Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
3 files changed, 47 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
index e45240a..6128137 100644
--- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
@@ -1404,329 +1404,332 @@ int CalendarView::takeEvent( Incidence* local, Incidence* remote, int mode , b
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
bool remCh, locCh;
remCh = ( remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) != local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
//if ( remCh )
//qDebug("loc %s rem %s", local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice).latin1(), remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice).latin1() );
locCh = ( localMod > mLastCalendarSync );
if ( !remCh && ! locCh ) {
//qDebug("both not changed ");
lastSync = localMod.addDays(1);
if ( mode <= SYNC_PREF_ASK )
return 0;
} else {
if ( locCh ) {
//qDebug("loc changed %d %s %s", local->revision() , localMod.toString().latin1(), mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1());
lastSync = localMod.addDays( -1 );
if ( !remCh )
remoteMod = ( lastSync.addDays( -1 ) );
} else {
//qDebug(" not loc changed ");
lastSync = localMod.addDays( 1 );
if ( remCh )
remoteMod =( lastSync.addDays( 1 ) );
full = true;
if ( mode < SYNC_PREF_ASK )
} else {
if ( localMod == remoteMod )
// if ( local->revision() == remote->revision() )
return 0;
// qDebug(" %d %d conflict on %s %s ", mode, full, local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1() );
//qDebug("%s %d %s %d", localMod.toString().latin1() , local->revision(), remoteMod.toString().latin1(), remote->revision());
//qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", localMod.time().second(), localMod.time().msec(), remoteMod.time().second(), remoteMod.time().msec() );
//full = true; //debug only
if ( full ) {
bool equ = false;
if ( local->typeID() == eventID ) {
equ = (*((Event*) local) == *((Event*) remote));
else if ( local->typeID() == todoID )
equ = (*((Todo*) local) == (*(Todo*) remote));
else if ( local->typeID() == journalID )
equ = (*((Journal*) local) == *((Journal*) remote));
if ( equ ) {
//qDebug("equal ");
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
local->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
return 0;
}//else //debug only
//qDebug("not equal %s %s ", local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1());
int result;
bool localIsNew;
//qDebug("%s -- %s mLastCalendarSync %s lastsync %s --- local %s remote %s ",local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1(),mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1() ,lastSync.toString().latin1() , localMod.toString().latin1() , remoteMod.toString().latin1() );
// ************************************************
// ************************************************
// ************************************************
// We may have that lastSync > remoteMod AND lastSync > localMod
// BUT remoteMod != localMod
if ( full && mode < SYNC_PREF_NEWEST )
switch( mode ) {
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
return 2;
if ( localMod >= remoteMod )
return 1;
return 2;
- qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), localMod.toString().latin1(), remoteMod.toString().latin1() );
+ //qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), localMod.toString().latin1(), remoteMod.toString().latin1() );
if ( lastSync > remoteMod && lastSync > localMod)
return 0;
if ( lastSync > remoteMod )
return 1;
if ( lastSync > localMod )
return 2;
- qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), localMod.toString().latin1(), remoteMod.toString().latin1() );
+ //qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), localMod.toString().latin1(), remoteMod.toString().latin1() );
localIsNew = localMod >= remoteMod;
if ( localIsNew )
getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 1 );
getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 2 );
if ( localIsNew )
getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 2 );
getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 1 );
getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 0 );
//qDebug("local %d remote %d ",local->relatedTo(),remote->relatedTo() );
getEventViewerDialog()->setCaption( mCurrentSyncDevice +i18n(" : Conflict! Please choose entry!"));
result = getEventViewerDialog()->executeS( localIsNew );
return result;
return 1;
return 2;
// SYNC_PREF_TAKE_BOTH not implemented
return 0;
Event* CalendarView::getLastSyncEvent()
Event* lse;
