-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kolistview.cpp | 22 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp | 6 |
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp index b378330..192f8c0 100644 --- a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp @@ -1,1438 +1,1458 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 1999 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qlistview.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qprogressbar.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h> #include <libkcal/calendar.h> #include <libkcal/calendarlocal.h> #include <libkcal/icalformat.h> #include <libkcal/vcalformat.h> #include <libkcal/recurrence.h> #include <libkcal/filestorage.h> #include <libkdepim/categoryselectdialog.h> #include <libkcal/kincidenceformatter.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #else #include <qapplication.h> #endif #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER #include "calprinter.h" #endif #include "koglobals.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "kfiledialog.h" #include "kolistview.h" #include "koeventviewer.h" extern QPixmap* sgListViewCompletedPix[6]; extern QPixmap* sgListViewJournalPix; class KOListViewWhatsThis :public QWhatsThis { public: KOListViewWhatsThis( QWidget *wid, KOListView* view ) : QWhatsThis( wid ), _wid(wid),_view (view) { }; protected: virtual QString text( const QPoint& p) { return _view->getWhatsThisText(p) ; } private: QWidget* _wid; KOListView * _view; }; ListItemVisitor::ListItemVisitor(KOListViewItem *item, QDate date ) { mItem = item; mDate = date; } ListItemVisitor::~ListItemVisitor() { } bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Event *e) { bool ok = false; QString start, end; QDate ds, de; if ( e->doesRecur() ) { ds = e->getNextOccurence( QDateTime( mDate, QTime(0,0,0)), &ok ).date(); if ( ok ) { int days = e->dtStart().date().daysTo(e->dtEnd().date() ); start = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(ds,true); de = ds.addDays( days); end = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(de,true); } } if ( ! ok ) { start =e->dtStartDateStr(); end = e->dtEndDateStr(); ds = e->dtStart().date(); de = e->dtEnd().date(); } mItem->setText(0,e->summary()); mItem->setText(1,start); if ( e->doesFloat() ) mItem->setText(2,"---"); else mItem->setText(2,e->dtStartTimeStr()); mItem->setText(3,end); if ( e->doesFloat() ) mItem->setText(4,"---"); else mItem->setText(4,e->dtEndTimeStr()); mItem->setText(5, e->durationText()); if ( e->isAlarmEnabled() ) { mItem->setText(6,e->alarms().first()->offsetText() ); } else { mItem->setText(6, i18n("No")); } mItem->setText(7, e->recurrenceText()); if( ! e->doesRecur() ) mItem->setSortKey( 7, "-" ); mItem->setText(8, e->cancelled() ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No")); mItem->setText(9,e->categoriesStr()); mItem->setText(10, KOPrefs::instance()->calName( e->calID() )); mItem->setText(11, KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( e->lastModified(), true, true )); mItem->setSortKey(11,e->lastModifiedSortKey()); QString key; QTime t; t = e->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : e->dtStart().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",ds.year(),ds.month(),ds.day(),t.hour(),t.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(1,key); t = e->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : e->dtEnd().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",de.year(),de.month(),de.day(),t.hour(),t.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(3,key); return true; } bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Todo *t) { mItem->setText(0,t->summary()); if ( t->isCompleted() ) { mItem->setSortKey(0,"99"+ t->summary().left(10)); } else mItem->setSortKey(0,QString::number( t->percentComplete()+1 )+ t->summary().left(10)); mItem->setPixmap( 0, *(sgListViewCompletedPix[t->percentComplete()/20])); if (t->hasStartDate()) { mItem->setText(1,t->dtStartDateStr()); if (t->doesFloat()) { mItem->setText(2,"---"); } else { mItem->setText(2,t->dtStartTimeStr()); } } else { mItem->setText(1,"---"); mItem->setText(2,"---"); } if ( t->isAlarmEnabled() ) { mItem->setText(6,t->alarms().first()->offsetText() ); } else { mItem->setText(6, i18n("No")); } mItem->setText(7, t->recurrenceText()); if( ! t->doesRecur() ) mItem->setSortKey( 7, "-" ); if (t->hasDueDate()) { mItem->setText(3,t->dtDueDateStr()); if (t->doesFloat()) { mItem->setText(4,"---"); } else { mItem->setText(4,t->dtDueTimeStr()); } } else { mItem->setText(3,"---"); mItem->setText(4,"---"); } mItem->setText(5, t->durationText()); mItem->setText(8, t->cancelled() ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No")); mItem->setText(9,t->categoriesStr()); mItem->setText(10, KOPrefs::instance()->calName( t->calID() )); mItem->setText(11, KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( t->lastModified(), true, true )); mItem->setSortKey(11,t->lastModifiedSortKey()); QString key; QDate d; QTime tm; if (t->hasDueDate()) { d = t->dtDue().date(); tm = t->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : t->dtDue().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day(),tm.hour(),tm.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(3,key); } if ( t->hasStartDate() ) { d = t->dtStart().date(); tm = t->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : t->dtStart().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day(),tm.hour(),tm.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(1,key); } return true; } bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Journal * j) { QString des; mItem->setPixmap( 0, *sgListViewJournalPix); if ( !j->summary().isEmpty() ) { des = j->summary(); } else { des = j->description().left(30); des = des.simplifyWhiteSpace (); des.replace (QRegExp ("\\n"),"" ); des.replace (QRegExp ("\\r"),"" ); } mItem->setText(0,des.left(25)); mItem->setSortKey(0,"0"+ des.left(25)); mItem->setText(1,j->dtStartDateStr()); mItem->setText(2,"---"); mItem->setText(3,"---"); mItem->setText(4,"---"); mItem->setText(5,"---"); mItem->setText(6,"---"); mItem->setText(7,"---"); mItem->setText(8,"---"); mItem->setText(9,j->categoriesStr()); mItem->setText(10, KOPrefs::instance()->calName( j->calID() )); mItem->setText(11, KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( j->lastModified(), true, true )); mItem->setSortKey(11,j->lastModifiedSortKey()); QString key; QDate d; d = j->dtStart().date(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day()); mItem->setSortKey(1,key); return true; } KOListView::KOListView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KOEventView(calendar, parent, name) { mActiveItem = 0; mForceShowCompletedTodos = false; mListView = new KOListViewListView(this); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Summary")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("End/Due Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("End/Due Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Duration")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Alarm")); // alarm set? mListView->addColumn(i18n("Recurs")); // recurs? mListView->addColumn(i18n("Cancelled")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Categories")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Calendar")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Last Modified")); mListView->setColumnAlignment(0,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(1,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(2,AlignHCenter); mListView->setColumnAlignment(3,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(4,AlignHCenter); mListView->setColumnAlignment(5,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(6,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(7,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(8,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(9,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(10,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(11,AlignLeft); mKOListViewWhatsThis = new KOListViewWhatsThis(mListView->viewport(),this); int iii = 0; for ( iii = 0; iii< 12 ; ++iii ) mListView->setColumnWidthMode( iii, QListView::Manual ); QBoxLayout *layoutTop = new QVBoxLayout(this); layoutTop->addWidget(mListView); mListView->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont ); mPopupMenu = eventPopup(); QPopupMenu* selPopup = new QPopupMenu ( this ); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); selPopup->insertItem(i18n("All"),this, SLOT(allSelection())); selPopup->insertItem(i18n("None"),this, SLOT(clearSelection())); selPopup->insertItem(i18n("Delete selected..."),this, SLOT(deleteAll())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Selection"), selPopup ); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Hide all selected"),this, SLOT(hideAll()),true); selPopup->insertSeparator(); QPopupMenu * exportPO = new QPopupMenu ( this ); selPopup->insertItem( i18n("Export"), exportPO ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Print complete list..."),this, SLOT(printList()),true); #endif