path: root/bin/kdepim
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diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
index 79de197..814c541 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
@@ -1,103 +1,105 @@
Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi
********** VERSION 2.1.14 ************
Added some buttons to the KO/Pi Quick-todo line to make it possible to quickly access some todo view layout settings like display all flat/open/close and hide/show running/done.
Added a button to add a subtodo quickly.
+Added a possibility to search for conflicting events. (In the Action menu. Keyboard shortcut "q" ).
********** VERSION 2.1.13 ************
Fixed a problem in KA/Pi search.
Fixed some minor problems in KO/Pi.
Added calendar selection possibility to the todo view popup and to the event/todo/journal editor.
Fixed memory usage problems in KA/Pi:
When loading data KA/Pi did load the file data twice.
A 600k file did consume 1200k memory during loading process.
This is fixed, it does now consume only 600k during loading process.
When saving data KA/Pi did consume a lot of memory for the data parsing during the save process.
This is fixed.
Before saving a 600k file KA/Pi did consume 21.7 Meg of Ram.
When saving KA/Pi did consume 28.6 Meg of Ram. That causes a crash on the Zaurus because there was no memeory left in the system.
Now KA/Pi is consuming on saving the same data 22.0 Meg of Ram during the save process.
Note: The memory usage of KA/Pi after the data is loaded/saved has not changed.
The saving of data may be a bit slower now.
Fixed memory usage problems in KO/Pi:
When KO/Pi did save the data to file, it did not release the used buffers after saving.
The used buffer was released after saving the next time, but there was new buffer space allocated again on that save operation.
This is fixed.
When saving a 400k file KO/Pi do now use 400k less memory now.
Optimized memory usage in KO/Pi Agenda view:
KO/Pi is storing some paint information in extra buffers for faster repainting of the agenda view.
These buffers were not made smaller (i.e. downsized) because of performance reasons.
The handling of these buffers are now much smarter:
Two (of six) buffers are removed completely.
The remaing four buffers are now downsized after not using the agenda view for 45 seconds.
Such that the memory usage of KO/Pi is smaller now in general ( because 2 buffers are removed) and is much smaller when not using the agenda view. That is very important when using fastload for KO/Pi.
Worst case example ( for a maximum size agenda content):
When resizing the agenda content to a large scale, KO/Pi did use 17Meg of mem ( and did not use less memory until it was stopped). Now KO/Pi is using on the same operation only 14.3 Meg of mem and after 45 seconds not using the agenda view it uses only 9.4 Meg of mem.
When switching to an unused Agenda view now KO/Pi is upizing the buffers again. This takes less than a second. Such that switching to Agenda view (after not using it for more than 45 seconds) is now a bit slower.
Many memory wasting problems of KA/Pi and KO/Pi fixed such that it is better to use on the Zaurus.
********** VERSION 2.1.12 ************
Many small usability fixes, e.g. rearranged the popup menus such that they are better to use on the Zaurus.
Fixed a problem with the month view when file was saved but KO/Pi was not the active window.
Fixed some problems in the resource config dialog (e.g. added a warning if you set all calendars to read-only).
Fixed some other small problems.
********** VERSION 2.1.11 ************
Because we can have many calendars now in KO/Pi we can have more than one journal entry per day.
Added features to handle (and add ) more than one journal entry per day.
Added option for a journal title.
Added info about the calendar, the item belongs to, to the event/todo/journal viewer.
Fixed a problem of the alarm of completed recurring todos.
Added to the event/todo editor to set quickly the category of an item.
Fixed some problems when calling KO/Pi or KA/Pi from the alarm applet.
Added KA/Pi multi sync to the multi sync called from the alarm applet.
********** VERSION 2.1.10 ************
Importing Birthdays will now create another file resource "Birthdays" and import the birthday data from KA/Pi into that file.
When a multidayevent is selected in monthview all occurences of this event in the monthview are now hightlighted.
Fixed a bug in searching for a small timerange, i.e. one day.
Fixed two problems in csv export.
Fixed problems when calling the contact selection dialog from KO/Pi or OM/Pi.
********** VERSION 2.1.9 ************
Fixed some problems of the new search options in the search dialog.
Fixed some problems in the new resource config options.
Changed the recurrence edit of events and todos such that the recurrence edit page now is notified about a change of the start date on the first page.
Fixed a problem creating new events in the agenda view if at the day/time is already an agenda item shown:
Now you can click on the bottom/top of an allday agenda item or on the left/right side of an agenda item to get the "new todo/new event" popup.
Fixed a problem in recurrence range in syncing with DTM.
Made it posiible to show in the contact overview the details of all data available for that contact( e.g. office, spouse, children, nickname ...)
Added "sec" to the timeout config settings to make it clear the timeout values are seconds.
