-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/getmasterpwwnd_emb.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/libgcryptif.cpp | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/main.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdocui.cpp | 15 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pwmanager/pwmanager/pwminit.cpp | 17 |
8 files changed, 40 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/getmasterpwwnd_emb.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/getmasterpwwnd_emb.cpp index 8404c3e..678f05f 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/getmasterpwwnd_emb.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/getmasterpwwnd_emb.cpp @@ -1,208 +1,208 @@ /* This file is part of PwManager/Platform independent. Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. $Id$ */ #include "getmasterpwwnd_emb.h" #include "klocale.h" /* #include <qvariant.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> */ #include <qwidget.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qapplication.h> /* * Constructs a getMasterPwWnd as a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' */ getMasterPwWnd::getMasterPwWnd( QWidget* parent, const char* name) : KDialogBase( KDialogBase::Plain, i18n( "Master-password" ), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, parent, name, true ) { QWidget *page = plainPage(); QVBoxLayout *pageLayout = new QVBoxLayout( page ); pwLineEdit = new QLineEdit( page, "pwLineEdit" ); pwLineEdit->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password ); QLabel* textLabel1 = new QLabel( pwLineEdit, i18n("Please enter the master-password:"), page, "textLabel1" ); textLabel1->setAlignment( int( QLabel::WordBreak | QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); pageLayout->addWidget(textLabel1); pageLayout->addWidget(pwLineEdit); QWidget* numberBox = new QWidget( page ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) { numberBox->setFixedHeight(250); numberBox->setFixedWidth(200); } else{ numberBox->setFixedHeight(150); numberBox->setFixedWidth(150); } #endif QGridLayout* numberLayout = new QGridLayout( numberBox, 4, 3 ); numberLayout->setMargin( 0 ); numberLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); QPushButton* p1 = new QPushButton( i18n("1"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p1, 0, 0 ); QPushButton* p2 = new QPushButton( i18n("2"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p2, 0, 1 ); QPushButton* p3 = new QPushButton( i18n("3"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p3, 0, 2 ); QPushButton* p4 = new QPushButton( i18n("4"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p4, 1, 0 ); QPushButton* p5 = new QPushButton( i18n("5"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p5, 1, 1 ); QPushButton* p6 = new QPushButton( i18n("6"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p6, 1, 2 ); QPushButton* p7 = new QPushButton( i18n("7"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p7, 2, 0 ); QPushButton* p8 = new QPushButton( i18n("8"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p8, 2, 1 ); QPushButton* p9 = new QPushButton( i18n("9"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p9, 2, 2 ); QPushButton* clear = new QPushButton( i18n("x"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( clear, 3, 0 ); QPushButton* p0 = new QPushButton( i18n("0"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( p0, 3, 1 ); QPushButton* backspace = new QPushButton( i18n("-"), numberBox ); numberLayout->addWidget( backspace, 3, 2 ); pageLayout->addWidget(numberBox); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION resize( sizeHint() ); #else resize( 200,sizeHint().height() ); #endif connect( p0, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add0() ) ); connect( p1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add1() ) ); connect( p2, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add2() ) ); connect( p3, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add3() ) ); connect( p4, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add4() ) ); connect( p5, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add5() ) ); connect( p6, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add6() ) ); connect( p7, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add7() ) ); connect( p8, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add8() ) ); connect( p9, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( add9() ) ); connect( backspace, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( backspace() ) ); connect( clear, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( clear() ) ); - + pwLineEdit->setFocus(); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ getMasterPwWnd::~getMasterPwWnd() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void getMasterPwWnd::okButton_slot() { qWarning( "getMasterPwWnd::okButton_slot(): Not implemented yet" ); } void getMasterPwWnd::cancelButton_slot() { qWarning( "getMasterPwWnd::cancelButton_slot(): Not implemented yet" ); } void getMasterPwWnd::add0() { addCharacter("0"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add1() { addCharacter("1"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add2() { addCharacter("2"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add3() { addCharacter("3"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add4() { addCharacter("4"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add5() { addCharacter("5"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add6() { addCharacter("6"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add7() { addCharacter("7"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add8() { addCharacter("8"); } void getMasterPwWnd::add9() { addCharacter("9"); } void getMasterPwWnd::backspace() { QString old = pwLineEdit->text(); old.truncate(old.length()-1); pwLineEdit->setText(old); } void getMasterPwWnd::clear() { pwLineEdit->setText(""); } void getMasterPwWnd::addCharacter(const QString& s) { QString old = pwLineEdit->text(); pwLineEdit->setText(old + s); } diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp index 26b9708..a8696ea 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp @@ -1,351 +1,351 @@ /* This file is part of KAddressBook. Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include <klistview.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kio/kfile/kurlrequester.h> #include "pwmprefs.h" #include "pwmconfigwidget.h" #include "pwmexception.h" PWMConfigWidget::PWMConfigWidget(PWMPrefs *prefs, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KPrefsWidget(prefs, parent, name ) { QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); QTabWidget *tabWidget = new QTabWidget( this ); topLayout->addWidget( tabWidget ); // windowsStyle page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *windowStylePage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *windowStyleLayout = new QGridLayout( windowStylePage, 3, 3); int i = 0; KPrefsWidRadios * windowStyle = addWidRadios(i18n("Window-style:") ,&(prefs->mMainViewStyle), windowStylePage); windowStyle->addRadio(i18n("Category on top")); windowStyle->addRadio(i18n("Category-list left/top")); windowStyleLayout->addMultiCellWidget( (QWidget*)windowStyle->groupBox(),i,i,0,2); ++i; QLabel* lab = new QLabel(i18n("<b>Font for Password entries:</b>"), windowStylePage); windowStyleLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab,i,i,0,2); ++i; KPrefsWidFont *selEntrFont = addWidFont(i18n("Password"),i18n("Font:"), &(prefs->mEntryFont),windowStylePage); windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->label(),i,0); windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->preview(),i,1); windowStyleLayout->addWidget(selEntrFont->button(),i,2); ++i; lab = new QLabel(i18n(""), windowStylePage); windowStyleLayout->addMultiCellWidget( lab,i,i,0,2); // File page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *filePage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *fileLayout = new QGridLayout( filePage, 3, 2); i = 0; QLabel* kcfg_compression_label = new QLabel(i18n("Compression:"), filePage); fileLayout->addWidget(kcfg_compression_label,i,0); kcfg_compression = new QComboBox(filePage, "kcfg_compression"); kcfg_compression->insertItem(i18n("None")); kcfg_compression->insertItem(i18n("gzip")); //US not yet supported: kcfg_compression->insertItem(i18n("bzip2")); fileLayout->addWidget( kcfg_compression,i,1); ++i; QLabel* kcfg_crypt_label = new QLabel(i18n("Encryption:"), filePage); fileLayout->addWidget(kcfg_crypt_label,i,0); kcfg_cryptAlgo = new QComboBox(filePage, "kcfg_cryptAlgo"); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Blowfish (128 bit)")); #ifdef CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("AES-128, Rijndael (128 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("AES-192, Rijndael (192 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("AES-256, Rijndael (256 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Triple-DES (168 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Twofish (256 bit)")); kcfg_cryptAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Twofish-128 (128 bit)")); #endif // CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY fileLayout->addWidget( kcfg_cryptAlgo,i,1); ++i; QLabel* kcfg_hash_label = new QLabel(i18n("Hashing:"), filePage); fileLayout->addWidget(kcfg_hash_label,i,0); kcfg_hashAlgo = new QComboBox(filePage, "kcfg_hashAlgo"); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("SHA-160, SHA1 (160 bit)")); #ifdef CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("SHA-256 (256 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("SHA-384 (384 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("SHA-512 (512 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("MD5 (128 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("RIPE-MD-160 (160 bit)")); kcfg_hashAlgo->insertItem(i18n("Tiger (192 bit)")); #endif // CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY fileLayout->addWidget( kcfg_hashAlgo,i,1); ++i; permissionLineEdit = new QLineEdit(filePage); QLabel* permissionLineLabel = new QLabel(permissionLineEdit, i18n("Permissions:"), filePage); fileLayout->addWidget(permissionLineLabel,i,0); fileLayout->addWidget(permissionLineEdit,i,1); ++i; KPrefsWidBool *sb = addWidBool(i18n("Make backup before saving"), &(prefs->mMakeFileBackup),filePage); fileLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; // Timeout page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *timeoutPage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *timeoutLayout = new QGridLayout( timeoutPage, 3, 2); i = 0; - pwTimeoutSpinBox = new QSpinBox( timeoutPage, "pwTimeoutSpinBox" ); + pwTimeoutSpinBox = new QSpinBox( 0,600,10,timeoutPage, "pwTimeoutSpinBox" ); QLabel* timeoutLabel = new QLabel(pwTimeoutSpinBox, i18n("Password timeout\n(timeout to hold password in\nmemory,so you don't have to\nre-enter it,if you\nalready have entered it)\n[set to 0 to disable]:"), timeoutPage); timeoutLayout->addMultiCellWidget(timeoutLabel,i, i, 0 ,0); timeoutLayout->addWidget(pwTimeoutSpinBox,i,1); ++i; - lockTimeoutSpinBox = new QSpinBox( timeoutPage, "lockTimeoutSpinBox" ); + lockTimeoutSpinBox = new QSpinBox( 0,600,10,timeoutPage, "lockTimeoutSpinBox" ); QLabel* lockTimeoutLabel = new QLabel(lockTimeoutSpinBox, i18n("Auto-lock timeout\n(auto lock document after this\namount of seconds)\n[set to 0 to disable]:"), timeoutPage); timeoutLayout->addMultiCellWidget(lockTimeoutLabel,i, i, 0 ,0); timeoutLayout->addWidget(lockTimeoutSpinBox,i,1); ++i; sb = addWidBool(i18n("deep-lock on autolock"), &(prefs->mAutoDeeplock),timeoutPage); timeoutLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; // Autostart page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *autostartPage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *autostartLayout = new QGridLayout( autostartPage, 3, 2); i = 0; autostartLineEdit = new KURLRequester(autostartPage, "autoStartLineEdit"); QLabel* autostartLineLabel = new QLabel(autostartLineEdit, "Open this file automatically on startup:",autostartPage); autostartLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autostartLineLabel,i,i,0,1); ++i; autostartLayout->addMultiCellWidget(autostartLineEdit,i,i,0,1); ++i; sb = addWidBool(i18n("open deeplocked"), &(prefs->mAutostartDeeplocked),autostartPage); autostartLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; // external app page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *externalappPage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *externalappLayout = new QGridLayout( externalappPage, 3, 2); i = 0; browserLineEdit = new QLineEdit(externalappPage); QLabel* browserLineLabel = new QLabel(browserLineEdit, i18n("Favourite browser:"), externalappPage); externalappLayout->addWidget(browserLineLabel,i,0); externalappLayout->addWidget(browserLineEdit,i,1); ++i; xtermLineEdit = new QLineEdit(externalappPage); QLabel* xtermLineLabel = new QLabel(xtermLineEdit, i18n("Favourite x-terminal:"), externalappPage); externalappLayout->addWidget(xtermLineLabel,i,0); externalappLayout->addWidget(xtermLineEdit,i,1); ++i; // miscelaneous page ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QWidget *miscPage = new QWidget( this ); QGridLayout *miscLayout = new QGridLayout( miscPage, 3, 2); i = 0; /*US ENH: PWM/Pi has no tray and con be minimized sb = addWidBool(i18n("Show icon in system-tray"),&(prefs->mTray),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; */ sb = addWidBool(i18n("Open document with passwords unlocked"),&(prefs->mUnlockOnOpen),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; /*US ENH: PWM/Pi has no tray and con be minimized sb = addWidBool(i18n("auto-minimize to tray on startup"),&(prefs->mAutoMinimizeOnStart),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; KPrefsWidRadios * minimizeRadio = addWidRadios(i18n("auto-lock on minimize:") ,&(prefs->mMinimizeLock), miscPage); minimizeRadio->addRadio(i18n("don't lock")); minimizeRadio->addRadio(i18n("normal lock")); minimizeRadio->addRadio(i18n("deep-lock")); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget( (QWidget*)minimizeRadio->groupBox(),i,i,0,2); ++i; sb = addWidBool(i18n("KWallet emulation"),&(prefs->mKWalletEmu),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; sb = addWidBool(i18n("Close instead Minimize into tray"),&(prefs->mClose),miscPage); miscLayout->addMultiCellWidget(sb->checkBox(), i,i,0,1); ++i; */ tabWidget->addTab( windowStylePage, i18n( "Look && feel" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( filePage, i18n( "File" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( timeoutPage, i18n( "Timeout" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( autostartPage, i18n( "Autostart" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( externalappPage, i18n( "External apps" ) ); tabWidget->addTab( miscPage, i18n( "Miscellaneous" ) ); connect( permissionLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( pwTimeoutSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( lockTimeoutSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( autostartLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( browserLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); connect( xtermLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( modified() ) ); } void PWMConfigWidget::usrReadConfig() { PWMPrefs* prefs = PWMPrefs::instance(); setFilePermissions(prefs->mFilePermissions); pwTimeoutSpinBox->setValue(prefs->mPwTimeout); lockTimeoutSpinBox->setValue(prefs->mLockTimeout); autostartLineEdit->setURL(prefs->mAutoStart); browserLineEdit->setText(prefs->mBrowserCommand); xtermLineEdit->setText(prefs->mXTermCommand); kcfg_compression->setCurrentItem(prefs->mCompression); kcfg_cryptAlgo->setCurrentItem(prefs->mCryptAlgo); kcfg_hashAlgo->setCurrentItem(prefs->mHashAlgo); } void PWMConfigWidget::usrWriteConfig() { PWMPrefs* prefs = PWMPrefs::instance(); prefs->mFilePermissions = getFilePermissions(); prefs->mPwTimeout = pwTimeoutSpinBox->value(); prefs->mLockTimeout = lockTimeoutSpinBox->value(); prefs->mAutoStart = autostartLineEdit->url(); prefs->mBrowserCommand = browserLineEdit->text(); prefs->mXTermCommand = xtermLineEdit->text(); prefs->mCompression = kcfg_compression->currentItem(); prefs->mCryptAlgo = kcfg_cryptAlgo->currentItem(); prefs->mHashAlgo = kcfg_hashAlgo->currentItem(); } int PWMConfigWidget::getFilePermissions() { char octalDigits[] = "01234567"; bool isOctal; QString permString(permissionLineEdit->text()); int i, j, length = permString.length(); if (length != 3) { printWarn("Wrong permission string length! Please enter " "the string like the following example: 600"); return CONF_DEFAULT_FILEPERMISSIONS; } for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { isOctal = false; for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { if (permString.at(i) == octalDigits[j]) { isOctal = true; break; } } if (!isOctal) { printWarn("CONFIG: File-permissions: This is " "not an octal number "); return CONF_DEFAULT_FILEPERMISSIONS; } } int ret = strtol(permString.latin1(), 0, 8); if (ret == 0) { /* either an error occured, or the user did really type 000 */ printWarn("CONFIG: File-permissions: Hm, either conversion error, " "or you really typed 000. 8-)"); return CONF_DEFAULT_FILEPERMISSIONS; } return ret; } void PWMConfigWidget::setFilePermissions(int perm) { char tmpBuf[30]; sprintf(tmpBuf, "%o", perm); permissionLineEdit->setText(tmpBuf); } #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include "pwmconfigwidget.moc" #endif //PWM_EMBEDDED diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/libgcryptif.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/libgcryptif.cpp index eafd318..ff94bf6 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/libgcryptif.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/libgcryptif.cpp @@ -58,392 +58,397 @@ PwMerror LibGCryptIf::encrypt(unsigned char **outBuf, // test if algo is ready for encryption err = gcry_cipher_algo_info(algo, GCRYCTL_TEST_ALGO, 0, 0); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doEncrypt(): GCRYCTL_TEST_ALGO failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out; } // get the algo block length err = gcry_cipher_algo_info(algo, GCRYCTL_GET_BLKLEN, 0, &blklen); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doEncrypt(): GCRYCTL_GET_BLKLEN failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out; } /* double check if we have enough space. * We have only 1024 extra bytes for padding and salt. */ BUG_ON(blklen > 1024 - STRING2KEY_SALTLEN); // get the algo key length err = gcry_cipher_algo_info(algo, GCRYCTL_GET_KEYLEN, 0, &cipherKeylen); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doEncrypt(): GCRYCTL_GET_KEYLEN failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out; } // now open the algo and get a handle err = gcry_cipher_open(&handle, algo, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, 0); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doEncrypt(): gcry_cipher_open() failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out; } // hash the "key" to a fixed size hash matching "cipherKeylen" hashedKey = new unsigned char[cipherKeylen]; hashPassphrase(key, keylen, salt, hashedKey, cipherKeylen, true); // so now set the hashed key err = gcry_cipher_setkey(handle, hashedKey, cipherKeylen); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doEncrypt(): gcry_cipher_setkey() failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; delete [] hashedKey; goto out_close; } delete [] hashedKey; /* allocate a buffer for the encrypted data. * The size of the buffer is the inBuf length, but blklen * aligned and plus the length of the salt, that is appended. */ *outBufLen = getBufLen(unpaddedLen, blklen) + STRING2KEY_SALTLEN; *outBuf = new unsigned char[*outBufLen]; padData(inBuf, unpaddedLen, blklen); // encrypt the padded data err = gcry_cipher_encrypt(handle, *outBuf, *outBufLen - STRING2KEY_SALTLEN, inBuf, *outBufLen - STRING2KEY_SALTLEN); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doEncrypt(): gcry_cipher_encrypt() failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out_delete; } // append the salt to the encrypted data memcpy(*outBuf + *outBufLen - STRING2KEY_SALTLEN, salt, STRING2KEY_SALTLEN); goto out_close; out_delete: delete [] *outBuf; out_close: gcry_cipher_close(handle); out: return ret; } PwMerror LibGCryptIf::decrypt(unsigned char **outBuf, size_t *outBufLen, const unsigned char *inBuf, size_t inBufLen, const unsigned char *key, size_t keylen, char _algo) { PwMerror ret = e_success; gcry_error_t err; gcry_cipher_hd_t handle; size_t cipherKeylen; unsigned char *hashedKey; unsigned char salt[STRING2KEY_SALTLEN]; int algo = mapCipherId(_algo); if (!inBufLen || !keylen) return e_invalidArg; // test if algo is ready for encryption err = gcry_cipher_algo_info(algo, GCRYCTL_TEST_ALGO, 0, 0); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doDecrypt(): GCRYCTL_TEST_ALGO failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out; } // get algo key length err = gcry_cipher_algo_info(algo, GCRYCTL_GET_KEYLEN, 0, &cipherKeylen); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doDecrypt(): GCRYCTL_GET_KEYLEN failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out; } // extract the salt of the encrypted data buffer memcpy(salt, inBuf + inBufLen - STRING2KEY_SALTLEN, STRING2KEY_SALTLEN); // open the algo and get a handle err = gcry_cipher_open(&handle, algo, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, 0); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doDecrypt(): gcry_cipher_open() failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out; } // hash the "key" to a fixed size hash matching "cipherKeylen" hashedKey = new unsigned char[cipherKeylen]; hashPassphrase(key, keylen, salt, hashedKey, cipherKeylen, false); // so now set the hashed key err = gcry_cipher_setkey(handle, hashedKey, cipherKeylen); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doDecrypt(): gcry_cipher_setkey() failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; delete [] hashedKey; goto out_close; } delete [] hashedKey; *outBufLen = inBufLen - STRING2KEY_SALTLEN; *outBuf = new unsigned char[*outBufLen]; // decrypt the data err = gcry_cipher_decrypt(handle, *outBuf, *outBufLen, inBuf, *outBufLen); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { printDebug(string("LibGCryptIf::doEncrypt(): gcry_cipher_encrypt() failed: ") + gcry_strerror(err)); ret = e_cryptNotImpl; goto out_delete; } // remove all random padding unpadData(*outBuf, outBufLen); goto out_close; out_delete: delete [] *outBuf; out_close: gcry_cipher_close(handle); out: return ret; } PwMerror LibGCryptIf::hash(unsigned char **outBuf, size_t *outBufLen, const unsigned char *inBuf, size_t inBufLen, char _algo) { PwMerror ret = e_success; unsigned int hashLen; int algo = mapHashId(_algo); hashLen = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(algo); *outBufLen = hashLen; *outBuf = new unsigned char[*outBufLen]; gcry_md_hash_buffer(algo, *outBuf, inBuf, inBufLen); return ret; } unsigned int LibGCryptIf::hashLength(char _algo) { unsigned int ret; int algo = mapHashId(_algo); ret = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(algo); return ret; } int LibGCryptIf::mapCipherId(char algo) { switch (algo) { case PWM_CRYPT_AES128: return GCRY_CIPHER_AES; case PWM_CRYPT_AES192: return GCRY_CIPHER_AES192; case PWM_CRYPT_AES256: return GCRY_CIPHER_AES256; case PWM_CRYPT_3DES: return GCRY_CIPHER_3DES; case PWM_CRYPT_TWOFISH: return GCRY_CIPHER_TWOFISH; case PWM_CRYPT_TWOFISH128: return GCRY_CIPHER_TWOFISH128; default: BUG(); } return GCRY_CIPHER_NONE; } int LibGCryptIf::mapHashId(char algo) { switch (algo) { case PWM_HASH_SHA1: return GCRY_MD_SHA1; case PWM_HASH_SHA256: return GCRY_MD_SHA256; case PWM_HASH_SHA384: return GCRY_MD_SHA384; case PWM_HASH_SHA512: return GCRY_MD_SHA512; case PWM_HASH_MD5: return GCRY_MD_MD5; case PWM_HASH_RMD160: return GCRY_MD_RMD160; case PWM_HASH_TIGER: return GCRY_MD_TIGER; default: BUG(); } return GCRY_MD_NONE; } bool LibGCryptIf::hashPassphrase(const unsigned char *pw, size_t pwlen, unsigned char *salt, unsigned char *key, size_t keylen, bool create) { DEK dek; STRING2KEY s2k; bool ret; dek.keylen = keylen; s2k.mode = 1; s2k.hash_algo = mapHashId(conf()->confGlobHashAlgo()); s2k.count = 0; if (!create) memcpy(s2k.salt, salt, STRING2KEY_SALTLEN); ret = doHashPassphrase(&dek, pw, pwlen, &s2k, create); if (!ret) goto out; memcpy(key, dek.key, dek.keylen); if (create) memcpy(salt, s2k.salt, STRING2KEY_SALTLEN); out: return ret; } bool LibGCryptIf::doHashPassphrase(DEK *dek, const unsigned char *pw, size_t pwlen, STRING2KEY *s2k, bool create) { // This function is derived from GnuPG-1.2.5-rc2 gcry_md_hd_t md; gcry_error_t err; bool ret = true; size_t pass, i; size_t used = 0; PWM_ASSERT(s2k->hash_algo); BUG_ON(!(dek->keylen > 0 && dek->keylen <= array_size(dek->key))); err = gcry_md_open(&md, s2k->hash_algo, 0); if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ret = false; goto out; } for (pass = 0; used < dek->keylen; pass++) { if (pass) { gcry_md_reset(md); for (i = 0; i < pass; i++) // preset the hash context gcry_md_putc(md, 0); } if (s2k->mode == 1 || s2k->mode == 3) { size_t len2 = pwlen + 8; size_t count = len2; if (create && !pass) { Randomizer *rnd = Randomizer::obj(); const unsigned int salt_len = 8; string rndBuf(rnd->genRndBuf(salt_len)); memcpy(s2k->salt, rndBuf.c_str(), salt_len); if (s2k->mode == 3) s2k->count = 96; // 65536 iterations } if (s2k->mode == 3) { count = (16ul + (s2k->count & 15)) << ((s2k->count >> 4) + 6); if (count < len2) count = len2; } // a little bit complicated because we need a ulong for count while (count > len2) { // maybe iterated+salted gcry_md_write(md, s2k->salt, 8); gcry_md_write(md, pw, pwlen); count -= len2; } if (count < 8) { gcry_md_write(md, s2k->salt, count); } else { gcry_md_write(md, s2k->salt, 8); count -= 8; gcry_md_write(md, pw, count); } } else gcry_md_write(md, pw, pwlen); gcry_md_final(md); i = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(s2k->hash_algo); if (i > dek->keylen - used) i = dek->keylen - used; memcpy(dek->key+used, gcry_md_read(md, s2k->hash_algo), i); used += i; } gcry_md_close(md); out: return ret; } void LibGCryptIf::padData(unsigned char *buf, size_t bufLen, size_t boundary) { size_t numPadBytes = boundary - ((bufLen + 1) % boundary); buf[bufLen] = static_cast<char>(0x01); size_t i = 0; Randomizer *rnd = Randomizer::obj(); char c; unsigned char *b; while (i < numPadBytes) { c = rnd->genRndChar(); if (c == static_cast<char>(0x01)) continue; b = buf + bufLen + 1 + i; *b = c; ++i; } } void LibGCryptIf::unpadData(const unsigned char *buf, size_t *bufLen) { size_t pos; BUG_ON(*bufLen % 8); pos = *bufLen - 1; while (buf[pos] != static_cast<char>(0x01)) { + qDebug("pos %d %d %d", pos, buf[pos], static_cast<char>(0x01) ); BUG_ON(!pos); + //LR BUG we should terminte the loop if p == 0 + if ( pos == 0 ) + break; --pos; } *bufLen = pos; + qDebug("ente "); } #endif // CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/main.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/main.cpp index 1ca7ba8..70df15d 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/main.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/main.cpp @@ -1,219 +1,220 @@ /*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 1.0.1 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include <kcmdlineargs.h> #include <kaboutdata.h> #else #include <qdir.h> #include <kpimglobalprefs.h> #endif #include <klocale.