mCalPopup = new QPopupMenu ( this ); selPopup->insertItem( i18n("Set Calendar"), mCalPopup ); selPopup->insertItem(i18n("Set categories")+"...",this, SLOT(setCat()) ); selPopup->insertItem( i18n("Set alarm..."),this, SLOT(setAlarm())); #if 0 mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Set categories")+"...",this, SLOT(setCat()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Set alarm..."),this, SLOT(setAlarm()),true); #endif QObject::connect(mCalPopup,SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),this, SLOT( populateCalPopup() )); QObject::connect(mCalPopup,SIGNAL(activated( int )),this, SLOT( setCalendar( int ) )); QObject::connect(mPopupMenu,SIGNAL(categoryChanged( Incidence * )),this, SLOT( catChanged( Incidence * ) )); exportPO->insertItem( i18n("As iCal (ics) file..."),this, SLOT(saveToFile())); exportPO->insertItem( i18n("As vCal (vcs) file..."),this, SLOT(saveToFileVCS())); exportPO->insertItem( i18n("Journal/Details..."),this, SLOT(saveDescriptionToFile())); // mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); // mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), // i18n("Add Categ. to selected..."),this, // SLOT(addCat()),true); //mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION selPopup->insertSeparator(); selPopup->insertItem( i18n("Beam via IR..."),this, SLOT(beamSelected())); #if 0 mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Beam via IR"),this, SLOT(beamSelected()),true); #endif #endif /* mPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu; mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Edit Event"), this, SLOT (editEvent())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("delete"), i18n("Delete Event"), this, SLOT (deleteEvent())); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show Dates"), this, SLOT(showDates())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Hide Dates"), this, SLOT(hideDates())); */ QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL( newEvent()), this,SIGNAL(signalNewEvent())); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *)), this,SLOT(defaultItemAction(QListViewItem *))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int )), this,SLOT(popupMenu(QListViewItem *,const QPoint &,int))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(currentChanged(QListViewItem *)), SLOT(processSelectionChange(QListViewItem *))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(showIncidence(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)) ); readSettings(KOGlobals::config(),"KOListView Layout"); } KOListView::~KOListView() { delete mPopupMenu; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 #else delete mKOListViewWhatsThis; #endif } void KOListView::catChanged( Incidence* inc) { KOListViewItem* item = getItemForEvent(inc); if (item) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); inc->accept(v); } } QString KOListView::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) { KOListViewItem* item = ( KOListViewItem* ) mListView->itemAt( p ); if ( item ) return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( item->data(), KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowDetails, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowCreated, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowChanged); return i18n("That is the list view" ); } void KOListView::setCalendar( int c ) { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Information!"), i18n("This adds the selected\nitems to the calendar\n%1\nand removes them from\ntheir current calendar!").arg( KOPrefs::instance()->calName( c ) ), i18n("Continue"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { return; } QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences() ; int icount = delSel.count(); if ( icount ) { Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { incidence->setCalID( c ); KOListViewItem * item = getItemForEvent( incidence ); if ( item ) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); incidence->accept(v); } incidence = delSel.next(); } } QPtrList<KopiCalendarFile> calendars = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars; KopiCalendarFile * cal = calendars.first(); while ( cal ) { mCalendar->setCalendarEnabled( cal->mCalNumber,cal->isEnabled ); mCalendar->setAlarmEnabled( cal->mCalNumber, cal->isAlarmEnabled ); mCalendar->setReadOnly( cal->mCalNumber, cal->isReadOnly ); if ( cal->isStandard ) mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( cal->mCalNumber ); cal = calendars.next(); } mCalendar->setSyncEventsReadOnly(); mCalendar->reInitAlarmSettings(); } void KOListView::populateCalPopup() { mCalPopup->clear(); KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); while ( kkf ) { int index = mCalPopup->insertItem( kkf->mName+"...", kkf->mCalNumber); if ( kkf->mErrorOnLoad || kkf->isReadOnly ) mCalPopup->setItemEnabled( index, false ); kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.next(); } } void KOListView::updateList() { // qDebug(" KOListView::updateList() "); } void KOListView::clearList() { clear (); } void KOListView::setCat() { bool set = true; int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("Do you want to <b>add</b> categories to the selected items or <b>reset</b> the list (i.e. remove current categories)?"), i18n("Set categories"), i18n("Add"), i18n("Reset")); if (result == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; if (result == KMessageBox::Yes) set = false; setCategories( set ); } void KOListView::setAlarm() { KOAlarmPrefs kap( this); if ( !kap.exec() ) return; QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences( true, true, false, true ); // no journals, only due todos Incidence* inc = delSel.first(); int count = 0; while ( inc ) { ++count; if (kap.mAlarmButton->isChecked()) { if (inc->alarms().count() == 0) inc->newAlarm(); Alarm *alarm = inc->alarms().first(); alarm->setEnabled(true); int j = kap.mAlarmTimeEdit->value()* -60; if (kap.mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 1) j = j * 60; else if (kap.mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 2) j = j * (60 * 24); alarm->setStartOffset( j ); if (!kap.mAlarmProgram.isEmpty() && kap.mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) { alarm->setProcedureAlarm(kap.mAlarmProgram); } else if (!kap.mAlarmSound.isEmpty() && kap.mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) alarm->setAudioAlarm(kap.mAlarmSound); else alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); } else { QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = inc->alarms(); Alarm *alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next() ) { alarm->setEnabled(false); alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); } } KOListViewItem* item = getItemForEvent(inc); if (item) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); inc->accept(v); } inc = delSel.next(); } topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Changed alarm for %1 items").arg( count ) ); qDebug("KO: Set alarm for %d items", count); calendar()->reInitAlarmSettings(); QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::setCategories( bool removeOld ) { KPIM::CategorySelectDialog* csd = new KPIM::CategorySelectDialog( KOPrefs::instance(), 0 ); csd->setColorEnabled(); if (! csd->exec()) { delete csd; return; } QStringList catList = csd->selectedCategories(); delete csd; QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences(); // all inc allowed; Incidence* inc = delSel.first(); while ( inc ) { if ( removeOld ) { inc->setCategories( catList, false ); } else { inc->addCategories( catList, false ); } KOListViewItem* item = getItemForEvent(inc); if (item) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); inc->accept(v); } inc = delSel.next(); } QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::beamSelected() { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences() ; if ( delSel.count() ) emit beamIncidenceList( delSel ); } void KOListView::saveDescriptionToFile() { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Information!"), i18n("This saves the text/details of selected\nJournals and Events/Todos\nto a text file."), i18n("Continue"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { return; } QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences() ; int icount = delSel.count(); if ( icount ) { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { QString text = i18n("KO/Pi Description/Journal save file.