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
index bcc23dc..b225594 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
@@ -1401,106 +1401,120 @@
{ "<b>Name of new calendar:</b>","<b>Name des Kalenders:</b>" },
{ "<b>Local ical (*.ics) file:</b>","<b>Lokale ical (*.ics) Datei:</b>" },
{ "Sorry, the calendar name is empty!","Sorry, der Kalendername ist leer!" },
{ "Sorry, the file name is empty!","Sorry, der Dateiname ist leer!" },
{ "Error loading calendar file\n%1.","Fehler beim Laden der Kalenderdatei\n%1." },
{ "The calendar <b>%1</b> is not loaded! Loading of file <b>%2</b> failed! <b>Try again to load the calendar?</b>","Der Kalender <b>%1</b> ist nicht geladen! Das Laden der Datei <b>%2</b> schlug fehl! <b>Soll erneut versucht werden den Kalender zu laden?</b>" },
{ "Global application font for all apps:","Globale Schriftart:" },
{ "Application Font","Applikationsschriftart" },
{ "Kx/Pi","Kx/Pi" },
{ "Backup","Backup" },
{ "KDE-Pim Global Settings","KDE-Pim Globale Einstellungen" },
{ "Sorry, the calendar name \n%1\nalready exists!\nPlease choose another name!","Sorry, der Kalendername \n%1\nist schon in Benutzung!\nBitte wählen Sie einen anderen!" },
{ "Sorry, the file \n%1\nis already loaded!\nPlease choose another file!","Sorry, die Datei \n%1\nist schon geladen!\nBitte wählen Sie eine andere!" },
{ "Choose Color","Wähle Farbe" },
{ " OK "," OK " },
{ " Cancel "," Abbrechen " },
{ "Matching items will be added to list","Passende werden zur Liste hinzugefügt" },
{ "Matching items will be removed from list","Passende werden von der Liste entfernt" },
{ "Search on displayed list only","Suche auf der dargestellten Liste" },
{ "List will be cleared before search","Liste wird vor der Suche gelöscht" },
{ "<center>%1</center> <center>is not running. Do you want to set\nthe state to running?</center>","<center>%1</center> <center>ist nicht am Laufen. Möchten Sie den Zustand auf "laufend" setzen?</center>" },
{ "%1\nis running!","%1\nist am Laufen!" },
{ "Additional Comment:","Zusätzlicher Kommentar:" },
{ "Stop and save","Stopp und Speichern" },
{ "Continue running","Weiter laufen lassen" },
{ "Stop - do not save","Stopp - nicht Speichern" },
{ "Do you really want to set\nthe state to stopped\nwithout saving the data?","Möchten sie den Zustand\nwirklich auf gestoppt setzen\nohne die Daten abzuspeichern?" },
{ "Time mismatch!","Zeiten stimmen nicht!" },
{ "The start time is\nafter the end time!","Die Startzeit ist\nhinter der Endzeit!" },
{ "Yes, stop todo","Ja, stoppe Todo" },
{ "Todo stopped - no data saved because runtime was < 15 sec!","Todo gestoppt - nichts gespeichert da Laufzeit < 15 sec!" },
{ "Todo started! Double click again to stop!","Todo gestartet! Doppelklicke um es zu stoppen!" },
{ "Please choose the <b>default calendar</b> in this column. Newly created or imported items are added to the default calendar.","Bitte wählen Sie den <b>Default-Kalender</b> in dieser Spalte. Neu angelegte oder importierte Einträge werden dem Default-Kalender hinzugefügt." },
{ "Spouse","Ehegatte" },
{ "Notes","Notizen" },
{ "Messanger","Messanger" },
{ "Assistant","Assistent" },
{ "Manager","Manager" },
{ "Secrecy","Sichtbar" },
{ "male","männlich" },
{ "female","weiblich" },
{ "Hide!","Verbergen!" },
{ "Show!","Anzeigen!" },
{ "Details","Details" },
{ "Profession","Beruf" },
{ "Children","Kinder" },
{ "Department","Abteilung" },
{ "Backup cancelled","Backup abgebrochen" },
{ "Backup globally disabled","Backup global abgeschaltet" },
{ "Backup succesfully finished","Backup erfolgreich beendet" },
{ "(Hint: You can enable automatic backup in the global settings!)","(Hinweis: Sie können ein automatisches Backup in den globalen Einstellungen konfigurieren!)" },
{ "This will <b>backup all calendar files</b> to the directory %1 %2","Das schreibt ein <b>Backup aller Kalenderdateien</b> in das Verzeichnis %1 %2" },
{ "Birthdays","Geburtstage" },
{ "KO/Pi import information!","KO/Pi Import Information!" },
{ "Start this todo\nand stop all running","Starte dieses Todo\nund stoppe alle Laufenden" },
{ "Cancel - do not start"," Abbrechen - Todo nicht starten" },
{ "The timezone has changed!\nShould the calendar be reloaded\nto shift the time of the events?\nPlease read Menu: Help->FAQ:\n"How do I change the timezone?"\nas well!","Die Zeitzone wurde geändert!\nSollen die Kalender neu geladen\nwerden num die Zeiten\nder Termine zu ändern?\nBitte lesen Sie auch\nMenu: Help->FAQ:\n"How do I change the timezone?"" },
