-rw-r--r-- | COPYING | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | NEWS.xml | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | configure.ac | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/process.cc | 14 |
4 files changed, 13 insertions, 8 deletions
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -Copyright (c) 2004 Klever Group (http://www.klever.net/) +Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Klever Group (http://www.klever.net/) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. @@ -1,19 +1,22 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?> <news> + <version version="0.2.2" date="November 8th, 2006"> + <ni>Do not try to set unspecified group</ni> + </version> <version version="0.2.1" date="August 1st, 2004"> <ni>do not act -e when doing -r</ni> <ni>proper handling of <kbd>ProcessName</kbd> on <kbd>FreeBSD</kbd></ni> </version> <version version="0.2" date="July 24th, 2004"> <ni>now dudki sends arbitrary signals to the processes being monitored from the command line</ni> <ni>detection of running processes which do not keep pidfiles, using process name</ni> </version> <version version="0.1" date="July 21st, 2004"> <ni><kbd>initgroups()</kbd> called before executing <kbd>RestartCommand</kbd></ni> <ni>more civilized way of restarting on <kbd>SIGHUP</kbd></ni> <ni>minor changes to build process</ni> </version> <version version="0.0" date="July 11th, 2004"> <ni>Initial release</ni> </version> </news> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac index eed8e97..a0e01e4 100644 --- a/configure.ac +++ b/configure.ac @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -AC_INIT([dudki], [0.2.1], [dudki-bugs@klever.net]) +AC_INIT([dudki], [0.2.2], [dudki-bugs@klever.net]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/dudki.cc]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([dist-bzip2]) AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_CC AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT AC_CHECK_HEADERS([syslog.h unistd.h getopt.h]) AC_HEADER_STDBOOL AC_C_CONST AC_TYPE_UID_T AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_FUNC_FORK AC_HEADER_STDC AC_TYPE_SIGNAL AC_CHECK_FUNCS([dup2 memmove strtol]) AC_CHECK_FUNC([getopt_long],[ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_GETOPT_LONG],[1],[Define to make use of getopt_long]) AC_SUBST([HAVE_GETOPT_LONG],1) ],[ AC_SUBST([HAVE_GETOPT_LONG],0) ]) AC_PATH_PROG([XSLTPROC],[xsltproc],[true]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DOTCONF],[dotconf],,[ AC_MSG_ERROR([no dotconf library found]) ]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile src/Makefile man/Makefile man/dudki.8 man/dudki.conf.5 ]) AC_OUTPUT diff --git a/src/process.cc b/src/process.cc index 96c874f..6d3b2a2 100644 --- a/src/process.cc +++ b/src/process.cc @@ -1,295 +1,297 @@ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <grp.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <errno.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; #include "process.h" #include "configuration.h" static multimap<string,pid_t> procpids; void process::check() const { if(!pidfile.empty()) { signal(0); }else if(!process_name.empty()) { if(procpids.empty()) gather_proc_info(); if(procpids.find(process_name)==procpids.end()) throw runtime_error("no such process"); } // XXX: or else? } void process::check(const string& id,configuration& config) { try { check(); patience = 0; }catch(exception& e) { if(patience>60) { // TODO: configurable patience = 0; }else{ if(patience<10) { // TODO: configurable syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"The process '%s' is down, trying to launch.",id.c_str()); do_notify(id,"Starting up", "The named process seems to be down. Dudki will try\n" "to revive it by running the specified command.\n", config); try { launch(id,config); }catch(exception& e) { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Error trying to launch process '%s': %s",id.c_str(),e.what()); } }else if(patience==10){ // TODO: configurable like the above syslog(LOG_NOTICE,"Giving up on process '%s' for a while",id.c_str()); do_notify(id,"Giving up", "After a number of attempts to relaunch the named process\n" "It still seems to be down. Dudki is giving up attempts\n" "to revive the process for a while.\n", config); } patience++; } } } void process::launch(const string& id,configuration& config) { uid_t uid = (uid_t)-1; gid_t gid = (gid_t)-1; if(!user.empty()) { struct passwd *ptmp = getpwnam(user.c_str()); if(ptmp) { uid = ptmp->pw_uid; gid = ptmp->pw_gid; }else{ errno=0; uid = strtol(user.c_str(),NULL,0); if(errno) throw runtime_error("Failed to resolve User value to uid"); } } if(!group.empty()) { struct group *gtmp = getgrnam(group.c_str()); if(gtmp) { gid = gtmp->gr_gid; }else{ errno = 0; gid = strtol(group.c_str(),NULL,0); if(errno) throw runtime_error("Failed to reslove Group value to gid"); } } pid_t p = fork(); if(p<0) throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to fork()"); if(!p) { // child try { setsid(); - if(user.empty()) { - if((getgid()!=gid) && setgid(gid)) - throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to setgid()"); - }else{ - if(initgroups(user.c_str(),gid)) - throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to initgroups()"); + if(!group.empty()) { + if(user.empty()) { + if((getgid()!