path: root/lib/
authorMichael Krelin <>2005-07-19 13:08:32 (UTC)
committer Michael Krelin <>2005-07-19 13:08:32 (UTC)
commit4c82851dd5d5644a89d4f269079bf901f763ee33 (patch) (unidiff)
treeb64c8b3c9a1be88e2a9c3f762272e0b4509ba7d9 /lib/
parent907343b0c973eb295bec8795902a6d49744e9174 (diff)
initial commit of libopkele - OpenID support library
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd76b61
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
1#include <algorithm>
2#include <opkele/util.h>
3#include <opkele/exception.h>
4#include <opkele/data.h>
5#include <opkele/consumer.h>
6#include <openssl/sha.h>
7#include <openssl/hmac.h>
8#include <mimetic/mimetic.h>
9#include <curl/curl.h>
10#include <pcre++.h>
12#include <iostream>
14/* silly mimetic */
15#undef PACKAGE
21#undef VERSION
23#include "config.h"
25namespace opkele {
26 using namespace std;
28 class curl_t {
29 public:
30 CURL *_c;
32 curl_t() : _c(0) { }
33 curl_t(CURL *c) : _c(c) { }
34 ~curl_t() throw() { if(_c) curl_easy_cleanup(_c); }
36 curl_t& operator=(CURL *c) { if(_c) curl_easy_cleanup(_c); _c=c; return *this; }
38 operator const CURL*(void) const { return _c; }
39 operator CURL*(void) { return _c; }
40 };
42 static CURLcode curl_misc_sets(CURL* c) {
43 CURLcode r;
44 (r=curl_easy_setopt(c,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1))
45 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(c,CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS,5))
46 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(c,CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT,120))
47 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(c,CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE,1))
49 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(c,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,20))
50 ;
51 return r;
52 }
54 static size_t _curl_tostring(void *ptr,size_t size,size_t nmemb,void *stream) {
55 string *str = (string*)stream;
56 size_t bytes = size*nmemb;
57 size_t get = min(16384-str->length(),bytes);
58 str->append((const char*)ptr,get);
59 return get;
60 }
62 assoc_t consumer_t::associate(const string& server) {
63 util::dh_t dh = DH_new();
64 if(!dh)
65 throw exception_openssl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to DH_new()");
66 dh->p = util::dec_to_bignum(data::_default_p);
67 dh->g = util::dec_to_bignum(data::_default_g);
68 if(!DH_generate_key(dh))
69 throw exception_openssl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to DH_generate_key()");
70 string request =
71 "openid.mode=associate"
72 "&openid.assoc_type=HMAC-SHA1"
73 "&openid.session_type=DH-SHA1"
74 "&openid.dh_consumer_public=";
75 request += util::url_encode(util::bignum_to_base64(dh->pub_key));
76 curl_t curl = curl_easy_init();
77 if(!curl)
78 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_init()");
79 string response;
80 CURLcode r;
81 (r=curl_misc_sets(curl))
82 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_URL,server.c_str()))
83 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_POST,1))
84 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
85 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE,request.length()))
86 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,_curl_tostring))
87 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_WRITEDATA,&response))
88 ;
89 if(r)
90 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_setopt()",r);
91 if(r=curl_easy_perform(curl))
92 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_perform()",r);
93 params_t p; p.parse_keyvalues(response);
94 if(p.has_param("assoc_type") && p.get_param("assoc_type")!="HMAC-SHA1")
95 throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "unsupported assoc_type");
96 string st;
97 if(p.has_param("session_type")) st = p.get_param("session_type");
98 if((!st.empty()) && st!="DH-SHA1")
99 throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "unsupported session_type");
100 secret_t secret;
101 if(st.empty()) {
102 secret.from_base64(p.get_param("mac_key"));
103 }else{
104 util::bignum_t s_pub = util::base64_to_bignum(p.get_param("dh_server_public"));
