Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
6 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdb04a4
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/bubbles.scad b/bubbles.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f25938
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/bubbles.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ module bubbles(size,d=1.2,s=1.8) {
+ maxr=max(d/2,size[1]);
+ scl = [ d/2/maxr, size[1]/maxr, d/2/maxr ];
+ nx = floor((size[0]-2*d)/s); sx = s*nx; x0=(size[0]-sx)/2;
+ nz = floor((size[2]-2*d)/s); sz = s*nz; z0=(size[2]-sz)/2;
+ for(iz=[0:nz]) let(z=z0+s*iz) {
+ for(ix=[0:iz%2?nx-1:nx]) let(x=x0+(iz%2?s/2:0)+s*ix) {
+ translate([x,0,z]) scale(scl) sphere(r=maxr,$fn=30);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/mold.scad b/mold.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d94337
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/mold.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+module mold(
+ size, /* mold inner size */
+ s=1, /* shell thickness */
+ h_protrude=5, /* how far to protrude outside horizontally */
+ v_protrude=10, /* and vertically */
+ l_intrude=0, /* how far to intrude on the left */
+ r_intrude=0, /* how far to intrude on the right */
+ f_intrude=0, /* how far to intrude on the front */
+ introffset, /* offset from the front of the left and right intrusions */
+ chamfer=1
+) {
+ difference() {
+ cube(size=[size[0]+2*s,size[1]+2*s,size[2]+s]);
+ translate([s,s,s]) {
+ hull() {
+ translate([chamfer,0,chamfer])
+ cube(size=[size[0]-2*chamfer,size[1],size[2]-2*chamfer]);
+ translate([0,chamfer,chamfer])
+ cube(size=[size[0],size[1]-2*chamfer,size[2]-2*chamfer]);
+ translate([chamfer,chamfer,0])
+ cube(size=[size[0]-2*chamfer,size[1]-2*chamfer,size[2]+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gw = 3*s; // guide width, in case I'll want to change it.
+ module trusion(in) {
+ translate([-gw/2,0,s+size[2]]) union() {
+ hull() {
+ translate([0,0,in])
+ cube(size=[gw,in+s,v_protrude-in]);
+ cube(size=[gw,s,in]);
+ }
+ hull() {
+ translate([0,0,-v_protrude])
+ cube(size=[gw,s,v_protrude+h_protrude]);
+ translate([0,-h_protrude,0])
+ cube(size=[gw,s+h_protrude,v_protrude]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* frontal guide */
+ translate([s+size[0]/2,0,]) trusion(in=f_intrude);
+ /* left guide */
+ translate([0,s+introffset,0]) rotate([0,0,-90]) trusion(in=l_intrude);
+ /* right guide */
+ translate([size[0]+2*s,s+introffset,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) trusion(in=r_intrude);
+/* vim:set ai sw=1: */
diff --git a/stuff.scad b/stuff.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26fb39f
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/stuff.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+layer_height=0.2; extrusion_width=0.5;
+epsilon = .01;
+protrude=10; // distance to protrude vertically
+ss=1; // minimum silicone shell thickness
+ms=1; // mold shell thickness
diff --git a/view.scad b/view.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..501a17f
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/view.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+use <mixing.scad>;
+ * view(...) {
+ * outer_mold(); // children(0);
+ * inner_shape(); // children(1);
+ * silicone(); // children(2);
+ * }
+ */
+module view(view,volume) {
+ module cou() { color("palegreen",0.7) children(); }
+ module cin() { color("silver",0.8) children(); }
+ module csi() { color("salmon",0.5) children(); }
+ module cmx() { color("gray",0.7) children(); }
+ if(view=="outer") cou() children(0);
+ else if(view=="inner") cin() children(1);
+ else if(view=="mixplate") cmx() {
+ mixing(volume=volume,what="vessel");
+ translate([0,mixing_size(volume=volume)[1]/2+5,0])
+ rotate([0,0,90]) mixing(volume=volume,what="splitter");
+ }else if(view=="outcome") csi() {
+ difference() {
+ children(2);
+ children([0:1]);
+ }
+ }else{
+ cou() children(0); cin() children(1);
+ csi() children(2);
+ translate([-mixing_size(volume=volume)[1],0]) rotate([0,0,90])
+ cmx() mixing(volume=volume,what="altogethernow");
+ }
+/* vim:set ai sw=1: */
diff --git a/volcano.scad b/volcano.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f7ffce
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/volcano.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+include <stuff.scad>;
+volcano_l = 20; // length (along Y axis)
+volcano_w = 11.5; // width (along X axis)
+volcano_h = 20; // height (guess!)
