path: root/frontend/gamma/js/MochiKit/Selector.js
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/gamma/js/MochiKit/Selector.js') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/gamma/js/MochiKit/Selector.js b/frontend/gamma/js/MochiKit/Selector.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aec892
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/frontend/gamma/js/MochiKit/Selector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
3MochiKit.Selector 1.5
5See <> for documentation, downloads, license, etc.
7(c) 2005 Bob Ippolito and others. All rights Reserved.
11MochiKit.Base._module('Selector', '1.5', ['Base', 'DOM', 'Iter']);
13MochiKit.Selector.Selector = function (expression) {
14 this.params = {classNames: [], pseudoClassNames: []};
15 this.expression = expression.toString().replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, '');
16 this.parseExpression();
17 this.compileMatcher();
20MochiKit.Selector.Selector.prototype = {
21 /***
23 Selector class: convenient object to make CSS selections.
25 ***/
26 __class__: MochiKit.Selector.Selector,
28 /** @id MochiKit.Selector.Selector.prototype.parseExpression */
29 parseExpression: function () {
30 function abort(message) {
31 throw 'Parse error in selector: ' + message;
32 }
34 if (this.expression == '') {
35 abort('empty expression');
36 }
38 var repr = MochiKit.Base.repr;
39 var params = this.params;
40 var expr = this.expression;
41 var match, modifier, clause, rest;
42 while (match = expr.match(/^(.*)\[([a-z0-9_:-]+?)(?:([~\|!^$*]?=)(?:"([^"]*)"|([^\]\s]*)))?\]$/i)) {
43 params.attributes = params.attributes || [];
44 params.attributes.push({name: match[2], operator: match[3], value: match[4] || match[5] || ''});
45 expr = match[1];
46 }
48 if (expr == '*') {
49 return this.params.wildcard = true;
50 }
52 while (match = expr.match(/^([^a-z0-9_-])?([a-z0-9_-]+(?:\([^)]*\))?)(.*)/i)) {
53 modifier = match[1];
54 clause = match[2];
55 rest = match[3];
56 switch (modifier) {
57 case '#':
58 = clause;
59 break;
60 case '.':
61 params.classNames.push(clause);
62 break;
63 case ':':
64 params.pseudoClassNames.push(clause);
65 break;
66 case '':
67 case undefined:
68 params.tagName = clause.toUpperCase();
69 break;
70 default:
71 abort(repr(expr));
72 }
73 expr = rest;
74 }
76 if (expr.length > 0) {
77 abort(repr(expr));
78 }
79 },
81 /** @id MochiKit.Selector.Selector.prototype.buildMatchExpression */
82 buildMatchExpression: function () {
83 var repr = MochiKit.Base.repr;
84 var params = this.params;
85 var conditions = [];
86 var clause, i;
88 function childElements(element) {
89 return "MochiKit.Base.filter(function (node) { return node.nodeType == 1; }, " + element + ".childNodes)";
90 }
92 if (params.wildcard) {
93 conditions.push('true');
94 }
95 if (clause = {
96 conditions.push(' == ' + repr(clause));
97 }
98 if (clause = params.tagName) {
99 conditions.push('element.tagName.toUpperCase() == ' + repr(clause));
100 }
101 if ((clause = params.classNames).length > 0) {
102 for (i = 0; i < clause.length; i++) {
103 conditions.push('MochiKit.DOM.hasElementClass(element, ' + repr(clause[i]) + ')');
104 }
105 }
106 if ((clause = params.pseudoClassNames).length > 0) {
107 for (i = 0; i < clause.length; i++) {
108 var match = clause[i].match(/^([^(]+)(?:\((.*)\))?$/);
109 var pseudoClass = match[1];
110 var pseudoClassArgument = match[2];
111 switch (pseudoClass) {
112 case 'root':
113 conditions.push('element.nodeType == 9 || element === element.ownerDocument.documentElement'); break;
114 case 'nth-child':
115 case 'nth-last-child':
116 case 'nth-of-type':
117 case 'nth-last-of-type':
118 match = pseudoClassArgument.match(/^((?:(\d+)n\+)?(\d+)|odd|even)$/);
119 if (!match) {
120 throw "Invalid argument to pseudo element nth-child: " + pseudoClassArgument;
121 }
122 var a, b;
123 if (match[0] == 'odd') {
124 a = 2;
125 b = 1;
126 } else if (match[0] == 'even') {
127 a = 2;
128 b = 0;
129 } else {
130 a = match[2] && parseInt(match) || null;
