#ifndef __OPKELE_UTIL_H #define __OPKELE_UTIL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace opkele { using std::string; using std::vector; /** * @brief opkele utils namespace */ namespace util { /** * Convenience class encapsulating SSL BIGNUM object for the purpose of * automatical freeing. */ class bignum_t { public: BIGNUM *_bn; bignum_t() : _bn(0) { } bignum_t(BIGNUM *bn) : _bn(bn) { } ~bignum_t() throw() { if(_bn) BN_free(_bn); } bignum_t& operator=(BIGNUM *bn) { if(_bn) BN_free(_bn); _bn = bn; return *this; } operator const BIGNUM*(void) const { return _bn; } operator BIGNUM*(void) { return _bn; } }; /** * Convenience clas encapsulating SSL DH object for the purpose of * automatic freeing. */ class dh_t { public: DH *_dh; dh_t() : _dh(0) { } dh_t(DH *dh) : _dh(dh) { } ~dh_t() throw() { if(_dh) DH_free(_dh); } dh_t& operator=(DH *dh) { if(_dh) DH_free(_dh); _dh = dh; return *this; } operator const DH*(void) const { return _dh; } operator DH*(void) { return _dh; } DH* operator->() { return _dh; } const DH* operator->() const { return _dh; } }; /** * Convert base64-encoded SSL BIGNUM to internal representation. * @param b64 base64-encoded number * @return SSL BIGNUM * @throw failed_conversion in case of error */ BIGNUM *base64_to_bignum(const string& b64); /** * Convert decimal representation to SSL BIGNUM. * @param dec decimal representation * @return resulting BIGNUM * @throw failed_conversion in case of error */ BIGNUM *dec_to_bignum(const string& dec); /** * Convert SSL BIGNUM data to base64 encoded string. * @param bn BIGNUM * @return base64encoded string */ string bignum_to_base64(const BIGNUM *bn); /** * Convert internal time representation to w3c format * @param t internal representation * @return w3c time * @throw failed_conversion in case of error */ string time_to_w3c(time_t t); /** * Convert W3C time representation to internal time_t * @param w w3c representation * @return converted time * @throw failed_conversion in case of error */ time_t w3c_to_time(const string& w); /** * Encode string to the representation suitable for using in URL. * @param str string to encode * @return encoded string * @throw failed_conversion in case of failure */ string url_encode(const string& str); /** * Convert number to string * @param l number * @return string representation * @throw failed_conversion in case of failure */ string long_to_string(long l); /** * Convert string to number * @param s string, containing the number * @return the number * @throw failed_conversion in case of failure */ long string_to_long(const string& s); /** * Encode binary data using base64. * @param data pointer to binary data * @param length length of data * @return encoded data */ string encode_base64(const void *data,size_t length); /** * Decode binary data from base64 representation. * @param data base64-encoded data * @param rv container for decoded binary */ void decode_base64(const string& data,vector& rv); /** * Normalize http(s) URI according to RFC3986, section 6. URI is * expected to have scheme: in front of it. * @param uri URI * @return normalized URI * @throw not_implemented in case of non-httpi(s) URI * @throw bad_input in case of malformed URI */ string rfc_3986_normalize_uri(const string& uri); string& strip_uri_fragment_part(string& uri); string abi_demangle(const char* mn); string base64_signature(const assoc_t& assoc,const basic_openid_message& om); class change_mode_message_proxy : public basic_openid_message { public: const basic_openid_message& x; const string& mode; change_mode_message_proxy(const basic_openid_message& xx,const string& m) : x(xx), mode(m) { } bool has_field(const string& n) const { return x.has_field(n); } const string& get_field(const string& n) const { return (n=="mode")?mode:x.get_field(n); } bool has_ns(const string& uri) const {return x.has_ns(uri); } string get_ns(const string& uri) const { return x.get_ns(uri); } fields_iterator fields_begin() const { return x.fields_begin(); } fields_iterator fields_end() const { return x.fields_end(); } }; } } #endif /* __OPKELE_UTIL_H */