\nSave date: ") + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), false); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); icount = 0; while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->typeID() == journalID ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; if ( !incidence->summary().isEmpty() ) text += i18n("Journal: %1 from ").arg( incidence->summary() ) +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); else text += i18n("Journal from: ") +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) text +="\n(" + i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location()+ ")"; text +="\n" + i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); text +="\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n"+ incidence->description(); ++icount; } else { if ( !incidence->description().isEmpty() ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; if ( incidence->typeID() == todoID ) text += i18n("To-Do: "); text += incidence->summary(); if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) text +="\n(" + i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location()+ ")"; if ( incidence->hasStartDate() ) text +="\n"+ i18n("Start Date: ") + incidence->dtStartStr( false ); text +="\n"+ i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); text += "\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n" + incidence->description(); ++icount; } } incidence = delSel.next(); } QFile file( fn ); if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("File open error - nothing saved!") ); return; } QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << text; file.close(); //qDebug("%s ", text.latin1()); mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1 descriptions/journals").arg(icount ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); } } } void KOListView::saveToFileVCS() { writeToFile( false ); } void KOListView::saveToFile() { writeToFile( true ); } QPtrList<Incidence> KOListView::getSelectedIncidences( bool includeEvents, bool includeTodos, bool includeJournals, bool onlyDueTodos ) { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ; bool addSubTodos = false; bool askSubTodos = true; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { Incidence* inc = ((KOListViewItem *)item)->data(); if ( ( addSubTodos && delSel.findRef( inc ) == -1) || !addSubTodos ) { if ( (inc->typeID() == todoID && includeTodos) || (inc->typeID() == eventID && includeEvents) || (inc->typeID() == journalID && includeJournals) ) { if ( inc->typeID() == todoID && onlyDueTodos ) { if ( ((Todo*)inc)->hasDueDate() ) delSel.append( inc ); } else delSel.append( inc ); } } if ( inc->typeID() == todoID ) { Todo * todo = (Todo*) inc; if ( todo->relations().count() ) { if ( askSubTodos ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("One (or more) selected\ntodo has subtodos!\nDo you want to select\nall subtodos of all\nselected todos as well?"), i18n("Todo has subtodos"), i18n("Yes"), i18n("No")); if ( result == KMessageBox::Cancel ) { delSel.clear(); return delSel; } if (result == KMessageBox::Yes) addSubTodos = true; askSubTodos = false; } if ( addSubTodos ) { QPtrList<Incidence> tempSel ; inc->addRelationsToList( &tempSel ); Incidence* tempinc = tempSel.first(); while ( tempinc ) { if ( delSel.findRef( tempinc ) == -1 ) { if ( tempinc->typeID() == todoID && onlyDueTodos ) { if ( ((Todo*)tempinc)->hasDueDate() ) delSel.append( tempinc ); } else delSel.append( tempinc ); } tempinc = tempSel.next(); } } } } } item = item->nextSibling(); } return delSel; } void KOListView::writeToFile( bool iCal ) { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences(); // all inc allowed; if ( !iCal ) { bool journal = false; Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->typeID() == journalID ) { journal = true; break; } incidence = delSel.next(); } if ( journal ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("The journal entries can not be\nexported to a vCalendar file."), i18n("Data Loss Warning"),i18n("Proceed"),i18n("Cancel"), true); if (result != KMessageBox::Continue) return; } } if ( delSel.count() ) { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; QString extension; if ( iCal ) { if ( fn.right( 4 ).lower() == ".vcs" ) { fn = fn.left( fn.length() -3) + "ics"; } } else { if ( fn.right( 4 ).lower() == ".ics" ) { fn = fn.left( fn.length() -3) + "vcs"; } } fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { CalendarLocal cal; cal.setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { cal.addIncidence( incidence->clone() ); incidence = delSel.next(); } if ( iCal ) { ICalFormat format; format.save( &cal, fn ); } else { VCalFormat format; format.save( &cal, fn ); } mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1").arg(fn ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); } } QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::hideAll() { QPtrList<QListViewItem> delSel ; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { delSel.append(item); } item = item->nextSibling(); } item = delSel.first() ; while ( item ) { QListViewItem * del = item; item = delSel.next(); delete del; } } void KOListView::printList() { mListView->printList(); } void KOListView::deleteAll() { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences(); // all inc allowed;; if ( delSel.count() ) { int icount = delSel.count(); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); Incidence *toDelete; KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); bool confirm = p->mConfirm; QString mess; mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("You have %d item(s) selected.\n"), icount ); if ( KMessageBox::Continue == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mess + i18n("All selected items will be\npermanently deleted.\n(Deleting items will take\nsome time on a PDA)\n"), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Delete")) ) { p->mConfirm = false; int delCounter = 0; QDialog dia ( this, "p-dialog", true ); QLabel lab (i18n("Close dialog to abort deletion!"), &dia ); QVBoxLayout lay( &dia ); lay.setMargin(7); lay.setSpacing(7); lay.addWidget( &lab); QProgressBar bar( icount, &dia ); lay.addWidget( &bar); int w = 220; int h = 50; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); dia.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); //dia.resize( 240,50 ); dia.show(); KOPrefs::instance()->mGlobalUpdateDisabled = true; while ( incidence ) { bar.setProgress( delCounter ); mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("Deleting item %d ..."), ++delCounter ); dia.setCaption( mess ); qApp->processEvents(); toDelete = (incidence); incidence = delSel.next(); emit deleteIncidenceSignal(toDelete ); if ( dia.result() != 0 ) break; } KOPrefs::instance()->mGlobalUpdateDisabled = false; emit deleteIncidenceSignal( 0 ); mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("%d items remaining in list."), count() ); topLevelWidget ()->setCaption( mess ); p->mConfirm = confirm; } } } int KOListView::maxDatesHint() { return 0; } int KOListView::currentDateCount() { return 0; } QPtrList<Incidence> KOListView::selectedIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> eventList; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { eventList.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); } item = item->nextSibling(); } // // QListViewItem *item = mListView->selectedItem(); //if (item) eventList.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); return eventList; } DateList KOListView::selectedDates() { DateList eventList; return eventList; } void KOListView::showDates(bool show) { // Shouldn't we set it to a value greater 0? When showDates is called with // show == true at first, then the columnwidths are set to zero. static int oldColWidth1 = 0; static int oldColWidth3 = 0; if (!show) { oldColWidth1 = mListView->columnWidth(1); oldColWidth3 = mListView->columnWidth(3); mListView->setColumnWidth(1, 0); mListView->setColumnWidth(3, 0); } else { mListView->setColumnWidth(1, oldColWidth1); mListView->setColumnWidth(3, oldColWidth3); } mListView->repaint(); } void KOListView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td) { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Day, fd, td); #endif } void KOListView::showDates() { showDates(true); } void KOListView::hideDates() { showDates(false); } void KOListView::resetFocus() { topLevelWidget()->setActiveWindow(); topLevelWidget()->raise(); mListView->setFocus(); } void KOListView::updateView() { mListView->setFocus(); if ( mListView->firstChild () ) { mListView->setCurrentItem( mListView->firstChild () ); } processSelectionChange( mListView->firstChild () ); } void KOListView::updateConfig() { mListView->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont ); updateView(); } void KOListView::setStartDate(const QDate &start) { mStartDate = start; } void KOListView::showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end) { clear(); mStartDate = start; QDate date = start; while( date <= end ) { addEvents(calendar()->events(date)); addTodos(calendar()->todos(date)); addJournals( calendar()->journals4Date(date) ); date = date.addDays( 1 ); } //emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); updateView(); } void KOListView::addEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList) { Event *ev; for(ev = eventList.first(); ev; ev = eventList.next()) { addIncidence(ev); } if ( !mListView->currentItem() ){ updateView(); } } void KOListView::addTodos(QPtrList<Todo> eventList) { Todo *ev; for(ev = eventList.first(); ev; ev = eventList.next()) { addIncidence(ev); } if ( !mListView->currentItem() ){ updateView(); } } void KOListView::addJournals(QPtrList<Journal> eventList) { Journal *ev; for(ev = eventList.first(); ev; ev = eventList.next()) { addIncidence(ev); } if ( !mListView->currentItem() ){ updateView(); } } void KOListView::showCompletedTodos() { mForceShowCompletedTodos = true; } void KOListView::addIncidence(Incidence *incidence) { if ( mUidDict.find( incidence->uid() ) ) return; // mListView->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont ); if ( incidence->typeID() == todoID ) { if ( ! mForceShowCompletedTodos ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo && ((Todo*)incidence)->isCompleted() ) return; } } mUidDict.insert( incidence->uid(), incidence ); KOListViewItem *item = new KOListViewItem( incidence, mListView ); ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); if (incidence->accept(v)) { return; } else delete item; } void KOListView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList) { clear(); addEvents(eventList); // After new creation of list view no events are selected. emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); } int KOListView::count() { return mListView->childCount(); } void KOListView::changeEventDisplay(Event *event, int action) { KOListViewItem *item; switch(action) { case KOGlobals::EVENTADDED: addIncidence( event ); break; case KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED: item = getItemForEvent(event); if (item) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); ((Incidence*)event)->accept(v); } break; case KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED: item = getItemForEvent(event); if (item) { mUidDict.remove( event->uid() ); delete item; } break; default: ; } } KOListViewItem *KOListView::getItemForEvent(Incidence *event) { KOListViewItem *item = (KOListViewItem *)mListView->firstChild(); while (item) { if (item->data() == event) return item; item = (KOListViewItem *)item->nextSibling(); } return 0; } void KOListView::defaultItemAction(QListViewItem *i) { KOListViewItem *item = static_cast<KOListViewItem *>( i ); if ( item ) defaultAction( item->data() ); } void KOListView::popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int) { mActiveItem = (KOListViewItem *)item; if (mActiveItem) { Incidence *incidence = mActiveItem->data(); mPopupMenu->enableDefault( !mListView->hasMultiSelection( item ) ); mPopupMenu->showIncidencePopup(incidence); /* if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { Event *event = static_cast<Event *>( incidence ); mPopupMenu->showEventPopup(event); } */ } } void KOListView::readSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting) { // qDebug("KOListView::readSettings "); mListView->restoreLayout(config,setting); } void KOListView::writeSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting) { // qDebug("KOListView::writeSettings "); mListView->saveLayout(config, setting); } void KOListView::processSelectionChange(QListViewItem *) { KOListViewItem *item = static_cast<KOListViewItem *>( mListView->currentItem() ); if ( !item ) { emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); } else { emit incidenceSelected( item->data() ); } } void KOListView::clearSelection() { mListView->selectAll( false ); } void KOListView::allSelection() { mListView->selectAll( true ); } void KOListView::clear() { mListView->clear(); mUidDict.clear(); } Incidence* KOListView::currentItem() { if ( mListView->currentItem() ) return ((KOListViewItem*) mListView->currentItem())->data(); return 0; } void KOListView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e) { if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete || e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace ) { deleteAll(); return; } e->ignore(); } void KOListViewListView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_Down: if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) { QListViewItem* cn = currentItem(); if ( !cn ) cn = firstChild(); if ( !cn ) return; while ( cn->nextSibling() ) cn = cn->nextSibling(); setCurrentItem ( cn ); ensureItemVisible ( cn ); e->accept(); return; } if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { int count = childCount (); int jump = count / 5; QListViewItem* cn; cn = currentItem(); if ( ! cn ) return; if ( jump == 0 ) jump = 1; while ( jump && cn->nextSibling() ) { cn = cn->nextSibling(); --jump; } setCurrentItem ( cn ); ensureItemVisible ( cn ); } else QListView::keyPressEvent ( e ) ; e->accept(); break; case Qt::Key_Up: if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) { QListViewItem* cn = firstChild(); if ( cn ) { setCurrentItem ( cn ); ensureItemVisible ( cn ); } e->accept(); return; } if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { int count = childCount (); int jump = count / 5; QListViewItem* cn; cn = currentItem(); if ( ! cn ) return; if ( jump == 0 ) jump = 1; while ( jump && cn->itemAbove ()) { cn = cn->itemAbove (); --jump; } setCurrentItem ( cn ); ensureItemVisible ( cn ); } else QListView::keyPressEvent ( e ) ; e->accept(); break; case Qt::Key_I: { QListViewItem* cn; cn = currentItem(); if ( cn ) { KOListViewItem* ci = (KOListViewItem*)( cn ); if ( ci ){ //emit showIncidence( ci->data()); cn = cn->nextSibling(); if ( cn ) { setCurrentItem ( cn ); ensureItemVisible ( cn ); } emit showIncidence( ci->data()); } } e->accept(); } break; case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: { QListViewItem* cn; cn = currentItem(); if ( cn ) { KOListViewItem* ci = (KOListViewItem*)( cn ); if ( ci ){ if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) ci->setSelected( false ); else ci->setSelected( true ); cn = cn->nextSibling(); if ( cn ) { setCurrentItem ( cn ); ensureItemVisible ( cn ); } else { emit currentChanged( ci ); } } } e->accept(); } break; default: e->ignore(); } } KOListViewListView::KOListViewListView(KOListView * lv ) : KListView( lv, "kolistlistview", false ) { mYMousePos = 0; setAllColumnsShowFocus( true ); mPopupTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(mPopupTimer , SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(popupMenu())); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION //QPEApplication::setStylusOperation(viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif setSelectionMode( QListView::Multi ); setMultiSelection( true); } bool KOListViewListView::hasMultiSelection(QListViewItem* item) { QListViewItem *qitem = firstChild (); while ( qitem ) { if ( qitem->isSelected() && item != qitem ) return true; qitem = qitem->nextSibling(); } return false; } void KOListViewListView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!e) return; QPoint vp = contentsToViewport(e->pos()); QListViewItem *item = itemAt(vp); if (!item) { emit newEvent(); return; } KListView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(e); } #if 0 void KOListViewListView::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { //qDebug("contentsMousePressEvent++++ "); KListView::contentsMousePressEvent( e ); if ( e->button() == RightButton ) { QListViewItem* ci = currentItem(); clearSelection () ; if ( ci ) ci->setSelected( true ); } } void KOListViewListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { KListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(e); } void KOListViewListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { KListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(e); } #endif void KOListViewListView::popupMenu() { mPopupTimer->stop(); QMouseEvent* e = new QMouseEvent( QEvent::MouseButtonPress, mEventPos ,mEventGlobalPos, RightButton , RightButton ); QApplication::postEvent( this->viewport(), e ); } void KOListViewListView::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { //qDebug("contentsMousePressEvent++++ %d %d", e->pos().y(), e->globalPos().y()); mYMousePos = mapToGlobal( (e->pos())).y(); if ( e->button() == LeftButton ) { mPopupTimer->start( 600 ); mEventPos = contentsToViewport(e->pos()); mEventGlobalPos = e->globalPos(); } KListView::contentsMousePressEvent( e ); if ( e->button() == RightButton ) { QListViewItem* ci = currentItem(); //clearSelection(); if ( ci ) ci->setSelected( true ); } } void KOListViewListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { mPopupTimer->stop(); KListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(e); } void KOListViewListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { // qDebug("contentsMouseMoveEv....... "); // qDebug("start: %d current %d ",mYMousePos , mapToGlobal( (e->pos())).y() ); int diff = mYMousePos - mapToGlobal( (e->pos())).y(); if ( diff < 0 ) diff = -diff; if ( diff > 15 ) mPopupTimer->stop(); else { mEventPos = contentsToViewport(e->pos()); mEventGlobalPos = e->globalPos(); } KListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(e); } #define protected public #include <qheader.h> #undef protected void KOListViewListView::printList() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION KOPrintPrefs pp ( this ); if (!pp.exec() ) return; int scaleval = pp.printMode() ; QPrinter printer; if (!printer.setup() ) return; clearSelection (); QPainter p; p.begin ( &printer ); + p.setFont(font()); QPaintDeviceMetrics m = QPaintDeviceMetrics ( &printer ); float dx, dy; int