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include "pwmexception.h" #include "pwminit.h" #define LICENSE_FILE (::locate("data", "pwmanager/pwmanager_license_text")) int PwMApplication::newInstance() { static bool initial = true; if (initial) { initial = false; init = new PwMInit(this); init->initializeApp(); } else { BUG_ON(!init); printInfo("passing parameters to old instance."); init->handleCmdLineArgs(false); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static const char *description = I18N_NOOP("PwManager\n" "The convenient way of managing passwords"); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED static KCmdLineOptions options[] = { { "minimized", I18N_NOOP("Windows minimized"), 0 }, { "mintray", I18N_NOOP("Windows minimized to tray"), 0 }, { "open-deeplocked", I18N_NOOP("Open all \"files\" deeplocked"), 0 }, { "skip-self-test", I18N_NOOP("Don't run a self-test on startup"), 0 }, { "+[files...]", I18N_NOOP("Files to open on startup"), 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; #endif #ifdef PWM_DEBUG static void printDebugConfigureInfo() { cout << "================================" << endl; cout << PROG_NAME " version " PACKAGE_VER << endl; #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD cout << "CONFIG_KEYCARD: enabled" << endl; #else cout << "CONFIG_KEYCARD: disabled" << endl; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF cout << "CONFIG_KWALLETIF: enabled" << endl; #else cout << "CONFIG_KWALLETIF: disabled" << endl; #endif #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN_HOST cout << "Endianess: big-endian" << endl; #else cout << "Endianess: little-endian" << endl; #endif #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN cout << "Endianess 2: big-endian" << endl; #else cout << "Endianess 2: little-endian" << endl; #endif cout << "sizeof(long): " << sizeof(long) << endl; cout << "================================" << endl; } #else // PWM_DEBUG static inline void printDebugConfigureInfo() { /* nothing */ } #endif // PWM_DEBUG #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED static void addAuthors(KAboutData *aboutData) { aboutData->addAuthor("Michael Buesch", I18N_NOOP( "main programming and current maintainer"), "mbuesch@freenet.de"); aboutData->addAuthor("Matt Scifo", I18N_NOOP( "original implementaion of \n" "\"categories\" and the password-tree \n" "in the system-tray. Original implementations of \n" "numerous view-improvements."), "mscifo@o1.com"); aboutData->addCredit("Elias Probst", I18N_NOOP( "Gentoo ebuild maintainer."), "elias.probst@gmx.de"); aboutData->addCredit("George Staikos", I18N_NOOP("KWallet"), "staikos@kde.org"); aboutData->addCredit("Matthew Palmer", I18N_NOOP("rc2 code"), "mjp16@uow.edu.au"); aboutData->addCredit("Olivier Sessink", I18N_NOOP("gpasman"), "gpasman@nl.linux.org"); aboutData->addCredit("The libgcrypt developers", I18N_NOOP("Blowfish and SHA1 algorithms"), 0, "ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/alpha/libgcrypt/"); aboutData->addCredit("Troy Engel", I18N_NOOP("kpasman"), "tengel@sonic.net"); aboutData->addCredit("Wickey", I18N_NOOP("graphics-design in older versions."), "wickey@gmx.at"); aboutData->addCredit("Ian MacGregor", I18N_NOOP( "original documentation author.")); } #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printDebugConfigureInfo(); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED KAboutData aboutData(PACKAGE_NAME, PROG_NAME, PACKAGE_VER, description, KAboutData::License_File, "(c) 2003, 2004 Michael Buesch and the PwManager Team", 0, "http://passwordmanager.sourceforge.net/", "mbuesch@freenet.de"); addAuthors(&aboutData); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(options); KUniqueApplication::addCmdLineOptions(); if (!KUniqueApplication::start()) { printInfo("already running."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } PwMApplication a; aboutData.setLicenseTextFile(LICENSE_FILE); return a.exec(); #else bool exitHelp = false; if ( argc > 1 ) { QString command = argv[1]; if ( command == "-help" ){ printf("PWM/PI command line commands:\n"); printf(" no command: Start PWM/PI in usual way\n"); printf(" -help: This output\n"); printf(" PWM/PI is exiting now. Bye!\n"); exitHelp = true; } } if ( ! exitHelp ) { PwMApplication a(argc, argv); KGlobal::setAppName( "pwmanager" ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION //qDebug("width %d ",QApplication::desktop()->width() ); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) KGlobal::iconLoader()->setIconPath(QString(getenv("QPEDIR"))+"/pics/kdepim/pwmanager/icons22/"); else KGlobal::iconLoader()->setIconPath(QString(getenv("QPEDIR"))+"/pics/kdepim/pwmanager/icons16/"); #else QString fileName ; fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/kdepim/pwmanager/icons22/"; KGlobal::iconLoader()->setIconPath(QDir::convertSeparators(fileName)); QApplication::addLibraryPath ( qApp->applicationDirPath () ); #endif KStandardDirs::setAppDir( QDir::convertSeparators(locateLocal("data", "pwmanager"))); KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->setGlobalConfig(); a.newInstance(); //US KAddressBookMain m ; //US QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SLOT (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ))); /*US #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION a.showMainWidget( &m ); #else a.setMainWidget( &m ); m.resize (640, 480 ); m.show(); #endif */ + QObject::connect( &a, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT (quit())); a.exec(); KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->writeConfig(); } qDebug("PWMPI: Bye! "); #endif } diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp index 1ab2b71..2b8f2fa 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwm.cpp @@ -1,1278 +1,1284 @@ /*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 1.0.1 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #include <klocale.h> #include <klistview.h> #include <ktoolbar.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <qstatusbar.h> #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include <kmenubar.h> #include <kstatusbar.h> #include <dcopclient.h> #include "configwndimpl.h" #include "configuration.h" #else #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <pwmprefs.h> #include <kpimglobalprefs.h> #include <kcmconfigs/kcmpwmconfig.h> #include <kcmconfigs/kcmkdepimconfig.h> #include <kcmultidialog.h> #endif #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/global.h> #endif #include <qpixmap.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qclipboard.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "pwm.h" #include "pwminit.h" #include "pwmprint.h" #include "addentrywndimpl.h" #include "globalstuff.h" #include "findwndimpl.h" #include "csv.h" #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF # include "kwalletif.h" # include "kwalletemu.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD # include "pwmkeycard.h" #endif #define DEFAULT_SIZE (QSize(700, 400)) // Button IDs for "file" popup menu enum { BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_NEW = 0, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_OPEN, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_CLOSE, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_SAVE, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_SAVEAS, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_EXPORT, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_IMPORT, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_PRINT, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_QUIT }; // Button IDs for "manage" popup menu enum { BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_ADD = 0, BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_EDIT, BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_DEL, BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_CHANGEMP }; // Button IDs for chipcard popup menu enum { #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_GENNEW = 0, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_DEL, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_READID, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_SAVEBACKUP, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_REPLAYBACKUP #else // CONFIG_KEYCARD BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_NO = 0 #endif // CONFIG_KEYCARD }; // Button IDs for "view" popup menu enum { BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_FIND = 0, BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_LOCK, BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_DEEPLOCK, BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_UNLOCK }; // Button IDs for "options" popup menu enum { BUTTON_POPUP_OPTIONS_CONFIG = 0 }; // Button IDs for "export" popup menu (in "file" popup menu) enum { BUTTON_POPUP_EXPORT_TEXT = 0, BUTTON_POPUP_EXPORT_GPASMAN, BUTTON_POPUP_EXPORT_CSV #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF ,BUTTON_POPUP_EXPORT_KWALLET #endif }; // Button IDs for "import" popup menu (in "file" popup menu) enum { BUTTON_POPUP_IMPORT_TEXT = 0, BUTTON_POPUP_IMPORT_GPASMAN, BUTTON_POPUP_IMPORT_CSV #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF ,BUTTON_POPUP_IMPORT_KWALLET #endif }; #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED // Button IDs for "help" popup menu enum { BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_LICENSE = 0, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_FAQ, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_ABOUT, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_SYNC, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_WHATSNEW }; #endif // Button IDs for toolbar enum { BUTTON_TOOL_NEW = 0, BUTTON_TOOL_OPEN, BUTTON_TOOL_SAVE, BUTTON_TOOL_SAVEAS, BUTTON_TOOL_PRINT, BUTTON_TOOL_ADD, BUTTON_TOOL_EDIT, BUTTON_TOOL_DEL, BUTTON_TOOL_FIND, BUTTON_TOOL_LOCK, BUTTON_TOOL_DEEPLOCK, BUTTON_TOOL_UNLOCK }; PwM::PwM(PwMInit *_init, PwMDoc *doc, bool virginity, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KMainWindow(parent, "HALLO") , forceQuit (false) , forceMinimizeToTray (false) { syncManager = 0; virgin = !virginity; init = _init; connect(doc, SIGNAL(docClosed(PwMDoc *)), this, SLOT(docClosed(PwMDoc *))); initMenubar(); initToolbar(); initMetrics(); setVirgin(virginity); setFocusPolicy(QWidget::WheelFocus); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED statusBar()->show(); #endif view = makeNewListView(doc); setCentralWidget(view); updateCaption(); showStatMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } PwM::~PwM() { - //qDebug("PwM::~PwM()"); + qDebug("PwM::~PwM() %x", this); disconnect(curDoc(), SIGNAL(docClosed(PwMDoc *)), this, SLOT(docClosed(PwMDoc *))); conf()->confWndMainWndSize(size()); - emit closed(this); + //LR closing of windows changed + //needed for fastload option on PDA + //emit closed(this); //qDebug("PwM::~PwM() emited closed(this)"); delete view; delete syncManager; } void PwM::initMenubar() { KIconLoader* picons; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED KIconLoader icons; picons = &icons; #else picons = KGlobal::iconLoader(); syncPopup = new KPopupMenu(this); syncManager = new KSyncManager((QWidget*)this, (KSyncInterface*)this, KSyncManager::PWMPI, PWMPrefs::instance(), syncPopup); syncManager->setBlockSave(false); connect ( syncPopup, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), syncManager, SLOT (slotSyncMenu( int ) ) ); syncManager->fillSyncMenu(); #endif filePopup = new KPopupMenu(this); importPopup = new KPopupMenu(filePopup); exportPopup = new KPopupMenu(filePopup); managePopup = new KPopupMenu(this); #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD chipcardPopup = new KPopupMenu(this); #endif // CONFIG_KEYCARD viewPopup = new KPopupMenu(this); optionsPopup = new KPopupMenu(this); // "file" popup menu filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("filenew", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&New"), this, SLOT(new_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_NEW); filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("fileopen", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Open"), this, SLOT(open_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_OPEN); filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("fileclose", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Close"), this, SLOT(close_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_CLOSE); filePopup->insertSeparator(); filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("filesave", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Save"), this, SLOT(save_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_SAVE); filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("filesaveas", KIcon::Small)), i18n("Save &as..."), this, SLOT(saveAs_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_SAVEAS); filePopup->insertSeparator(); // "file/export" popup menu exportPopup->insertItem(i18n("&Text-file..."), this, SLOT(exportToText()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_EXPORT_TEXT); exportPopup->insertItem(i18n("&Gpasman / Kpasman ..."), this, SLOT(exportToGpasman()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_EXPORT_GPASMAN); exportPopup->insertItem(i18n("&CSV (Comma Separated Value) ..."), this, SLOT(exportToCsv()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_EXPORT_CSV); #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF exportPopup->insertItem(i18n("&KWallet..."), this, SLOT(exportToKWallet()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_EXPORT_KWALLET); #endif filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("fileexport", KIcon::Small)), i18n("E&xport"), exportPopup, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_EXPORT); // "file/import" popup menu importPopup->insertItem(i18n("&Text-file..."), this, SLOT(importFromText()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_IMPORT_TEXT); importPopup->insertItem(i18n("&Gpasman / Kpasman ..."), this, SLOT(importFromGpasman()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_IMPORT_GPASMAN); importPopup->insertItem(i18n("&CSV (Comma Separated Value) ..."), this, SLOT(importCsv()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_IMPORT_CSV); #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF importPopup->insertItem(i18n("&KWallet..."), this, SLOT(importKWallet()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_IMPORT_KWALLET); #endif filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("fileimport", KIcon::Small)), i18n("I&mport"), importPopup, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_IMPORT); filePopup->insertSeparator(); filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("fileprint", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Print..."), this, SLOT(print_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_PRINT); filePopup->insertSeparator(); filePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("exit", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Quit"), this, SLOT(quitButton_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_QUIT); menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&File"), filePopup); // "manage" popup menu managePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("pencil", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Add password"), this, SLOT(addPwd_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_ADD); managePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("edit", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Edit"), this, SLOT(editPwd_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_EDIT); managePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("editdelete", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Delete"), this, SLOT(deletePwd_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_DEL); managePopup->insertSeparator(); managePopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("rotate", KIcon::Small)), i18n("Change &Master Password"), this, SLOT(changeMasterPwd_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_CHANGEMP); menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Manage"), managePopup); // "chipcard" popup menu #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD chipcardPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("filenew", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Generate new key-card"), this, SLOT(genNewCard_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_GENNEW); chipcardPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("editdelete", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Erase key-card"), this, SLOT(eraseCard_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_DEL); chipcardPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("", KIcon::Small)), i18n("Read card-&ID"), this, SLOT(readCardId_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_READID); chipcardPopup->insertSeparator(); chipcardPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("2rightarrow", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Make card backup-image"), this, SLOT(makeCardBackup_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_SAVEBACKUP); chipcardPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("2leftarrow", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Replay card backup-image"), this, SLOT(replayCardBackup_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_CHIPCARD_REPLAYBACKUP); menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Chipcard manager"), chipcardPopup); #endif // CONFIG_KEYCARD // "view" popup menu viewPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("find", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Find"), this, SLOT(find_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_FIND); viewPopup->insertSeparator(); viewPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("halfencrypted", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Lock all entries"), this, SLOT(lockWnd_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_LOCK); viewPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("encrypted", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Deep-lock all entries"), this, SLOT(deepLockWnd_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_DEEPLOCK); viewPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("decrypted", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Unlock all entries"), this, SLOT(unlockWnd_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_UNLOCK); menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&View"), viewPopup); // "options" popup menu optionsPopup->insertItem(QIconSet(picons->loadIcon("configure", KIcon::Small)), i18n("&Configure..."), this, SLOT(config_slot()), BUTTON_POPUP_OPTIONS_CONFIG); menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Options"), optionsPopup); // "help" popup menu #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED helpPopup = helpMenu(QString::null, false); #else menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Sync"), syncPopup); helpPopup = new KPopupMenu(this); helpPopup->insertItem(i18n("&License"), this, SLOT(showLicense_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_LICENSE); helpPopup->insertItem(i18n("&Faq"), this, SLOT(faq_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_FAQ); helpPopup->insertItem(i18n("&About PwManager"), this, SLOT(createAboutData_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_ABOUT); helpPopup->insertItem(i18n("&Sync HowTo"), this, SLOT(syncHowTo_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_SYNC); helpPopup->insertItem(i18n("&What's New"), this, SLOT(whatsnew_slot()), 0, BUTTON_POPUP_HELP_WHATSNEW); #endif menuBar()->insertItem(i18n("&Help"), helpPopup); } void PwM::initToolbar() { KIconLoader* picons; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED KIconLoader icons; picons = &icons; #else picons = KGlobal::iconLoader(); #endif #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) #endif { toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("filenew", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_NEW, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(new_slot()), true, i18n("New")); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("fileopen", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_OPEN, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(open_slot()), true, i18n("Open")); toolBar()->insertSeparator(); } toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("filesave", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_SAVE, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(save_slot()), true, i18n("Save")); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("filesaveas", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_SAVEAS, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(saveAs_slot()), true, i18n("Save as")); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("fileprint", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_PRINT, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(print_slot()), true, i18n("Print...")); toolBar()->insertSeparator(); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("pencil", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_ADD, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(addPwd_slot()), true, i18n("Add password")); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("edit", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_EDIT, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(editPwd_slot()), true, i18n("Edit password")); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("editdelete", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_DEL, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(deletePwd_slot()), true, i18n("Delete password")); toolBar()->insertSeparator(); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("find", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_FIND, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(find_slot()), true, i18n("Find entry")); toolBar()->insertSeparator(); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("halfencrypted", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_LOCK, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(lockWnd_slot()), true, i18n("Lock all entries")); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("encrypted", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_DEEPLOCK, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(deepLockWnd_slot()), true, i18n("Deep-Lock all entries")); toolBar()->insertButton(picons->loadIcon("decrypted", KIcon::Toolbar), BUTTON_TOOL_UNLOCK, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, SLOT(unlockWnd_slot()), true, i18n("Unlock all entries")); } void PwM::initMetrics() { QSize s = conf()->confWndMainWndSize(); if (s.isValid()) resize(s); else resize(DEFAULT_SIZE); } void PwM::updateCaption() { setPlainCaption(curDoc()->getTitle() + " - " PROG_NAME " " PACKAGE_VER); } void PwM::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { if (isMinimized()) { if (init->tray()) { forceMinimizeToTray = true; close(); } int mmlock = conf()->confGlobMinimizeLock(); switch (mmlock) { case 0: // don't lock anything break; case 1: { // normal lock curDoc()->lockAll(true); break; } case 2: { // deep-lock curDoc()->deepLock(); break; } default: WARN(); } } } void PwM::setVirgin(bool v) { if (virgin == v) return; virgin = v; filePopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_SAVE, !v); filePopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_SAVEAS, !v); filePopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_EXPORT, !v); filePopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_FILE_PRINT, !v); managePopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_EDIT, !v); managePopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_DEL, !v); managePopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_CHANGEMP, !v); viewPopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_LOCK, !v); viewPopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_DEEPLOCK, !v); viewPopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_UNLOCK, !v); viewPopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_VIEW_FIND, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_SAVE, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_SAVEAS, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_PRINT, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_EDIT, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_DEL, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_LOCK, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_DEEPLOCK, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_UNLOCK, !v); toolBar()->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_TOOL_FIND, !v); } void PwM::new_slot() { init->createMainWnd(); } //US ENH void PwM::open_slot() { open_slot(""); } void PwM::open_slot(QString fn) { openDoc(fn); } PwMDoc * PwM::openDoc(QString filename, bool openDeepLocked) { if (!isVirgin()) { // open the document in a new window. PwM *newInstance = init->createMainWnd(); PwMDoc *newDoc = newInstance->openDoc(filename, openDeepLocked); if (!newDoc) { newInstance->setForceQuit(true); delete_and_null(newInstance); } return newDoc; } if (!curDoc()->openDocUi(curDoc(), filename, openDeepLocked)) return 0; showStatMsg(i18n("Successfully opened file.")); updateCaption(); setVirgin(false); return curDoc(); } PwMView * PwM::makeNewListView(PwMDoc *doc) { PwMView *ret = new PwMView(this, this, doc); ret->setFont(conf()->confGlobEntryFont()); ret->show(); return ret; } void PwM::close_slot() { close(); } void PwM::quitButton_slot() { init->shutdownApp(0); } void PwM::save_slot() { save(); } bool PwM::save() { if (!curDoc()->saveDocUi(curDoc())) return false; showStatMsg(i18n("Successfully saved data.")); updateCaption(); return true; } void PwM::saveAs_slot() { saveAs(); } bool PwM::saveAs() { if (!curDoc()->saveAsDocUi(curDoc())) return false; showStatMsg(i18n("Successfully saved data.")); updateCaption(); return true; } //US ENH : changed code to run with older MOC void PwM::addPwd_slot() { addPwd_slot1(0, 0); } void PwM::addPwd_slot1(QString *pw, PwMDoc *_doc) { PwMDoc *doc; if (_doc) { doc = _doc; } else { doc = curDoc(); } PWM_ASSERT(doc); doc->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED AddEntryWndImpl w; #else AddEntryWndImpl w(this, "addentrywndimpl"); #endif vector<string> catList; doc->getCategoryList(&catList); unsigned i, size = catList.size(); for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { w.addCategory(catList[i].c_str()); } w.setCurrCategory(view->getCurrentCategory()); if (pw) w.pwLineEdit->setText(*pw); tryAgain: if (w.exec() == 1) { PwMDataItem d; //US BUG: to initialize all values of curEntr with meaningfulldata, // we call clear on it. Reason: Metadata will be uninitialized otherwise. // another option would be to create a constructor for PwMDataItem d.clear(true); d.desc = w.getDescription().latin1(); d.name = w.getUsername().latin1(); d.pw = w.getPassword().latin1(); d.comment = w.getComment().latin1(); d.url = w.getUrl().latin1(); d.launcher = w.getLauncher().latin1(); PwMerror ret = doc->addEntry(w.getCategory(), &d); if (ret == e_entryExists) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n ("An entry with this \"Description\",\n" "does already exist.\n" "Please select another description."), i18n("entry already exists.")); goto tryAgain; } else if (ret == e_maxAllowedEntr) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("The maximum possible number of\nentries" "has been reached.\nYou can't add more entries."), i18n("maximum number of entries")); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } } setVirgin(false); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); } //US ENH : changed code to run with older MOC void PwM::editPwd_slot() { editPwd_slot3(0,0,0); } void PwM::editPwd_slot1(const QString *category) { editPwd_slot3(category, 0, 0); } void PwM::editPwd_slot3(const QString *category, const int *index, PwMDoc *_doc) { PwMDoc *doc; if (_doc) { doc = _doc; } else { doc = curDoc(); } PWM_ASSERT(doc); if (doc->isDocEmpty()) return; if (doc->isDeepLocked()) return; doc->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); unsigned int curEntryIndex; if (index) { curEntryIndex = *index; } else { if (!(view->getCurEntryIndex(&curEntryIndex))) { printDebug("couldn't get index. Maybe we have a binary entry here."); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } } QString curCategory; if (category) { curCategory = *category; } else { curCategory = view->getCurrentCategory(); } PwMDataItem currItem; if (!doc->getEntry(curCategory, curEntryIndex, &currItem, true)) { doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } BUG_ON(currItem.binary); AddEntryWndImpl w; vector<string> catList; doc->getCategoryList(&catList); unsigned i, size = catList.size(); for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { w.addCategory(catList[i].c_str()); } w.setCurrCategory(curCategory); w.setDescription(currItem.desc.c_str()); w.setUsername(currItem.name.c_str()); w.setPassword(currItem.pw.c_str()); w.setUrl(currItem.url.c_str()); w.setLauncher(currItem.launcher.c_str()); w.setComment(currItem.comment.c_str()); if (w.exec() == 1) { currItem.desc = w.getDescription().latin1(); currItem.name = w.getUsername().latin1(); currItem.pw = w.getPassword().latin1(); currItem.comment = w.getComment().latin1(); currItem.url = w.getUrl().latin1(); currItem.launcher = w.getLauncher().latin1(); if (!doc->editEntry(curCategory, w.getCategory(), curEntryIndex, &currItem)) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Couldn't edit the entry.\n" "Maybe you changed the category and\n" "this entry is already present\nin the new " "category?"), i18n("couldn't edit entry.")); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } } doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); } void PwM::deletePwd_slot() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); if (curDoc()->isDocEmpty()) return; if (curDoc()->isDeepLocked()) return; curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); unsigned int curEntryIndex = 0; if (!