105 vector<unsigned char> ck(DH_size(dh));
106 int cklen = DH_compute_key(&(ck.front()),s_pub,dh);
107 if(cklen<0)
108 throw exception_openssl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to DH_compute_key()");
109 ck.resize(cklen);
110 // OpenID algorithm requires extra zero in case of set bit here
111 if(ck[0]&0x80) ck.insert(ck.begin(),1,0);
112 unsigned char key_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
113 SHA1(&(ck.front()),ck.size(),key_sha1);
114 secret.enxor_from_base64(key_sha1,p.get_param("enc_mac_key"));
115 }
116 int expires_in = 0;
117 if(p.has_param("expires_in")) {
118 expires_in = util::string_to_long(p.get_param("expires_in"));
119 }else if(p.has_param("issued") && p.has_param("expiry")) {
120 expires_in = util::w3c_to_time(p.get_param("expiry"))-util::w3c_to_time(p.get_param("issued"));
121 }else
122 throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "no expiration information");
123 return store_assoc(server,p.get_param("assoc_handle"),secret,expires_in);
124 }
126 string consumer_t::checkid_immediate(const string& identity,const string& return_to,const string& trust_root) {
127 return checkid_(mode_checkid_immediate,identity,return_to,trust_root);
128 }
129 string consumer_t::checkid_setup(const string& identity,const string& return_to,const string& trust_root) {
130 return checkid_(mode_checkid_setup,identity,return_to,trust_root);
131 }
132 string consumer_t::checkid_(mode_t mode,const string& identity,const string& return_to,const string& trust_root) {
133 params_t p;
134 if(mode==mode_checkid_immediate)
135 p["mode"]="checkid_immediate";
136 else if(mode==mode_checkid_setup)
137 p["mode"]="checkid_setup";
138 else
139 throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "unknown checkid_* mode");
140 string iurl = util::canonicalize_url(identity);
141 string server, delegate;
142 retrieve_links(iurl,server,delegate);
143 p["identity"] = delegate.empty()?iurl:delegate;
144 if(!trust_root.empty())
145 p["trust_root"] = trust_root;
146 p["return_to"] = return_to;
147 try {
148 try {
149 string ah = find_assoc(server)->handle();
150 p["assoc_handle"] = ah;
151 }catch(failed_lookup& fl) {
152 string ah = associate(server)->handle();
153 p["assoc_handle"] = ah;
154 }
155 }catch(exception& e) { }
156 return p.append_query(server);
157 }
159 void consumer_t::id_res(const params_t& pin,const string& identity) {
160 if(pin.has_param("openid.user_setup_url"))
161 throw id_res_setup(OPKELE_CP_ "assertion failed, setup url provided",pin.get_param("openid.user_setup_url"));
162 string server,delegate;
163 retrieve_links(identity.empty()?pin.get_param("openid.identity"):util::canonicalize_url(identity),server,delegate);
164 try {
165 assoc_t assoc = retrieve_assoc(server,pin.get_param("openid.assoc_handle"));
166 const string& sigenc = pin.get_param("openid.sig");
167 mimetic::Base64::Decoder b;
168 vector<unsigned char> sig;
169 mimetic::decode(
170 sigenc.begin(),sigenc.end(), b,
171 back_insert_iterator<vector<unsigned char> >(sig) );
172 const string& slist = pin.get_param("openid.signed");
173 string kv;
174 string::size_type p = 0;
175 while(true) {
176 string::size_type co = slist.find(',',p);
177 string f = (co==string::npos)?slist.substr(p):slist.substr(p,co-p);
178 kv += f;
179 kv += ':';
180 f.insert(0,"openid.");
181 kv += pin.get_param(f);
182 kv += '\n';
183 if(co==string::npos)
184 break;
185 p = co+1;
186 }
187 secret_t secret = assoc->secret();
188 unsigned int md_len = 0;
189 unsigned char *md = HMAC(
190 EVP_sha1(),
191 &(secret.front()),secret.size(),
192 (const unsigned char *),kv.length(),
193 0,&md_len);
194 if(sig.size()!=md_len || memcmp(&(sig.front()),md,md_len))
195 throw id_res_mismatch(OPKELE_CP_ "signature mismatch");
196 }catch(failed_lookup& e) { /* XXX: more specific? */
197 const string& slist = pin.get_param("openid.signed");
198 string::size_type pp = 0;
199 params_t p;
200 while(true) {
201 string::size_type co = slist.find(',',pp);
202 string f = "openid.";
203 f += (co==string::npos)?slist.substr(pp):slist.substr(pp,co-pp);
204 p[f] = pin.get_param(f);
