-rw-r--r-- | content/fireflix.js | 14 |
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/content/fireflix.js b/content/fireflix.js index 98b6d41..337354e 100644 --- a/content/fireflix.js +++ b/content/fireflix.js @@ -33,187 +33,188 @@ var fireflix = { this.no_auth_info_label = this.auth_info.value; this.set_auth_state(this.flickr.token,false); if(this.flickr.token) { this.refresh_stuff(); }else{ this.on_cmd_auth(); } }, set_auth_state: function(au,inp) { /* authorized, in progress */ this.cmd_auth_unauth.disabled = !au; this.b_auth.hidden = au || inp; this.b_auth_done.hidden = !inp; this.menu_auth_done.hidden = !inp; this.cmd_auth_done.setAttribute('disabled',!inp); this.auth_info.disabled = !au; if(au) { this.auth_info.value = this.flickr.user.fullname+' ['+this.flickr.user.username+']'; /* TODO: move to locale */ }else{ this.auth_info.value = this.no_auth_info_label; } }, on_cmd_auth: function() { var _this = this; this.flickr.authorize_0( function() { _this.set_auth_state(_this.flickr.token,true); }, function(x,s,c,m) { _this.flickr_failure(x,s,c,m); } ); }, on_cmd_auth_done: function() { this.set_auth_state(this.flickr.token,false); var _this = this; this.flickr.authorize_1( function() { _this.flickr.save_token(); _this.refresh_stuff(); _this.set_auth_state(_this.flickr.token,false); _this.auth_info.value = _this.flickr.user.fullname+' ['+_this.flickr.user.username+']'; }, function(x,s,c,m) { _this.set_auth_state(_this.flickr.token,false); /* XXX: no reset token? */ _this.flickr_failure(x,s,c,m); } ); }, on_cmd_auth_unauth: function() { this.flickr.reset_token(); this.set_auth_state(false,false); }, refresh_sets: function() { this.photosets.refresh_sets(); }, refresh_stuff: function() { this.refresh_sets(); this.refresh_user_tags(); }, /* photoset treeview */ photoset: { photos: new Array(), fireflix: null, init: function(f) { this.fireflix = f; + pull_elements(this,document,[ 'set_photo' ]); }, rowCount: 0, getCellText: function(r,c) { var p = this.photos[r]; if(c.id=='sp_title') return p.title; if(c.id=='sp_taken') return p.datetaken; if(c.id=='sp_upload') return p.dateupload; /* TODO: unixtime conversion */ return c.id; }, setTree: function(t) { this.tree = t }, isContainer: function(r) { return false; }, isSeparator: function(r) { return false; }, isSorted: function(r) { return false; }, getLevel: function(r) { return 0; }, getImageSrc: function(r,c) { return null }, getRowProperties: function(r,p) {}, getCellProperties: function(cid,cel,p) {}, getColumnProperties: function(cid,cel,p) { }, cycleHeader: function(cid,e) { }, getParentIndex: function(r) { return -1; }, drop: function(r,o) { }, canDropBeforeAfter: function(r,b) { return false }, importXPR: function(xp) { this.tree.beginUpdateBatch(); this.photos = new Array(); var n; while(n=xp.iterateNext()) { this.photos.push(new Photo(n)); } this.rowCount = this.photos.length; this.tree.endUpdateBatch(); }, load_photos: function(psid) { var _this = this; this.fireflix.flickr.api_call( { method: 'flickr.photosets.getPhotos', auth_token: 'default', photoset_id: psid, extras: 'license,date_upload,date_taken,owner_name,icon_server,original_format,last_update' }, function(xr) { var x = xr.responseXML; var xp = x.evaluate( '/rsp/photoset/photo', x, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null ); _this.importXPR(xp); }, function(x,s,c,m) { _this.fireflix.flickr_failure(x,s,c,m); } ); }, on_select: function() { if(this.selection.count==1) { var p = this.photos[this.selection.currentIndex]; - document.getElementById('set_photo').src = + this.set_photo.src = this.fireflix.flickr.get_photo_url(p.server,p.id,p.secret,'t'); - document.getElementById('set_photo').hidden = false; + this.set_photo.hidden = false; }else{ - document.getElementById('set_photo').hidden = true; + this.set_photo.hidden = true; } } }, /* photosets treeview */ photosets: { sets: new Array(), fireflix: null, init: function(f) { this.fireflix = f; }, rowCount: 0, getCellText: function(r,c) { var s = this.sets[r]; if(c.id=='sl_name') return s.title; if(c.id=='sl_photos') return s.photos; return c.id; }, setTree: function(t) { this.tree = t }, isContainer: function(r) { return false; }, isSeparator: function(r) { return false; }, isSorted: function() { return false; }, getLevel: function(r) { return 0; }, getImageSrc: function(r,c) { return null }, getRowProperties: function(r,p) {}, getCellProperties: function(cid,cel,p) { }, getColumnProperties: function(cid,cel,p) { }, cycleHeader: function(cid,e) { }, getParentIndex: function(r) { return -1; }, drop: function(r,o) { }, canDropBeforeAfter: function(r,b) { return false }, importXPR: function(xp) { this.tree.beginUpdateBatch(); this.sets = new Array(); var n; while(n=xp.iterateNext()) { this.sets.push(new Photoset(n)); } this.rowCount = this.sets.length; this.tree.endUpdateBatch(); }, refresh_sets: function() { var _this = this; this.fireflix.flickr.api_call( { method: 'flickr.photosets.getList', auth_token: 'default' }, function(xr) { var x = xr.responseXML; var xp = x.evaluate( '/rsp/photosets/photoset', x, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null ); _this.importXPR(xp); }, function(x,s,c,m) { _this.fireflix.flickr_failure(x,s,c,m); } ); }, on_select: function() { if(this.selection.count==1) { this.fireflix.cmd_set_props.setAttribute('disabled','false'); var s = this.sets[this.selection.currentIndex]; this.fireflix.photoset.load_photos(s.id); }else{ @@ -249,267 +250,268 @@ var fireflix = { init: function(f) { this.fireflix = f; }, getSupportedFlavours: function() { var rv = new FlavourSet(); rv.appendFlavour('application/x-moz-file','nsIFile'); rv.appendFlavour('application/x-moz-url'); rv.appendFlavour('text/uri-list'); rv.appendFlavour('text/unicode'); return rv; }, canHandleMultipleItems: true, onDragOver: function(ev,fl,sess) { return true; }, onDrop: function(ev,dd,s) { var ldf = null; for(var i in dd.dataList) { var di = dd.dataList[i]; var dif = di.first; if( ldf==null || ldf.flavour.contentType!=dif.flavour.contentType || ldf.contentLength!=dif.contentLength || ldf.data!=dif.data ) this.drop_item(ev,di,s); ldf = dif; } }, drop_item: function(ev,di,s) { var d = di.first; switch(d.flavour.contentType) { case 'text/unicode': this.drop_urilist(ev,d.data,s); break; case 'application/x-moz-file': this.fireflix.uploads.add(d.data.path); document.getElementById('fireflix_tabs').selectedTab = document.getElementById('tab_upload'); break; case 'text/uri-list': // is it ascii or could it be utf8? this.drop_urilist(ev,splitascii(d.data),s); break; default: alert(d.flavour.contentType+':'+d.data); break; }; }, drop_urilist: function(ev,ul,s) { // TODO: check for being a file? var us = decodeURIComponent(ul).split(/[\r\n]/); for(var ui in us) if(/\S/.test(us[ui])) this.fireflix.uploads.add(us[ui]); document.getElementById('fireflix_tabs').selectedTab = document.getElementById('tab_upload'); } }, uploads: { fireflix: null, init: function(f) { this.fireflix=f; pull_elements(this,document,[ 'upload_filename','upload_title','upload_file_preview', - 'upload_file_props','upload_progress','upload_tags' + 'upload_file_props','upload_progress','upload_tags', + 'cmd_uploads_upload' ]); }, files: new Array(), rowCount: 0, getCellText: function(r,c) { var f = this.files[r]; if(c.id=='up_file') return f.file; if(c.id=='up_title') return f.title; if(c.id=='up_status') return f.state; return c.id; }, setTree: function(t) { this.tree = t }, isContainer: function(r) { return false; }, isSeparator: function(r) { return false; }, isSorted: function(r) { return false; }, getLevel: function(r) { return 0; }, getImageSrc: function(r,c) { return null }, getRowProperties: function(r,p) { try { if(!Components) return; }catch(e) { return } var f = this.files[r]; var as = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/atom-service;1']. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAtomService); p.AppendElement(as.getAtom(f.state)); }, getCellProperties: function(r,c,p) { this.getRowProperties(r,p); }, getColumnProperties: function(c,p) { }, cycleHeader: function(cid,e) { }, getParentIndex: function(r) { return -1; }, drop: function(r,o) { }, canDropBeforeAfter: function(r,b) { return false }, add: function(f) { if(f.indexOf('file:/')==0) { f = f.substr(5); while(f.substr(0,2)=='//') { // XXX: not very performant, is it? ;-) f = f.substr(1); } } var t = f; var ls = t.lastIndexOf('/'); if(ls>0) t = t.substr(ls+1); ls = t.lastIndexOf('\\'); if(ls>0) t = t.substr(ls+1); var ld = t.lastIndexOf('.'); if(ld>0) t = t.substr(0,ld); this.files.push( { file: f, title: t, tags: '', state: 'pending' } ); this.rowCount = this.files.length; this.tree.rowCountChanged(this.rowCount-1,1); }, upload_worker: function() { for(var f in this.files) { if(this.files[f].state=='pending') { var ff = this.files[f]; dump('upload '+ff.file+'\n'); this.on_file_upload(ff); ff.state='uploading'; this.tree.invalidate(); var _this = this; this.fireflix.flickr.upload_file( ff.file, { title: ff.title, tags: ff.tags }, function(x,p) { ff.photoid = p; _this.batch_ids.push(p); ff.state='completed'; _this.tree.invalidate(); window.setTimeout(_this.upload_to,0,_this); }, function(x,s,c,m) { ff.state='failed'; ff.flickr_errcode = c; ff.flickr_errmsg = m; _this.tree.invalidate(); window.setTimeout(_this.upload_to,0,_this); } ); return; } } dump('uploading done\n'); this.on_finish_upload(); }, upload_to: function(_this) { _this.upload_worker(); }, on_file_upload: function(f) { - document.getElementById('cmd_uploads_upload').setAttribute('disabled','true'); + this.cmd_uploads_upload.setAttribute('disabled','true'); for(var fi in this.files) { if(this.files[fi].file==f.file) { this.tree.ensureRowIsVisible(fi); this.selection.rangedSelect(fi,fi,false); this.selection.currentIndex = fi; this.selToProps(); break; } } }, on_finish_upload: function() { if(this.batch_ids.length) { var psn = prompt(this.fireflix.loc_strings.getString('postUploadPhotoset')); if(psn!=null) { var pids = this.batch_ids.join(','); var ppid = this.batch_ids[0]; var _this = this; this.fireflix.flickr.api_call( { method: 'flickr.photosets.create', auth_token: 'default', title: psn, primary_photo_id: ppid }, function(x) { var npid = x.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('photoset').item(0).getAttribute('id'); _this.fireflix.flickr.api_call( { method: 'flickr.photosets.editPhotos', auth_token: 'default', photoset_id: npid, primary_photo_id: ppid, photo_ids: pids }, function(x) { _this.fireflix.refresh_sets(); }, function(x,s,c,m) { _this.fireflix.flickr_failure(x,s,c,m); } ); }, function(x,s,c,m) { _this.fireflix.flickr_failure(x,s,c,m); } ); } } this.selection.clearSelection(); - document.getElementById('cmd_uploads_upload').setAttribute('disabled','false'); + this.cmd_uploads_upload.setAttribute('disabled','false'); this.upload_progress.setAttribute('hidden','true'); }, clear_list: function() { this.tree.beginUpdateBatch(); this.rowCount = 0; this.files = new Array(); this.tree.endUpdateBatch(); this.selToProps(); }, selectionChanged: function() { this.selToProps(); }, disableProps: function() { this.upload_filename.value=''; this.upload_filename.disabled = true; this.upload_title.value=''; this.upload_title.disabled = true; this.upload_file_preview.src = null; this.upload_file_props.hidden = true; this.upload_tags.value=''; this.upload_tags.disabled = true; }, selToProps: function() { if(!this.selection.count) { this.disableProps(); }else if(this.selection.count==1) { var f=this.files[this.selection.currentIndex]; if(f==null || f.state!='pending') { this.disableProps(); }else{ this.upload_filename.value = f.file; this.upload_filename.disabled = false; this.upload_title.value = f.title; this.upload_title.disabled = false; this.upload_file_preview.src = 'file:///'+f.file; this.upload_file_props.hidden = false; this.upload_tags.value = f.tags; this.upload_tags.disabled = false; } }else{ var ftitle = null; var onetitle = true; var ftags = null; var onetag = true; var fs = 0; for(var ff in this.files) { if(this.selection.isSelected(ff) && this.files[ff].state=='pending' ) { ++fs; if(ftitle==null) { ftitle = this.files[ff].title; }else if(ftitle!=this.files[ff].title) { onetitle = false; } if(ftags==null) { ftags = this.files[ff].tags; }else if(ftags!=this.files[ff].tags) { onetag = false; } } } if(fs) { this.upload_filename.value=''; this.upload_filename.disabled = true; if(onetitle) this.upload_title.value = ftitle; |