(view->getCurEntryIndex(&curEntryIndex))) { printDebug("couldn't get index"); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } PwMDataItem currItem; QString curCategory = view->getCurrentCategory(); if (!curDoc()->getEntry(curCategory, curEntryIndex, &currItem)) { printDebug("couldn't get entry"); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } if (KMessageBox:: questionYesNo(this, i18n ("Do you really want to delete\nthe selected entry") + " \n\"" + QString(currItem.desc.c_str()) + "\" ?", i18n("delete?")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { curDoc()->delEntry(curCategory, curEntryIndex); } curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); } void PwM::changeMasterPwd_slot() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); curDoc()->changeCurrentPw(); } void PwM::lockWnd_slot() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); curDoc()->lockAll(true); } void PwM::deepLockWnd_slot() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); curDoc()->deepLock(); } void PwM::unlockWnd_slot() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); curDoc()->lockAll(false); } void PwM::config_slot() { int oldStyle = conf()->confWndMainViewStyle(); #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED KCMultiDialog* ConfigureDialog = new KCMultiDialog( "PIM", this ,"pwmconfigdialog", true ); KCMPwmConfig* pwmcfg = new KCMPwmConfig( ConfigureDialog->getNewVBoxPage(i18n( "PwManager")) , "KCMPwmConfig" ); ConfigureDialog->addModule(pwmcfg ); KCMKdePimConfig* kdelibcfg = new KCMKdePimConfig( ConfigureDialog->getNewVBoxPage(i18n( "Global")) , "KCMKdeLibConfig" ); ConfigureDialog->addModule(kdelibcfg ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION ConfigureDialog->showMaximized(); #endif if ( ConfigureDialog->exec() ) KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Some changes are only\neffective after a restart!\n") ); delete ConfigureDialog; #else //PWM_EMBEDDED // display the configuration window (modal mode) if (!conf()->showConfWnd(this)) return; #endif int newStyle = conf()->confWndMainViewStyle(); // reinitialize tray init->initTray(); // reinitialize KWallet emulation init->initKWalletEmu(); PwMDocList *_dl = PwMDoc::getOpenDocList(); const vector<PwMDocList::listItem> *dl = _dl->getList(); vector<PwMDocList::listItem>::const_iterator i = dl->begin(), end = dl->end(); PwMDoc *doc; while (i != end) { doc = (*i).doc; // unlock-without-mpw timeout doc->timer()->start(DocTimer::id_mpwTimer); // auto-lock timeout doc->timer()->start(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); ++i; } const QValueList<PwM *> *ml = init->mainWndList(); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED QValueList<PwM *>::const_iterator i2 = ml->begin(), end2 = ml->end(); #else QValueList<PwM *>::ConstIterator i2 = ml->begin(), end2 = ml->end(); #endif PwM *pwm; while (i2 != end2) { pwm = *i2; // reinitialize the window style. if (oldStyle != newStyle) pwm->curView()->initStyle(newStyle); // set the new font pwm->curView()->setFont(conf()->confGlobEntryFont()); ++i2; } } void PwM::activateMpButton(bool activate) { managePopup->setItemEnabled(BUTTON_POPUP_MANAGE_CHANGEMP, activate); } void PwM::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { + qDebug("PwM::closeEvent "); + emit closed( this ); + return; e->accept(); } void PwM::docClosed(PwMDoc *doc) { + qDebug("PwM::docClosed "); PARAM_UNUSED(doc); PWM_ASSERT(doc == curDoc()); close(); } void PwM::find_slot() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); if (curDoc()->isDocEmpty()) return; if (curDoc()->isDeepLocked()) return; curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); FindWndImpl findWnd(view); findWnd.exec(); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); } void PwM::exportToText() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); if (curDoc()->isDocEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n ("Sorry, there's nothing to export.\n" "Please first add some passwords."), i18n("nothing to do")); return; } curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); QString fn(KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null, i18n("*|plain-text file"), this)); if (fn == "") { curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } PwMerror ret = curDoc()->exportToText(&fn); if (ret != e_success) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error: Couldn't write to file.\n" "Please check if you have permission to write\n" "to the file in that directory."), i18n("error while writing")); } else showStatMsg(i18n("Successfully exported data.")); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); } bool PwM::importFromText() { if (!isVirgin()) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("Do you want to import the data\n" "into the current document? (If you\n" "select \"no\", a new document will be\n" "opened.)"), i18n("import into this document?")) == KMessageBox::No) { // import the data to a new window. PwM *newInstance = init->createMainWnd(); bool ok = newInstance->importFromText(); if (!ok) { newInstance->setForceQuit(true); delete_and_null(newInstance); } return ok; } } curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); PwMerror ret; QString path(KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null, i18n("*|PWM-exported text file"), this)); if (path == "") goto cancelImport; ret = curDoc()->importFromText(&path, 0); if (ret == e_fileFormat) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not read file-format.\n" "This seems to be _not_ a valid file\n" "exported by PwM."), i18n("invalid file-format")); goto cancelImport; } else if (ret == e_invalidArg) { BUG(); goto cancelImport; } else if (ret != e_success) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not import file!\n" "Do you have permission to read this file?\n" "Do you have enough free memory?"), i18n("import failed")); goto cancelImport; } setVirgin(false); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return true; cancelImport: curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } void PwM::exportToGpasman() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); if (curDoc()->isDocEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n ("Sorry, there's nothing to export.\n" "Please first add some passwords."), i18n("nothing to do")); return; } curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); QString fn(KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null, i18n("*|Gpasman or Kpasman file"), this)); if (fn == "") { curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } PwMerror ret = curDoc()->exportToGpasman(&fn); if (ret != e_success) { if (ret == e_noPw) { curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error: Couldn't write to file.\n" "Please check if you have permission to write " "to the file in that directory."), i18n("error while writing")); } else showStatMsg(i18n("Successfully exported data.")); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); } void PwM::exportToCsv() { PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); if (curDoc()->isDocEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n ("Sorry, there is nothing to export;\n" "please add some passwords first."), i18n("Nothing to Do")); return; } curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); QString fn(KFileDialog::getSaveFileName("*.csv", i18n("*|CSV Text File"), this)); if (fn.isEmpty()) { curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return; } Csv csv(this); if (!csv.exportData(fn, curDoc())) { curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); showStatMsg(i18n("CSV file export failed.")); return; } showStatMsg(i18n("Successfully exported data.")); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); } bool PwM::importCsv() { Csv csv(this); if (!isVirgin()) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("Do you want to import the data\n" "into the current document? (If you\n" "select \"no\", a new document will be\n" "opened.)"), i18n("Import into This Document?")) == KMessageBox::No) { // import the data to a new window. PwM *newInstance = init->createMainWnd(); bool ok = newInstance->importCsv(); if (!ok) { newInstance->setForceQuit(true); delete_and_null(newInstance); } return ok; } } QString filename = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName("*.csv", i18n("*|CSV Text File"), this); if (filename.isEmpty()) return false; curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); if (!csv.importData(filename, curDoc())) { curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); showStatMsg(i18n("CSV file import failed.")); return false; } curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Successfully imported the CSV data\n" "into the current document."), i18n("Successfully Imported")); showStatMsg(i18n("Successfully imported")); setVirgin(false); return true; } void PwM::exportToKWallet() { #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF if (!checkAndAskForKWalletEmu()) return; PWM_ASSERT(curDoc()); if (curDoc()->isDocEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n ("Sorry, there's nothing to export.\n" "Please first add some passwords."), i18n("nothing to do")); init->initKWalletEmu(); return; } curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); KWalletIf walletIf(this); if (walletIf.kwalletExport(curDoc())) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Successfully exported the data of the current " "document to KWallet."), i18n("Successfully exported data.")); showStatMsg(i18n("Successfully exported data.")); } init->initKWalletEmu(); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); #endif // CONFIG_KWALLETIF } bool PwM::importFromGpasman() { if (!isVirgin()) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("Do you want to import the data\n" "into the current document? (If you\n" "select \"no\", a new document will be\n" "opened.)"), i18n("import into this document?")) == KMessageBox::No) { // import the data to a new window. PwM *newInstance = init->createMainWnd(); bool ok = newInstance->importFromGpasman(); if (!ok) { newInstance->setForceQuit(true); delete_and_null(newInstance); } return ok; } } curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); PwMerror ret; QString path(KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null, i18n("*|Gpasman or Kpasman file"), this)); if (path == "") goto cancelImport; ret = curDoc()->importFromGpasman(&path); if (ret == e_wrongPw) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n ("This is probably the wrong master-password\n" "you have typed in.\n" "There is no real way to determine the\n" "correctness of the password in the Gpasman\n" "file-format. But I think this\n" "password ist wrong.\n" "Do you want to continue nevertheless?"), i18n("password error")) == KMessageBox::No) { goto cancelImport; } } else if (ret != e_success) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not import file!\n" "Do you have permission to read this file?"), i18n("import failed")); goto cancelImport; } setVirgin(false); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return true; cancelImport: curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF bool PwM::checkAndAskForKWalletEmu() { if (init->kwalletEmu()) { /* KWallet emulation is enabled. We can't import/export * data from/to it, while emulation is active. */ if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("KWallet emulation is enabled.\n" "You can't import or export data from/to " "the original KWallet, while the emulation " "is active.\n" "Do you want to tempoarly disable the KWallet emulation?"), i18n("Tempoarly disable KWallet emulation?")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { init->initKWalletEmu(true); PWM_ASSERT(!init->kwalletEmu()); return true; } return false; } return true; } #endif // CONFIG_KWALLETIF bool PwM::importKWallet() { #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF if (!checkAndAskForKWalletEmu()) return false; KWalletIf walletIf(this); if (!isVirgin()) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("Do you want to import the data " "into the current document? (If you " "select \"no\", a new document will be " "opened.)"), i18n("import into this document?")) == KMessageBox::No) { // import the data to a new window. PwM *newInstance = init->createMainWnd(); bool ok = newInstance->importKWallet(); if (!ok) { newInstance->setForceQuit(true); delete_and_null(newInstance); goto exit_fail; } else { goto exit_ok; } } } curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); if (!walletIf.kwalletImport(curDoc())) { curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); showStatMsg(i18n("KWallet import failed")); goto exit_fail; } KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Successfully imported the KWallet data " "into the current document."), i18n("successfully imported")); showStatMsg(i18n("successfully imported")); setVirgin(false); curDoc()->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); exit_ok: init->initKWalletEmu(); return true; exit_fail: init->initKWalletEmu(); #endif // CONFIG_KWALLETIF return false; } void PwM::print_slot() { curDoc()->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED PwMPrint p(curDoc(), this); p.printNow(); #else diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp index 129bf7b..cf8690f 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdoc.cpp @@ -2596,768 +2596,769 @@ PwMerror PwMDoc::importText_PwM(const QString *file) if (res == false) return e_openFile; unsigned int ch_tmp_size = 1024; char *ch_tmp = (char*)malloc(ch_tmp_size); if (!ch_tmp) { f.close(); return e_outOfMem; } // - check header if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1) // skip first line. goto formatError; //US read fileversion first, then check if ok. if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1) goto formatError; // check version-string and return version in "ch_tmp". //US if (fscanf(f, "PwM v%s", ch_tmp) != 1) { //US // header not recognized as PwM generated header //US goto formatError; //US } //US set filepointer behind version-string-line previously checked //US if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1) //US goto formatError; // skip next line containing the build-date if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1) goto formatError; // read header termination line if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1) goto formatError; if (strcmp(ch_tmp, "==============================\n")) goto formatError; // - read entries do { // find beginning of next category do { tmp = f.getch(); } while (tmp == '\n' && tmp != EOF); if (tmp == EOF) break; // decrement filepos by one f.at(f.at()-1); // read cat-name