205 if(co==string::npos)
206 break;
207 pp = co+1;
208 }
209 p["openid.assoc_handle"] = pin.get_param("openid.assoc_handle");
210 p["openid.sig"] = pin.get_param("openid.sig");
211 p["openid.signed"] = pin.get_param("openid.signed");
212 try {
213 string ih = pin.get_param("openid.invalidate_handle");
214 p["openid.invalidate_handle"] = ih;
215 }catch(failed_lookup& fl) { }
216 try {
217 check_authentication(server,p);
218 }catch(failed_check_authentication& fca) {
219 throw id_res_failed(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to check_authentication()");
220 }
221 }
222 }
224 void consumer_t::check_authentication(const string& server,const params_t& p) {
225 string request = "openid.mode=check_authentication";
226 for(params_t::const_iterator i=p.begin();i!=p.end();++i) {
227 if(i->first!="openid.mode") {
228 request += '&';
229 request += i->first;
230 request += '=';
231 request += util::url_encode(i->second);
232 }
233 }
234 curl_t curl = curl_easy_init();
235 if(!curl)
236 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_init()");
237 string response;
238 CURLcode r;
239 (r=curl_misc_sets(curl))
240 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_URL,server.c_str()))
241 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_POST,1))
242 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
243 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE,request.length()))
244 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,_curl_tostring))
245 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_WRITEDATA,&response))
246 ;
247 if(r)
248 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_setopt()",r);
249 if(r=curl_easy_perform(curl))
250 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_perform()",r);
251 params_t pp; pp.parse_keyvalues(response);
252 if(pp.has_param("invalidate_handle"))
253 invalidate_assoc(server,pp.get_param("invalidate_handle"));
254 if(pp.has_param("is_valid")) {
255 if(pp.get_param("is_valid")=="true")
256 return;
257 }else if(pp.has_param("lifetime")) {
258 if(util::string_to_long(pp.get_param("lifetime")))
259 return;
260 }
261 throw failed_check_authentication(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to verify response");
262 }
264 void consumer_t::retrieve_links(const string& url,string& server,string& delegate) {
265 server.erase();
266 delegate.erase();
267 curl_t curl = curl_easy_init();
268 if(!curl)
269 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_init()");
270 string html;
271 CURLcode r;
272 (r=curl_misc_sets(curl))
273 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_URL,url.c_str()))
274 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,_curl_tostring))
275 || (r=curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_WRITEDATA,&html))
276 ;
277 if(r)
278 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_setopt()",r);
279 r = curl_easy_perform(curl);
280 if(r && r!=CURLE_WRITE_ERROR)
281 throw exception_curl(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to curl_easy_perform()",r);
282 pcrepp::Pcre bre("<body\\b",PCRE_CASELESS);
283 // strip out everything past body
284 if(
285 html.erase(bre.get_match_start());
286 pcrepp::Pcre hdre("<head[^>]*>",PCRE_CASELESS);
287 if(!
288 throw bad_input(OPKELE_CP_ "failed to find head");
289 html.erase(0,hdre.get_match_end()+1);
290 pcrepp::Pcre lre("<link\\b([^>]+)>",PCRE_CASELESS),
291 rre("\\brel=['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]",PCRE_CASELESS),
292 hre("\\bhref=['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]",PCRE_CASELESS);
293 while( {
294 string attrs = lre[0];
295 html.erase(0,lre.get_match_end()+1);
296 if(!(
297 continue;
298 if(rre[0]=="openid.server") {
299 server = hre[0];
300 if(!delegate.empty())
301 break;
302 }else if(rre[0]=="openid.delegate") {
303 delegate = hre[0];
304 if(!server.empty())
305 break;
306 }
307 }
308 if(server.empty())
309 throw failed_assertion(OPKELE_CP_ "The location has no openid.server declaration");
310 }
312 assoc_t consumer_t::find_assoc(const string& server) {
313 throw failed_lookup(OPKELE_CP_ "no find_assoc() provided");
314 }