wid = (m.width() * 9)/10; dx = (float) wid/(float)contentsWidth (); dy = (float)(m.height()) / (float)contentsHeight (); float scale; // scale to fit the width or height of the paper if ( dx < dy ) scale = dx; else scale = dy; p.translate( m.width()/10,m.width()/10 ); if ( scaleval == 2 || scaleval == 1 && scale < 1.0 ) { p.scale( scale, scale ); } int cou = header()->count(); int iii; QRect rect ( 0,0,0, header()->height()); for ( iii = 0; iii < cou; ++iii ) { rect.setLeft ( header()->sectionPos( iii ) ); rect.setRight ( header()->sectionPos( iii ) + header()->sectionSize (iii)); header()->paintSection ( & p, header()->mapToIndex (iii), rect ); } p.translate( 0, header()->height()); - drawContentsOffset ( &p, 0,0, 0,0, contentsWidth (), contentsHeight () ); + //drawContentsOffset ( &p, 0,0, 0,0, contentsWidth (), contentsHeight () ); + + const QColorGroup &cg = colorGroup(); + KOListViewItem* item = (KOListViewItem* )firstChild(); + int yOff = 0; + while ( item ) { + p.translate( 0, yOff ); + p.save(); + for ( iii = 0; iii < cou; ++iii ) { + int align = columnAlignment( iii ); + if ( align == AlignAuto ) align = AlignLeft; + p.restore(); + p.save(); + p.translate( header()->sectionPos( iii ), 0); + item->paintCell( &p, cg, iii, header()->sectionSize (iii), align ); + } + yOff = item->height(); + item = (KOListViewItem* )(item->itemBelow()); + p.restore(); + } p.end(); #endif } diff --git a/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp b/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp index 764c495..292951b 100644 --- a/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp +++ b/libkdepim/kcmconfigs/kdepimconfigwidget.cpp @@ -1,1007 +1,1011 @@ /* This file is part of KdePim/Pi. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ /* Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk $Id$ */ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qbuttongroup.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <kprefsdialog.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <kdateedit.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <stdlib.h> /*US #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <klistview.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED #include <ktrader.h> #else // KAB_EMBEDDED #include <mergewidget.h> #include <distributionlistwidget.h> #endif // KAB_EMBEDDED #include "addresseewidget.h" #include "extensionconfigdialog.h" #include "extensionwidget.h" */ #include "qapplication.h" #include "kpimglobalprefs.h" #include "kdepimconfigwidget.h" #include <kprefs.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> KDEPIMConfigWidget::KDEPIMConfigWidget(KPimGlobalPrefs *prefs, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KPrefsWidget(prefs, parent, name ) { mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL, i18n("Email")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE, i18n("Phone")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::SMS, i18n("SMS")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::FAX, i18n("Fax")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::PAGER, i18n("Pager")); mExternalAppsMap.insert(ExternalAppHandler::SIP, i18n("SIP")); QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); tabWidget = new QTabWidget( this ); topLayout->addWidget( tabWidget ); setupLocaleTab(); setupLocaleDateTab(); setupTimeZoneTab(); setupExternalAppTab(); setupStoreTab(); setupBackupTab(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::showTimeZoneTab() { tabWidget->setCurrentPage ( 3 ) ; } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupBackupTab() { QVBox *colorPage = new QVBox( this ); tabWidget->addTab( colorPage, i18n( "Backup" ) ); QWidget* topFrame = new QWidget( colorPage ); QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(topFrame); KPrefsWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Backup enabled"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupEnabled),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox()); QWidget* bupFrame = new QWidget( topFrame ); topLayout->addWidget((bupFrame)); QObject::connect ( sb->checkBox(), SIGNAL (toggled ( bool ) ), bupFrame, SLOT ( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QVBoxLayout *bupLayout = new QVBoxLayout(bupFrame); sb = addWidBool(i18n("Use standard backup dir"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupUseDefaultDir),bupFrame); bupLayout->addWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox()); mBackupUrl = new KURLRequester( bupFrame ); mBackupUrl->setPathIsDir(); mBackupUrl->setURL( KGlobalSettings::backupDataDir() ); QObject::connect ( sb->checkBox(), SIGNAL (toggled ( bool ) ), mBackupUrl ,SLOT ( setDisabled( bool ) ) ); bupLayout->addWidget( mBackupUrl ); mBackupUrl->setEnabled( !KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupUseDefaultDir ); bupFrame->setEnabled( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupEnabled ); QHBox *dummy = new QHBox(bupFrame); new QLabel(i18n("Number of Backups:"),dummy); mBackupNumbersSpin = new QSpinBox(1,21,1,dummy); new QLabel(i18n(" "),dummy); bupLayout->addWidget( dummy ); dummy = new QHBox(bupFrame); new QLabel(i18n("Make backup every "),dummy); mBackupDayCountSpin = new QSpinBox(1,28,1,dummy); new QLabel(i18n(" days"),dummy); new QLabel(i18n(" "),dummy); bupLayout->addWidget( dummy ); QString localKdeDir; localKdeDir = readEnvPath("LOCALMICROKDEHOME"); if ( ! localKdeDir.isEmpty() ) { sb->checkBox()->setEnabled( false ); sb->checkBox()->setChecked( true ); mBackupUrl->setEnabled( false ); KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupUseDefaultDir = true; } } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupStoreTab() { QVBox *colorPage = new QVBox( this ); tabWidget->addTab( colorPage, i18n( "Colors" ) ); QWidget* cw = new QWidget( colorPage ); KPrefsWidColor *holidayColor = addWidColor(i18n("Alternating background of list views"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mAlternateColor),cw); QHBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout(cw); topLayout->addWidget(holidayColor->label()); topLayout->addWidget( (QWidget* )holidayColor->button()); QVBox *storePage = new QVBox( this ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->height() > 240 ) new QLabel( i18n("Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail").arg(KGlobal::dirs()->localkdedir()), storePage ); new QLabel( i18n("<b>New data storage dir:</b>"), storePage ); mStoreUrl = new KURLRequester( storePage ); mStoreUrl->setPathIsDir(); mStoreUrl->setURL( KGlobal::dirs()->localkdedir() ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QString confFile = qApp->applicationDirPath ()+ "/.microkdehome" ; QFileInfo fi ( confFile ); if ( fi.exists() ) { KConfig cfg ( confFile ); cfg.setGroup("Global"); QString localKdeDir = cfg.readEntry( "MICROKDEHOME", "x_x_x" ); if ( localKdeDir != "x_x_x" ) { mStoreUrl->setURL( localKdeDir ); qDebug("Reading config from %s ", confFile.latin1()); } } #endif new QLabel( i18n("New dirs are created automatically"), storePage ); QHBox *bb = new QHBox( storePage ); QPushButton * pb; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 640 ) pb = new QPushButton ( i18n("Save"), bb ); else pb = new QPushButton ( i18n("Save settings"), bb ); connect(pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( saveStoreSettings() ) ); pb = new QPushButton ( i18n("Save standard"), bb ); connect(pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( setStandardStore() ) ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION pb = new QPushButton ( i18n("Save using LOCAL storage"), bb ); connect(pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( setLocalStore() ) ); #endif new QLabel( i18n("<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>"), storePage ); mDataStoragePath = new QLabel( i18n("Settings are stored in\n%1").arg(QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.microkdehome" ), storePage ); tabWidget->addTab( storePage, i18n( "Data storage path" ) ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( mStoreUrl->url().startsWith( "LOCAL:" ) ) { mDataStoragePath->setText( i18n("Settings are stored in\n%1").arg( qApp->applicationDirPath ()+"/.microkdehome" )); } #endif } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setLocalStore() { mStoreUrl->setURL( "LOCAL:kdepimpi" ); saveStoreSettings(); QString message = i18n("'LOCAL' mode makes is possible to run\nKA/Pi and KO/Pi from a USB memory stick.\nIn LOCAL mode the data is stored\nin a path relative to the executable.\nNote, that in LOCAL mode only addressbook\nresource files in\n <path of the executable>/<dirname after LOCAL:>/apps/kabc/*.vcf\n are supported.