% html(); return; /* vim:set ft=sitecing: */ %%derive layout = "/ancestry/layout.chtml"; <%constructor> PN_NEXT("/simple","simple page","building a really simple page"); <%codemethod string title() %> return "introduction"; <%method void content() %>

introduction to site-C-ing

This is a sample site, which is supposed to demonstrate site-C-ing features. Since the site-C-ing is still at the early stages of development or rather proof of concept, this site is also far from being complete. I am planning to add more pages as the time permits, though.

Once you download and install site-C-ing you may wish to try this sample site for yourself. The source is available from the site-C-ing download page. After you download the source code, you should configure it using the ever so popular configure script. It is likely that you will want to pass the --with-vhostname option to configure to name the apache virtual host.

The configure script will generate the apache vhost configuration for you, which you can Include in the main apache configuration file.

Note, that the configuration is tailored for apache 2.x. It is no problem to get it working with apache 1.3.x, although I haven't tried and so I am not sure if it will run out of the box (your patches are welcome). Also note that you may need mod_fastcgi apache module, although now that fastcgi is not the only supported interface you may get the thing running with 'plain' CGI with a bit of tweaking. Again, if you got it working without breaking the fastcgi part your patches are welcome.

Once you get it all done you will want to restart your apache and start the site-C-ing fastcgi server by issuing the make restart command.

Before you download it, you may wish to examine the sources to learn more about how it is done.