=gid) && setgid(gid)) + throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to setgid()"); + }else{ + if(initgroups(user.c_str(),gid)) + throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to initgroups()"); + } } if(!chroot.empty()) { if(::chroot(chroot.c_str())) throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to chroot()"); } if(!user.empty()) { if((getuid()!=uid) && setuid(uid)) throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to setuid()"); } char *argv[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", (char*)restart_cmd.c_str(), NULL }; close(0); close(1); close(2); execv("/bin/sh",argv); }catch(exception& e) { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Error trying to launch process '%s': %s",id.c_str(),e.what()); } _exit(-1); } // parent int rv; if(waitpid(p,&rv,0)<0) throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to waitpid()"); } void process::do_notify(const string& id,const string& event,const string& description,configuration& config) { string the_notify; if(!notify.empty()) the_notify=notify; else if(!config.notify.empty()) the_notify=config.notify; else return; try { string::size_type colon = the_notify.find(':'); if(colon==string::npos) throw runtime_error("invalid notify action specification"); string nschema = the_notify.substr(0,colon); string ntarget = the_notify.substr(colon+1); if(nschema=="mailto") { notify_mailto(ntarget,id,event,description,config); }else throw runtime_error("unrecognized notification schema"); }catch(exception& e) { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Notification error: %s",e.what()); } } void process::notify_mailto(const string& email,const string& id,const string& event,const string& description,configuration& config) { int files[2]; if(pipe(files)) throw runtime_error("Failed to pipe()"); pid_t pid = vfork(); if(pid==-1) { close(files[0]); close(files[1]); throw runtime_error("Failed to vfork()"); } if(!pid) { // child if(dup2(files[0],0)!=0) _exit(-1); close(1); close(files[0]); close(files[1]); execl("/usr/sbin/sendmail","usr/sbin/sendmail","-i",email.c_str(),NULL); _exit(-1); } // parent close(files[0]); FILE *mta = fdopen(files[1],"w"); for(headers_t::const_iterator i=mailto_headers.begin();i!=mailto_headers.end();++i) { fprintf(mta,"%s: %s\n",i->first.c_str(),i->second.c_str()); } for(headers_t::const_iterator i=config.mailto_headers.begin();i!=config.mailto_headers.end();++i) { if(mailto_headers.find(i->first)!=mailto_headers.end()) continue; fprintf(mta,"%s: %s\n",i->first.c_str(),i->second.c_str()); } fprintf(mta, "Subject: [%s] %s\n\n" "%s\n" "---\n" "This message was sent automatically by the 'dudki' daemon\n", id.c_str(), event.c_str(), description.c_str() ); fclose(mta); int status; waitpid(pid,&status,0); // TODO: check the return code } void process::signal(int signum) const { if(!pidfile.empty()) { ifstream pids(pidfile.c_str(),ios::in); if(!pids) throw runtime_error("no pidfile found"); pid_t pid = 0; pids >> pid; pids.close(); if(!pid) throw runtime_error("no pid in pidfile"); if(kill(pid,signum)) throw runtime_error("failed to signal process"); }else if(!process_name.empty()) { if(procpids.empty()) gather_proc_info(); pair<multimap<string,pid_t>::const_iterator,multimap<string,pid_t>::const_iterator> range = procpids.equal_range(process_name); int count = 0; for(multimap<string,pid_t>::const_iterator i=range.first;i!=range.second;++i) { pid_t pid = i->second; if(kill(i->second,signum)) throw runtime_error("failed to signal process"); count++; } if(!count) throw runtime_error("no running instance detected"); }else throw runtime_error("nothing is known about the process"); } void process::prepare_herd() { procpids.clear(); } void process::unprepare_herd() { procpids.clear(); } void process::gather_proc_info() { vector<pid_t> allpids; DIR *pd = opendir("/proc"); if(!pd) throw runtime_error("failed to open /proc"); struct dirent *pde; pid_t selfpid = getpid(); while(pde=readdir(pd)) { errno=0; pid_t pid = atoi(pde->d_name); if((!pid) || pid==selfpid) continue; allpids.push_back(pid); } closedir(pd); char s[256]; procpids.clear(); for(vector<pid_t>::const_iterator i=allpids.begin();i!=allpids.end();++i) { int r = snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"/proc/%d/stat",*i); if(r>=sizeof(s) || r<1) continue; string cmd; ifstream ss(s,ios::in); if(ss) { getline(ss,cmd); string::size_type op = cmd.find('('); if(op==string::npos) continue; cmd.erase(0,op+1); string::size_type cp = cmd.find(')'); if(cp==string::npos) continue; cmd.erase(cp); }else{ r = snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"/proc/%d/status",*i); if(r>=sizeof(s) || r<1) continue; ifstream ss(s,ios::in); if(!ss) continue; ss >> cmd; if(cmd.empty()) continue; } r = snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"/proc/%d/cmdline",*i); if(r>=sizeof(s) || r<1) continue; ifstream cs(s,ios::binary); if(!cs) continue; string command; while(cs) { string cl; getline(cs,cl,(char)0); string::size_type lsl = cl.rfind('/'); if(lsl!=string::npos) cl.erase(0,lsl+1); if(cl.substr(0,cmd.length())==cmd) { command = cl; break; } } procpids.insert(pair<string,pid_t>(cmd,*i)); if((!command.empty()) && cmd!=command) procpids.insert(pair<string,pid_t>(command,*i)); } } |