path: root/backend/node/src/clipperz.js
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/node/src/clipperz.js') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/node/src/clipperz.js b/backend/node/src/clipperz.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b9cae
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/backend/node/src/clipperz.js
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+var FS = require('fs');
+var CRYPTO = require('crypto');
+var BIGNUM = require('bignum');
+var ASYNC = require('async');
+var express_store = require('express-session').Store;
+function clipperz_hash(v) {
+ return CRYPTO.createHash('sha256').update(
+ CRYPTO.createHash('sha256').update(v).digest('binary')
+ ).digest('hex');
+function clipperz_random() {
+ for(var r = '';r.length<64;r+=''+BIGNUM(Math.floor(Math.random()*1e18)).toString(16));
+ return r.substr(0,64);
+function clipperz_store(PG) {
+ var rv = function(o) {,o); }
+ rv.prototype.get = function(sid,cb) { PG.Q(
+ "SELECT s_data FROM clipperz.thesession WHERE s_id=$1",[sid],
+ function(e,r) { cb(e,(e||!r.rowCount)?null:JSON.parse(r.rows[0].s_data)); }
+ ) };
+ rv.prototype.set = function(sid,data,cb) {
+ var d = JSON.stringify(data);
+ PG.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.thesession SET s_data=$1, s_mtime=current_timestamp"
+ +" WHERE s_id=$2",[d,sid], function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(r.rowCount) return cb();
+ PG.Q("INSERT INTO clipperz.thesession (s_id,s_data) VALUES ($1,$2)",[sid,d],cb);
+ });
+ };
+ rv.prototype.destroy = function(sid,cb) { PG.Q(
+ "DELETE FROM clipperz.thesession WHERE s_id=$1",[sid],cb
+ ) };
+ rv.prototype.length = function(cb) { PG.Q(
+ "SELECT count(*) AS c FROM clipperz.thesession", function(e,r) {
+ cb(e,e?null:r.rows[0].c);
+ }
+ ) };
+ rv.prototype.clear = function(cb) { PQ.Q(
+ "TRUNCATE clipperz.thesession", cb
+ ) };
+ rv.prototype.__proto__ = express_store.prototype;
+ return rv;
+var srp_g = BIGNUM(2);
+var srp_n = BIGNUM("115b8b692e0e045692cf280b436735c77a5a9e8a9e7ed56c965f87db5b2a2ece3",16);
+var n123 = '112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00';
+var CLIPPERZ = module.exports = function(CONFIG) {
+ var LOGGER = CONFIG.logger||{trace:function(){}};
+ var PG = {
+ url: CONFIG.psql,
+ PG: require('pg').native,
+ Q: function(q,a,cb) {
+ if('function'===typeof a) cb=a,a=[];
+ LOGGER.trace({query:q,args:a},'SQL: %s',q);
+ PG.PG.connect(PG.url,function(e,C,D) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ var t0=new Date();
+ C.query(q,a,function(e,r) {
+ var t1=new Date(), dt=t1-t0;
+ D();
+ LOGGER.trace({query:q,args:a,ms:dt,rows:r&&r.rowCount,err:e},"SQL query '%s' took %dms",q,dt);
+ cb(e,r);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ T: function(cb) {
+ PG.PG.connect(PG.url,function(e,C,D) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ C.query('BEGIN',function(e){
+ if(e) return D(),cb(e);
+ LOGGER.trace('SQL: transaction begun');
+ cb(null,{
+ Q: function(q,a,cb) {
+ LOGGER.trace({query:q,args:a},'SQL: %s',q);
+ if(this.over) return cb(new Error('game over'));
+ if('function'===typeof a) cb=a,a=[];
+ var t0=new Date();
+ C.query(q,a,function(e,r) {
+ var t1=new Date(), dt=t1-t0;
+ LOGGER.trace({query:q,args:a,ms:dt,rows:r&&r.rowCount,err:e},"SQL query '%s' took %dms",q,dt);
+ cb(e,r);
+ });
+ },