//qDebug("CurrentSyncDevice %s ",mCurrentSyncDevice .latin1() );
+ mCalendar->setSyncEventsEnabled();
lse = mCalendar->event( "last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncDevice );
if (!lse) {
+ qDebug("KO: New last Syncevent created for local: %s",mCurrentSyncDevice.latin1() );
lse = new Event();
lse->setUid( "last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncDevice );
QString sum = "";
if ( mSyncManager->mExternSyncProfiles.contains( mCurrentSyncDevice ) )
sum = "E: ";
lse->setSummary(sum+mCurrentSyncDevice + i18n(" - sync event"));
lse->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync );
lse->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 7200 ) );
lse->setCategories( i18n("SyncEvent") );
lse->setReadOnly( true );
lse->setCalID( 1 );
mCalendar->addEvent( lse );
- }
+ } else
+ qDebug("KO: Last Syncevent on local found");
return lse;
// we check, if the to delete event has a id for a profile
// if yes, we set this id in the profile to delete
void CalendarView::checkExternSyncEvent( QPtrList<Event> lastSync , Incidence* toDelete )
if ( lastSync.count() == 0 ) {
//qDebug(" lastSync.count() == 0");
if ( toDelete->typeID() == journalID )
Event* eve = lastSync.first();
while ( eve ) {
QString id = toDelete->getID( eve->uid().mid( 15 ) ); // this is the sync profile name
if ( !id.isEmpty() ) {
QString des = eve->description();
QString pref = "e";
if ( toDelete->typeID() == todoID )
pref = "t";
des += pref+ id + ",";
eve->setReadOnly( false );
eve->setDescription( des );
//qDebug("setdes %s ", des.latin1());
eve->setReadOnly( true );
eve =;
void CalendarView::checkExternalId( Incidence * inc )
QPtrList<Event> lastSync = mCalendar->getExternLastSyncEvents() ;
checkExternSyncEvent( lastSync, inc );
bool CalendarView::synchronizeCalendar( Calendar* local, Calendar* remote, int mode )
bool syncOK = true;
int addedEvent = 0;
int addedEventR = 0;
int deletedEventR = 0;
int deletedEventL = 0;
int changedLocal = 0;
int changedRemote = 0;
int filteredIN = 0;
int filteredOUT = 0;
//QPtrList<Event> el = local->rawEvents();
Event* eventR;
QString uid;
int take;
Event* eventRSync;
Event* eventLSync;
QPtrList<Event> eventRSyncSharp = remote->getExternLastSyncEvents();
QPtrList<Event> eventLSyncSharp = local->getExternLastSyncEvents();
bool fullDateRange = false;
mLastCalendarSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
if ( mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop() ) {
if ( KSyncManager::mRequestedSyncEvent.isValid() ) {
mLastCalendarSync = KSyncManager::mRequestedSyncEvent;
qDebug("KO: using extern time for calendar sync: %s ", mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1() );
} else {
qDebug("KSyncManager::mRequestedSyncEvent has invalid datatime ");
QDateTime modifiedCalendar = mLastCalendarSync;
eventLSync = getLastSyncEvent();
eventR = remote->event("last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncName );
if ( eventR ) {
- qDebug("last-syncEvent on remote found ");
+ qDebug("KO: Last-syncEvent on remote found ");
eventRSync = (Event*) eventR->clone();
remote->deleteEvent(eventR );
} else {
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL || mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop()) {
eventRSync = (Event*)eventLSync->clone();
} else {
fullDateRange = true;
eventRSync = new Event();
eventRSync->setSummary(mCurrentSyncName + i18n(" - sync event"));
eventRSync->setUid("last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncName );
eventRSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync );
eventRSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 7200 ) );
eventRSync->setCategories( i18n("SyncEvent") );
if ( eventLSync->dtStart() == mLastCalendarSync )
fullDateRange = true;
if ( ! fullDateRange ) {
if ( eventLSync->dtStart() != eventRSync->dtStart() ) {
qDebug("KO: Sync: Set fulldate to true! Local: %s --- Remote: %s" ,eventLSync->dtStart().toString().latin1(), eventRSync->dtStart().toString().latin1() );
//qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", eventLSync->dtStart().time().second(), eventLSync->dtStart().time().msec() , eventRSync->dtStart().time().second(), eventRSync->dtStart().time().msec());
fullDateRange = true;
if ( mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop() ) {
fullDateRange = ( eventLSync->dtStart() <= mLastCalendarSync && eventLSync->dtStart().addSecs(1) >= mLastCalendarSync );
if ( fullDateRange )
mLastCalendarSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -100*365);
