#include using namespace std; #include #include "configuration.h" #ifndef DEFAULT_PID_FILE # define DEFAULT_PID_FILE "/var/run/dudki.pid" #endif configuration::configuration() : check_interval(60), pidfile(DEFAULT_PID_FILE), daemonize(true) { } enum dc_ctx { DCC_ROOT = 1, DCC_PROCESS = 2 }; struct dc_context { dc_ctx ctx; configuration* cf; process* ps; dc_context() : ctx(DCC_ROOT), cf(NULL), ps(NULL) { } }; static DOTCONF_CB(dco_check_interval) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; dcc->cf->check_interval = cmd->data.value; return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_daemonize) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; dcc->cf->daemonize = cmd->data.value; return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_pid_file) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; switch(dcc->ctx) { case DCC_ROOT: dcc->cf->pidfile = cmd->data.str; break; case DCC_PROCESS: dcc->ps->pidfile = cmd->data.str; break; default: return "Unexpected PidFile"; } return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_mailto_header) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; if(cmd->arg_count!=2) return "Invalid number of arguments"; string h = cmd->data.list[0]; string v = cmd->data.list[1]; switch(dcc->ctx) { case DCC_ROOT: dcc->cf->mailto_headers[h] = v; break; case DCC_PROCESS: dcc->ps->mailto_headers[h] = v; break; default: return "Unexpected MailtoHeader"; } return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_notify) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; switch(dcc->ctx) { case DCC_ROOT: dcc->cf->notify = cmd->data.str; break; case DCC_PROCESS: dcc->ps->notify = cmd->data.str; break; default: return "Unexpected Notify"; } return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_process) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; string id = cmd->data.str; if(id[id.length()-1]=='>') id.erase(id.length()-1); dcc->ps = &(dcc->cf->processes[id]); dcc->ctx = DCC_PROCESS; return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco__process) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; dcc->ps = NULL; dcc->ctx = DCC_ROOT; return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_restart_command) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; dcc->ps->restart_cmd = cmd->data.str; return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_user) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; dcc->ps->user = cmd->data.str; return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_group) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; dcc->ps->group = cmd->data.str; return NULL; } static DOTCONF_CB(dco_chroot) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)ctx; dcc->ps->chroot = cmd->data.str; return NULL; } static const configoption_t dc_options[] = { { "CheckInterval", ARG_INT, dco_check_interval, NULL, DCC_ROOT }, { "Daemonize", ARG_TOGGLE, dco_daemonize, NULL, DCC_ROOT }, { "PidFile", ARG_STR, dco_pid_file, NULL, DCC_ROOT|DCC_PROCESS }, { "MailtoHeader", ARG_STR, dco_mailto_header, NULL, DCC_ROOT|DCC_PROCESS }, { "Notify", ARG_STR, dco_notify, NULL, DCC_ROOT|DCC_PROCESS }, { "", ARG_NONE, dco__process, NULL, DCC_PROCESS }, LAST_OPTION }; static const char *dc_context_checker(command_t *cmd,unsigned long mask) { dc_context *dcc = (dc_context*)cmd->context; if( (mask==CTX_ALL) || ((mask&dcc->ctx)==dcc->ctx) ) return NULL; return "misplaced option"; } static FUNC_ERRORHANDLER(dc_error_handler) { throw runtime_error(string("error parsing config file: ")+msg); } void configuration::parse(const string& cfile) { struct dc_context dcc; dcc.cf = this; dcc.ctx = DCC_ROOT; configfile_t *cf = dotconf_create((char*)cfile.c_str(),dc_options,(context_t*)&dcc,CASE_INSENSITIVE); if(!cf) throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to dotconf_create()"); cf->errorhandler = (dotconf_errorhandler_t) dc_error_handler; cf->contextchecker = (dotconf_contextchecker_t) dc_context_checker; if(!dotconf_command_loop(cf)) throw runtime_error(string(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)+": failed to dotconf_command_loop()"); dotconf_cleanup(cf); }