const nsISupports = Components.interfaces.nsISupports; const nsIBrowserDOMWindow = Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserDOMWindow; const nsIChannel = Components.interfaces.nsIChannel; const nsIContentHandler = Components.interfaces.nsIContentHandler; const nsIDOMChromeWindow = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMChromeWindow; const nsIDOMWindow = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow; const nsIFactory = Components.interfaces.nsIFactory; const nsIHttpProtocolHandler = Components.interfaces.nsIHttpProtocolHandler; const nsIInterfaceRequestor = Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor; const nsIPrefBranch = Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch; const nsIPrefLocalizedString = Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString; const nsISupportsString = Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString; const nsIWebNavigation = Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation; const nsIWindowMediator = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator; const nsIWindowWatcher = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher; const nsICategoryManager = Components.interfaces.nsICategoryManager; const nsIWebNavigationInfo = Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigationInfo; const nsIStreamListener = Components.interfaces.nsIStreamListener; const nsIRequestObserver = Components.interfaces.nsIRequestObserver; const nsIURILoader = Components.interfaces.nsIURILoader; const nsIURIContentListener = Components.interfaces.nsIURIContentListener; const NS_BINDING_ABORTED = 0x80020006; const NS_ERROR_WONT_HANDLE_CONTENT = 0x805d0001; const NS_ERROR_ABORT = Components.results.NS_ERROR_ABORT; function shouldLoadURI(aURI) { if (aURI.schemeIs("xri")) return true; dump("*** Preventing external load of chrome: URI into browser window\n"); dump(" Use -chrome instead\n"); return false; } function openWindow(parent, url, target, features, args) { var wwatch = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(nsIWindowWatcher); var argstring; if (args) { argstring = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(nsISupportsString); = args; } return wwatch.openWindow(parent, url, target, features, argstring); } function getMostRecentWindow(aType) { var wm = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(nsIWindowMediator); return wm.getMostRecentWindow(aType); } // this returns the most recent non-popup browser window function getMostRecentBrowserWindow() { var wm = Components.classes[";1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var windowList = wm.getZOrderDOMWindowEnumerator("navigator:browser", true); if (!windowList.hasMoreElements()) return null; var win = windowList.getNext(); while (!win.toolbar.visible) { if (!windowList.hasMoreElements()) return null; win = windowList.getNext(); } return win; } var xrdsContentHandler = { /** browser window */ contentWindow: null, /** XRDS buffer */ buf: null, scriptableInStream: null, init: function(contentWin) { this.contentWindow = contentWindow; }, close: function() { this.contentWindow = null; }, /* nsISupports */ QueryInterface : function(iid) { dump("xrdsCH ... "); if (iid.equals(nsISupports)) { dump("QI(nsISupports)\n"); } else if (iid.equals(nsIContentHandler)) { dump("QI(nsIContentHandler)\n"); } else if (iid.equals(nsIStreamListener)) { dump("QI(nsIStreamListener)\n"); } else if (iid.equals(nsIRequestObserver)) { dump("QI(nsIRequestObserver)\n"); } else if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIURIContentListener)) { dump("QI(nsIURIContentListener)\n"); } else if (iid.equals(nsIFactory)) { dump("QI(nsIFactory)\n"); } else { dump("QI(" + iid + ") - IDONTKNOW!!!!!\n"); } if (!iid.equals(nsISupports) && !iid.equals(nsIContentHandler) && !iid.equals(nsIURIContentListener) && !iid.equals(nsIStreamListener) && !iid.equals(nsIRequestObserver) && !iid.equals(nsIFactory)) throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; dump("QI returning this..\n"); return this; }, /* nsIURIContentListener */ loadCookie: null, parentContentListener: null, onStartURIOpen: function(uri) { dump("xrdsCH onStartURIOpen '" + uri + "'"); // ignore and don't abort return false; }, doContent: function(contentType, isContentPreferred, request, contentHandler) { dump("doContent called\n"); // forward the doContent to our content area webshell var docShell = this.contentWindow.docShell; var contentListener; try { contentListener = docShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURIContentListener); } catch (ex) { dump(ex); } dump("no content listener from docShell!\n"); if (!contentListener) return false; var rv = contentListener.doContent(contentType, isContentPreferred, request, contentHandler); if (rv) { dump("docShell wants to handle the load..\n"); } else { dump("docShell does NOT want to handle the load..\n"); contentHandler = contentHandler.value; } return rv; }, isPreferred: function(contentType, desiredContentType) { dump("isPreferred '" + contentType + "'\n"); switch(contentType) { case "application/xrds+xml": case "application/xrd+xml": dump("yes!!!\n"); return true; } dump("erm.. nope!\n"); return false; }, canHandleContent: function(contentType, isContentPreferred, desiredContentType) { dump("canHandleContent '" + contentType + "'\n"); return this.isPreferred(contentType, desiredContentType); }, /* nsIRequestObserver */ onStartRequest: function(request, ctx) { dump("xrdsContentHandler - onStartRequest\n"); }, onStopRequest: function(request, ctx, status) { dump("xrdsContentHandler - onStopRequest\n"); this.scriptableInStream.close(); }, /* nsIStreamListener */ onDataAvailable: function(request, domWindow, inputStream, offset, count) { dump("onDataAvailable, offset=" + offset + ", count=" + count + "\n"); if (offset == 0) { this.scriptableInStream.init(inputStream); } buf +=; if (!request.isPending()) { dump("request finished, buf = " + buf + "\n"); var html = domWindow.document.createElement("html"); html.createTextNode(buf); this.scriptableInStream = null; } else { dump("request pending...\n"); } }, /* nsIContentHandler */ handleContent : function(contentType, context, request) { dump("handleContent " + contentType + "\n"); var parentWin; try { parentWin = context.getInterface(nsIDOMWindow); } catch (e) { alert("no parent!!!"); // XXX return; } dump("getting channel\n"); var channel = request.QueryInterface(nsIChannel); if (!channel) { dump("no channel!!!\n"); return; } if (this.scriptableInStream) { dump("Hey! You can't possibly be reusing this handler?!\n"); return; } dump("making scriptableInStream\n"); this.scriptableInStream = Components.classes[";1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream); buf = ''; /* try { dump("before asyncOpen\n"); channel.asyncOpen(this, parentWin); return; } catch (e) { dump("shit cannot asyncOpen... " + e + "\n"); } dump("try blocking open\n"); var instream =; this.scriptableinputstream.init(instream); while (true) { var n = this.scriptableinputstream.available(); if (n > 0) { dump( + "\n"); } } dump("channel opened\n"); */ dump("handleContent returning \n"); }, /* nsIFactory */ createInstance: function(outer, iid) { dump("xrdsCH createInstance called..\n"); if (outer != null) throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION; dump("xrdsCH ok\n"); return this.QueryInterface(iid); }, lockFactory : function bch_lock(lock) { /* no-op */ } }; const CLASS_ID = Components.ID("{e857f11b-fd59-4285-8f4a-c27cf9051a36}"); const CLASS_NAME = "XRDS Content Handler"; const CONTRACTID_PREFIX = ";1?type="; var Module = { /* nsISupports */ QueryInterface: function(iid) { dump("QI called\n"); if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIModule) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return this; dump("QI throwing!!\n"); throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; }, /* nsIModule */ getClassObject: function(compMgr, cid, iid) { dump("getClassObject called\n"); if (cid.equals(CLASS_ID)) return xrdsContentHandler.QueryInterface(iid); dump("gCO throwing!!\n"); throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; }, registerSelf: function(compMgr, fileSpec, location, type) { var compReg = compMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar); compReg.registerFactoryLocation( CLASS_ID, CLASS_NAME, CONTRACTID_PREFIX + "application/xrds+xml", fileSpec, location, type ); compReg.registerFactoryLocation( CLASS_ID, CLASS_NAME, CONTRACTID_PREFIX + "text/uri-list", fileSpec, location, type ); dump("done registerSelf..\n"); }, unregisterSelf: function(compMgr, location, type) { var compReg = compMgr.QueryInterface(nsIComponentRegistrar); compReg.unregisterFactoryLocation(CLASS_ID, location); }, canUnload: function(compMgr) { return true; } }; // NSGetModule: Return the nsIModule object. function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) { return Module; }