if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1) goto formatError; // check cat-name format if (memcmp(ch_tmp, "== Category: ", 13) != 0) goto formatError; if (memcmp(ch_tmp + (strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 3), " ==", 3) != 0) goto formatError; // copy cat-name curCat.assign(ch_tmp + 13, strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 16); do { // find beginning of next entry do { tmp = f.getch(); } while (tmp == '\n' && tmp != EOF && tmp != '='); if (tmp == EOF) break; if (tmp == '=') { f.at(f.at()-1); break; } // decrement filepos by one f.at(f.at()-1); // read desc-line if (f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size) == -1) goto formatError; // check desc-line format if (memcmp(ch_tmp, "-- ", 3) != 0) goto formatError; if (memcmp(ch_tmp + (strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 3), " --", 3) != 0) goto formatError; // add desc-line currItem.desc.assign(ch_tmp + 3, strlen(ch_tmp) - 1 - 6); // read username-line if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1) goto formatError; if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.name)) goto formatError; // read pw-line if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1) goto formatError; if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.pw)) goto formatError; // read comment-line if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1) goto formatError; if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.comment)) goto formatError; // read URL-line if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1) goto formatError; if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.url)) goto formatError; // read launcher-line if ((ret = f.readLine(ch_tmp, ch_tmp_size)) == -1) goto formatError; if (!textExtractEntry_PwM(ch_tmp, ret, &currItem.launcher)) goto formatError; currItem.lockStat = true; currItem.listViewPos = -1; addEntry(curCat.c_str(), &currItem, true); ++entriesRead; } while (1); } while (1); if (!entriesRead) goto formatError; free(ch_tmp); f.close(); flagDirty(); return e_success; formatError: free(ch_tmp); f.close(); return e_fileFormat; #endif } bool PwMDoc::textExtractEntry_PwM(const char *in, ssize_t in_size, string *out) { PWM_ASSERT(in && out); ssize_t i = 0, len = in_size - 1; while (i < len) { if (in[i] == ':') break; ++i; } i += 2; *out = ""; out->append(in + i, in_size - i - 1); return true; } PwMerror PwMDoc::exportToGpasman(const QString *file) { PWM_ASSERT(file); GpasmanFile gp; int ret; if (!unlockAll_tempoary()) return e_lock; QString gpmPassword; while (1) { gpmPassword = requestNewMpw(0); if (gpmPassword == "") { unlockAll_tempoary(true); return e_noPw; } if (gpmPassword.length() < 4) { gpmPwLenErrMsgBox(); } else { break; } } ret = gp.save_init(file->latin1(), gpmPassword.latin1()); if (ret != 1) { unlockAll_tempoary(true); return e_accessFile; } char *entry[4]; unsigned int numCat = numCategories(), i; unsigned int numEntr, j; int descLen, nameLen, pwLen, commentLen; for (i = 0; i < numCat; ++i) { numEntr = numEntries(i); for (j = 0; j < numEntr; ++j) { descLen = dti.dta[i].d[j].desc.length(); nameLen = dti.dta[i].d[j].name.length(); pwLen = dti.dta[i].d[j].pw.length(); commentLen = dti.dta[i].d[j].comment.length(); entry[0] = new char[descLen + 1]; entry[1] = new char[nameLen + 1]; entry[2] = new char[pwLen + 1]; entry[3] = new char[commentLen + 1]; strcpy(entry[0], descLen == 0 ? " " : dti.dta[i].d[j].desc.c_str()); strcpy(entry[1], nameLen == 0 ? " " : dti.dta[i].d[j].name.c_str()); strcpy(entry[2], pwLen == 0 ? " " : dti.dta[i].d[j].pw.c_str()); strcpy(entry[3], commentLen == 0 ? " " : dti.dta[i].d[j].comment.c_str()); entry[0][descLen == 0 ? descLen + 1 : descLen] = '\0'; entry[1][nameLen == 0 ? nameLen + 1 : nameLen] = '\0'; entry[2][pwLen == 0 ? pwLen + 1 : pwLen] = '\0'; entry[3][commentLen == 0 ? commentLen + 1 : commentLen] = '\0'; ret = gp.save_entry(entry); if (ret == -1){ delete [] entry[0]; delete [] entry[1]; delete [] entry[2]; delete [] entry[3]; gp.save_finalize(); unlockAll_tempoary(true); return e_writeFile; } delete [] entry[0]; delete [] entry[1]; delete [] entry[2]; delete [] entry[3]; } } unlockAll_tempoary(true); if (gp.save_finalize() == -1) return e_writeFile; return e_success; } PwMerror PwMDoc::importFromGpasman(const QString *file) { PWM_ASSERT(file); QString pw = requestMpw(false); if (pw == "") return e_noPw; GpasmanFile gp; int ret, i; PwMerror ret2; char *entry[4]; PwMDataItem tmpData; ret = gp.load_init(file->latin1(), pw.latin1()); if (ret != 1) return e_accessFile; do { ret = gp.load_entry(entry); if(ret != 1) break; tmpData.desc = entry[0]; tmpData.name = entry[1]; tmpData.pw = entry[2]; tmpData.comment = entry[3]; tmpData.lockStat = true; tmpData.listViewPos = -1; ret2 = addEntry(DEFAULT_CATEGORY, &tmpData, true); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) free(entry[i]); if (ret2 == e_maxAllowedEntr) { gp.load_finalize(); return e_maxAllowedEntr; } } while (1); gp.load_finalize(); if (isDocEmpty()) return e_wrongPw; // we assume this. flagDirty(); return e_success; } //US: we use the stl sort algorythm to sort all elements in the order //of its listViewPos (in the order 1,2,3,5,...,x,-1, -1, -1 struct PwMDataItemListViewPosSort { bool operator()(PwMDataItem* rpStart, PwMDataItem* rpEnd) { //qDebug("pwMDoc::PwMDataItemListViewPosSort()"); if ((rpEnd)->listViewPos < 0) return false; else return (rpStart)->listViewPos < (rpEnd)->listViewPos; } }; void PwMDoc::ensureLvp() { if (isDocEmpty()) return; //US ENH BUG: when using syncronizing, this way of sorting //is not sufficient, because there might be empty spaces // at the beginning. But the old algorythm only can add elements //to the end.The result are crashes because of list overflows //we need something to fill all gaps. vector<PwMDataItem*> sorted; vector< PwMDataItem*>::iterator sortedBegin, sortedEnd, sortedI; vector<PwMCategoryItem>::iterator catBegin = dti.dta.begin(), catEnd = dti.dta.end(), catI = catBegin; vector<PwMDataItem>::iterator entrBegin, entrEnd, entrI; int lvpTop, tmpLvp; //qDebug("collect:"); while (catI != catEnd) { lvpTop = -1; sorted.clear(); entrBegin = catI->d.begin(); entrEnd = catI->d.end(); entrI = entrBegin; //US: we use the stl sort algorythm to sort all elements in the order //of its listViewPos (in the order 1,2,2,3,5,...,x,-1, -1, -1 while (entrI != entrEnd) { //qDebug("found: %s, pos=%i", (*entrI).desc.c_str(), (*entrI).listViewPos); sorted.push_back((PwMDataItem*)&(*entrI)); ++entrI; } sortedBegin = sorted.begin(); sortedEnd = sorted.end(); sort(sortedBegin, sortedEnd, PwMDataItemListViewPosSort()); // qDebug("resort:"); //now we have all sorted in a collection //Now start with the sorted and reset listviewpos. sortedBegin = sorted.begin(); sortedEnd = sorted.end(); sortedI = sortedBegin; while (sortedI != sortedEnd) { // qDebug("reset defined: %s, from pos=%i to pos=%i", (*sortedI)->desc.c_str(), (*sortedI)->listViewPos, lvpTop+1); (*sortedI)->listViewPos = ++lvpTop; ++sortedI; } /*/debug entrBegin = catI->d.begin(); entrEnd = catI->d.end(); entrI = entrBegin; while (entrI != entrEnd) { qDebug("check: %s, pos=%i", (*entrI).desc.c_str(), (*entrI).listViewPos); ++entrI; } */ ++catI; } } QString PwMDoc::getTitle() { /* NOTE: We have to ensure, that the returned title * is unique and not reused somewhere else while * this document is valid (open). */ QString title(getFilename()); //US ENH: The whole filename on PDAs is too long. So use only the last characters if (QApplication::desktop()->width() < 640) { if (title.length() > 30) title = "..." + title.right(30); } if (title.isEmpty()) { if (unnamedNum == 0) { unnamedNum = PwMDocList::getNewUnnamedNumber(); PWM_ASSERT(unnamedNum != 0); } title = DEFAULT_TITLE; title += " "; title += tostr(unnamedNum).c_str(); } return title; } bool PwMDoc::tryDelete() { + if (deleted) return true; int ret; if (isDirty()) { ret = dirtyAskSave(getTitle()); if (ret == 0) { // save to disk if (!saveDocUi(this)) goto out_ignore; } else if (ret == 1) { // don't save and delete goto out_accept; } else { // cancel operation goto out_ignore; } } out_accept: deleted = true; delete this; return true; out_ignore: return false; } #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED //US ENH: this is the magic function that syncronizes the this doc with the remote doc //US it could have been defined as static, but I did not want to. PwMerror PwMDoc::syncronize(KSyncManager* manager, PwMDoc* syncLocal , PwMDoc* syncRemote, int mode ) { int addedPasswordsLocal = 0; int addedPasswordsRemote = 0; int deletedPasswordsRemote = 0; int deletedPasswordsLocal = 0; int changedLocal = 0; int changedRemote = 0; PwMSyncItem* syncItemLocal; PwMSyncItem* syncItemRemote; QString mCurrentSyncName = manager->getCurrentSyncName(); QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); bool fullDateRange = false; int take; // local->resetTempSyncStat(); QDateTime mLastSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QDateTime modifiedSync = mLastSync; unsigned int index; //Step 1. Find syncinfo in Local file and create if not existent. bool found = syncLocal->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncDevice, &index); if (found == false) { PwMSyncItem newSyncItemLocal; newSyncItemLocal.syncName = mCurrentSyncDevice.latin1(); newSyncItemLocal.lastSyncDate = mLastSync; syncLocal->addSyncDataEntry(&newSyncItemLocal, true); found = syncLocal->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncDevice, &index); if (found == false) { qDebug("PwMDoc::syncronize : newly created local sync data could not be found"); return e_syncError; } } syncItemLocal = syncLocal->getSyncDataEntry(index); qDebug("Last Sync Local %s ", syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1()); //Step 2. Find syncinfo in remote file and create if not existent. found = syncRemote->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncName, &index); if (found == false) { qDebug("FULLDATE 1"); fullDateRange = true; PwMSyncItem newSyncItemRemote; newSyncItemRemote.syncName = mCurrentSyncName.latin1(); newSyncItemRemote.lastSyncDate = mLastSync; syncRemote->addSyncDataEntry(&newSyncItemRemote, true); found = syncRemote->findSyncData(mCurrentSyncName, &index); if (found == false) { qDebug("PwMDoc::syncronize : newly created remote sync data could not be found"); return e_syncError; } } syncItemRemote = syncRemote->getSyncDataEntry(index); qDebug("Last Sync Remote %s ", syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1()); //and remove the found entry here. We will reenter it later again. //US syncRemote->delSyncDataEntry(index, true); if ( syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate == mLastSync ) { qDebug("FULLDATE 2"); fullDateRange = true; } if ( ! fullDateRange ) { if ( syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate != syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate ) { fullDateRange = true; qDebug("FULLDATE 3 %s %s", syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1() , syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate.toString().latin1() ); } } // fullDateRange = true; // debug only! if ( fullDateRange ) mLastSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -100*365); else mLastSync = syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate; qDebug("*************************** "); qDebug("mLastSync %s ",mLastSync.toString().latin1() ); QStringList er = syncRemote->getIDEntryList(); PwMDataItem* inRemote ;//= er.first(); PwMDataItem* inLocal; unsigned int catLocal, indexLocal; unsigned int catRemote, indexRemote; QString uid; manager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Syncing - close to abort!"), er.count()); int modulo = (er.count()/10)+1; unsigned int incCounter = 0; while ( incCounter < er.count()) { if (manager->isProgressBarCanceled()) return e_syncError; if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 ) manager->showProgressBar(incCounter); uid = er[ incCounter ]; qDebug("sync uid %s from remote file", uid.latin1()); qApp->processEvents(); inLocal = syncLocal->findEntryByID( uid, &catLocal, &indexLocal ); inRemote = syncRemote->findEntryByID( uid, &catRemote, &indexRemote ); PWM_ASSERT(inRemote); if ( inLocal != 0 ) { // maybe conflict - same uid in both files if ( (take = takePwMDataItem( inLocal, inRemote, mLastSync, mode, fullDateRange) ) ) { qDebug("take %d %s ", take, inLocal->desc.c_str()); if ( take == 3 ) return e_syncError; if ( take == 1 ) {// take local int oldlistpos = inRemote->listViewPos; (*inRemote) = (*inLocal); inRemote->listViewPos = oldlistpos; ++changedRemote; } else { // take == 2 take remote int oldlistpos = inLocal->listViewPos; (*inLocal) = (*inRemote); inLocal->listViewPos = oldlistpos; ++changedLocal; } } } else { // no conflict if ( inRemote->meta.update > mLastSync || mode == 5 ) { inRemote->meta.update = modifiedSync; //first check if we have a matching category in the local file const string* remotecat = syncRemote->getCategory(catRemote); syncLocal->addEntry(remotecat->c_str(), inRemote, true, false); ++addedPasswordsLocal; } else { // pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeRSyncSharp, inR); syncRemote->delEntry(catRemote, indexRemote, true); ++deletedPasswordsRemote; } } ++incCounter; } er.clear(); QStringList el = syncLocal->getIDEntryList(); modulo = (el.count()/10)+1; manager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Add / remove addressees"), el.count()); incCounter = 0; while ( incCounter < el.count()) { qApp->processEvents(); if (manager->isProgressBarCanceled()) return e_syncError; if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 ) manager->showProgressBar(incCounter); uid = el[ incCounter ]; qDebug("sync uid %s from local file", uid.latin1()); inLocal = syncLocal->findEntryByID( uid, &catLocal, &indexLocal ); inRemote = syncRemote->findEntryByID( uid, &catRemote, &indexRemote ); PWM_ASSERT(inLocal); if ( inRemote == 0 ) { if ( inLocal->meta.update < mLastSync && mode != 4 ) { // pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL); syncLocal->delEntry(catLocal, indexLocal, true); ++deletedPasswordsLocal; } else { if ( ! manager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) { ++addedPasswordsRemote; inLocal->meta.update = modifiedSync; //first check if we have a matching category in the remote file const string* localcat = syncLocal->getCategory(catLocal); PwMDataItem newEntry; newEntry = *inLocal; inRemote = &newEntry; //USsyncRemote->insertAddressee( inRemote, false ); syncRemote->addEntry(localcat->c_str(), inRemote, true, false); } } } ++incCounter; } el.clear(); manager->hideProgressBar(); // Now write the info back into the sync data space of the files mLastSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 ); // get rid of micro seconds QTime t = mLastSync.time(); mLastSync.