+ commit: function(cb) {
+ LOGGER.trace('SQL: commit');
+ if(this.over) return cb(new Error('game over'));
+ return (this.over=true),C.query('COMMIT',function(e){D();cb&&cb(e)});
+ },
+ rollback: function(cb) {
+ LOGGER.trace('SQL: rollback');
+ if(this.over) return cb(new Error('game over'));
+ return (this.over=true),C.query('ROLLBACK',function(e){D();cb&&cb(e)});
+ },
+ end: function(e,cb) {
+ if(e) return LOGGER.trace(e,"rolling back transaction due to an error"),this.rollback(cb);
+ this.commit(cb);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ var rv = {
+ json: function clipperz_json(req,res,cb) {
+ var method = req.body.method, pp = JSON.parse(req.body.parameters).parameters;
+ var message = pp.message;
+ var ppp = pp.parameters;
+ res.res = function(o) { return res.json({result:o}) };
+ LOGGER.trace({method:method,parameters:pp},"JSON request");
+ switch(method) {
+ case 'registration':
+ switch(message) {
+ case 'completeRegistration': return PG.Q(
+ "INSERT INTO clipperz.theuser"
+ +" (u_name, u_srp_s,u_srp_v, u_authversion,u_header,u_statistics,u_version,u_lock)"
+ +" VALUES ($1, $2,$3, $4,$5,$6,$7,$8)",
+ [pp.credentials.C, pp.credentials.s, pp.credentials.v,
+ pp.credentials.version,pp.user.header, pp.user.statistics,
+ pp.user.version, pp.user.lock], function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ res.res({lock:pp.user.lock,result:'done'});
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'handshake':
+ switch(message) {
+ case 'connect': return{
+ u: function(cb) { PG.Q(
+ "SELECT u_id, u_srp_s, u_srp_v FROM clipperz.theuser WHERE u_name=$1",
+ [ppp.C], function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(null,{u_id:null,u_srp_s:n123,u_srp_v:n123});
+ cb(null,r.rows[0]);
+ }) },
+ otp: ['u',function(cb,r) {
+ if(!req.session.otp) return cb();
+ if(req.session.u!=r.u.u_id) return cb(new Error('user/OTP mismatch'));
+ PG.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.theotp AS otp"
+ +" SET"
+ +" otps_id=CASE WHEN s.otps_code='REQUESTED' THEN ("
+ +" SELECT ss.otps_id FROM clipperz.otpstatus AS ss WHERE ss.otps_code='USED'"
+ +" ) ELSE otp.otps_id END,"
+ +" otp_utime=current_timestamp"
+ +" FROM clipperz.otpstatus AS s, clipperz.theotp AS o"
+ +" WHERE"
+ +" o.otp_id=otp.otp_id AND otp.otps_id=s.otps_id"
+ +" AND otp.otp_id=$1 AND otp.u_id=$2"
+ +" RETURNING o.otps_id!=otp.otps_id AS yes, o.otp_ref",
+ [ req.session.otp, req.session.u ],
+ function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error('no OTP found'));
+ r=r.rows[0];
+ if(!r.yes) return cb(new Error('OTP is in a sorry state'));
+ cb(null,{ref:r.otp_ref});
+ });
+ }]
+ },function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ req.session.C = ppp.C; req.session.A = ppp.A;
+ req.session.s = r.u.u_srp_s; req.session.v = r.u.u_srp_v;
+ req.session.u = r.u.u_id;
+ req.session.b = clipperz_random();
+ req.session.B = BIGNUM(req.session.v,16).add(srp_g.powm(BIGNUM(req.session.b,16),srp_n)).toString(16);
+ var rv = {s:req.session.s,B:req.session.B}
+ if(r.otp && r.otp.otp_ref) rv.oneTimePassword=r.otp.otp_ref;
+ res.res(rv);
+ });
+ case 'credentialCheck':
+ var u = clipperz_hash(BIGNUM(req.session.B,16).toString(10));
+ var A = BIGNUM(req.session.A,16);
+ var S = A.mul(BIGNUM(req.session.v,16).powm(BIGNUM(u,16),srp_n)).powm(
+ BIGNUM(req.session.b,16), srp_n);
+ var K = clipperz_hash(S.toString(10));
