$property) { if (isset($property['db_attributes'][2])) //length is specified, for e.g. if attribute = VARCHAR(255), $property[2]=255 { $limit = explode(',', $property['db_attributes'][2]); //field is limited if (intval($limit[0]) > 0) { if (isset($limit[1]) && intval($limit[1]) > 0) { //decimal, enum, set $attribute_testValues[$attribute] = substr(${$property['db_attributes'][1]}, 0, ceil($limit[0]*0.6)).".".substr(${$property['db_attributes'][1]}, 0, $limit[1]); } else { $attribute_testValues[$attribute] = substr(${$property['db_attributes'][1]}, 0, ceil($limit[0] * 0.6)); } } } else //length not specified, but we still need to account for default mysql behavior //for eg, FLOAT(X), if X isn't specified, mysql defaults to (10,2). { if ($property['db_attributes'][1] == "FLOAT" || $property['db_attributes'][1] == "DOUBLE") { $attribute_testValues[$attribute] = "1234.56"; } else if ($property['db_attributes'][1] != "HASMANY" && $property['db_attributes'][1] != "BELONGSTO" && $property['db_attributes'][1] != "JOIN") { $attribute_testValues[$attribute] = ${$property['db_attributes'][1]}; } } } return $attribute_testValues; } /** * Specifies how object attributes are rendered during scaffolding (step 3 of the setup process) * Todo: Can be improved but satisfactory for now * @param string $attributeName * @param string $attributeType * @param string $attributeValue * @param int $objectId * @return string $html */ function ConvertAttributeToHtml($attributeName, $attributeProperties, $attributeValue='', $objectId='') { switch ($attributeProperties[1]) { case "ENUM": $enumParts = explode(',', $attributeProperties[2]); $html = ""; break; case "HASMANY": case "JOIN": case "BELONGSTO": $html = $attributeValue; break; case "MEDIUMBLOB": $html = "sorry. cannot render attribute of type LONGBLOB"; break; case "LONGBLOB": $html = "sorry. cannot render attribute of type LONGBLOB"; break; case "TEXT": case "LONGTEXT": case "BINARY": case "MEDIUMTEXT": case "TINYTEXT": case "VARCHAR": case "TINYBLOB": case "BLOB": $html = ""; break; case "DATETIME": case "DATE": case "TIMESTAMP": case "TIME": case "YEAR": case "DECIMAL": case "DOUBLE": case "FLOAT": case "BIGINT": case "INT": case "YEAR": case "SMALLINT": case "MEDIUMINT": case "TINYINT": case "CHAR": $html = ""; break; default: $html = substr($attributeValue, 0, 500); if (strlen($attributeValue) > 500) { $html .= "..."; } break; } return $html; } /** * Renders an object as an Xtree Node * * @param unknown_type $child */ function ConvertObjectToNode(&$instance, &$masterNode, $js, $anchor, $once = false) { $attributeList = array_keys(get_object_vars($instance)); $objectName = $className = get_class($instance); $node = &$masterNode->addItem(new XNode("[".$instance->{strtolower($className)."Id"}."] ", false,"setup_images/folderclose.gif","setup_images/folderopen.gif")); //regular attributes foreach($attributeList as $attribute) { if ($attribute != "pog_attribute_type" && $attribute!= "pog_query" ) { if (isset($instance->pog_attribute_type[$attribute])) { $thisValue = ConvertAttributeToHtml($attribute, $instance->pog_attribute_type[$attribute]['db_attributes'], $instance->{$attribute}, $instance->{$attributeList[0]}); $subnode = &$node->addItem(new XNode("
".str_replace("\0", "", $thisValue)."