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) ); syncItemLocal->lastSyncDate = mLastSync; syncItemRemote->lastSyncDate = mLastSync; QString mes; mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedPasswordsLocal, addedPasswordsRemote, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedPasswordsLocal, deletedPasswordsRemote ); if ( manager->mShowSyncSummary ) { KMessageBox::information(0, mes, i18n("PWM/Pi Synchronization") ); } qDebug( mes ); return e_success; } int PwMDoc::takePwMDataItem( PwMDataItem* local, PwMDataItem* remote, QDateTime lastSync, int mode , bool full ) { // 0 equal // 1 take local // 2 take remote // 3 cancel QDateTime localMod = local->meta.update; QDateTime remoteMod = remote->meta.update; if ( localMod == remoteMod ) return 0; qDebug(" %d %d conflict on %s %s ", mode, full, local->desc.c_str(), remote->desc.c_str() ); //qDebug("%s %d %s %d", local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , localMod, remote->lastModified().toString().latin1(), remoteMod); //qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", local->lastModified().time().second(), local->lastModified().time().msec(), remote->lastModified().time().second(), remote->lastModified().time().msec() ); //full = true; //debug only if ( full ) { bool equ = ( (*local) == (*remote) ); if ( equ ) { //qDebug("equal "); if ( mode < SYNC_PREF_FORCE_LOCAL ) return 0; }//else //debug only //qDebug("not equal %s %s ", local->desc.c_str(), remote->desc.c_str()); } int result; bool localIsNew; //qDebug("%s -- %s mLastCalendarSync %s lastsync %s --- local %s remote %s ",local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1(),mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1() ,lastSync.toString().latin1() , local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , remote->lastModified().toString().latin1() ); if ( full && mode < SYNC_PREF_NEWEST ) mode = SYNC_PREF_ASK; switch( mode ) { case SYNC_PREF_LOCAL: if ( lastSync > remoteMod ) return 1; if ( lastSync > localMod ) return 2; return 1; break; case SYNC_PREF_REMOTE: if ( lastSync > remoteMod ) return 1; if ( lastSync > localMod ) return 2; return 2; break; case SYNC_PREF_NEWEST: if ( localMod > remoteMod ) return 1; else return 2; break; case SYNC_PREF_ASK: //qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), localMod.toString().latin1(), remoteMod.toString().latin1() ); if ( lastSync > remoteMod ) return 1; if ( lastSync > localMod ) return 2; localIsNew = localMod >= remoteMod; //qDebug("conflict! ************************************** "); { PwMDataItemChooser acd ( *local,*remote, localIsNew , 0/*this*/ ); result = acd.executeD(localIsNew); return result; } break; case SYNC_PREF_FORCE_LOCAL: return 1; break; case SYNC_PREF_FORCE_REMOTE: return 2; break; default: // SYNC_PREF_TAKE_BOTH not implemented break; } return 0; } //this are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface bool PwMDoc::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode) { QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice(); //1) unlock local file first if necessary (ask for password) if (this->isDeepLocked()) { PwMerror ret = this->deepLock(false); if (ret != e_success) return false; } //2) construct and open a new doc on the stack(automatic cleanup of remote file). PwMDoc syncTarget(this, "synctarget"); PwMDoc* pSyncTarget = &syncTarget; PwMerror err = pSyncTarget->openDoc(&filename, 1 /*== open with all entries locked*/); if (err == e_alreadyOpen) { PwMDocList::listItem li; if (getOpenDocList()->find(filename.latin1(), &li)) pSyncTarget = li.doc; else { qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: sync failed. Error %i while opening file %s",err, filename.latin1()); return false; } } else if (err != e_success) { qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: sync failed. Error %i while opening file %s",err, filename.latin1()); return false; } qDebug("PWM file loaded %s,sync mode %d",filename.latin1(), mode ); //3) unlock remote file first if necessary (ask for password) if (pSyncTarget->isDeepLocked()) { PwMerror ret = pSyncTarget->deepLock(false); if (ret != e_success) return false; } err = syncronize(manager, this, pSyncTarget, mode ); if (err == e_success) { if ( manager->mWriteBackFile ) { qDebug("Saving remote PWManager file"); err = pSyncTarget->saveDoc(conf()->confGlobCompression()); if (err != e_success) { qDebug("PwmDoc::sync: Sync failed. Error %i while storing file %s",err, filename.latin1()); return false; } } diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdocui.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdocui.cpp index 71b4a8d..a9916c2 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdocui.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwmdocui.cpp @@ -1,467 +1,470 @@ /*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 1.0.1 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #include "pwmdocui.h" #include "setmasterpwwndimpl.h" #include "getmasterpwwndimpl.h" #include "pwmexception.h" #include "getkeycardwnd.h" #include "pwm.h" #include "globalstuff.h" #include "spinforsignal.h" #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include <kwin.h> #else #include <qdir.h> #include "pwmprefs.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD # include "pwmkeycard.h" #endif PwMDocUi::PwMDocUi(QObject *parent, const char *name) : QObject(parent, name) { currentView = 0; keyCard = 0; } PwMDocUi::~PwMDocUi() { } QString PwMDocUi::requestMpw(bool chipcard) { QString pw; if (chipcard) { #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD PWM_ASSERT(keyCard); uint32_t id; string ret; SpinForSignal *spinner = keyCard->getSpinner(); connect(keyCard, SIGNAL(keyAvailable(uint32_t, const string &)), spinner, SLOT(u32_str_slot(uint32_t, const string &))); keyCard->getKey(); spinner->spin(&id, &ret); disconnect(keyCard, SIGNAL(keyAvailable(uint32_t, const string &)), spinner, SLOT(u32_str_slot(uint32_t, const string &))); if (ret == "") return ""; pw = ret.c_str(); #else // CONFIG_KEYCARD no_keycard_support_msg_box(currentView); #endif // CONFIG_KEYCARD } else { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED GetMasterPwWndImpl pwWnd; KWin::setState(pwWnd.winId(), NET::StaysOnTop); #else GetMasterPwWndImpl pwWnd; #endif if (pwWnd.exec() != 1) return ""; pw = pwWnd.pwLineEdit->text(); } return pw; } QString PwMDocUi::requestNewMpw(bool *chipcard) { QString pw; SetMasterPwWndImpl pwWnd(currentView); pwWnd.setPwMKeyCard(keyCard); if (!chipcard) { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED pwWnd.mainTab->removePage(pwWnd.mainTab->page(1)); #else pwWnd.mainTab->removePage(pwWnd.tab_2); #endif } if (pwWnd.exec() != 1) return ""; pw = pwWnd.getPw(chipcard).c_str(); return pw; } QString PwMDocUi::requestMpwChange(const QString *currentPw, bool *chipcard) { QString pw(requestMpw(*chipcard)); if (pw == "") return ""; if (pw != *currentPw) { wrongMpwMsgBox(*chipcard); return ""; } pw = requestNewMpw(chipcard); if (pw == "") return ""; return pw; } void PwMDocUi::wrongMpwMsgBox(bool chipcard, QString prefix, QString postfix) { QString msg; if (prefix != "") { msg += prefix; msg += "\n"; } if (chipcard) { msg += i18n("Wrong key-card!\n" "Please try again with the\n" "correct key-card."); } else { msg += i18n("Wrong master-password!\n" "Please try again."); } if (postfix != "") { msg += "\n"; msg += postfix; } KMessageBox::error(currentView, msg, (chipcard) ? (i18n("wrong chipcard")) : (i18n("password error"))); } void PwMDocUi::noMpwMsgBox(bool chipcard, QString prefix, QString postfix) { QString msg; if (prefix != "") { msg += prefix; msg += "\n"; } if (chipcard) { msg += i18n("No key-card found!\n" "Please insert the\n" "correct key-card."); } else { msg += i18n("No master-password given!"); } if (postfix != "") { msg += "\n"; msg += postfix; } KMessageBox::error(currentView, msg, (chipcard) ? (i18n("no chipcard")) : (i18n("password error"))); } void PwMDocUi::rootAlertMsgBox() { KMessageBox::error(currentView, i18n("This feature is not available,n" "if you execute PwM with \"root\" \n" "UID 0 privileges, for security reasons!"), i18n("not allowed as root!")); } void PwMDocUi::cantDeeplock_notSavedMsgBox() { KMessageBox::error(currentView, i18n("Can't deep-lock, because the document\n" "hasn't been saved, yet. Please save\n" "to a file and try again."), i18n("not saved, yet")); } void PwMDocUi::gpmPwLenErrMsgBox() { KMessageBox::error(currentView, i18n("GPasman does not support passwords\n" "shorter than 4 characters! Please try\n" "again with a longer password."), - i18n("password too short")); + i18n("Password too short")); } int PwMDocUi::dirtyAskSave(const QString &docTitle) { int ret; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED ret = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(currentView, - i18n("The list \"") + + i18n("The list\n\"") + docTitle + i18n ("\" has been modified.\n" "Do you want to save it?"), - i18n("save?")); + i18n("Save?")); if (ret == KMessageBox::Yes) { return 0; } else if (ret == KMessageBox::No) { return 1; } #else + QString doc = docTitle; + if ( doc.length() > 33 ) + doc = "..." + doc.right(30); ret = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(currentView, - i18n("The list \"") + - docTitle + + i18n("The list\n \"") + + doc + i18n ("\"\nhas been modified.\n" "Do you want to save it?"), - i18n("save?")); + i18n("Save?")); if (ret == KMessageBox::Yes) { return 0; } else if (ret == KMessageBox::No) { return 1; } #endif // cancel return -1; } bool PwMDocUi::saveDocUi(PwMDoc *doc) { PWM_ASSERT(doc); doc->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); if (doc->isDocEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(currentView, i18n ("Sorry, there's nothing to save.\n" "Please first add some passwords."), i18n("nothing to do")); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return true; } PwMerror ret = doc->saveDoc(conf()->confGlobCompression()); if (ret == e_filename) { doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return saveAsDocUi(doc); } else if (ret == e_weakPw) { KMessageBox::error(currentView, i18n("Error: This is a weak password.\n" "Please select another password."), i18n("weak password")); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } else if (ret == e_fileBackup) { KMessageBox::error(currentView, i18n("Error: Couldn't make backup-file!"), i18n("backup failed")); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } else if (ret == e_noPw || ret == e_wrongPw || ret == e_openFile) { doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } else if (ret != e_success) { KMessageBox::error(currentView, i18n("Error: Couldn't write to file.\n" "Please check if you have permission to\n" "write to the file in that directory."), i18n("error while writing")); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return true; } bool PwMDocUi::saveAsDocUi(PwMDoc *doc) { PWM_ASSERT(doc); doc->timer()->getLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); if (doc->isDocEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(currentView, i18n ("Sorry, there's nothing to save.\n" "Please first add some passwords."), i18n("nothing to do")); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return true; } #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED QString fn(KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null, i18n("*.pwm|PwManager Password file"), currentView)); #else QString fn = locateLocal( "data", KGlobal::getAppName() + "/*.pwm" ); fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(fn, i18n("password filename(*.pwm)"), currentView); #endif if (fn == "") { doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } if (fn.right(4) != ".pwm") fn += ".pwm"; PwMerror ret = doc->saveDoc(conf()->confGlobCompression(), &fn); if (ret == e_noPw || ret == e_wrongPw || ret == e_openFile) { doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } else if (ret != e_success) { KMessageBox::error(currentView, i18n("Error: Couldn't write to file.\n" "Please check if you have permission to\n" "write to the file in that directory."), i18n("error while writing")); doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return false; } doc->timer()->putLock(DocTimer::id_autoLockTimer); return true; } bool PwMDocUi::openDocUi(PwMDoc *doc, QString filename, bool openDeepLocked) { if (filename.isEmpty()) { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED filename = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null, i18n("*.pwm|PwManager Password file\n" "*|All files"), getCurrentView()); #else filename = locateLocal( "data", KGlobal::getAppName() + "/*.pwm"); filename = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(filename, i18n("password filename(*.pwm)"), getCurrentView()); #endif } if (filename.isEmpty()) goto cancelOpen; PwMerror ret; while (true) { int lockStat = -1; if (openDeepLocked) { lockStat = 2; } else { if (conf()->confGlobUnlockOnOpen()) { lockStat = 0; } else { lockStat = 1; } } ret = doc->openDoc(&filename, lockStat); //qDebug("pwmdocui::OpenDocui %i", ret); if (ret != e_success) { if (ret == e_readFile || ret == e_openFile) { KMessageBox::error(getCurrentView(), i18n("Could not read file!") + "\n" + filename, i18n("File error")); goto cancelOpen; } if (ret == e_alreadyOpen) { KMessageBox::error(getCurrentView(), i18n("This file is already open."), i18n("Already open")); goto cancelOpen; } if (ret == e_fileVer) { KMessageBox::error(getCurrentView(), i18n ("File-version is not supported!\n" "Did you create this file with an\nolder or newer version of PwM?"), i18n ("Incompatible version")); goto cancelOpen; } if (ret == e_wrongPw) { continue; } if (ret == e_noPw) { goto cancelOpen; } if (ret == e_fileFormat) { KMessageBox::error(getCurrentView(), i18n ("Sorry, this file has not been recognized\n" "as a PwM Password file.\n" "Probably you have selected the wrong file."), i18n ("No PwM password-file")); goto cancelOpen; } if (ret == e_fileCorrupt) { KMessageBox::error(getCurrentView(), i18n ("File corrupt!