131 b = parseInt(match[3]);
132 }
133 conditions.push('this.nthChild(element,' + a + ',' + b
134 + ',' + !!pseudoClass.match('^nth-last') // Reverse
135 + ',' + !!pseudoClass.match('of-type$') // Restrict to same tagName
136 + ')');
137 break;
138 case 'first-child':
139 conditions.push('this.nthChild(element, null, 1)');
140 break;
141 case 'last-child':
142 conditions.push('this.nthChild(element, null, 1, true)');
143 break;
144 case 'first-of-type':
145 conditions.push('this.nthChild(element, null, 1, false, true)');
146 break;
147 case 'last-of-type':
148 conditions.push('this.nthChild(element, null, 1, true, true)');
149 break;
150 case 'only-child':
151 conditions.push(childElements('element.parentNode') + '.length == 1');
152 break;
153 case 'only-of-type':
154 conditions.push('MochiKit.Base.filter(function (node) { return node.tagName == element.tagName; }, ' + childElements('element.parentNode') + ').length == 1');
155 break;
156 case 'empty':
157 conditions.push('element.childNodes.length == 0');
158 break;
159 case 'enabled':
160 conditions.push('(this.isUIElement(element) && element.disabled === false)');
161 break;
162 case 'disabled':
163 conditions.push('(this.isUIElement(element) && element.disabled === true)');
164 break;
165 case 'checked':
166 conditions.push('(this.isUIElement(element) && element.checked === true)');
167 break;
168 case 'not':
169 var subselector = new MochiKit.Selector.Selector(pseudoClassArgument);
170 conditions.push('!( ' + subselector.buildMatchExpression() + ')')
171 break;
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 if (clause = params.attributes) {
176 (attribute) {
177 var value = 'MochiKit.DOM.getNodeAttribute(element, ' + repr( + ')';
178 var splitValueBy = function (delimiter) {
179 return value + '.split(' + repr(delimiter) + ')';
180 }
181 conditions.push(value + ' != null');
182 switch (attribute.operator) {
183 case '=':
184 conditions.push(value + ' == ' + repr(attribute.value));
185 break;
186 case '~=':
187 conditions.push('MochiKit.Base.findValue(' + splitValueBy(' ') + ', ' + repr(attribute.value) + ') > -1');
188 break;
189 case '^=':
190 conditions.push(value + '.substring(0, ' + attribute.value.length + ') == ' + repr(attribute.value));
191 break;
192 case '$=':
193 conditions.push(value + '.substring(' + value + '.length - ' + attribute.value.length + ') == ' + repr(attribute.value));
194 break;
195 case '*=':
196 conditions.push(value + '.match(' + repr(attribute.value) + ')');
197 break;
198 case '|=':
199 conditions.push(splitValueBy('-') + '[0].toUpperCase() == ' + repr(attribute.value.toUpperCase()));
200 break;
201 case '!=':
202 conditions.push(value + ' != ' + repr(attribute.value));
203 break;
204 case '':
205 case undefined:
206 // Condition already added above
207 break;
208 default:
209 throw 'Unknown operator ' + attribute.operator + ' in selector';
210 }
211 }, clause);
212 }
214 return conditions.join(' && ');
215 },
217 /** @id MochiKit.Selector.Selector.prototype.compileMatcher */
218 compileMatcher: function () {
219 var code = 'return (!element.tagName) ? false : ' +
220 this.buildMatchExpression() + ';';
221 this.match = new Function('element', code);
222 },
224 /** @id MochiKit.Selector.Selector.prototype.nthChild */
225 nthChild: function (element, a, b, reverse, sametag){
226 var siblings = MochiKit.Base.filter(function (node) {
227 return node.nodeType == 1;
228 }, element.parentNode.childNodes);
229 if (sametag) {
230 siblings = MochiKit.Base.filter(function (node) {
231 return node.tagName == element.tagName;
232 }, siblings);
233 }
234 if (reverse) {
235 siblings = MochiKit.Iter.reversed(siblings);
236 }
237 if (a) {
238 var actualIndex = MochiKit.Base.findIdentical(siblings, element);
239 return ((actualIndex + 1 - b) / a) % 1 == 0;
240 } else {
241 return b == MochiKit.Base.findIdentical(siblings, element) + 1;
242 }
243 },
245 /** @id MochiKit.Selector.Selector.prototype.isUIElement */
246 isUIElement: function (element) {