", false,'',"setup_images/folderopen.gif")); } } } //parents, children and mapping foreach ($instance->pog_attribute_type as $attribute_name => $attrubute_type) { if ($attrubute_type['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY" || $attrubute_type['db_attributes'][1] == "BELONGSTO" || $attrubute_type['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { if ($attrubute_type['db_attributes'][1] == "BELONGSTO") { eval ('$value = $instance->'.strtolower($attribute_name).'Id;'); $thisValue = ConvertAttributeToHtml($attribute_name, $attrubute_type['db_attributes'], $value, ''); $subnode = &$node->addItem(new XNode("
".$attribute_name."{".($attrubute_type['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY" ? "CHILD" : "PARENT")."}

", false,'',"setup_images/folderopen.gif")); } else { $value = ''; eval('$siblingList = $instance->Get'.ucfirst(strtolower($attribute_name)).'List();'); if (sizeof($siblingList) > 0) { $myNode = &$node->addItem(new XNode("[".$attribute_name."List]{Dimensions:[".sizeof($siblingList)."]}", false, "setup_images/folderclose.gif","setup_images/folderopen.gif", true)); $child = $siblingList[0]; $js2 = "new Array("; $attributeList = array_keys(get_object_vars($child)); $x=0; foreach($attributeList as $attribute) { if ($attribute != "pog_attribute_type" && $attribute!= "pog_query") { if ($x != 0 && isset($child->pog_attribute_type[$attribute])) { $js2 .= '"'.$attribute.'",'; } } $x++; } $js2 = trim($js2, ","); $js2 .= ")"; if (!$once) { foreach ($siblingList as $child) { /*$value .= $child->{strtolower($attribute_name)."Id"} . ",";*/ if ($attrubute_type['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { ConvertObjectToNode($child, $myNode, $js2, $anchor, true); } else { ConvertObjectToNode($child, $myNode, $js2, $anchor); } } } } else { $node->addItem(new XNode("[".$attribute_name."List]{Dimensions:[0]}

", false, '',"setup_images/folderopen.gif")); } } } } $subnode = &$node->addItem(new XNode("
{strtolower($objectName).'Id'}."\", this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id, $js, \"$anchor\");return false;'>
", false,'',"folderopen.gif")); } /** * Populates object attributes with test values * * @param unknown_type $object * @return unknown */ function PopulateTestValues(&$object) { $attributeList = array_keys(get_object_vars($object)); $type_value = InitializeTestValues($object->pog_attribute_type); $objectName = get_class($object); foreach($attributeList as $attribute) { if (isset($object->pog_attribute_type[$attribute])) { if (isset($type_value[$attribute])) { $object->{$attribute} = $type_value[$attribute]; } else if ($object->pog_attribute_type[$attribute]['db_attributes'][0] != "OBJECT") { $object->{$attribute} = "1"; } } } eval ("\$object -> ".strtolower($objectName)."Id = '';"); return $object; } /** * Extracts @link from object file * * @param unknown_type $objectFilePath * @return unknown */ function GetAtLink($objectFilePath) { $link = ''; $content = file_get_contents($objectFilePath); $contentParts = split("",$content); if (isset($contentParts[1])) { $contentParts2 = split("",$contentParts[1]); } if (isset($contentParts2[0])) { $className = trim($contentParts2[0]); } if (isset($className)) { $linkParts1 = split("\*\/", $contentParts[1]); $linkParts2 = split("\@link", $linkParts1[0]); if (isset($linkParts2[1])) { $link = $linkParts2[1]; } if (isset($GLOBALS['configuration']['homepage']) && isset($link)) { $linkParts = explode('?', $link); if (isset($linkParts[1])) { $link = $GLOBALS['configuration']['homepage'].'/?'.$linkParts[1]; } } } return $link; } /** * Extracts object name from object file. Do not rely on filename. * * @param unknown_type $objectFilePath */ function GetObjectName($objectFilePath) { $content = file_get_contents($objectFilePath); $contentParts = split("",$content); if (isset($contentParts[1])) { $contentParts2 = split("",$contentParts[1]); } if (isset($contentParts2[0])) { $className = trim($contentParts2[0]); } return $className; } /** * Gets plugin name based on filename * * @param unknown_type $fileName * @return unknown */ function GetPluginName($fileName) { $fileNameParts = explode('.', $fileName); if (strtolower($fileName) != "iplugin.php" && strtolower($fileNameParts[0]) == 'plugin' && strtolower($fileNameParts[2]) == 'php') { return $fileNameParts[1]; } return ''; } /** * Adds message to error queue * * @param unknown_type $error */ function AddError($error) { if (isset($_SESSION['errorMessages'])) { $errorMessages = unserialize($_SESSION['errorMessages']); if (array_search($error, $errorMessages) === false) { $errorMessages[] = $error; } } else { $errorMessages = array(); $errorMessages[] = $error; } $_SESSION['errorMessages'] = serialize($errorMessages); } /** * Add message to tracing queue * * @param unknown_type $trace */ function AddTrace($trace) { if (isset($_SESSION['traceMessages'])) { $traceMessages = unserialize($_SESSION['traceMessages']); $traceMessages[] = $trace; } else { $traceMessages = array(); $traceMessages[] = $trace; } $_SESSION['traceMessages'] = serialize($traceMessages); } /** * Unit tests */ /** * Test the base 5 CRUD methods * * @param unknown_type $instance * @return unknown */ function TestEssentials($instance, $optimizeAsWell = true) { if(TestIsMapping($instance)) { return true; } $errors = 0; if (!TestSave($instance)) { $errors++; } if (!TestSaveNew($instance)) { $errors++; } if (!TestDelete($instance)) { $errors++; } if (!TestGetList($instance)) { $errors++; } if (!TestDeleteList($instance)) { $errors++; } if ($optimizeAsWell) { if (!TestOptimizeStorage(strtolower(get_class($instance)))) { $errors++; } } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $instance * @return unknown */ function TestRelationsPreRequisites($instance, $allObjectsList, $thisObjectName, $ignoreObjects) { if(TestIsMapping($instance)) { AddTrace("\tIs Mapping (OK)"); return true; } if (TestIsSingle($instance)) { AddTrace("\tIs single (OK)"); return true; } else { if (!TestParentChildLink($instance, $allObjectsList, $thisObjectName, $ignoreObjects) || !TestAssociationLink($instance, $allObjectsList, $thisObjectName, $ignoreObjects)) { return false; } else { AddTrace("\tIs properly connected (OK)"); return true; } } } /** * Test the optional object relations methods * * @param unknown_type $instance * @return unknown */ function TestRelations($instance, $ignoreObjects) { $errors=0; if (TestIsParent($instance)) { if (!TestAddChild($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestGetChildrenList($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestDeleteDeep_Child($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestSaveDeep_Child($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestSetChildrenList($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } } if (TestIsChild($instance)) { if (!TestSetParent($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestGetParent($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } } if (TestIsSibling($instance)) { if (!TestAddSibling($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestGetSiblingList($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestSaveDeep_Sibling($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestDeleteDeep_Sibling($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } if (!TestSetSiblingList($instance, true, $ignoreObjects)) { $errors++; } } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Tests whether object table already exists * */ function TestStorageExists($objectName, $databaseType = "mysql") { switch ($databaseType) { case "mysql": $query = "show tables like '".strtolower($objectName)."'"; break; case "sqlite": $query = "select name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name='".strtolower($objectName)."'"; break; case "pgsql": $query = "select table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_name='".strtolower($objectName)."'"; break; case "odbc": //assume mssql $query = "select * from information_schema.tables where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_name='".strtolower($objectName)."'"; break; case "firebird": AddError("POG Setup doesn't support automatic table detection for Firebird databases yet. Therefore, your objects/tables may be misaligned. If POG Essential tests failed, this may very well be the case. Create the tables manually and re-run setup."); return true; break; } $connection = Database::Connect(); $rows = Database::Query($query, $connection); if ($rows > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Creates the table to store objects * */ function TestCreateStorage($objectFilePath, $databaseType = "mysql") { if ($databaseType == "firebird") { AddError("POG Setup doesn't support automatic table creation for Firebird databases yet. Therefore, your objects/tables may be misaligned. If POG Essential tests failed, this may very well be the case. Create the tables manually and re-run setup."); return true; } $objectName = GetObjectName($objectFilePath); //extract sql $content = file_get_contents($objectFilePath); $contentParts = split("",$content); if (isset($contentParts[1])) { $contentParts2 = split("",$contentParts[1]); } if (isset($contentParts2[0])) { $className = trim($contentParts2[0]); } if (isset($className)) { $sqlParts = split(";",$contentParts[0]); $sqlPart = split("CREATE",$sqlParts[0]); $sql = "CREATE ".$sqlPart[1].";"; //execute sql $connection = Database::Connect(); if (Database::NonQuery($sql, $connection) !== false) { return true; } } AddError("Query failed: $sql"); return false; } /** * Drops the table for the corresponding object * */ function TestDeleteStorage($object, $databaseType = "mysql") { $tableName = strtolower(get_class($object)); $connection = Database::Connect(); if (Database::NonQuery('drop table `'.strtolower($tableName).'`', $connection) !== false) { return true; } return false; } /** * Executes an arbitrary query * * @param unknown_type $query */ function TestExecuteQuery($query) { $connection = Database::Connect(); if ($query == "") { return true; } if (Database::NonQuery($query, $connection) !== false) { return true; } return false; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $object * @return unknown */ function TestAlterStorage($object, $databaseType = "mysql") { if ($databaseType != "mysql") { AddTrace("POG Setup doesn't support table automatic alteration for non-MySQL databases yet. Therefore, your objects/tables may be misaligned. If POG Essential tests failed, this may very well be the case. Drop and recreate the tables and re-run setup."); return true; } //find object attributes/table columns mismatch $tableName = strtolower(get_class($object)); $columns = array(); $query = "describe `$tableName` "; $connection = Database::Connect(); $cursor = Database::Reader($query, $connection); if ($cursor !== false) { while ($row = Database::Read($cursor)) { $columns[$row["Field"]] = $row["Type"]; } $attribute_types = $object -> pog_attribute_type; $lowerAttributes = array(); foreach (array_keys($attribute_types) as $key) { $lowerAttributes[strtolower($key)] = $attribute_types[$key]; } //columns to remove $columnsToRemove = array_diff(array_keys($columns), array_keys($lowerAttributes)); //columns to add $columnsToAdd = array_diff(array_keys($lowerAttributes), array_keys($columns)); //columns whose type has changed $otherColumns = array_intersect(array_keys($lowerAttributes), array_keys($columns)); $columnsToModify = array(); foreach ($otherColumns as $otherColumn) { $type = strtolower($lowerAttributes[$otherColumn]['db_attributes'][1]); if ($type == 'enum' || $type == 'set') { $enumPartsObj = explode(',', strtolower($lowerAttributes[$otherColumn]['db_attributes'][2])); $parts = explode('(',$columns[$otherColumn]); $parts2 = explode(')',$parts[1]); $enumpartsDb = explode(',', strtolower(trim($parts2[0]))); foreach ($enumPartsObj as $ep) { if (array_search(trim($ep), $enumpartsDb) === false) { $type .= "(".$lowerAttributes[$otherColumn]['db_attributes'][2].")"; $columnsToModify[$otherColumn] = $type; break; } } } else { if (isset($lowerAttributes[$otherColumn]['db_attributes'][2])) { $type .= "(".$lowerAttributes[$otherColumn]['db_attributes'][2].")"; } if (strpos(strtolower($columns[$otherColumn]), $type) === false && $type != "hasmany" && $type != "join") { if ($type == "belongsto") { $columnsToModify[strtolower($otherColumn)] = "int"; } else { $columnsToModify[$otherColumn] = $type; } } } } $columnsToRemove2 = array(); foreach ($columnsToRemove as $c) { $columnsToRemove2[] = strtolower($c); } $columnsToRemove = $columnsToRemove2; $columnsToAdd2 = array(); foreach ($columnsToAdd as $c) { if ($lowerAttributes[$c]['db_attributes'][1] != "HASMANY" && $lowerAttributes[$c]['db_attributes'][1] != "JOIN") { if ($lowerAttributes[$c]['db_attributes'][1] == "BELONGSTO") { $colMarkedForDeletion = array_search(strtolower($c)."id", $columnsToRemove); if ($colMarkedForDeletion === false) //this is clumsy, until we think of something better { $columnsToAdd2[] = strtolower($c)."id int"; } else { //remove entry from columnsToRemove since they are the same. Will lose data if dropped & recreated array_splice($columnsToRemove, $colMarkedForDeletion, 1); } } else { $columnsToAdd2[] = $c; } } } $common = array(); $common = array_intersect($columnsToAdd2, $columnsToRemove); $columnsToAdd = array(); foreach ($columnsToAdd2 as $col) { if (array_search($col, $common) === false) { $columnsToAdd[] = $col; } } $columnsToRemove2 = array(); foreach ($columnsToRemove as $col) { if (array_search($col, $common) === false) { $columnsToRemove2[] = $col; } } if (sizeof($columnsToAdd) == 0 && sizeof($columnsToRemove2) == 0 && sizeof($columnsToModify) == 0) { return true; } //construct query $query = "alter table `$tableName` "; foreach ($columnsToRemove2 as $remove) { $query .= "drop column `$remove`,"; } foreach ($columnsToAdd as $add) { $columnType = ''; if (isset($lowerAttributes[$add])) { $columnType = strtolower($lowerAttributes[$add]['db_attributes'][1]); } if (isset($lowerAttributes[$add]['db_attributes'][2])) { $columnType .= "(".$lowerAttributes[$add]['db_attributes'][2].")"; } if ($columnType != '') { $query .= "add column `$add` $columnType,"; } else { $query .= "add column $add,"; } } foreach (array_keys($columnsToModify) as $modify) { $query .= "modify `$modify` ".$columnsToModify[$modify].","; } $query = trim($query, ','); //execute query if (Database::NonQuery($query, $connection) !== false) { return true; } } AddError("Query failed: $query"); return false; } /** * Optimizes the table by running mysql optimize * * @param unknown_type $objectName * @return unknown */ function TestOptimizeStorage($objectName) { $connection = Database::Connect(); if (Database::NonQuery("optimize table `".strtolower($objectName)."`", $connection) !== false) { AddTrace("\tOptimizing....OK!"); return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for Save() * */ function TestSave($object, $trace=true) { $className = get_class($object); $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $objectId = false; $object->{strtolower($className)."Id"} = ""; $objectId = $object->Save(false); if(!$objectId) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave() failed"); AddError("Query failed: ".$object->pog_query); } return false; } //cleanup test data $query = "delete from `".strtolower($className)."` where ".strtolower($className)."id = '".$objectId."';"; $connection = Database::Connect(); Database::NonQuery($query, $connection); if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave()....OK!"); } return true; } /** * Unit test for SaveNew() * */ function TestSaveNew($object, $trace = true) { $className = get_class($object); if(!TestSave($object, false)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSaveNew() ignored"); } return false; } $objectId = $object->SaveNew(false); if ($objectId) { $query = "delete from `".strtolower($className)."` where ".strtolower($className)."Id = '".$objectId."';"; $connection = Database::Connect(); Database::NonQuery($query, $connection); if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSaveNew()....OK!"); } return true; } if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSaveNew() failed"); AddError("Query failed: ".$object->pog_query); } return false; } /** * Unit test for GetList(). Implicitly tests Get() * */ function TestGetList($object, $trace = true) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tGetList()"); } $errors = 0; if (TestSave($object,false) && TestSaveNew($object, false) && TestDelete($object, false)) { $className = get_class($object); $objectList = $object->GetList(array(array(strtolower($className)."Id", ">", 0))); $oldCount = count($objectList); $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $objectId = false; $object->{strtolower($className)."Id"} = 0; $objectId = $object->Save(false); $objectId2 = $object->SaveNew(false); $objectId3 = $object->SaveNew(false); //Test Multiple Conditions $objectList = $object->GetList(array(array(strtolower($className)."Id", ">=",$objectId), array(strtolower($className)."Id", "<=", $objectId+2)), strtolower($className)."Id", false, 2); if (sizeof($objectList) != 2) { //Test Limit if ($trace) { AddTrace("\t\tLimit failed"); AddError('ERROR: GetList() :sizeof(list) != \$limit\n'); AddError("Query failed: ".$object->pog_query); } $errors++; } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\t\tLimit....OK!"); } } if ($objectList[1]->{strtolower($className)."Id"} > $objectList[0]->{strtolower($className)."Id"}) { //Test Sorting if ($trace) { AddTrace("\t\tSorting failed"); AddError("ERROR: GetList() :list is not properly sorted"); AddError("Query failed: ".$object->pog_query); } $errors++; } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\t\tSorting....OK!"); } } if ($errors == 0) { $objectList = $object->GetList(array(array(strtolower($className)."Id", ">=",$objectId), array(strtolower($className)."Id", "<=", $objectId+2)), strtolower($className)."Id", false, 3); foreach ($objectList as $object) { $attributeList = array_keys(get_object_vars($object)); foreach ($attributeList as $attribute) { if (isset($object->pog_attribute_type[$attribute])) { if (isset($type_value[$attribute])) { if ($object->{$attribute} != $type_value[$attribute]) { if($trace) { AddError("WARNING: Failed to retrieve attribute `$attribute`. Expecting `".$type_value[$attribute]."`; found `".$object->{$attribute}."`. Check that column `$attribute` in the `$className` table is of type `".$object->pog_attribute_type[$attribute]['db_attributes'][1]."`"); } } } } } $object->Delete(); } return true; } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tGetList() failed"); AddError("Query failed: ".$object->pog_query); } return false; } } if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tGetList() ignored"); } return false; } /** * Unit test for Delete() * */ function TestDelete($object, $trace = true) { if(!TestSave($object, false)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDelete() ignored"); } return false; } $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $object->Save(false); if ($object->Delete(false)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDelete()....OK!"); } return true; } if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDelete() failed"); AddError("Query failed: ".$object->pog_query); } return false; } /** * Unit Test for DeleteList() * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $trace */ function TestDeleteList($object, $trace = true) { $className = get_class($object); if(!TestSave($object, false) || !TestGetList($object, false)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDeleteList() ignored"); } return false; } $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $originalCount = GetNumberOfRecords($className); $objectId = false; $object->{strtolower($className)."Id"} = 0; $objectId = $object->Save(false); $objectId2 = $object->SaveNew(false); $objectId3 = $object->SaveNew(false); $className = get_class($object); $object->DeleteList(array(array(strtolower($className)."Id", "=", $objectId), array("or"), array(strtolower($className)."Id", "=", $objectId2), array("or"), array(strtolower($className)."Id", "=", $objectId3))); $newCount = GetNumberOfRecords($className); if ($newCount == $originalCount) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDeleteList()....OK!"); } return true; } if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDeleteList() failed"); AddError("Query failed: ".$object->pog_query); } return false; } /** * Tests whether the object is connected at all * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $allObjectsList */ function TestIsSingle($object) { $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; //get all child classes $childrenList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY") { $childrenList[] = $key; } } //get all parent classes $parentsList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "BELONGSTO") { $parentsList[] = $key; } } //get all associations $associationsList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { $associationsList[] = $key; } } if (sizeof($childrenList) == 0 && sizeof($parentsList) == 0 && sizeof($associationsList) == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Tests that all parents have children and vice-versa * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $allObjectsList * @param unknown_type $thisObjectName * @return unknown */ function TestParentChildLink($object, $allObjectsList, $thisObjectName = '', $ignoreObjects) { $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; //get all child classes $childrenList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY") { $childrenList[] = $key; } } //get all parent classes $parentsList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "BELONGSTO") { $parentsList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($childrenList as $child) { if (array_search($child, $allObjectsList) === false) { $errors++; AddError("$thisObjectName refers to $child as {Child}, which couldn't be found. Generate the $child object with reference to $thisObjectName as {Parent}"); } else { //test that child refers to this object as parent eval ("\$childInstance = new $child();"); $childAttributes = array_keys($childInstance->pog_attribute_type); if (array_search($thisObjectName, $childAttributes) === false) { $errors++; AddError("$thisObjectName refers to $child as {Child}, but $child does not refer to $thisObjectName as {Parent}. Relations need to be reciprocal."); } } } foreach ($parentsList as $parent) { if (array_search($parent, $allObjectsList) === false) { $errors++; AddError("$thisObjectName refers to $parent as parent, which couldn't be found. Generate the $parent object with reference to $thisObjectName as {Child}"); } else { //test that parent refers to this object as child eval ("\$parentInstance = new $parent();"); $parentAttributes = array_keys($parentInstance->pog_attribute_type); if (array_search($thisObjectName, $parentAttributes) === false) { $errors++; AddError("$thisObjectName refers to $parent as {Parent}, but $parent does not refer to $thisObjectName as {Child}. Relations need to be reciprocal."); } } } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Tests that all Joins have reciprocal links * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $allObjectsList * @param unknown_type $thisObjectName */ function TestAssociationLink($object, $allObjectsList, $thisObjectName = '', $ignoreObjects) { $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; //get all join classes $associationsList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { $associationsList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($associationsList as $association) { if (array_search($association, $allObjectsList) === false) { $errors++; AddError("$thisObjectName refers to $association as {SIBLING}, which couldn't be found. Generate the $association object with reference to $thisObjectName as {SIBLING}"); } else { //test that association refers to this object as map eval ("\$associationInstance = new $association();"); $associationAttributes = array_keys($associationInstance->pog_attribute_type); if (array_search($thisObjectName, $associationAttributes) === false) { $errors++; AddError("$thisObjectName refers to $association as {SIBLING}, but $association does not refer to $thisObjectName as {SIBLING}. Relations need to be reciprocal."); } } } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test to see if object is a parent * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestIsParent($object) { $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; foreach ($attribute_types as $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY") { return true; } } return false; } /** * Unit test to see if object is child * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestIsChild($object) { $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; foreach ($attribute_types as $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "BELONGSTO") { return true; } } return false; } /** * Unit test to see if object is Sibling * * @param unknown_type $object * @return unknown */ function TestIsSibling($object) { $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; foreach ($attribute_types as $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { return true; } } return false; } /** * Unit test to see if object is a Mapping object * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestIsMapping($object) { $funcs = get_class_methods(get_class($object)); foreach ($funcs as $func) { if (strtolower($func) == "addmapping") { return true; } } return false; } /** * Unit test for Save($deep) * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestSaveDeep_Child($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); if (!TestAddChild($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave(deep) ignored"); AddError("Save(deep) ignored since AddChild could not be performed"); } return false; } if (!TestGetChildrenList($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave(deep) ignored"); AddError("Save(deep) ignored since GetChildrenList could not be performed"); } return false; } if (!TestDeleteDeep_Child($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave(deep) ignored"); AddError("Save(deep) ignored since Delete(deep) could not be performed"); } return false; } //get all child classes $childrenList = array(); eval("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY") { $childrenList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($childrenList as $child) { //instantiate eval("\$childInstance = new $child();"); $childInstance = PopulateTestValues($childInstance); //add children eval ("\$object -> Add$child(\$childInstance);"); } //test if (!$object->Save(true)) { $errors++; return false; } foreach ($childrenList as $child) { //instantiate eval("\$childArray = \$object->Get".$child."List();"); if (sizeof($childArray) == 0) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave($child) failed"); } $errors++; } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave($child)....OK!"); } } } //cleanup $object->Delete(true); if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for Save($deep) * * @param unknown_type $object * @return unknown */ function TestSaveDeep_Sibling($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); if (!TestAddSibling($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave(deep) ignored"); AddError("Save(deep) ignored since AddSibling could not be performed"); } return false; } if (!TestGetSiblingList($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave(deep) ignored"); AddError("Save(deep) ignored since GetSiblingList could not be performed"); } return false; } //get all sibling classes $siblingList = array(); eval("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { $siblingList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; $siblingStore = array(); foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { //instantiate eval("\$siblingInstance = new $sibling();"); $siblingStore[] = $siblingInstance; $siblingInstance = PopulateTestValues($siblingInstance); //add children eval ("\$object -> Add$sibling(\$siblingInstance);"); } //test if (!$object->Save(true)) { $errors++; return false; } foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { //instantiate eval("\$siblingArray = \$object->Get".$sibling."List();"); if (sizeof($siblingArray) == 0) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave($sibling) failed"); } $errors++; } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSave($sibling)....OK!"); } } } //cleanup $object->Delete(); foreach($siblingStore as $stored) { $stored->Delete(); } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for Delete($deep) * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestDeleteDeep_Child($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; if (!TestSetParent($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { AddTrace("\tDelete(deep) ignored"); return false; } //get all child classes $childrenList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY") { $childrenList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $objectId = $object->Save(false); $childrenStore = array(); foreach ($childrenList as $child) { //instantiate eval("\$childInstance = new $child();"); $childInstance = PopulateTestValues($childInstance); eval("\$childInstance -> Set".$thisObjectName."(\$object);"); $childInstance -> Save(); $childrenStore[] = &$childInstance; } //test if (!$object->Delete(true)) { $errors++; } foreach ($childrenList as $child) { eval("\$childInstance = new $child();"); $parentList = $childInstance->GetList(array(array(strtolower($thisObjectName)."Id", "=", $objectId))); if (sizeof($parentList) > 0) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDelete($child) failed"); $errors++; } } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDelete($child)....OK!"); } } } //cleanup foreach ($childrenStore as $child); { $child->Delete(); } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for Delete($deep) * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $trace */ function TestDeleteDeep_Sibling($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; if (!TestAddSibling($object, false, $ignoreObjects) || !TestSaveDeep_Sibling($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { AddTrace("\tDelete(deep) ignored"); return false; } //get all sibling classes $siblingList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { $siblingList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $object->Save(false); $siblingStore = array(); foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { //instantiate eval("\$siblingInstance = new $sibling();"); $siblingInstance = PopulateTestValues($siblingInstance); eval("\$siblingInstance->Add".$thisObjectName."(\$object);"); $siblingId = $siblingInstance->Save(); $siblingStore[] = $siblingId; } //test if (!$object->Delete(false, true)) { $errors++; } $x = 0; foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { eval("\$siblingInstance = new $sibling();"); $siblingLeft = $siblingInstance->GetList(array(array(strtolower($sibling)."Id", "=", $siblingStore[$x]))); if (sizeof($siblingLeft) > 0) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDelete($sibling) failed"); $errors++; } } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tDelete($sibling)....OK!"); } } $x++; } //cleanup $object->Delete(); $x = 0; foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { eval("\$siblingInstance = new $sibling();"); if (isset($siblingStore[$x]) && $siblingStore[$x] != '') { eval ("\$siblingInstance->".strtolower($sibling)."Id = ".$siblingStore[$x].";"); $siblingInstance->Delete(); } $x++; } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for SetParent() * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestSetParent($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; //get all parent classes $parentList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "BELONGSTO") { $parentList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($parentList as $parent) { //instantiate eval("\$parentInstance = new $parent();"); //save $parentInstance = PopulateTestValues($parentInstance); $parentInstance -> Save(false); //set parent eval ("\$object -> Set$parent(\$parentInstance);"); eval ("\$objectId = \$object->".strtolower($parent)."Id;"); eval ("\$parentId = \$parentInstance->".strtolower($parent)."Id;"); if ($objectId != $parentId) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSet$parent() failed"); AddError("Could not set $parent as {Parent} of $thisObjectName"); } $errors++; } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSet$parent()....OK!"); } } //cleanup (delete parent) $parentInstance -> Delete(false); eval ("\$object->".strtolower($parent)."Id = '';"); } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for GetParent() * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestGetParent($object, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); eval ("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; //get all parent classes $parentList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "BELONGSTO") { $parentList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($parentList as $parent) { /*if (TestSetParent($object, false)) {*/ //instantiate eval("\$parentInstance = new $parent();"); //save $parentInstance = PopulateTestValues($parentInstance); $parentInstance -> Save(false); //set parent eval ("\$object -> Set$parent(\$parentInstance);"); eval("\$myParent = \$object->Get$parent();"); eval ("\$objectId = \$object->".strtolower($parent)."Id;"); eval ("\$parentId = \$myParent->".strtolower($parent)."Id;"); if ($objectId != $parentId) { AddTrace("\tGet$parent() failed"); AddError("Could not retrieve parent object $parent"); $errors++; } else { AddTrace("\tGet$parent()....OK!"); } //cleanup (delete parent) $parentInstance -> Delete(false); /*} else { AddTrace("\tGet$parent() ignored"); }*/ } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for AddChild() * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestAddChild($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); eval ("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; $object = PopulateTestValues($object); //get all child classes $childrenList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY") { $childrenList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($childrenList as $child) { //instantiate eval ("\$childInstance = new $child();"); $childInstance = PopulateTestValues($childInstance); //instantiate other eval("\$childInstance2 = new $child();"); $childInstance2 = PopulateTestValues($childInstance2); //add children eval ("\$object -> Add$child(\$childInstance);"); eval ("\$object -> Add$child(\$childInstance2);"); //verify that children were added eval ("\$children = \$object->".strtolower($child)."List;"); if (sizeof($children) != 2) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tAdd$child() failed"); AddError("Could not add child object $child"); } $errors++; } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tAdd$child()....OK!"); } } } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for GetChildrenList() * * @param unknown_type $object */ function TestGetChildrenList($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); eval ("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; $errors = 0; //get all child classes $childrenList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY") { $childrenList[] = $key; } } //save shallow $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $object->Save(false); foreach ($childrenList as $child) { //instantiate eval("\$childInstance = new $child();"); $childInstance = PopulateTestValues($childInstance); if (!TestSetParent($childInstance, false, $ignoreObjects)) { AddTrace("\tGetChildrenList() ignored"); return false; } eval("\$childInstance->Set".$thisObjectName."(\$object);"); $childInstance->Save(); //try getting all children eval ("\$children = \$object -> Get".$child."List();"); if (sizeof($children) != 1) { AddTrace("\tGet".$child."List() failed"); AddError("Could not get children list"); $errors++; } //cleanup $childInstance->Delete(); if ($errors == 0 && $trace) { AddTrace("\tGet".