+volcano_n_offset_w = 4.5; // nozzle offset from the left edge along width axis
+volcano_n_offset_l = volcano_l-15.5; // nozzle offset from the front along length axis
+volcano_c_offset_w = 4; // cartridge offset from the left edge along width axis
+volcano_c_offset_l = volcano_l-8; // cartridge offset from the front along the length axis
+volcano_c_d = 6.1; // cartridge diameter
+volcano_n_d = 7/cos(30); // nozzle (outermost) diameter
+volcano_c_t = 2; // cartridge thickness (of the protruding part)
+volcano_hs_h = [volcano_h-14.5,volcano_h-5.5]; // the heater screws offsets from the bottom of the heater
+volcano_hs_d = 5.7; // and their diameter
+volcano_hs_t = 1.5; // and thickness
+volcano_hs_offset_l = volcano_l-2.5; // heater screw offset from the front along the length axis
+volcano_ts_d = 7; // Thermistor screw diameter
+volcano_ts_t = 2.6; // Thermistor screw thickness
+volcano_ts_h = volcano_h-12; // Thermistor screw offset from the bottom of the heater
+volcano_ts_offset_l = volcano_l-11.5; // Thermistor screw offset from the front along the length axis
+volcano_cutoff_t = 1.5; // Cutoff on the top thickness (depth)
+volcano_cutoff_l = 8; // Length of the cutoff (the cutoff is on the back)
+sv=volcano_c_t+ss; // shell vertical
+sh=ss; // shell horizontal
+the_w = volcano_w+volcano_ts_t+volcano_hs_t+2*sh;
+the_l = volcano_l+2*sh;
+the_h = volcano_h+sv;
+use <bubbles.scad>;
+module heatershape() {
+ difference() {
+ union() { // main body and protrusion
+ cube(size=[volcano_w,volcano_l,volcano_h]);
+ translate([0,0,volcano_h]) {
+ pt = [volcano_w,volcano_l-volcano_cutoff_l,protrude];
+ translate([0,0,-1])
+ cube(size=[pt[0],pt[1],pt[2]+1]);
+ hull() {
+ cube(size=pt);
+ translate([-volcano_hs_t-sh,0,max(volcano_ts_t,volcano_hs_t)+sh])
+ cube(size=[the_w,pt[1],pt[2]-max(volcano_ts_t,volcano_hs_t)-sh]);
+ translate([0,-sh,sh])
+ cube(size=[pt[0],pt[1]+2*sh,pt[2]-sh]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // cutoff on top
+ translate([-1,volcano_l-volcano_cutoff_l+volcano_cutoff_t,volcano_h-volcano_cutoff_t]) {
+ cube(size=[volcano_w+2,volcano_cutoff_l-volcano_cutoff_t+1,volcano_cutoff_t+1]);
+ translate([0,0,volcano_cutoff_t])
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ cylinder(r=volcano_cutoff_t,h=volcano_w+2,$fn=24);
+ }
+ // screwhole on top of protrusion
+ translate([volcano_w/2,(volcano_l-volcano_cutoff_l)/2,volcano_h+protrude+2])
+ mirror([0,0,1])
+ cylinder(d=3,h=protrude+1);
+ }
+ // nozzle
+ translate([volcano_n_offset_w,volcano_n_offset_l,-sv])
+ cylinder(d=volcano_n_d,h=sv+1,$fn=24);
+ // cartridge
+ translate([volcano_c_offset_w,volcano_c_offset_l,-volcano_c_t])
+ cylinder(d=volcano_c_d,h=volcano_c_t+1,$fn=24);
+ // heatblock screws
+ for(h=volcano_hs_h)
+ translate([1,volcano_hs_offset_l,h])
+ rotate([0,-90,0])
+ cylinder(d=volcano_hs_d,h=volcano_hs_t+1,$fn=24);
+ // thermistor screw
+ translate([volcano_w-1,volcano_ts_offset_l,volcano_ts_h])
+ rotate([0,90,0])
+ cylinder(d=volcano_ts_d,h=volcano_ts_t+1,$fn=24);
+ bubbles(size=[volcano_w,sh/2,volcano_h]);
+ translate([0,volcano_l,0]) bubbles(size=[volcano_w,sh/2,volcano_h-volcano_cutoff_t]);
+ for(x=[0,volcano_w]) translate([x,0,0])
+ rotate([0,0,90]) bubbles(size=[volcano_l,(volcano_hs_t+sh)/2,volcano_h-volcano_cutoff_t]);
+ rotate([-90,0,0])
+ bubbles(size=[volcano_w,sv/2,volcano_l]);
+module silicone() {
+ translate([-sh-volcano_hs_t,-sh,-sv])
+ cube(size=[the_w,the_l,the_h-epsilon]);
+use <mold.scad>;
+vol_ = the_w*the_l*the_h
+ - volcano_w*volcano_l*volcano_h // heater block
+ + volcano_w*volcano_cutoff_t*volcano_cutoff_l // cutoff
+ - PI*pow(volcano_n_d/2,2)*sv // nozzle
+ - PI*pow(volcano_c_d/2,2)*volcano_c_t // cartridge
+ - PI*pow(volcano_ts_d/2,2)*volcano_ts_t // thermistor screw
+ - PI*pow(volcano_hs_d/2,2)*volcano_hs_t *2 // heater screws
+vol = vol_*1.2;
+use <view.scad>;
+view(view="*",volume=vol) {
+ mold(size=[the_w,the_l,the_h],s=ms,v_protrude=protrude,introffset=(volcano_l-volcano_cutoff_l)*3/4);
+ translate([ms+volcano_hs_t+sh,ms+sh,ms+sv]) heatershape();
+ translate([ms+epsilon,ms+epsilon,ms+epsilon]) cube(size=[the_w-2*epsilon,the_l-2*epsilon,the_h]);
+/* vim:set ai sw=1: */