path: root/frontend/beta/js/Clipperz/PM/Components/Import/CSVImport/CSVImportFields.js
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/beta/js/Clipperz/PM/Components/Import/CSVImport/CSVImportFields.js') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/beta/js/Clipperz/PM/Components/Import/CSVImport/CSVImportFields.js b/frontend/beta/js/Clipperz/PM/Components/Import/CSVImport/CSVImportFields.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a368747
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/frontend/beta/js/Clipperz/PM/Components/Import/CSVImport/CSVImportFields.js
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+Copyright 2008-2011 Clipperz Srl
+This file is part of Clipperz's Javascript Crypto Library.
+Javascript Crypto Library provides web developers with an extensive
+and efficient set of cryptographic functions. The library aims to
+obtain maximum execution speed while preserving modularity and
+For further information about its features and functionalities please
+refer to
+* Javascript Crypto Library is free software: you can redistribute
+ it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
+ 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* Javascript Crypto Library is distributed in the hope that it will
+ be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ License along with Javascript Crypto Library. If not, see
+ <>.
+if (typeof(Clipperz) == 'undefined') { Clipperz = {}; }
+if (typeof(Clipperz.PM) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.PM = {}; }
+if (typeof(Clipperz.PM.Components) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.PM.Components = {}; }
+if (typeof(Clipperz.PM.Components.Import) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.PM.Components.Import = {}; }
+if (typeof(Clipperz.PM.Components.Import.CSVImport) == 'undefined') { Clipperz.PM.Components.Import.CSVImport = {}; }
+Clipperz.PM.Components.Import.CSVImport.CSVImportFields = function(anElement, args) {
+ args = args || {};
+, anElement, args);
+ this._mainComponent = args.mainComponent;
+ return this;
+YAHOO.extendX(Clipperz.PM.Components.Import.CSVImport.CSVImportFields, Clipperz.PM.Components.BaseComponent, {
+ 'toString': function() {
+ return "Clipperz.PM.Components.Import.CSVImport.CSVImportFields component";
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 'mainComponent': function() {
+ return this._mainComponent;
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 'render': function() {
+ var fieldsHeaderCells;
+ var titleColumnIndex;
+ var notesColumnIndex;
+ var i,c;
+ Clipperz.NotificationCenter.unregister(this);
+ MochiKit.Signal.disconnectAllTo(this);
+ this.element().update("");
+ titleColumnIndex = this.mainComponent().titleColumnIndex()
+ notesColumnIndex = this.mainComponent().notesColumnIndex()
+ fieldsHeaderCells = [];
+ fieldsHeaderCells.push({tag:'td', valign:'top', cls:'title', html:this.mainComponent().labelForColumn(titleColumnIndex)});
+ c = this.mainComponent().parsedValues()[0].length;
+ for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
+ if ((i != titleColumnIndex) && (i != notesColumnIndex) && (this.mainComponent().isColumnSelected(i))) {
+ var trimmedLabel;
+ trimmedLabel = Clipperz.Base.trim(this.mainComponent().labelForColumn(i));
+ fieldsHeaderCells.push({tag:'td', valign:'top', id:this.getId('fieldHeaderTD_' + i), cls:((trimmedLabel == "") ? 'missingLabelWarning' : (this.isColumnSetup(i) ? 'configuredColumn': 'unconfiguredColumn')), children:[
+ {tag:'span', html:((trimmedLabel == "") ? Clipperz.PM.Strings['CSV_ImportWizard_Fields_MissingLabelWarning'] : trimmedLabel)/*, cls:((trimmedLabel == "") ? 'missingLabelWarning' : '')*/},
+ {tag:'select', id:this.getId('select_' + i), name:i, children:[
+ {tag:'option', value:'UNDEFINED', html:"select data type", cls:'disabledOption'},
+ {tag:'option', value:'TXT', htmlString:Clipperz.PM.Strings['recordFieldTypologies']['TXT']['shortDescription']},
+ {tag:'option', value:'PWD', htmlString:Clipperz.PM.Strings['recordFieldTypologies']['PWD']['shortDescription']},
+ {tag:'option', value:'URL', htmlString:Clipperz.PM.Strings['recordFieldTypologies']['URL']['shortDescription']},
+ {tag:'option', value:'DATE', htmlString:Clipperz.PM.Strings['recordFieldTypologies']['DATE']['shortDescription']},
+ {tag:'option', value:'ADDR', htmlString:Clipperz.PM.Strings['recordFieldTypologies']['ADDR']['shortDescription']}
+ ]}
+ ]})
+ }
+ }
+ if (notesColumnIndex != -1) {
+ fieldsHeaderCells.push({tag:'td', valign:'top', cls:'notes', html:this.mainComponent().labelForColumn(notesColumnIndex)});
+ }
+ this.domHelper().append(this.element(), {tag:'div', children:[
