSpan(0,prefs.m_LogMins/60,prefs.m_LogMins%60,0);
+ m_bStoreLastActivity=prefs.m_bStoreLastActivity;
+ }
+void CBigBrotherDoc::LogLine(LPCTSTR str)
+ if(!m_LogFile.IsEmpty()){
+ TRY{
+ CFile file(m_LogFile,CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeNoTruncate|CFile::modeWrite|CFile::shareDenyWrite|CFile::typeBinary);
+ file.SeekToEnd();
+ file.Write(str,strlen(str));
+ file.Write("\r\n",2);
+ file.Close();
+ }CATCH(CFileException, e){
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ afxDump << "Logging error: " << e->m_cause << "\n";
+ }
+CString CAction::FormatLine(LPCTSTR fmt,CBrother *b)
+ ASSERT(b);
+CString str = fmt;
+CString rv;
+ while(!str.IsEmpty()){
+ int pe = str.Find('%');
+ if(pe<0){
+ rv+=str;
+ str.Empty();
+ }else{
+ rv+=str.Left(pe);
+ str = str.Mid(pe+1);
+ if(!str.IsEmpty()){
+ switch(str[0]){
+ case '%':
+ rv+="%";
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ case 'H':
+ rv+=b->m_Host;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ rv+=b->m_Desc;
+ break;
+ }
+ str=str.Mid(1);
+ }else{
+ rv+="%"+str;
+ str.Empty();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnUpdateFilePause(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
+ pCmdUI->SetCheck((flags&flagsSuspended)?1:0);
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnFilePause()
+ flags^=flagsSuspended;
+ if(!(flags&flagsSuspended)){
+ ASSERT(m_RootBrother);
+ m_RootBrother->AppendSeparator();
+ POSITION p = m_Brotherhood.GetHeadPosition();
+ while(p){
+ CBrother *b = m_Brotherhood.GetNext(p);
+ ASSERT(b);
+ b->AppendSeparator();
+ }
+ CheckPendingQueue();
+ }else{
+ ASSERT(m_BBView);
+ m_BBView->KillTimer(TM_CHECK);
+ }
+void CBigBrotherDoc::DeleteContents()
+ CleanUp();
+ CDocument::DeleteContents();
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnCloseDocument()
+ CleanUp();
+ CDocument::OnCloseDocument();
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnUpdateViewHostproperties(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
+ pCmdUI->SetCheck((flags&flagsShowProps)?1:0);
+void CBigBrotherDoc::OnViewHostproperties()
+ ASSERT(m_BBView);
+ ASSERT(m_BBView->m_Pages);
+ flags^=flagsShowProps;
+ if(flags&flagsShowProps)
+ m_BBView->m_Pages->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
+ else
+ m_BBView->m_Pages->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);