+ var M1 = clipperz_hash(A.toString(10)+BIGNUM(req.session.B,16).toString(10)+K.toString(16));
+ if(M1!=ppp.M1) return res.res({error:'?'});
+ req.session.K = K;
+ var M2 = clipperz_hash(A.toString(10)+M1+K.toString(16));
+ return res.res({M2:M2,connectionId:'',loginInfo:{latest:{},current:{}},offlineCopyNeeded:false,lock:'----'});
+ case 'oneTimePassword': return PG.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.theotp AS otp"
+ +" SET"
+ +" otps_id = CASE WHEN s.otps_code!='ACTIVE' THEN s.otps_id ELSE ("
+ +" SELECT ss.otps_id FROM clipperz.otpstatus AS ss WHERE ss.otps_code=CASE"
+ +" WHEN otp.otp_key_checksum=$2 THEN 'REQUESTED'"
+ +" ) END,"
+ +" otp_data = CASE WHEN s.otps_code='ACTIVE' THEN '' ELSE otp.otp_data END,"
+ +" otp_utime = current_timestamp,"
+ +" otp_rtime = CASE WHEN otp.otp_key_checksum=$2 THEN current_timestamp ELSE otp.otp_rtime END"
+ +" FROM clipperz.otpstatus AS s, clipperz.theotp AS o"
+ +" WHERE"
+ +" o.otp_id=otp.otp_id AND otp.otps_id=s.otps_id AND otp.otp_key=$1"
+ +" RETURNING otp.u_id, s.otps_code, otp.otp_id, otp.otp_key_checksum, o.otp_data, otp.otp_version",
+ [ ppp.oneTimePasswordKey, ppp.oneTimePasswordKeyChecksum ],
+ function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error('OTP not found'));
+ r=r.rows[0];
+ if(r.otp_key_checksum!=ppp.oneTimePasswordKeyChecksum)
+ return cb(new Error('OTP was disabled because of checksum mismatch'));
+ if(r.otps_code!='ACTIVE')
+ return cb(new Error("OTP wasn't active, sorry"));
+ req.session.u=r.u_id; req.session.otp=r.otp_id;
+ res.res({data:r.otp_data,version:r.otp_version});
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'message':
+ if(!req.session.K) return res.res({result:'EXCEPTION',message:"effectively, we're missing a aconnection"});
+ if(req.session.K!=pp.srpSharedSecret) return res.res({error:'Wrong shared secret!'});
+ switch(message) {
+ case 'getUserDetails': return ASYNC.parallel({
+ u: function(cb) {
+ PG.Q("SELECT u_header,u_statistics,u_version FROM clipperz.theuser WHERE u_id=$1",
+ [req.session.u],function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error("user's gone AWOL"));
+ cb(null,r.rows[0]);
+ });
+ },
+ stats: function(cb) {
+ PG.Q("SELECT r_ref,r_mtime FROM clipperz.therecord WHERE u_id=$1",
+ [req.session.u],function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ cb(null,r.rows.reduce(function(p,r){p[r.r_ref]={updateDate:r.r_mtime};return p},{}));
+ });
+ }
+ },function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ res.res({header:r.u.u_header,statistics:r.u.u_statistics,version:r.u.u_version,recordsStats:r.stats});
+ });
+ case 'saveChanges': return PG.T(function(e,T) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ user: function(cb) {
+ T.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.theuser"
+ +" SET u_header=$1, u_statistics=$2, u_version=$3, u_lock=COALESCE($4,u_lock)"
+ +" WHERE u_id=$5"
+ +" RETURNING u_lock",[ppp.user.header,ppp.user.statistics,ppp.user.version,ppp.user.lock||null,req.session.u],
+ function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error("user's gone AWOL"));
+ cb(null,r.rows[0]);
+ });
+ },
+ updaterecords: function(cb) {
+ if(!(ppp.records && ppp.records.updated && ppp.records.updated.length)) return cb();
+ ASYNC.each(ppp.records.updated,function(r,cb) {
+ updater: function(cb) {