\nIf you use the standard addressbook settings\nyou do not have to reconfigure any path,\njust restart the application and import\nyour addressbook and calendar data."); KMessageBox::information( this, message); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setStandardStore() { mStoreUrl->setURL( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/kdepim" ); saveStoreSettings(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::saveStoreSettings() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( !mStoreUrl->url().startsWith( "LOCAL:" ) ) { QString file = qApp->applicationDirPath ()+"/.microkdehome"; QFileInfo fi ( file ); if ( fi.exists() ) { bool res = QFile::remove( file ); if ( ! res ) KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("ERROR: Cannot remove file\n%1\nPlease remove it manually.").arg( file )); } } #endif if ( !mStoreUrl->url().isEmpty() ) { QString path = QDir::homeDirPath(); QString url = mStoreUrl->url(); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( url.startsWith( "LOCAL:" ) ) { path = qApp->applicationDirPath () ; } #endif KConfig cfg ( path + "/.microkdehome" ); cfg.setGroup("Global"); cfg.writeEntry( "MICROKDEHOME", url ); qDebug("cfg.writeEntry( MICROKDEHOME, %s ", url.latin1()); cfg.sync(); mDataStoragePath->setText( i18n("Settings are stored in\n%1").arg( path+"/.microkdehome" )); } else { mStoreUrl->setURL( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/kdepim" ); saveStoreSettings(); } } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupExternalAppTab() { QWidget *externalAppsPage = new QWidget( this ); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( externalAppsPage, KDialog::marginHintSmall(), KDialog::spacingHintSmall() ); mExternalApps = new QComboBox( externalAppsPage ); QMap<ExternalAppHandler::Types, QString>::Iterator it; for( it = mExternalAppsMap.begin(); it != mExternalAppsMap.end(); ++it ) mExternalApps->insertItem( it.data(), it.key() ); layout->addWidget( mExternalApps ); connect( mExternalApps, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT (externalapp_changed( int ) ) ); mExternalAppGroupBox = new QGroupBox( 0, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Used Mail Client" ), externalAppsPage ); QGridLayout *boxLayout = new QGridLayout( mExternalAppGroupBox->layout(), 4, 2, -1, "gridlayout" ); mExternalAppGroupBox->layout()->setMargin(4); mClient = new QComboBox( mExternalAppGroupBox ); boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mClient, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); connect( mClient, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT (client_changed( int ) ) ); QLabel* lab = new QLabel( i18n("Channel:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 1, 0 ); mChannel = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mChannel->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( mChannel, 2 , 2, 0, 1 ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Message:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 3, 0 ); mMessage = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mMessage->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addWidget( mMessage , 4, 0); lab = new QLabel( i18n("Parameters:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 3, 1 ); mParameters = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mParameters->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addWidget( mParameters, 4, 1 ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab, 5, 5, 0, 1 ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->height() > 240 ) { lab = new QLabel( i18n("extra Message:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 6, 0 ); mMessage2 = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mMessage2->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addWidget( mMessage2 , 7, 0); lab = new QLabel( i18n("extra Parameters:"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addWidget( lab, 6, 1 ); mParameters2 = new QLineEdit(mExternalAppGroupBox); mParameters2->setReadOnly(true); boxLayout->addWidget( mParameters2, 7, 1 ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2"), mExternalAppGroupBox); boxLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab, 8, 8, 0, 1 ); connect( mMessage2, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mParameters2, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); } else { mMessage2 = 0; mParameters2 = 0; } connect( mChannel, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mMessage, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mParameters, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); layout->addWidget( mExternalAppGroupBox ); tabWidget->addTab( externalAppsPage, i18n( "External Apps." ) ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupLocaleDateTab() { QWidget *topFrame = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout( topFrame, 3, 2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHintSmall()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHintSmall()); int iii = 0; KPrefsWidRadios *syncPrefsGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Date Format:"),&(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredDate),topFrame); QString format; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) format = "(%d.%m.%Y)"; else format = "(%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)"; syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("24.03.2004 "+format)); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) format = "(%m.%d.%Y)"; else format = "(%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)"; syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("03.24.2004 "+format)); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) format = "(%Y-%m-%d)"; else format = "(%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)"; syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("2004-03-24 "+format)); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("User defined")); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) { syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->layout()->setMargin( 5 ); syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); } topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( (QWidget*)syncPrefsGroup->groupBox(),iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; ++iii; QLabel * lab; mUserDateFormatLong = new QLineEdit(topFrame); lab = new QLabel(mUserDateFormatLong, i18n("User long date:"), topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lab ,iii,0); topLayout->addWidget(mUserDateFormatLong,iii,1); ++iii; mUserDateFormatShort = new QLineEdit(topFrame); lab = new QLabel(mUserDateFormatShort, i18n("User short date:"), topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(lab ,iii,0); topLayout->addWidget(mUserDateFormatShort,iii,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y"), topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab ,iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; //qDebug(" QApplication::desktop()->height()xx %d ", QApplication::desktop()->height() ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->height() > 240 ) { lab = new QLabel( i18n("Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y"), topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab ,iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y"), topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab ,iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; } connect( mUserDateFormatLong, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); connect( mUserDateFormatShort, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & )), this, SLOT( textChanged ( const QString & )) ); tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Date Format" ) ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupLocaleTab() { QWidget *topFrame = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,4,2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()); int iii = 0; KPrefsWidRadios *syncPrefsGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Language:(needs restart)"),&(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredLanguage),topFrame); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("English")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("German")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("French")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Italian")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("User defined (usertranslation.txt)")); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) { syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->layout()->setMargin( 5 ); syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); } topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( (QWidget*)syncPrefsGroup->groupBox(),iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Language" ) ); topFrame = new QWidget( this ); topLayout = new QGridLayout(topFrame,4,2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()); iii = 0; syncPrefsGroup = addWidRadios(i18n("Time Format(nr):"),&(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredTime),topFrame); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 300 ) syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->setOrientation (Qt::Vertical); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("24:00")); syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("12:00am")); syncPrefsGroup->groupBox()->setOrientation (Qt::Vertical); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( syncPrefsGroup->groupBox(),iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; KPrefsWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Week starts on Sunday"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mWeekStartsOnSunday),topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox(), iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Time Format" ) ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setupTimeZoneTab() { QWidget *topFrame; QGridLayout *topLayout ; topFrame = new QWidget( this ); topLayout = new QGridLayout( topFrame, 5, 2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHintSmall()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHintSmall()); QHBox *timeZoneBox = new QHBox( topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget( timeZoneBox, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); new QLabel( i18n("Timezone:"), timeZoneBox ); mTimeZoneCombo = new QComboBox( timeZoneBox ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) { mTimeZoneCombo->setMaximumWidth(150); } QStringList list; list = KGlobal::locale()->timeZoneList(); mTimeZoneCombo->insertStringList(list); // find the currently set time zone and select it QString sCurrentlySet = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId; int nCurrentlySet = 11; for (int i = 0; i < mTimeZoneCombo->count(); i++) { if (mTimeZoneCombo->text(i) == sCurrentlySet) { nCurrentlySet = i; break; } } mTimeZoneCombo->setCurrentItem(nCurrentlySet); int iii = 1; KPrefsWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Add 30 min to selected Timezone"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneAdd30min),topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox(), iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; sb = addWidBool(i18n("Timezone has daylight saving"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mUseDaylightsaving),topFrame); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget((QWidget*)sb->checkBox(), iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; QLabel* lab; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date."), topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab, iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("The year in the date is ignored."), topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lab, iii,iii,0,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Daylight start:"), topFrame ); topLayout->addWidget(lab, iii,0); mStartDateSavingEdit = new KDateEdit(topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(mStartDateSavingEdit, iii,1); ++iii; lab = new QLabel( i18n("Daylight end:"), topFrame ); topLayout->addWidget(lab, iii,0); mEndDateSavingEdit = new KDateEdit(topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(mEndDateSavingEdit, iii,1); ++iii; QDate current ( 2001, 1,1); mStartDateSavingEdit->setDate(current.addDays(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingStart-1)); mEndDateSavingEdit->setDate(current.addDays(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mDaylightsavingEnd-1)); connect( mStartDateSavingEdit, SIGNAL( dateChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT( modified()) ); connect( mEndDateSavingEdit, SIGNAL( dateChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT( modified()) ); connect( mTimeZoneCombo, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT (modified() ) ); tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Time Zone" ) ); topFrame = new QWidget( this ); topLayout = new QGridLayout( topFrame, 3, 2); topLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHintSmall()); topLayout->setMargin(KDialog::marginHintSmall()); tabWidget->addTab( topFrame, i18n( "Fonts" ) ); QLabel* labb = new QLabel( i18n("Global application font for all apps:"), topFrame ); topLayout->addMultiCellWidget(labb,0,0,0,2); int i = 1; KPrefsWidFont *timeLabelsFont = addWidFont(i18n("Kx/Pi"),i18n("Application Font"), &(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mApplicationFont),topFrame); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->label(),i,0); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->preview(),i,1); topLayout->addWidget(timeLabelsFont->button(),i,2); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::externalapp_changed( int newApp ) { // first store the current data saveEditFieldSettings(); // set mCurrentApp mCurrentApp = (ExternalAppHandler::Types)newApp; // set mCurrentClient switch(mCurrentApp) { case(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL): mCurrentClient = mEmailClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE): mCurrentClient = mPhoneClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::SMS): mCurrentClient = mSMSClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::FAX): mCurrentClient = mFaxClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::PAGER): mCurrentClient = mPagerClient; break; case(ExternalAppHandler::SIP): mCurrentClient = mSipClient; break; default: return; } // and at last update the widgets updateClientWidgets(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::client_changed( int newClient ) { if (newClient == mCurrentClient) return; // first store the current data saveEditFieldSettings(); //then reset the clientvariable mCurrentClient = newClient; // and at last update the widgets updateClientWidgets(); KPrefsWidget::modified(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::saveEditFieldSettings() { switch(mCurrentApp) { case(ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL): mEmailClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::PHONE): mPhoneClient= mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::SMS): mSMSClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::FAX): mFaxClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::PAGER): mPagerClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; case(ExternalAppHandler::SIP): mSipClient = mClient->currentItem(); break; default: return; } //store the current data back to the apropriate membervariables if we had set it to "other" if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_EMC)) { mEmailOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mEmailOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mEmailOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); if ( mMessage2 ) mEmailOtherMessage2 = mMessage2->text(); if ( mParameters2 ) mEmailOtherMessageParameters2 = mParameters2->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PHONE) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PHC)) { mPhoneOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mPhoneOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mPhoneOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SMS) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SMC)) { mSMSOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mSMSOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mSMSOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::FAX) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_FAC)) { mFaxOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mFaxOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mFaxOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PAGER) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PAC)) { mPagerOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mPagerOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mPagerOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SIP) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SIC)) { mSipOtherChannel = mChannel->text(); mSipOtherMessage = mMessage->text(); mSipOtherMessageParameters = mParameters->text(); } } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::updateClientWidgets() { bool blocked = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals( true ); // at this point we assume, that mCurrentApp and mCurrentClient are set to the values that we want to display QMap<ExternalAppHandler::Types, QString>::Iterator it = mExternalAppsMap.find ( mCurrentApp ); if (it == mExternalAppsMap.end()) return; // update group box mExternalAppGroupBox->setTitle(i18n( "Used %1 Client" ).arg(it.data())); //update the entries in the client combobox mClient->clear(); QList<DefaultAppItem> items = ExternalAppHandler::instance()->getAvailableDefaultItems(mCurrentApp); DefaultAppItem* dai; for ( dai=items.first(); dai != 0; dai=items.next() ) { mClient->insertItem( i18n(dai->_label), dai->_id ); if (dai->_id == mCurrentClient) { //restore the edit fields with the data of the local membervariables if we had set it to "other". //Otherwise take the default data from externalapphandler. mChannel->setText(dai->_channel); mMessage->setText(dai->_message); mParameters->setText(dai->_parameters); if ( mMessage2 ) mMessage2->setText(dai->_message2); if ( mParameters2 ) mParameters2->setText(dai->_parameters2); if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_EMC)) { mChannel->setText(mEmailOtherChannel); mMessage->setText(mEmailOtherMessage); mParameters->setText(mEmailOtherMessageParameters); if ( mMessage2 ) mMessage2->setText(mEmailOtherMessage2); if ( mParameters2 ) mParameters2->setText(mEmailOtherMessageParameters2); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PHONE) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PHC)) { mChannel->setText(mPhoneOtherChannel); mMessage->setText(mPhoneOtherMessage); mParameters->setText(mPhoneOtherMessageParameters); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SMS) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SMC)) { mChannel->setText(mSMSOtherChannel); mMessage->setText(mSMSOtherMessage); mParameters->setText(mSMSOtherMessageParameters); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::FAX) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_FAC)) { mChannel->setText(mFaxOtherChannel); mMessage->setText(mFaxOtherMessage); mParameters->setText(mFaxOtherMessageParameters); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PAGER) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PAC)) { mChannel->setText(mPagerOtherChannel); mMessage->setText(mPagerOtherMessage); mParameters->setText(mPagerOtherMessageParameters); } else if ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SIP) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SIC)) { mChannel->setText(mSipOtherChannel); mMessage->setText(mSipOtherMessage); mParameters->setText(mSipOtherMessageParameters); } } } bool readonly; bool enabled; if ( ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_EMC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PHONE) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PHC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SMS) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SMC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::FAX) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_FAC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PAGER) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_PAC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SIP) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::OTHER_SIC))) { readonly = false; } else { readonly = true; } if ( ((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_EMC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PHONE) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_PHC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SMS) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_SMC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::FAX) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_FAC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::PAGER) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_PAC)) ||((mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::SIP) && (mCurrentClient == KPimGlobalPrefs::NONE_SIC))) { enabled = false; } else { enabled = true; } mChannel->setReadOnly(readonly); mMessage->setReadOnly(readonly); mParameters->setReadOnly(readonly); if ( mMessage2 ) mMessage2->setReadOnly(readonly); if ( mParameters2 ) mParameters2->setReadOnly(readonly); mChannel->setEnabled(enabled); mMessage->setEnabled(enabled); mParameters->setEnabled(enabled); if ( mMessage2 ) mMessage2->setEnabled(enabled); if ( mParameters2 ) mParameters2->setEnabled(enabled); mClient->setCurrentItem(mCurrentClient); // enable/disable the extra message/parameter field if (mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL) { } else { if ( mMessage2 ) mMessage2->setText( "" ); if ( mParameters2 ) mParameters2->setText( "" ); } if (enabled == true) { if ( mMessage2 ) mMessage2->setEnabled(mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL); if ( mParameters2 ) mParameters2->setEnabled(mCurrentApp == ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL); } blockSignals( blocked ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::usrReadConfig() { KPimGlobalPrefs* prefs = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance(); bool blocked = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals( true ); if (KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mBackupUseDefaultDir ) mBackupUrl->setURL( KGlobalSettings::backupDataDir() ); else { mBackupUrl->setURL(prefs->mBackupDatadir); } mBackupNumbersSpin->setValue( prefs->mBackupNumbers ); mBackupDayCountSpin->setValue( prefs->mBackupDayCount); QString dummy = prefs->mUserDateFormatLong; mUserDateFormatLong->setText(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") )); dummy = prefs->mUserDateFormatShort; mUserDateFormatShort->setText(dummy.replace( QRegExp("K"), QString(",") )); QDate current ( 2001, 1,1); mStartDateSavingEdit->setDate(current.addDays(prefs->mDaylightsavingStart-1)); mEndDateSavingEdit->setDate(current.addDays(prefs->mDaylightsavingEnd-1)); setCombo(mTimeZoneCombo,i18n(prefs->mTimeZoneId)); mEmailClient = prefs->mEmailClient; mEmailOtherChannel = prefs->mEmailOtherChannel; mEmailOtherMessage = prefs->mEmailOtherMessage; mEmailOtherMessageParameters = prefs->mEmailOtherMessageParameters; mEmailOtherMessage2 = prefs->mEmailOtherMessage2; mEmailOtherMessageParameters2 = prefs->mEmailOtherMessageParameters2; mPhoneClient = prefs->mPhoneClient; mPhoneOtherChannel = prefs->mPhoneOtherChannel; mPhoneOtherMessage = prefs->mPhoneOtherMessage; mPhoneOtherMessageParameters = prefs->mPhoneOtherMessageParameters; mFaxClient = prefs->mFaxClient; mFaxOtherChannel = prefs->mFaxOtherChannel; mFaxOtherMessage = prefs->mFaxOtherMessage; mFaxOtherMessageParameters = prefs->mFaxOtherMessageParameters; mSMSClient = prefs->mSMSClient; mSMSOtherChannel = prefs->mSMSOtherChannel; mSMSOtherMessage = prefs->mSMSOtherMessage; mSMSOtherMessageParameters = prefs->mSMSOtherMessageParameters; mPagerClient = prefs->mPagerClient; mPagerOtherChannel = prefs->mPagerOtherChannel; mPagerOtherMessage = prefs->mPagerOtherMessage; mPagerOtherMessageParameters = prefs->mPagerOtherMessageParameters; mSipClient = prefs->mSipClient; mSipOtherChannel = prefs->mSipOtherChannel; mSipOtherMessage = prefs->mSipOtherMessage; mSipOtherMessageParameters = prefs->mSipOtherMessageParameters; mCurrentApp = ExternalAppHandler::EMAIL; mCurrentClient = mEmailClient; updateClientWidgets(); blockSignals( blocked ); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::usrWriteConfig() { KPimGlobalPrefs* prefs = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance(); saveEditFieldSettings(); prefs->mBackupNumbers = mBackupNumbersSpin->value(); prefs->mBackupDayCount = mBackupDayCountSpin->value(); - prefs->mBackupDatadir = mBackupUrl->url(); + QString bup_url = mBackupUrl->url(); + if ( bup_url.right(1) != "/" && bup_url.right(1) != "\\" ) + bup_url += "/"; + + prefs->mBackupDatadir = bup_url; prefs->mUserDateFormatShort = mUserDateFormatShort->text().replace( QRegExp(","), QString("K") ); prefs->mUserDateFormatLong = mUserDateFormatLong->text().replace( QRegExp(","), QString("K") ); prefs->mTimeZoneId = mTimeZoneCombo->currentText(); QDate date; date = mStartDateSavingEdit->date(); int sub = 0; if ( QDate::leapYear( date.year() ) && date.dayOfYear() > 59 ) sub = 1; prefs->mDaylightsavingStart = date.dayOfYear()-sub; date = mEndDateSavingEdit->date(); if ( QDate::leapYear( date.year() ) && date.dayOfYear() > 59 ) sub = 1; else sub = 0; prefs->mDaylightsavingEnd = date.dayOfYear()-sub; prefs->mEmailClient = mEmailClient; prefs->mEmailOtherChannel = mEmailOtherChannel; prefs->mEmailOtherMessage = mEmailOtherMessage; prefs->mEmailOtherMessageParameters = mEmailOtherMessageParameters; prefs->mEmailOtherMessage2 = mEmailOtherMessage2; prefs->mEmailOtherMessageParameters2 = mEmailOtherMessageParameters2; prefs->mPhoneClient = mPhoneClient; prefs->mPhoneOtherChannel = mPhoneOtherChannel; prefs->mPhoneOtherMessage = mPhoneOtherMessage; prefs->mPhoneOtherMessageParameters = mPhoneOtherMessageParameters; prefs->mFaxClient = mFaxClient; prefs->mFaxOtherChannel = mFaxOtherChannel; prefs->mFaxOtherMessage = mFaxOtherMessage; prefs->mFaxOtherMessageParameters = mFaxOtherMessageParameters; prefs->mSMSClient = mSMSClient; prefs->mSMSOtherChannel = mSMSOtherChannel; prefs->mSMSOtherMessage = mSMSOtherMessage; prefs->mSMSOtherMessageParameters = mSMSOtherMessageParameters; prefs->mPagerClient = mPagerClient; prefs->mPagerOtherChannel = mPagerOtherChannel; prefs->mPagerOtherMessage = mPagerOtherMessage; prefs->mPagerOtherMessageParameters = mPagerOtherMessageParameters; prefs->mSipClient = mSipClient; prefs->mSipOtherChannel = mSipOtherChannel; prefs->mSipOtherMessage = mSipOtherMessage; prefs->mSipOtherMessageParameters = mSipOtherMessageParameters; //release the cache that other views can access the changed values instantanious ExternalAppHandler::instance()->loadConfig(); KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->setGlobalConfig(); } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::setCombo(QComboBox *combo, const QString & text, const QStringList *tags) { if (tags) { int i = tags->findIndex(text); if (i > 0) combo->setCurrentItem(i); } else { for(int i=0;i<combo->count();++i) { if (combo->text(i) == text) { combo->setCurrentItem(i); break; } } } } void KDEPIMConfigWidget::textChanged( const QString& text ) { emit changed( true ); } |