{ "Reload","Neu laden" },
{ "Timezone settings","Zeitzoneneinstellung" },
{ "Title: ","Titel: " },
{ "Journal from: ","Journal vom: " },
{ "Journal: %1 from ","Journal: %1 vom " },
{ "<b>Click here to edit categories: </b>","<b>Klicke hier um Kategorien zu ändern: </b>" },
{ "Selected Item","Ausgewähltes Item" },
{ "Select Date...","Wähle Datum..." },
{ "After importing/loading/syncing there may be new categories in events or todos which are not added automatically to the category list. Please choose what to do <b>now</b>:","Nach dem Importieren/Laden/Syncen kann es neue Kategorien in den Terminen oder Todos geben, die nicht automatisch der Kategorieliste hinzugefügt werden. Bitte wählen Sie, was <b>jetzt</b> passieren soll:" },
{ "Change category list now!","Ändere Kategorieliste jetzt!" },
{ "Edit category list...","Ändere Kategorieliste..." },
{ "Toolbar changes needs a restart!","Neustart benötigt für Toolbaränderungen!" },
{ "Filepath: ","Dateipfad: " },
{ "You can try to reload the calendar in the Resource View!","In der Resourcenansicht können Sie erneut versuchen den Kalender zu laden!" },
{ "<b>WARNING:</b> There is a pending suspended alarm!","<b>WARNUNG:</b> Es gibt einen laufenden Suspendalarm!" },
{ "Pending Suspend Alarm","Laufender Suspend Alarm" },
{ "Error loading calendar %1","Fehler beim Laden von Kalender %1" },
{ "Calendar(s) not loaded:","Nicht geladene(r) Kalender:" },
{ "Loding of calendar(s) failed","Laden von Kalendern fehlgeschlagen" },
{ "Alarm Options","Alarm Einstellungen" },
{ "Delete selected...","Lösche Ausgewählte..." },
{ "None","Nichts" },
{ "Selection","Auswahl" },
{ "Set categories","Setze Kategorien" },
{ "This adds the selected\nitems to the calendar\n%1\nand removes them from\ntheir current calendar!","Das fügt die ausgewählten\nEinträge dem Kalender\n%1\nhinzu und entfernt sie von\nihrem aktuellen Kalender!" },
{ "Reset","Neu setzen" },
{ "Do you want to <b>add</b> categories to the selected items or <b>reset</b> the list (i.e. remove current categories)?","Möchten Sie Kategorien zu den ausgewählten Einträgen <b>hinzufügen</b> oder die Liste <b>neu setzen</b> (d.h. vorhandene Kategorien löschen)?" },
{ "The file\n%1\ndoes not exist!\nShall I create it for you?","Die Datei\n%1\nexistiert nicht!\nSoll sie neu angelegt werden?" },
{ "Sorry, cannot create the file\n%1!\nNo calendar added!","Kann leider die Datei\n%1\nnicht anlegen!\nKein Kalender hinzugefügt!" },
{ "\nNO\n WRITEABLE\n CALENDAR\n FOUND!\n\nPlease fix your calendar settings!\n","\nKEIN\n SCHREIBBARER\n KALENDER\n GEFUNDEN!\n\nBitte korrigieren Sie\nihre Kalendereinstellungen!\n" },
{ "\nThe file\n%1\non disk has changed!\nFile size: %2 bytes.\nLast modified: %3\nDo you want to:\n\n - Save and overwrite file?\n - Sync with file, then save?\n - Cancel without saving? \n","\nDie Datei\n%1\nwurde verändert!\nDatei Grösse: %2 Bytes.\nZuletzt geändert: %3\nMöchten Sie:\n\n - Speichern und die Datei überschreiben?\n - Mit Datei Synchronisieren, dann speichern?\n - Abbrechen ohne zu speichern? \n" },
{ "Edit","Edit" },
{ "Last Modified","Zuletzt geändert" },
{ "Journal viewer","Journal Anzeige" },
{ "Configure Calendar Files...","Konfiguriere Kalenderdateien..." },
{ "You can use and display <b>more than one</b> calendar file in KO/Pi. A calendar file is called a <b>resource</b>. To add a calendar or change calendar settings please use menu: <b>View -> Toggle Resource View</b>.","Sie können <b>mehr als eine</b> Kalenderdatei in KO/Pi darstellen und benutzen. Eine Kalenderdatei wird <b>Resource</b> genannt. Um einen Kalender hinzuzufügen oder die Kalendereinstellungen zu ändern benutzen Sie bitte das Menu: <b>Ansicht -> Resourcenansicht umschalten</b>." },
{ "Hide Completed","Verstecke erledigte Todos" },
{ "Show not Running","Zeige nicht Laufende" },
{ "Click to add new Todo","Klick für neues Todo!" },
+{ "Show next conflict for","Zeige nächsten Konflikt für" },
+{ "All events","Alle Termine" },
+{ "Allday events","Ganztagestermine" },
+{ "Events with time","Termine mit Zeit" },
+{ "No conflict found within the next two years","Kein Konflikt innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre gefunden" },
+{ "Conflict %1 <-> %2","Konflikt %1 <-> %2" },
+{ "<p><b>Q</b>: Show next date with conflicting events\n ","<p><b>Q</b>: Zeige nächstes Datum mit Terminen im Konflikt\n " },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
+{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },