YAHOO.ext.tree.TreeLoader = function(config){ this.baseParams = {}; this.requestMethod = 'POST'; YAHOO.ext.util.Config.apply(this, config); = { 'beforeload' : true, 'load' : true, 'loadexception' : true }; }; YAHOO.extendX(YAHOO.ext.tree.TreeLoader, YAHOO.ext.util.Observable, { load : function(node, callback){ if(node.attributes.children){ // preloaded json children var cs = node.attributes.children; for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ node.appendChild(this.createNode(cs[i])); } if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } }else if(this.dataUrl){ this.requestData(node, callback); } }, getParams: function(node){ var buf = [], bp = this.baseParams; for(var key in bp){ if(typeof bp[key] != 'function'){ buf.push(encodeURIComponent(key), '=', encodeURIComponent(bp[key]), '&'); } } buf.push('node=', encodeURIComponent(; return buf.join(''); }, requestData : function(node, callback){ if(this.fireEvent('beforeload', this, node, callback) !== false){ var params = this.getParams(node); var cb = { success: this.handleResponse, failure: this.handleFailure, scope: this, argument: {callback: callback, node: node} }; this.transId = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest(this.requestMethod, this.dataUrl, cb, params); }else{ // if the load is cancelled, make sure we notify // the node that we are done if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } } }, isLoading : function(){ return this.transId ? true : false; }, abort : function(){ if(this.isLoading()){ YAHOO.util.Connect.abort(this.transId); } }, createNode : function(attr){ if(this.applyLoader !== false){ attr.loader = this; } return(attr.leaf ? new YAHOO.ext.tree.TreeNode(attr) : new YAHOO.ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode(attr)); }, processResponse : function(response, node, callback){ var json = response.responseText; try { var o = eval('('+json+')'); for(var i = 0, len = o.length; i < len; i++){ node.appendChild(this.createNode(o[i])); } if(typeof callback == 'function'){ callback(); } }catch(e){ this.handleFailure(response); } }, handleResponse : function(response){ this.transId = false; var a = response.argument; this.processResponse(response, a.node, a.callback); this.fireEvent('load', this, a.node, response); }, handleFailure : function(response){ this.transId = false; var a = response.argument; this.fireEvent('loadexception', this, a.node, response); if(typeof a.callback == 'function'){ a.callback(); } } });