mLastCalendarSync = eventLSync->dtStart();
// for resyncing if own file has changed
if ( mCurrentSyncDevice == "deleteaftersync" ) {
mLastCalendarSync = loadedFileVersion;
//qDebug("setting mLastCalendarSync ");
//qDebug("*************************** ");
qDebug("KO: mLastCalendarSync %s .Full: %d",mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1(), fullDateRange);
QPtrList<Incidence> er = remote->rawIncidences();
Incidence* inR = er.first();
Incidence* inL;
QProgressBar bar( er.count(),0 );
bar.setCaption (i18n("Syncing - close to abort!") );
// ************** setting up filter *************
CalFilter *filterIN = 0;
CalFilter *filterOUT = 0;
CalFilter *filter = mFilters.first();
while(filter) {
if ( filter->name() == mSyncManager->mFilterInCal )
filterIN = filter;
if ( filter->name() == mSyncManager->mFilterOutCal )
filterOUT = filter;
filter =;
int w = 300;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 )
w = 220;
int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ;
int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height();
bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h );;
int modulo = (er.count()/10)+1;
int incCounter = 0;
while ( inR ) {
if ( ! bar.isVisible() )
return false;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
bar.setProgress( incCounter );
uid = inR->uid();
bool skipIncidence = false;
if ( uid.left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") )
skipIncidence = true;
QString idS;
if ( !skipIncidence ) {
inL = local->incidenceForUid( uid , false );
if ( inL ) { // maybe conflict - same uid in both calendars
if ( (take = takeEvent( inL, inR, mode, fullDateRange )) > 0 ) {
//qDebug("take %d %s ", take, inL->summary().latin1());
if ( take == 3 )
return false;
if ( take == 1 ) {// take local **********************
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL )
inL->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
idS = inR->IDStr();
int calID = inR->calID();
remote->deleteIncidence( inR );
inR = inL->clone();
inR->setCalID( calID );
diff --git a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp
index e1b15d2..8bf0d27 100644
--- a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp
+++ b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp
@@ -1067,301 +1067,333 @@ void KSyncManager::syncPhone()
void KSyncManager::showProgressBar(int percentage, QString caption, int total)
if (!bar->isVisible())
int w = 300;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 )
w = 220;
int h = bar->sizeHint().height() ;
int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height();
bar->setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h );
bar->setCaption (caption);
bar->setTotalSteps ( total ) ;
bar->setProgress( percentage );
void KSyncManager::hideProgressBar()
bool KSyncManager::isProgressBarCanceled()
return !bar->isVisible();
QString KSyncManager::syncFileName()
QString fn = "tempfile";
case (KAPI):
fn = "tempsyncab.vcf";
case (KOPI):
fn = "tempsynccal.ics";
case (PWMPI):
fn = "tempsyncpw.pwm";
return locateLocal( "tmp", fn );
return (QString( "/tmp/" )+ fn );
void KSyncManager::syncPi()
mIsKapiFile = true;
mPisyncFinished = false;
if ( mAskForPreferences )
if ( !edit_pisync_options()) {
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Syncing aborted. Nothing synced.") );
mPisyncFinished = true;
bool ok;
Q_UINT16 port = mActiveSyncPort.toUInt(&ok);
if ( ! ok ) {
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Sorry, no valid port.Syncing cancelled.") );
mPisyncFinished = true;
mCurrentResourceLocal = "";
mCurrentResourceRemote = "";
if ( mSpecificResources.count() ) {
int lastSyncRes = mSpecificResources.count()/2;
int ccc = mSpecificResources.count()-1;
while ( lastSyncRes > 0 && ccc > 0 && mSpecificResources[ ccc ].isEmpty() ) {
//qDebug ( "KSM: sync pi %d",ccc );
int startLocal = 0;
int startRemote = mSpecificResources.count()/2;
emit multiResourceSyncStart( true );
while ( startLocal < mSpecificResources.count()/2 ) {
if ( startLocal+1 >= lastSyncRes )
emit multiResourceSyncStart( false );
mPisyncFinished = false;
mCurrentResourceLocal = mSpecificResources[ startLocal ];
mCurrentResourceRemote = mSpecificResources[ startRemote ];
//qDebug ( "KSM: AAASyncing resources: Local: %s --- Remote: %s ",mCurrentResourceLocal.latin1(), mCurrentResourceRemote.latin1() );
if ( !mCurrentResourceRemote.isEmpty() ) {
qDebug ( "KSM: Syncing resources: Local: %s --- Remote: %s ",mCurrentResourceLocal.latin1(), mCurrentResourceRemote.latin1() );
