Firefox 3.5 compatibility release Firefox 3.0.* compatibility release Firefox 2.0.0.* compatibility release Added ability to edit future photo privacy settings before uploading Show reasons for failed uploads and make uploaded files properties visible after upload is completed (readonly, though). Added shortcut key for opening fireflix: Ctrl+Shift+X (not configurable, yet) doubleclicking files in uploads tab "What's new?" link in help Added toolbar button Generating HTML for photos selection in sets browser Enter or double click on photo in set now opens photo in flickr Double click on photoset opens photoset in flickr Hiding completely photo properties in sets browser when no photo selected Added button to remove linebreaks from generated HTML Added the word 'sidebar' to the extension name so that you don't have to look hard for it UI polishing, including making it more boring code cosmetics Firefox 2.0 compatibility Added brief help file Fixed HTML generation code Fixed a mistyped flickr url so that the 'Flickr' button works now Added ability to paginate through search results Fixed packaging bug that omitted packaging license dialog A lot of code cleanup and UI polishing Initial release