$child."List()....OK!"); } } $object->Delete(false); if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit Test for SetChildrenList * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $trace * @return unknown */ function TestSetChildrenList($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); if (!TestSaveDeep_Child($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { AddTrace("\tSetChildrenList(deep) ignored"); AddError("SetChildrenList ignored since SaveDeep could not be performed"); return false; } //get all child classes $childrenList = array(); eval("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "HASMANY") { $childrenList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($childrenList as $child) { //instantiate $childInstanceList = array(); eval("\$childInstance = new $child();"); eval("\$childInstance2 = new $child();"); $childInstance = PopulateTestValues($childInstance); $childInstance2 = PopulateTestValues($childInstance2); //add children to array $childInstanceList[] = $childInstance; $childInstanceList[] = $childInstance2; eval ("\$object -> Set".$child."List(\$childInstanceList);"); } //test if (!$object->Save(true)) { $errors++; return false; } foreach ($childrenList as $child) { //instantiate eval("\$childArray = \$object->Get".$child."List();"); if (sizeof($childArray) == 0) { AddTrace("\tSet($child)List failed"); $errors++; } else { AddTrace("\tSet($child)List....OK!"); } } //cleanup $object->Delete(true); if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit Test for AddSibling() * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $trace * @return unknown */ function TestAddSibling($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); eval ("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; $object = PopulateTestValues($object); //get all sibling classes $siblingList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { $siblingList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { //instantiate eval ("\$siblingInstance = new $sibling();"); $siblingInstance = PopulateTestValues($siblingInstance); //instantiate other eval("\$siblingInstance2 = new $sibling();"); $siblingInstance2 = PopulateTestValues($siblingInstance2); //add sibling eval ("\$object -> Add$sibling(\$siblingInstance);"); eval ("\$object -> Add$sibling(\$siblingInstance2);"); //verify that slbings were added eval ("\$siblings = \$object->".strtolower($sibling)."List;"); if (sizeof($siblings) != 2) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tAdd$sibling() failed"); AddError("Could not add sibling object $sibling"); } $errors++; } else { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tAdd$sibling()....OK!"); } } } if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for GetSiblingList() * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $trace * @return unknown */ function TestGetSiblingList($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); eval ("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; $errors = 0; //get all sibling classes $siblingList = array(); foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { $siblingList[] = $key; } } $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $siblingsStore = array(); foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { //instantiate eval("\$siblingInstance = new $sibling();"); $siblingsStore[] = $siblingInstance; $siblingInstance = PopulateTestValues($siblingInstance); if (!TestAddSibling($siblingInstance, false, $ignoreObjects)) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tGetSiblingList() ignored"); } return false; } eval("\$object->Add".$sibling."(\$siblingInstance);"); } $object->Save(); foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { //try getting all siblings eval ("\$siblings = \$object -> Get".$sibling."List();"); if (sizeof($siblings) != 1) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tGet".$sibling."List() failed"); AddError("Could not get sibling list"); } $errors++; } else if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tGet".$sibling."List()....OK!"); } } foreach ($siblingsStore as $stored) { $stored->Delete(); } $object->Delete(false); if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Unit test for SetSiblingList() * * @param unknown_type $object * @param unknown_type $trace */ function TestSetSiblingList($object, $trace = true, $ignoreObjects) { $thisObjectName = get_class($object); if (!TestSaveDeep_Sibling($object, false, $ignoreObjects)) { AddTrace("\tSetSiblingList(deep) ignored"); AddError("SetSiblingList ignored since SaveDeep could not be performed"); return false; } //get all sibling classes $siblingList = array(); eval("\$object = new $thisObjectName();"); $object = PopulateTestValues($object); $attribute_types = $object->pog_attribute_type; foreach ($attribute_types as $key => $attribute_array) { if ($attribute_array['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") { $siblingList[] = $key; } } $errors = 0; foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { //instantiate $siblingInstanceList = array(); eval("\$siblingInstance = new $sibling();"); eval("\$siblingInstance2 = new $sibling();"); $siblingInstance = PopulateTestValues($siblingInstance); $siblingInstance2 = PopulateTestValues($siblingInstance2); //add sibling to array $siblingInstanceList[] = $siblingInstance; $siblingInstanceList[] = $siblingInstance2; eval ("\$object -> Set".$sibling."List(\$siblingInstanceList);"); } //test if (!$object->Save(true)) { $errors++; return false; } foreach ($siblingList as $sibling) { //instantiate eval("\$siblingArray = \$object->Get".$sibling."List();"); if (sizeof($siblingArray) == 0) { if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSet($sibling)List failed"); } $errors++; } else if ($trace) { AddTrace("\tSet($sibling)List....OK!"); } } //cleanup $object->Delete(false, true); if ($errors == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Creates the mapping name * * @param unknown_type $objectName1 * @param unknown_type $objectName2 * @return unknown */ function MappingName($objectName1, $objectName2) { $array = array($objectName1, $objectName2); sort($array); return implode($array)."Map"; } /** * Gets total no. of records; */ function GetNumberOfRecords($objectName) { $sql = 'select count(*) from `'.strtolower($objectName)."`"; $connection = Database::Connect(); $cursor = Database::Reader($sql, $connection); if ($cursor !== false) { while($row = Database::Read($cursor)) { return $row['count(*)']; } } return 0; } ?>