+ {tag:'div', cls:'importStepDescription', htmlString:Clipperz.PM.Strings['CSV_ImportWizard_Fields']},
+ {tag:'div', id:this.getId('dataDiv'), children:[
+ {tag:'div', children:[
+ ]},
+ {tag:'div', cls:'csvImportPreview', children:[
+ {tag:'table', id:this.getId('previewDada'), cls:'csvImportPreview', cellspacing:'0', children:[
+ {tag:'thead', id:this.getId('previewData_thead'), children:[
+ {tag:'tr', cls:'CSV_previewData_header', children:fieldsHeaderCells}
+ ]},
+ {tag:'tbody', id:this.getId('previewData_tbody'), children:[]}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]});
+ for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
+ if ((i != titleColumnIndex) && (i != notesColumnIndex) && (this.mainComponent().isColumnSelected(i))) {
+ Clipperz.DOM.selectOptionMatchingValue(this.getDom('select_' + i), this.mainComponent().typeForColumn(i));
+ MochiKit.Signal.connect(this.getDom('select_' + i), 'onchange', this, 'renderDataRowsHandler');
+ }
+ }
+ this.renderDataRows(this.getElement('previewData_tbody'));
+// Clipperz.NotificationCenter.register(null, 'updatedCSVImportColumnHeader', this, 'renderDataRowsHandler');
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 'isColumnSetup': function(aColumnIndex) {
+ return ((Clipperz.Base.trim(this.mainComponent().labelForColumn(aColumnIndex)) != "") && (this.mainComponent().typeForColumn(aColumnIndex) != 'UNDEFINED'));
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 'renderDataRowsHandler': function(anEvent) {
+ var columnIndex;
+ var tdElement;
+//MochiKit.Logging.logDebug(">>> renderDataRowsHandler")
+ columnIndex = anEvent.src().name;
+ this.mainComponent().setTypeForColumn(anEvent.src().value, columnIndex);
+ tdElement = this.getElement('fieldHeaderTD_' + columnIndex);
+ if (this.isColumnSetup(columnIndex)) {
+ tdElement.removeClass('unconfiguredColumn');
+ tdElement.addClass('configuredColumn');
+ } else {
+ tdElement.addClass('unconfiguredColumn');
+ tdElement.removeClass('configuredColumn');
+ }
+ this.renderDataRows(this.getElement('previewData_tbody'));
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 'renderDataRows': function(anElement) {
+ var titleColumnIndex;
+ var notesColumnIndex;
+ var data
+ var i,c;
+//MochiKit.Logging.logDebug("#### >> renderDataRows");
+// anElement.update("");
+ MochiKit.DOM.replaceChildNodes(anElement.dom);
+ if (this.mainComponent().isFirstRowHeader()) {
+ data = this.mainComponent().parsedValues().slice(1);
+ } else {
+ data = this.mainComponent().parsedValues();
+ }
+ titleColumnIndex = this.mainComponent().titleColumnIndex();
+ notesColumnIndex = this.mainComponent().notesColumnIndex();
+ c = data.length;
+ for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
+ var rowData;
+ var rowConfig;
+ var ii, cc;
+ rowData = data[i];
+ rowConfig = {tag:'tr', children:[
+ {tag:'td', valign:'top', cls:'title', html:(MochiKit.Base.isNotEmpty(rowData[titleColumnIndex]) ? rowData[titleColumnIndex].replace(/\n/g, '<br>') : '&nbsp;')}
+ ]};
+ cc = rowData.length;
+ for (ii=0; ii<cc; ii++) {
+// if ((ii != titleColumnIndex) && (ii != notesColumnIndex)) {
+ if ((ii != titleColumnIndex) && (ii != notesColumnIndex) && (this.mainComponent().isColumnSelected(ii))) {
+ rowConfig.children.push({
+ tag:'td',
+ valign:'top',
+ cls:(this.isColumnSetup(ii) ? 'configuredColumn' : 'unconfiguredColumn'),
+ html:(MochiKit.Base.isNotEmpty(rowData[ii]) ? rowData[ii].replace(/\n/g, '<br>') : '&nbsp;')
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (notesColumnIndex != -1) {
+ rowConfig.children.push({tag:'td', valign:'top', cls:'notes', html:(MochiKit.Base.isNotEmpty(rowData[notesColumnIndex]) ? rowData[notesColumnIndex].replace(/\n/g, '<br>') : '&nbsp;')});
+ }
+ this.domHelper().append(anElement, rowConfig);
+ }
+ Clipperz.Style.applyZebraStylesToTable(this.getId('previewDada'));
+ this.checkWetherToEnableNextButton();
+//MochiKit.Logging.logDebug("#### << renderDataRows");
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 'checkWetherToEnableNextButton': function() {
+ var result;
+ var titleColumnIndex;
+ var notesColumnIndex;
+ var i,c;
+ titleColumnIndex = this.mainComponent().titleColumnIndex()
+ notesColumnIndex = this.mainComponent().notesColumnIndex()
+ result = true;
+ c = this.mainComponent().parsedValues()[0].length;
+ for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
+ if ((i != titleColumnIndex) && (i != notesColumnIndex) && (this.mainComponent().isColumnSelected(i))) {
+ result = result && this.isColumnSetup(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result) {
+ this.mainComponent().nextButton().enable();
+ } else {
+ this.mainComponent().nextButton().disable();
+ }
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __syntaxFix__: "syntax fix"