247 return MochiKit.Base.findValue(['input', 'button', 'select', 'option', 'textarea', 'object'],
248 element.tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1;
249 },
251 /** @id MochiKit.Selector.Selector.prototype.findElements */
252 findElements: function (scope, axis) {
253 var element;
255 if (axis == undefined) {
256 axis = "";
257 }
259 function inScope(element, scope) {
260 if (axis == "") {
261 return MochiKit.DOM.isChildNode(element, scope);
262 } else if (axis == ">") {
263 return element.parentNode === scope;
264 } else if (axis == "+") {
265 return element === nextSiblingElement(scope);
266 } else if (axis == "~") {
267 var sibling = scope;
268 while (sibling = nextSiblingElement(sibling)) {
269 if (element === sibling) {
270 return true;
271 }
272 }
273 return false;
274 } else {
275 throw "Invalid axis: " + axis;
276 }
277 }
279 if (element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement( {
280 if (this.match(element)) {
281 if (!scope || inScope(element, scope)) {
282 return [element];
283 }
284 }
285 }
287 function nextSiblingElement(node) {
288 node = node.nextSibling;
289 while (node && node.nodeType != 1) {
290 node = node.nextSibling;
291 }
292 return node;
293 }
295 if (axis == "") {
296 scope = (scope || MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument()).getElementsByTagName(this.params.tagName || '*');
297 } else if (axis == ">") {
298 if (!scope) {
299 throw "> combinator not allowed without preceeding expression";
300 }
301 scope = MochiKit.Base.filter(function (node) {
302 return node.nodeType == 1;
303 }, scope.childNodes);
304 } else if (axis == "+") {
305 if (!scope) {
306 throw "+ combinator not allowed without preceeding expression";
307 }
308 scope = nextSiblingElement(scope) && [nextSiblingElement(scope)];
309 } else if (axis == "~") {
310 if (!scope) {
311 throw "~ combinator not allowed without preceeding expression";
312 }
313 var newscope = [];
314 while (nextSiblingElement(scope)) {
315 scope = nextSiblingElement(scope);
316 newscope.push(scope);
317 }
318 scope = newscope;
319 }
321 if (!scope) {
322 return [];
323 }
325 var results = MochiKit.Base.filter(MochiKit.Base.bind(function (scopeElt) {
326 return this.match(scopeElt);
327 }, this), scope);
329 return results;
330 },
332 /** @id MochiKit.Selector.Selector.prototype.repr */
333 repr: function () {
334 return 'Selector(' + this.expression + ')';
335 },
337 toString: MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr")
340MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Selector, {
342 /** @id MochiKit.Selector.findChildElements */
343 findChildElements: function (element, expressions) {
344 element = MochiKit.DOM.getElement(element);
345 var uniq = function(arr) {
346 var res = [];
347 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
348 if (MochiKit.Base.findIdentical(res, arr[i]) < 0) {
349 res.push(arr[i]);
350 }
351 }
352 return res;
353 };
354 return MochiKit.Base.flattenArray( (expression) {
355 var nextScope = "";
356 var reducer = function (results, expr) {
357 var match = expr.match(/^[>+~]$/);
358 if (match) {
359 nextScope = match[0];
360 return results;
361 } else {
362 var selector = new MochiKit.Selector.Selector(expr);
363 var elements = MochiKit.Iter.reduce(function (elements, result) {
364 return MochiKit.Base.extend(elements, selector.findElements(result || element, nextScope));
365 }, results, []);
366 nextScope = "";
367 return elements;
368 }
369 };
370 var exprs = expression.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, '').split(/\s+/);
371 return uniq(MochiKit.Iter.reduce(reducer, exprs, [null]));
372 }, expressions));
373 },
375 findDocElements: function () {
376 return MochiKit.Selector.findChildElements(MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument(), arguments);
377 },
379 __new__: function () {
380 this.$$ = this.findDocElements;
381 MochiKit.Base.nameFunctions(this);
382 }
387MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this, MochiKit.Selector);