+ T.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.therecord"
+ +" SET r_data=$2, r_version=$3, r_mtime=current_timestamp"
+ +" WHERE r_ref=$1 AND u_id=$4 RETURNING r_id",
+ [r.record.reference,,r.record.version,req.session.u], function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ return cb(null,r.rows.length?r.rows[0]:null);
+ });
+ },
+ insertr: ['updater',function(cb,rr) {
+ if(rr.updater) return cb();
+ T.Q(
+ "INSERT INTO clipperz.therecord"
+ +" (u_id,r_ref,r_data,r_version)"
+ +" VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4) RETURNING r_id",[req.session.u,r.record.reference,,r.record.version],
+ function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ return cb(null,r.rows[0]);
+ });
+ }],
+ updatev: ['updater','insertr',function(cb,rr) {
+ var crv=r.currentRecordVersion;
+ T.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.therecordversion"
+ +" SET rv_ref=$1, rv_data=$2, rv_version=$3,"
+ +" rv_previous_id=COALESCE($4,rv_previous_id),"
+ +" rv_previous_key=$5, r_id=$6, rv_mtime=current_timestamp"
+ +" WHERE"
+ +" rv_id=(SELECT rv_id FROM clipperz.therecordversion WHERE r_id=$6 ORDER BY r_id ASC LIMIT 1)"
+ +" RETURNING rv_id",
+ [crv.reference,,crv.version,
+ crv.previousVersion||null,crv.previousVersionKey,
+ (rr.updater||rr.insertr).r_id],
+ function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ return cb(null,r.rows.length?r.rows[0]:null);
+ });
+ }],
+ insertv: ['updatev',function(cb,rr) {
+ if(rr.updatev) return cb();
+ var crv=r.currentRecordVersion;
+ T.Q(
+ "INSERT INTO clipperz.therecordversion"
+ +" (r_id,rv_ref,rv_data,rv_version,rv_previous_id,rv_previous_key)"
+ +" VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) RETURNING rv_id",
+ [(rr.updater||rr.insertr).r_id,
+ crv.reference,, crv.version,
+ crv.previousVersion||null,crv.previousVersionKey],
+ function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ return cb(null,r.rows[0]);
+ });
+ }]
+ },cb);
+ },cb);
+ },
+ deleterecords: function(cb) {
+ if(!(ppp.records && ppp.records.deleted && ppp.records.deleted.length)) return cb();
+ T.Q(
+ "DELETE FROM clipperz.therecord"
+ +" WHERE r_ref = ANY($1::text[]) AND u_id=$2",
+ [ '{'+ppp.records.deleted.join(',')+'}', req.session.u ], cb);
+ }
+ },function(e,r) {
+ T.end(e, function(e) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ res.res({result:'done',lock:r.user.u_lock});
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ case 'getRecordDetail': return{ // TODO: could be done in one query instead
+ record: function(cb) {
+ PG.Q(
+ "SELECT r_id,r_ref,r_data,r_version, r_ctime, r_mtime, r_atime FROM clipperz.therecord WHERE r_ref=$1",
+ [ppp.reference],function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error('no record found'));
+ return cb(null,r.rows[0]);
+ });
+ },
+ version: ['record',function(cb,r) {
+ PG.Q(
+ "SELECT rv_ref, rv_data, rv_header, rv_version, rv_ctime, rv_mtime, rv_atime"
+ +" FROM clipperz.therecordversion WHERE r_id=$1 ORDER BY rv_id ASC LIMIT 1",
+ [r.record.r_id],function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error('no record version found'));
+ return cb(null,r.rows[0]);
+ });
+ }]
+ },function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ var v = {};
+ v[r.version.rv_ref] = {
+ reference: r.version.rv_ref,
+ data: r.version.rv_data, header: r.version.rv_header,
