/* Copyright 2008-2013 Clipperz Srl This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager. For further information about its features and functionalities please refer to http://www.clipperz.com. * Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ Clipperz.PM.UI.Components.CardList = React.createClass({ getDefaultProps: function () { return { selectedCard: null, searchDelay: 0.3 } }, propTypes: { searchDelay: React.PropTypes.number }, getInitialState: function () { return { showSearch: false, searchTimer: null, searchText: '', // passphrase: '', // pin: '' }; }, //========================================================================= toggleSearch: function (anEvent) { var showSearchBox; showSearchBox = !this.state.showSearch; this.setState({showSearch: showSearchBox}); if (showSearchBox) { MochiKit.Async.callLater(0.1, MochiKit.Base.method(this, 'focusOnSearchField')); } }, updateSearchText: function (anEvent) { var searchText; searchText = anEvent.target.value; //console.log(">>> updateSearchText", searchText); if ((this.state['searchTimer'] != null) && (searchText != this.state['searchText'])) { this.state['searchTimer'].cancel(); } if (searchText != this.state['searchText']) { this.state['searchText'] = searchText; this.state['searchTimer'] = MochiKit.Async.callLater(this.props['searchDelay'], MochiKit.Signal.signal, Clipperz.Signal.NotificationCenter, 'searchCards', searchText); } }, focusOnSearchField: function () { console.log("focusOnSearchField", this.refs['searchField']); this.refs['searchField'].getDOMNode.focus(); }, searchBox: function () { var result; if (this.state.showSearch) { result = React.DOM.div({className:'searchBox'}, [ React.DOM.div(null, [ React.DOM.input({type:'search', placeholder:"search", ref:'searchField', onChange:this.updateSearchText}) ]) ]); } else { result = null; } return result; }, //========================================================================= showPreferences: function (anEvent) { MochiKit.Signal.signal(Clipperz.Signal.NotificationCenter, 'showPreferences', anEvent); }, //========================================================================= cardItem: function (aRecordReference) { var reference = aRecordReference['_reference']; var selectedCard = (reference == this.props.selectedCard); // TODO: verify if it is possible to put the onClick handler on the container 'div', instead of adding it to each 'div' item. return React.DOM.div({className:'listItem', key:reference, onClick:MochiKit.Base.method(this, 'handleClickOnCardDetail', reference)}, [ React.DOM.div({className:'labelWrapper'}, React.DOM.span({className:'label'}, aRecordReference.label)), // React.DOM.div({className:'labelWrapper'}, React.DOM.span({className:'label'}, aRecordReference.label + ' ' + aRecordReference.label + ' ' + aRecordReference.label + ' ' + aRecordReference.label + ' ' + aRecordReference.label)), React.DOM.div({className:'faviconWrapper'}, aRecordReference.favicon ? React.DOM.img({className:'favicon', src:aRecordReference.favicon}) : React.DOM.div({className:'favicon'}, '\u00A0')), React.DOM.div({className:'detailLinkWrapper'}, React.DOM.span({className:'detailLink ' + (selectedCard ? 'icon-spin' : '')}, (selectedCard ? "loading" : "detail"))) ]); }, handleClickOnCardDetail: function (aRecordReference, anEvent) { MochiKit.Signal.signal(Clipperz.Signal.NotificationCenter, 'showRecord', aRecordReference); }, cardListItems: function () { var list; var result; list = this.props['cardList']; if (typeof(list) != 'undefined') { result = MochiKit.Base.map(MochiKit.Base.method(this, 'cardItem'), list); } else { result = null; } return result; }, //========================================================================= handleChange: function (anEvent) { // var refs = this.refs; // var refName = MochiKit.Base.filter(function (aRefName) { return refs[aRefName].getDOMNode() == anEvent.target}, MochiKit.Base.keys(this.refs))[0]; // var newState = {}; // // newState[refName] = event.target.value; // this.setState(newState); }, //========================================================================= render: function() { return React.DOM.div(null, [ React.DOM.div({className:'header'}, [ React.DOM.a({className:'account'}, 'clipperz'), React.DOM.div({className:'features'}, [ // React.DOM.a({className:'addCard'}, 'add'), React.DOM.a({className:'search ' + (this.state.showSearch ? 'selected' : ''), onClick:this.toggleSearch}, 'search'), React.DOM.a({className:'settings', onClick:this.showPreferences}, 'settings') ]), // this.searchBox() ]), this.searchBox(), React.DOM.div({className:'content cardList'}, this.cardListItems()), ]); } //========================================================================= });