KCommandSocket* commandSocket = new KCommandSocket( mCurrentResourceRemote, mPassWordPiSync, port, mActiveSyncIP, this, mParent->topLevelWidget() );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL(commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int )), this, SLOT(deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*, int)) );
commandSocket->readFile( syncFileName() );
+ mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Syncing %1 <-> %2").arg( mCurrentResourceLocal ).arg( mCurrentResourceRemote ) );
while ( !mPisyncFinished ) {
//qDebug("waiting ");
+ if ( startLocal+1 < mSpecificResources.count()/2 ) {
+ mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Waiting 2 secs before syncing next resource...") );
+ QTime timer;
+ timer.start();
+ while ( timer.elapsed () < 2000 ) {
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ }
+ }
mPisyncFinished = true;
} else {
KCommandSocket* commandSocket = new KCommandSocket( "", mPassWordPiSync, port, mActiveSyncIP, this, mParent->topLevelWidget() );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL(commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int )), this, SLOT(deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*, int)) );
commandSocket->readFile( syncFileName() );
void KSyncManager::deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*s, int state)
//enum { success, errorW, errorR, quiet };
if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorR ||state == KCommandSocket::errorTO ||state == KCommandSocket::errorPW ||
state == KCommandSocket::errorCA ||state == KCommandSocket::errorFI ||state == KCommandSocket::errorUN||state == KCommandSocket::errorED ) {
if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorPW )
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Wrong password: Receiving remote file failed.") );
else if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorR ||state == KCommandSocket::errorTO )
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("ERROR: Receiving remote file failed.") );
else if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorCA )
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Sync cancelled from remote.") );
else if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorFI )
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("File error on remote.") );
else if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorED )
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Please close error dialog on remote.") );
else if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorUN )
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Unknown error on remote.") );
delete s;
if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorR ) {
KCommandSocket* commandSocket = new KCommandSocket( "",mPassWordPiSync, mActiveSyncPort.toUInt(), mActiveSyncIP, this, mParent->topLevelWidget());
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL(commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int)), this, SLOT(deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*, int )) );
mPisyncFinished = true;
} else if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorW ) {
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("ERROR:Writing back file failed.") );
mPisyncFinished = true;
} else if ( state == KCommandSocket::successR ) {
QTimer::singleShot( 1, this , SLOT ( readFileFromSocket()));
} else if ( state == KCommandSocket::successW ) {
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync successful!") );
mPisyncFinished = true;
} else if ( state == KCommandSocket::quiet ){
qDebug("KSS: quiet ");
mPisyncFinished = true;
} else {
qDebug("KSS: Error: unknown state: %d ", state);
mPisyncFinished = true;
delete s;
void KSyncManager::readFileFromSocket()
QString fileName = syncFileName();
bool syncOK = true;
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Remote file saved to temp file.") );
if ( ! syncWithFile( fileName , true ) ) {
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Syncing failed.") );
syncOK = false;
KCommandSocket* commandSocket = new KCommandSocket( mCurrentResourceRemote,mPassWordPiSync, mActiveSyncPort.toUInt(), mActiveSyncIP, this, mParent->topLevelWidget() );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL(commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int)), this, SLOT(deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*, int )) );
if ( mWriteBackFile && syncOK ) {
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Sending back file ...") );
commandSocket->writeFile( fileName );