+ version: r.version.rv_version,
+ creationDate: r.version.rv_ctime, updateDate: r.version.rv_mtime, accessDate: r.version.rv_atime
+ };
+ res.res({ versions: v, currentVersion: r.version.rv_ref, reference: r.record.r_ref,
+ data: r.record.r_data, version: r.record.r_version,
+ creationDate: r.record.r_ctime, updateDate: r.record.r_mtime, accessDate: r.record.r_atime,
+ oldestUsedEncryptedVersion: '---' });
+ });
+ case 'addNewOneTimePassword': return PG.T(function(e,T) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ ASYNC.parallel({
+ otp: function(cb) {
+ var otp = ppp.oneTimePassword;
+ T.Q(
+ "INSERT INTO clipperz.theotp"
+ +" (u_id,otp_ref,otp_key,otp_key_checksum,otp_data,otp_version,otps_id)"
+ +" SELECT $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,otps_id FROM clipperz.otpstatus"
+ +" WHERE otps_code='ACTIVE'",
+ [ req.session.u, otp.reference, otp.key, otp.keyChecksum,
+, otp.version], function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error('no user or status'));
+ cb();
+ });
+ },
+ user: function(cb) {
+ var u = ppp.user;
+ T.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.theuser"
+ +" SET u_header=$1, u_statistics=$2, u_version=$3, u_lock=COALESCE($4,u_lock)"
+ +" WHERE u_id=$5",
+ [ u.header, u.statistics, u.version, u.lock||null, req.session.u],
+ function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error("user's gone AWOL"));
+ cb();
+ });
+ }
+ },function(e,r) {
+ T.end(e, function(e) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ res.res({result:'done',lock:ppp.user.lock});
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ case 'updateOneTimePasswords': return PG.T(function(e,T) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ ASYNC.parallel({
+ otp: function(cb) {
+ T.Q(
+ "DELETE FROM clipperz.theotp"
+ +" WHERE u_id=$1"
+ +" AND NOT otp_ref = ANY($2::text[])",
+ [ req.session.u,'{'+ppp.oneTimePasswords.join(',')+'}' ],cb);
+ },
+ user: function(cb) {
+ var u = ppp.user;
+ T.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.theuser"
+ +" SET u_header=$1, u_statistics=$2, u_version=$3, u_lock=COALESCE($4,u_lock)"
+ +" WHERE u_id=$5",
+ [ u.header, u.statistics, u.version, u.lock||null, req.session.u],
+ function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error("user's gone AWOL"));
+ cb();
+ });
+ }
+ },function(e,r) {
+ T.end(e, function(e) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ res.res({result:ppp.user.lock});
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ case 'upgradeUserCredentials': return PG.T(function(e,T) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ ASYNC.parallel({
+ user: function(cb) {
+ var u = ppp.user, c = ppp.credentials;
+ T.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.theuser"
+ +" SET u_header=$1, u_statistics=$2, u_version=$3, u_lock=COALESCE($4,u_lock),"
+ +" u_name=$5, u_srp_s=$6, u_srp_v=$7, u_authversion=$8"
+ +" WHERE u_id=$9 RETURNING u_lock",
+ [ u.header,u.statistics,u.version,u.lock||null,
+ c.C,c.s,c.v,c.version, req.session.u ],function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error("user's gone AWOL"));
+ cb(e,r.rows[0]);
+ });
+ },
+ otp: function(cb) {
+ var otps=ppp.oneTimePasswords;
+ if(!otps) return cb();
+ ASYNC.each(Object.keys(otps),function(r,cb) {
+ T.Q(
+ "UPDATE clipperz.theotp"
+ +" SET otp_data=$1, otp_utime=current_timestamp WHERE otp_ref=$2 AND u_id=$3",
+ [ otps[r], r, req.session.u ], function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error("OTP's gone AWOL"));
+ cb();
+ });
+ },cb);
+ }
+ },function(e,r) {
+ T.end(e, function(e) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ res.res({result:'done',lock:r.user.u_lock});
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ case 'deleteUser': return PG.Q(
+ "DELETE FROM clipperz.theuser WHERE u_id=$1",
+ [req.session.u],function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ res.res({result:'ok'});
+ });
+ case 'echo': return res.res({result:ppp});
+ case 'getOneTimePasswordsDetails': return res.res({});
+ case 'getLoginHistory': return res.res({result:[]});
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'logout': return req.session.destroy(function(e){res.res({})});
+ }
+ cb();
+ },
+ dump: function(req,res,cb) {
+ if(!req.session.u) return cb(new Error('logging in helps'));
+ return ASYNC.parallel({
+ u: function(cb) {
+ PG.Q(
+ +" u_name, u_srp_s, u_srp_v, u_authversion, u_header, u_statistics, u_version"
+ +" FROM clipperz.theuser WHERE u_id=$1",[req.session.u],function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ if(!r.rowCount) return cb(new Error("user's gone AWOL"));
+ r = r.rows[0];
+ return cb(null,{u:r.u_name,d:{s:r.u_srp_s,v:r.u_srp_v, version:r.u_authversion,
+ maxNumberOfRecords: '100', userDetails: r.u_header,
+ statistics: r.u_statistics, userDetailsVersion: r.u_version
+ }});
+ });
+ },
+ records: function(cb) {
+ PG.Q(
+ +" r.r_id, r.r_ref, r_data, r_version, r_ctime, r_mtime, r_atime,"
+ +" rv.rv_id, rv.rv_ref AS rv_ref, rv_header, rv_data, rv_version, rv_ctime, rv_mtime, rv_atime"
+ +" FROM"
+ +" clipperz.therecord AS r"
+ +" LEFT JOIN clipperz.therecordversion AS rv USING (r_id)"
+ +" WHERE r.u_id=$1"
+ +" ORDER BY r.r_id ASC, rv.rv_id ASC", [req.session.u],function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ var rv = {};
+ r.rows.forEach(function(r) {
+ if(!rv[r.r_ref]) rv[r.r_ref] = {
+ data: r.r_data, version: r.r_version,
+ creationDate: r.r_ctime.toString(),
+ updateDate: r.r_mtime.toString(),
+ accessDate: r.r_atime.toString(),
+ versions: {}
+ };
+ if(!r.rv_id) return;
+ rv[r.r_ref].versions[rv[r.r_ref].currentVersion=r.rv_ref] = {
+ header: r.rv_header, data: r.rv_data, version: r.rv_version,
+ creationDate: r.rv_ctime.toString(),
+ updateDate: r.rv_mtime.toString(),
+ accessDate: r.rv_atime.toString()
+ };
+ });
+ cb(null,rv);
+ });
+ },
+ html: function(cb) {
+ FS.readFile(CONFIG.dump_template,{encoding:'utf-8'},cb);
+ }
+ },function(e,r) {
+ if(e) return cb(e);
+ var d = new Date();
+ res.attachment('Clipperz_'+d.getFullYear()+'_'+(d.getMonth()+1)+'_'+d.getDate()+'.html');
+ var ojs = { users: {
+ catchAllUser: { __masterkey_test_value__: 'masterkey', s: n123, v: n123 }
+ } };
+ r.u.d.records = r.records;
+ ojs.users[r.u.u] = r.u.d;
+ res.send(r.html.replace('/*offline_data_placeholder*/',
+ "_clipperz_dump_data_="+JSON.stringify(ojs)
+ +";"
+ +"Clipperz.PM.Proxy.defaultProxy = new Clipperz.PM.Proxy.Offline();"
+ +"Clipperz.Crypto.PRNG.defaultRandomGenerator().fastEntropyAccumulationForTestingPurpose();"));
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ rv.__defineGetter__('session_store',function(){ return function(o) { return new (clipperz_store(PG))(o) } });
+ return rv;