// Well, you can go higher, but that would probably be ridiculous number_of_inputs = 4; // [2,3,4,5,6]; // Pushfit types are e3d threaded pusfit, e3d embedded and printed ring with only the collet put into it. Note, that rendering 4 threaded pushfit sockets borders with impossible, and it's too big, anyway. pushfit_type = "embeddest"; // ["threaded","embedded","embeddest"] join_angle = 15; // Outer diameter of PTFE liner liner_outer_diameter = 4; // Inner diameter of PTFE liner and the diameter of printed filament channel liner_inner_diameter = 2; module customizer_multiswitch() { multiswitch( liner_od = liner_outer_diameter, liner_id = liner_inner_diameter, angle = join_angle, inputs = number_of_inputs, pf = pf_byname(stock_pushfits,pushfit_type), draft = false, print = true, debug = 0 ); } customizer_multiswitch();