else {
if ( syncOK )
mParent->topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync succesful!") );
mPisyncFinished = true;
KServerSocket:: KServerSocket ( QString pw, Q_UINT16 port, int backlog, QObject * parent, const char * name ) : QServerSocket( port, backlog, parent, name )
+ mPendingConnect = 0;
mPassWord = pw;
mSocket = 0;
mSyncActionDialog = 0;
blockRC = false;
mErrorMessage = 0;
+void KServerSocket::waitForSocketFinish()
+ if ( mSocket ) {
+ qDebug("KSS:: waiting for finish operation");
+ QTimer::singleShot( 250, this , SLOT ( waitForSocketFinish()));
+ return;
+ }
+ mSocket = new QSocket( this );
+ connect( mSocket , SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readClient()) );
+ connect( mSocket , SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished()), this, SLOT(discardClient()) );
+ mSocket->setSocket( mPendingConnect );
+ mPendingConnect = 0;
void KServerSocket::newConnection ( int socket )
// qDebug("KServerSocket:New connection %d ", socket);
+ if ( mPendingConnect ) {
+ qDebug("KSS::Error : new Connection");
+ return;
+ }
if ( mSocket ) {
+ mPendingConnect = socket;
+ QTimer::singleShot( 250, this , SLOT ( waitForSocketFinish()));
+ return;
qDebug("KSS::newConnection Socket deleted! ");
delete mSocket;
mSocket = 0;
+ mPendingConnect = 0;
mSocket = new QSocket( this );
connect( mSocket , SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readClient()) );
connect( mSocket , SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished()), this, SLOT(discardClient()) );
mSocket->setSocket( socket );
void KServerSocket::discardClient()
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( deleteSocket()));
void KServerSocket::deleteSocket()
if ( mSocket ) {
delete mSocket;
mSocket = 0;
if ( mErrorMessage )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( displayErrorMessage()));
void KServerSocket::readClient()
if ( blockRC )
if ( mSocket == 0 ) {
qDebug("ERROR::KSS::readClient(): mSocket == 0 ");
if ( mErrorMessage ) {
mErrorMessage = 999;
mResource = "";
mErrorMessage = 0;
if ( mSocket->canReadLine() ) {
QString line = mSocket->readLine();
//qDebug("KServerSocket readline: %s ", line.latin1());
QStringList tokens = QStringList::split( QRegExp("[ \r\n][ \r\n]*"), line );
if ( tokens[0] == "GET" ) {
if ( tokens[1] == mPassWord ) {
//emit sendFile( mSocket );
bool ok = false;
QDateTime dt = KGlobal::locale()->readDateTime( tokens[2], KLocale::ISODate, &ok);
if ( ok ) {
KSyncManager::mRequestedSyncEvent = dt;
KSyncManager::mRequestedSyncEvent = QDateTime();
mResource =tokens[3];
else {
mErrorMessage = 1;
if ( tokens[0] == "PUT" ) {
if ( tokens[1] == mPassWord ) {
//emit getFile( mSocket );
blockRC = true;
mResource =tokens[2];
else {
mErrorMessage = 2;
if ( tokens[0] == "STOP" ) {
//emit endConnect();
void KServerSocket::displayErrorMessage()
if ( mErrorMessage == 1 ) {
KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("Got send file request\nwith invalid password"), i18n("Pi-Sync Error"));
mErrorMessage = 0;
else if ( mErrorMessage == 2 ) {
KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("Got receive file request\nwith invalid password"), i18n("Pi-Sync Error"));
mErrorMessage = 0;
void KServerSocket::error_connect( QString errmess )
QTextStream os( mSocket );
os.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
os << errmess ;
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle ) {
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this , SLOT ( discardClient()));
@@ -1450,228 +1482,230 @@ void KServerSocket::send_file()
os << "\r\n";
//os <<;
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Waiting for synced file...") );
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( discardClient()));
void KServerSocket::get_file()
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Receiving synced file...") );
piFileString = "";
QTimer::singleShot( 1, this , SLOT (readBackFileFromSocket( ) ));
void KServerSocket::readBackFileFromSocket()
//qDebug("readBackFileFromSocket() %d ", piTime.elapsed ());
while ( mSocket->canReadLine () ) {
QString line = mSocket->readLine ();
piFileString += line;
//qDebug("readline: %s ", line.latin1());
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Received %1 bytes").arg( piFileString.length() ) );
if ( piTime.elapsed () < 3000 ) {
// wait for more
//qDebug("waitformore ");
QTimer::singleShot( 100, this , SLOT (readBackFileFromSocket( ) ));
QString fileName = mFileName;
QFile file ( fileName );
if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
delete mSyncActionDialog;
mSyncActionDialog = 0;
qDebug("KSS:Error open read back file ");
piFileString = "";
emit file_received( false, mResource);
emit file_received( false);
blockRC = false;
return ;
// mView->setLoadedFileVersion(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( -1));
QTextStream ts ( &file );
ts.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Writing file to disk...") );
ts << piFileString;
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( discardClient()));
piFileString = "";
emit file_received( true, mResource );
emit file_received( true);
delete mSyncActionDialog;
mSyncActionDialog = 0;
blockRC = false;
KCommandSocket::KCommandSocket ( QString remres, QString password, Q_UINT16 port, QString host, QObject * parent, QWidget * cap, const char * name ): QObject( parent, name )
mRemoteResource = remres;
if ( mRemoteResource.isEmpty() )
mRemoteResource = "ALL";
mRemoteResource.replace (QRegExp (" "),"_" );
mPassWord = password;
mSocket = 0;
mFirst = false;
mFirstLine = true;
mPort = port;
mHost = host;
tlw = cap;
mRetVal = quiet;
mTimerSocket = new QTimer ( this );
connect( mTimerSocket, SIGNAL ( timeout () ), this, SLOT ( updateConnectDialog() ) );
mConnectProgress.setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync") );
connect( &mConnectProgress, SIGNAL ( cancelled () ), this, SLOT ( deleteSocket() ) );
mConnectCount = -1;
void KCommandSocket::sendFileRequest()
if ( tlw )
tlw->setCaption( i18n("Connected! Sending request for remote file ...") );
mConnectCount = 300;mConnectMax = 300;
mConnectProgress.setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync: Connected!") );
+ mConnectProgress.setLabelText( i18n("Waiting for remote file...") );
mTimerSocket->start( 100, true );
QTextStream os( mSocket );
os.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
QString curDt = " " +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(-1),true, true,KLocale::ISODate );
os << "GET " << mPassWord << curDt << " " << mRemoteResource << "\r\n\r\n";
void KCommandSocket::readFile( QString fn )
if ( !mSocket ) {
mSocket = new QSocket( this );
+ qDebug("KCS: read file - new socket");
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(startReadFileFromSocket()) );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished ()), this, SLOT(deleteSocket()) );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(connected ()), this, SLOT(sendFileRequest() ));
mFileString = "";
mFileName = fn;
mFirst = true;
if ( tlw )
tlw->setCaption( i18n("Trying to connect to remote...") );
mConnectCount = 30;mConnectMax = 30;
mTimerSocket->start( 1000, true );
mSocket->connectToHost( mHost, mPort );
- qDebug("KSS: Waiting for connection");
+ qDebug("KCS: Waiting for connection");
void KCommandSocket::updateConnectDialog()
if ( mConnectCount == mConnectMax ) {
- //qDebug("MAXX %d", mConnectMax);
+ qDebug("MAXX %d", mConnectMax);
mConnectProgress.setTotalSteps ( 30 );;
mConnectProgress.setLabelText( i18n("Trying to connect to remote...") );
- //qDebug("updateConnectDialog() %d", mConnectCount);
+ qDebug("updateConnectDialog() %d", mConnectCount);
mConnectProgress.setProgress( (mConnectMax - mConnectCount)%30 );
if ( mConnectCount > 0 )
mTimerSocket->start( 1000, true );
void KCommandSocket::writeFile( QString fileName )
if ( !mSocket ) {
mSocket = new QSocket( this );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished ()), this, SLOT(deleteSocket()) );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(connected ()), this, SLOT(writeFileToSocket()) );
mFileName = fileName ;
mConnectCount = 30;mConnectMax = 30;
mTimerSocket->start( 1000, true );
mSocket->connectToHost( mHost, mPort );
void KCommandSocket::writeFileToSocket()
QFile file2( mFileName );
if (! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
mConnectCount = -1;
mRetVal= errorW;
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( deleteSocket()));
return ;
mConnectProgress.setTotalSteps ( file2.size() );;
int count = 0;
mConnectProgress.setLabelText( i18n("Sending back synced file...") );
mConnectProgress.setProgress( count );
mConnectProgress.blockSignals( true );
QTextStream ts2( &file2 );
ts2.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
QTextStream os2( mSocket );
os2.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
os2 << "PUT " << mPassWord << " " << mRemoteResource << "\r\n\r\n";;
int byteCount = 0;
int byteMax = file2.size()/53;
while ( ! ts2.atEnd() ) {
if ( byteCount > byteMax ) {
byteCount = 0;
mConnectProgress.setProgress( count );
QString temp = ts2.readLine();
count += temp.length();
byteCount += temp.length();
os2 << temp << "\r\n";
mConnectCount = -1;
os2 << "\r\n";
mRetVal= successW;
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( deleteSocket()));
mConnectProgress.blockSignals( false );
void KCommandSocket::sendStop()
if ( !mSocket ) {
mSocket = new QSocket( this );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished ()), this, SLOT(deleteSocket()) );
mSocket->connectToHost( mHost, mPort );
QTextStream os2( mSocket );
os2.setEncoding( QTextStream::Latin1 );
os2 << "STOP\r\n\r\n";
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( deleteSocket()));
void KCommandSocket::startReadFileFromSocket()
if ( ! mFirst )
mConnectProgress.setLabelText( i18n("Receiving file from remote...") );
mFirst = false;
mFileString = "";
mFirstLine = true;
QTimer::singleShot( 1, this , SLOT (readFileFromSocket( ) ));
void KCommandSocket::readFileFromSocket()
diff --git a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
index 53c611d..604adb8 100644
--- a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
+++ b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
@@ -1,162 +1,164 @@
This file is part of KDE-Pim/Pi.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qsocket.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qserversocket.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qprogressdialog.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
class QPopupMenu;
class KSyncProfile;
class KPimPrefs;
class QWidget;
class KSyncManager;
class KSyncInterface;
class QProgressBar;
class KServerSocket : public QServerSocket
KServerSocket ( QString password, Q_UINT16 port, int backlog = 0, QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
void newConnection ( int socket ) ;
void setFileName( QString fn ) {mFileName = fn;};
void file_received( bool );
void request_file();
void file_received( bool, const QString &);
void request_file(const QString &);
void saveFile();
void endConnect();
private slots:
+ void waitForSocketFinish();
void discardClient();
void deleteSocket();
void readClient();
void displayErrorMessage();
void readBackFileFromSocket();
private :
+ int mPendingConnect;
QString mResource;
int mErrorMessage;
bool blockRC;
void send_file();
void get_file();
void end_connect();
void error_connect( QString );
QDialog* mSyncActionDialog;
QSocket* mSocket;
QString mPassWord;
QString mFileName;
QTime piTime;
QString piFileString;
class KCommandSocket : public QObject
enum state { successR, errorR, successW, errorW, errorTO, errorPW, errorCA, errorFI, errorUN, errorED,quiet };
KCommandSocket (QString remoteResource, QString password, Q_UINT16 port, QString host, QObject * parent=0, QWidget* cap = 0, const char * name=0 );
void readFile( QString );
void writeFile( QString );
void sendStop();
private slots :
void sendFileRequest();
void updateConnectDialog();
void commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int );
private slots:
void startReadFileFromSocket();
void readFileFromSocket();
void deleteSocket();
void writeFileToSocket();
private :
QString mRemoteResource;
int mConnectCount;
int mConnectMax;
KProgressDialog mConnectProgress;
QWidget* tlw;
QSocket* mSocket;
QString mPassWord;
Q_UINT16 mPort;
QString mHost;
QString mFileName;
QTimer* mTimerSocket;
int mRetVal;
QTime mTime;
QString mFileString;
bool mFirst;
bool mFirstLine;
class KSyncManager : public QObject
enum TargetApp {
KOPI = 0,
KAPI = 1,
PWMPI = 2 };
KSyncManager(QWidget* parent, KSyncInterface* implementation, TargetApp ta, KPimPrefs* prefs, QPopupMenu* syncmenu);
~KSyncManager() ;
void multiSync( bool askforPrefs );
bool blockSave() { return mBlockSaveFlag; }
void setBlockSave(bool sa) { mBlockSaveFlag = sa; }
void setDefaultFileName( QString s) ;
QString defaultFileName() { return mDefFileName ;}
QString syncFileName();
void enableQuick( bool ask = true);
bool syncWithDesktop () { return mSyncWithDesktop;}
QString getCurrentSyncDevice() { return mCurrentSyncDevice; }
QString getCurrentSyncName() { return mCurrentSyncName; }
void showProgressBar(int percentage, QString caption = QString::null, int total=100);
void hideProgressBar();
bool isProgressBarCanceled();
// sync stuff
QString mLocalMachineName;
QStringList mExternSyncProfiles;
QStringList mSyncProfileNames;
bool mAskForPreferences;
bool mShowSyncSummary;
bool mIsKapiFile;
bool mWriteBackExistingOnly;
int mSyncAlgoPrefs;
bool mWriteBackFile;
int mWriteBackInFuture;