path: root/BigBrotherDoc.h
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'BigBrotherDoc.h') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BigBrotherDoc.h b/BigBrotherDoc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3343e18
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/BigBrotherDoc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+// BigBrotherDoc.h : interface of the CBigBrotherDoc class
+class CLogEntry : public CObject {
+ enum {
+ flagsSeparator=1
+ };
+ UINT flags;
+ virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
+ CLogEntry(CLogEntry& src);
+ CLogEntry& operator=(CLogEntry& src);
+ BOOL m_bReached;
+ CString m_Status;
+ CTime m_Time;
+ CLogEntry();
+typedef CTypedPtrList<CObList,CLogEntry*> CLogList;
+class CBrother;
+class CAction : public CObject {
+ static CString FormatLine(LPCTSTR fmt,CBrother *b);
+ BOOL operator!=(CAction& a);
+ BOOL operator==(CAction& a);
+ virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
+ void PerformAction(CBrother *b);
+ static BOOL PlayASound(LPCTSTR sound);
+ CAction& operator=(CAction& src);
+ void CleanUp();
+ enum {
+ flagsPlayASound = 1,
+ flagsRunCustom = 2
+ };
+ UINT flags;
+ CString m_Sound;
+ CString m_Custom;
+ CAction();
+class CBrother : public CObject {
+ void AppendSeparator();
+ CBrother& operator=(CBrother& b);
+ BOOL operator!=(CBrother& b);
+ BOOL operator==(CBrother& b);
+ BOOL m_bToKill;
+ void Suicide();
+ virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
+ BOOL m_bUp;
+ CRect m_rc;
+ BOOL IsValuable();
+ ~CBrother();
+ UINT m_HowDown;
+ BOOL m_bPinging;
+ UINT Check();
+ CDocument* m_Doc;
+ static UINT DoCheck(LPVOID pParam);
+ BOOL m_bIsUp;
+ BOOL m_bPending;
+ CTime m_Pinged;
+ BOOL m_bPinged;
+ CLogList m_Log;
+ void ParentalAdjust(BOOL cleanUp=FALSE);
+ void CleanUp();
+ CBrother(CBrother* daddy);
+ CBrother* m_Daddy;
+ UINT m_Retries;
+ DWORD m_TimeOut;
+ UINT m_IntervalBad;
+ UINT m_IntervalGood;
+ BOOL m_bLog;
+ CAction m_Down;
+ CAction m_Up;
+ enum {
+ flagsOverrideIntervals=1,
+ flagsOverrideTimeout=2,
+ flagsOverrideRetries=4,
+ flagsOverrideActions=8,
+ flagsOverrideLogging=16,
+ flagsExpandedTree=32,
+ flagsCurrentBrother=64
+ };
+ UINT flags;
+ CString m_Desc;
+ CString m_Host;
+ CBrother();
+typedef CTypedPtrList<CObList,CBrother*> CBrotherList;
+typedef CMap<DWORD,DWORD,CBrother*,CBrother*> CThisMap;
+class CBigBrotherView;
+class CActivityView;
+class CBigBrotherDoc : public CDocument
+protected: // create from serialization only
+ CBigBrotherDoc();
+// Attributes
+ BOOL m_bStoreLastActivity;
+ enum {
+ flagsSuspended=1,
+ flagsShowProps=2
+ };
+ UINT flags;
+ CTime m_AutoSaved;
+ void LogLine(LPCTSTR str);
+ CTimeSpan m_AutoSave;
+ BOOL m_bSaveOnShutdown;
+ CThisMap m_ThisMap;
+ CString m_LogFile;
+ void GetFamily(CBrother *b,CBrotherList *bh);
+ CBrother* GetCurrentBrother();
+ void CleanUp();
+ UINT m_PingSize;
+ int m_MaxThreads;
+ int m_Threads;
+ void TryBrother(CBrother *b);
+ BOOL CheckPendingBrother(CBrother* b,CTime& currentTime,CTime& nearestCheck,BOOL nearested);
+ void CheckPendingQueue();
+ CTimeSpan m_MaxLogTime;
+ CActivityView *m_AView;
+ CBigBrotherView* m_BBView;
+ CBrotherList m_Brotherhood;
+ CBrother* m_RootBrother;
+// Operations
+// Overrides
+ // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
+ //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CBigBrotherDoc)
+ public:
+ virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
+ virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
+ virtual void OnChangedViewList();
+ virtual void DeleteContents();
+ virtual void OnCloseDocument();
+ protected:
+ virtual BOOL SaveModified();
+// Implementation
+ virtual ~CBigBrotherDoc();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ virtual void AssertValid() const;
+ virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
+// Generated message map functions
+ //{{AFX_MSG(CBigBrotherDoc)
+ afx_msg void OnBrothersNew();
+ afx_msg void OnUpdateBrothersAddbrother(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg void OnBrothersAddbrother();
+ afx_msg void OnUpdateBrothersDelete(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg void OnBrothersDelete();
+ afx_msg void OnFilePreferences();
+ afx_msg void OnUpdateFilePause(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg void OnFilePause();
+ afx_msg void OnUpdateViewHostproperties(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
+ afx_msg void OnViewHostproperties();
+ //}}AFX_MSG