\n" "Maybe the media, you stored this file on,\n" "had bad sectors?"), i18n ("Checksum error")); goto cancelOpen; } } break; } return true; cancelOpen: return false; } QString PwMDocUi::string_defaultCategory() { return i18n("Default"); } QString PwMDocUi::string_locked() { return i18n("<LOCKED>"); } QString PwMDocUi::string_deepLockedShort() { return i18n("DEEP-LOCKED"); } QString PwMDocUi::string_deepLockedLong() { return i18n("This file is DEEP-LOCKED!\n" "That means all data has been encrypted\n" "and written out to the file. If you want\n" "to see the entries, please UNLOCK the file.\n" "While unlocking, you will be prompted for the\n" "master-password or the key-card."); } QString PwMDocUi::string_defaultTitle() { return i18n("Untitled"); } #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include "pwmdocui.moc" #endif diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwminit.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwminit.cpp index d775aa9..fbd17a7 100644 --- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwminit.cpp +++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/pwminit.cpp @@ -1,641 +1,650 @@ /*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 1.0.1 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #include "pwminit.h" #include "randomizer.h" #include <qdir.h> #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include "selftest.h" #include "configuration.h" #else #include "pwmprefs.h" #endif #include "pwm.h" #include "pwmexception.h" #include "pwmtray.h" #include "pwmdoc.h" #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF # include "kwalletemu.h" #endif // CONFIG_KWALLETIF #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD # include "pwmkeycard.h" #endif // CONFIG_KEYCARD #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include <kcmdlineargs.h> #include <kwin.h> #include <dcopclient.h> #endif #include <kapplication.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <signal.h> static PwMInit *sig_init_pointer; #ifdef _WIN32_ static void sig_handler(int signum) #else static NOREGPARM void sig_handler(int signum) #endif { switch (signum) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: sig_init_pointer->shutdownApp(20 + signum); break; default: printDebug(string("unhandled signal ") + tostr(signum)); } } PwMInit::PwMInit(PwMApplication *_app) : runStatus (unknown) , _curWidget (0) , _dcopClient (0) , _kwalletEmu (0) , _keycard (0) , _tray (0) { sig_init_pointer = this; app = _app; } PwMInit::~PwMInit() { + qDebug("PwMInit::~PwMInit() "); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED SelfTest::cancel(); // close all open mainwnds QValueList<PwM *>::iterator i = _mainWndList.begin(), end = _mainWndList.end(); #else // close all open mainwnds QValueList<PwM *>::Iterator i = _mainWndList.begin(), end = _mainWndList.end(); #endif while (i != end) { disconnect(*i, SIGNAL(closed(PwM *)), this, SLOT(mainWndClosed(PwM *))); delete *i; ++i; } _mainWndList.clear(); // close all remaining open documents PwMDocList *_dl = PwMDoc::getOpenDocList(); vector<PwMDocList::listItem> dl = *(_dl->getList()); vector<PwMDocList::listItem>::iterator i2 = dl.begin(), end2 = dl.end(); while (i2 != end2) { delete (*i2).doc; ++i2; } #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF delete_ifnot_null(_kwalletEmu); #endif // CONFIG_KWALLETIF #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD delete_ifnot_null(_keycard); #endif // CONFIG_KEYCARD delete_ifnot_null(_tray); Randomizer::cleanup(); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED Configuration::cleanup(); #endif } void PwMInit::initializeApp() { //qDebug("PwMInit::initializeApp() "); PWM_ASSERT(runStatus == unknown); runStatus = init; initPosixSignalHandler(); Randomizer::init(); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED Configuration::init(); #endif initDCOP(); initKWalletEmu(); initKeycard(); initTray(); handleCmdLineArgs(); bool openDeeplocked = false; if (conf()->confGlobAutostartDeepLocked() || savedCmd.open_deeplocked) openDeeplocked = true; if ( false ){ // LR is not working //if (conf()->confWndAutoMinimizeOnStart() || // savedCmd.minToTray) { PwMDoc *newDoc = createDoc(); qDebug(" createDoc()"); if (!newDoc->openDocUi(newDoc, conf()->confGlobAutoStart(), openDeeplocked)) { delete newDoc; } //US ENH for embedded devices: in the case of failure, open a document the default way createMainWnd(conf()->confGlobAutoStart(), openDeeplocked, true, 0, savedCmd.minimized); // } } else { createMainWnd(conf()->confGlobAutoStart(), openDeeplocked, true, 0, savedCmd.minimized); } - runStatus = running; } void PwMInit::shutdownApp(int exitStatus) { printDebug(string("PwMInit::shutdownApp(") + tostr(exitStatus) + ") called."); PWM_ASSERT((runStatus == running) || (runStatus == init)); runStatus = shutdown; QApplication::exit(exitStatus); /* The destructor of PwMInit is called when control * leaves main() */ } void PwMInit::initPosixSignalHandler() { signal(SIGINT, sig_handler); signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler); } void PwMInit::initDCOP() { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED _dcopClient = app->dcopClient(); _dcopClient->setNotifications(true); #endif } void PwMInit::initKWalletEmu(bool forceDisable, bool forceReload) { #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF if (!conf()->confGlobKwalletEmu() || forceDisable) { delete_ifnot_null(_kwalletEmu); return; } try { if (_kwalletEmu && forceReload) delete_and_null(_kwalletEmu); if (!_kwalletEmu) _kwalletEmu = new KWalletEmu(this); } catch (PwMException e) { string errMsg("initializing KWallet emulation failed. ID: "); errMsg += tostr(static_cast<int>(e.getId())); errMsg += " err-message: "; errMsg += e.getMessage(); printWarn(errMsg); return; } #else // CONFIG_KWALLETIF PARAM_UNUSED(forceDisable); PARAM_UNUSED(forceReload); #endif // CONFIG_KWALLETIF } void PwMInit::initKeycard() { #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD PWM_ASSERT(!_keycard); _keycard = new PwMKeyCard(this); #endif // CONFIG_KEYCARD } void PwMInit::initTray() { #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED //US ENH : embedded version does not support a tray return; #endif if (!conf()->confGlobTray()) { if (!_tray) return; _tray->hide(); delete_and_null(_tray); return; } if (_tray) return; _tray = new PwMTray(this); connect(_tray, SIGNAL(quitSelected()), this, SLOT(removeTrayAndQuit())); connect(_tray, SIGNAL(closed(PwMTray *)), this, SLOT(trayIconClosed(PwMTray *))); KIconLoader icons; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED _tray->setPixmap(icons.loadIcon(PACKAGE_NAME, KIcon::Small)); #endif _tray->show(); // connect the signals of all open documents. const vector<PwMDocList::listItem> *dl = PwMDoc::getOpenDocList()->getList(); vector<PwMDocList::listItem>::const_iterator i = dl->begin(), end = dl->end(); while (i != end) { _tray->connectDocToTray((*i).doc); ++i; } } void PwMInit::removeTrayAndQuit() { PWM_ASSERT(_tray); // _tray is deleted in ~PwMInit shutdownApp(0); } PwM * PwMInit::createMainWnd(const QString &loadFile, bool loadFileDeepLocked, bool virginity, PwMDoc *doc, bool minimized) { PwM *newWnd; if (!doc) doc = createDoc(); newWnd = new PwM(this, doc, virginity); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED _mainWndList.push_back(newWnd); #else _mainWndList.append(newWnd); #endif connect(newWnd, SIGNAL(closed(PwM *)), this, SLOT(mainWndClosed(PwM *))); connect(newWnd, SIGNAL(gotFocus(PwM *)), this, SLOT(setCurWidget(PwM *))); connect(newWnd, SIGNAL(lostFocus(PwM *)), this, SLOT(resetCurWidget())); //US ENH #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED if (minimized) newWnd->showMinimized(); else newWnd->show(); #else //PWM_EMBEDDED #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION app->showMainWidget( newWnd ); #else //DESKTOP_VERSION - app->setMainWidget( newWnd ); newWnd->resize (640, 480 ); newWnd->show(); - qDebug("show "); #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION #endif //PWM_EMBEDDED if (loadFile != QString::null && loadFile != "") { newWnd->openDoc(loadFile, loadFileDeepLocked); } return newWnd; } PwMDoc * PwMInit::createDoc() { PwMDoc *doc = new PwMDoc(this); #ifdef CONFIG_KEYCARD doc->setPwMKeyCard(keycard()); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_KWALLETIF if (kwalletEmu()) kwalletEmu()->connectDocSignals(doc); #endif if (_tray) _tray->connectDocToTray(doc); return doc; } void PwMInit::mainWndClosed(PwM *wnd) { bool doMinimizeToTray = false; bool doDeleteDoc = false; #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED dcopClient()->suspend(); dcopClient()->setAcceptCalls(false); #endif again: if (wnd->isForceMinimizeToTray()) { if (unlikely(!_tray)) { /* This should not happen! If we set forceMinimizeToTray , * we must be sure that _tray exists. */ BUG(); wnd->setForceMinimizeToTray(false); goto again; } doMinimizeToTray = true; } else { // Ask to minimize to tray. If not, delete doc. if (_tray && runStatus != shutdown && !wnd->isForceQuit() && !wnd->curDoc()->isDeleted()) { if (conf()->confWndClose()) doDeleteDoc = true; else doMinimizeToTray = true; } else { doDeleteDoc = true; } } if (doMinimizeToTray) { - + qDebug("doMinimizeToTray "); PWM_ASSERT(_tray); int mmlock = conf()->confGlobMinimizeLock(); switch (mmlock) { case 0: // don't lock anything break; case 1: // normal lock wnd->curDoc()->lockAll(true); break; case 2: // deep-lock wnd->curDoc()->deepLock(); break; default: WARN(); } } else if (doDeleteDoc) { + qDebug("doDeleteDoc "); if (!wnd->curDoc()->tryDelete()) { /* We failed deleting the doc, * so open a new window with it, again. */ createMainWnd(QString::null, false, false, wnd->curDoc()); } } #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED // find the closed window in the "mainWndList" and delete it. QValueList<PwM *>::iterator i = _mainWndList.begin(), end = _mainWndList.end(); #else // find the closed window in the "mainWndList" and delete it. QValueList<PwM *>::Iterator i = _mainWndList.begin(), end = _mainWndList.end(); #endif while (i != end) { if (*i == wnd) { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED _mainWndList.erase(i); #else _mainWndList.remove(i); #endif + + if ( app->mainWidget() == wnd ) { + if ( _mainWndList.count() ) { +#ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION + app->showMainWidget(_mainWndList.first() ); +#endif //DESKTOP_VERSION + + } + } + delete wnd; goto out_success; } ++i; } BUG(); out_success: #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED if (!_mainWndList.size()) #else if (!_mainWndList.count()) #endif { /* If there's no main window and no tray icon * left, we have no user interface, so we can * shut down the application. */ if (!_tray) { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED dcopClient()->setAcceptCalls(true); dcopClient()->resume(); #endif shutdownApp(0); return; } /* There is no widget left, so set * _curWidget to 0 */ resetCurWidget(); } #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED dcopClient()->setAcceptCalls(true); dcopClient()->resume(); #endif } void PwMInit::trayIconClosed(PwMTray *tray) { if (runStatus != running) return; PARAM_UNUSED(tray); PWM_ASSERT(tray == _tray); /* If there's no main wnd left we have to * shutdown the app (same as in mainWndClosed()) */ #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED if (!_mainWndList.size()) shutdownApp(0); #else if (!_mainWndList.count()) shutdownApp(0); #endif } void PwMInit::handleCmdLineArgs(bool initial) { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); PWM_ASSERT(args); int i, numArgs = args->count(); const char *curArg; // read all cmdline options savedCmd.open_deeplocked = args->isSet("open-deeplocked"); savedCmd.minimized = args->isSet("minimized"); savedCmd.minToTray = args->isSet("mintray"); savedCmd.skipSelfTest = args->isSet("skip-self-test"); if (savedCmd.minimized && savedCmd.minToTray) { printInfo(i18n("Commandline option \"--minimized\" and " "\"--mintray\" selected. These are incompatible. " "\"--mintray\" will be selected.").latin1()); } /* Iterate through all non-option arguments. * Every non-option arg is a filename to open. */ for (i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) { curArg = args->arg(i); PWM_ASSERT(curArg); if (savedCmd.minToTray) { PwMDoc *newDoc = createDoc(); if (!newDoc->openDocUi(newDoc, curArg, savedCmd.open_deeplocked)) { delete newDoc; } } else { PwM *newInstance = createMainWnd(QString::null, false, true, 0, savedCmd.minimized); PwMDoc *newDoc = newInstance->openDoc(curArg, savedCmd.open_deeplocked); if (!newDoc) { newInstance->setForceQuit(true); delete_and_null(newInstance); } } } if (savedCmd.minToTray) { minimizeAllMainWnd(true); } else if (savedCmd.minimized) { minimizeAllMainWnd(false); } if (!savedCmd.skipSelfTest && initial) { SelfTest::schedule(); } args->clear(); #endif } void PwMInit::minimizeAllMainWnd(bool toTray) { #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED if (!_mainWndList.size()) return; #else if (!_mainWndList.count()) return; #endif const QValueList<PwM *> *ml = mainWndList(); #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED QValueList<PwM *>::const_iterator it = ml->begin(), end = ml->end(); #else QValueList<PwM *>::ConstIterator it = ml->begin(), end = ml->end(); #endif PwM *wnd; if (toTray && _tray) { /* minimize to tray. * close all mainWnd. */ while (it != end) { wnd = *it; wnd->setForceMinimizeToTray(true); wnd->close_slot(); ++it; } } else { // normal minimize while (it != end) { wnd = *it; wnd->hide(); wnd->showMinimized(); ++it; } } } #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION PwMApplication::PwMApplication(int & argc, char ** argv) : QPEApplication( argc, argv ) , init (0) { this->setKeepRunning (); } PwMApplication::~PwMApplication() { delete_ifnot_null(init); } #else //DESKTOP_VERSION PwMApplication::PwMApplication(int & argc, char ** argv) : QApplication( argc, argv ) , init (0) { setStyle( new QPlatinumStyle ()); QString hdir = QDir::homeDirPath(); // there is a bug when creating dirs for WIN 98 // it is difficult to fix, because we have no WIN 98 runnung // such that we try it to create the dirs at startup here if ( hdir == "C:\\" ) { // win 98 or ME QDir app_dir; if ( !app_dir.exists("C:\\kdepim") ) app_dir.mkdir ("C:\\kdepim"); if ( !app_dir.exists("C:\\kdepim\\apps") ) app_dir.mkdir ("C:\\kdepim\\apps"); if ( !app_dir.exists("C:\\kdepim\\config") ) app_dir.mkdir ("C:\\kdepim\\config"); if ( !app_dir.exists("C:\\kdepim\\apps\\pwmanager") ) app_dir.mkdir ("C:\\kdepim\\apps\\pwmanager"); } } PwMApplication::~PwMApplication() { delete_ifnot_null(init); } #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION #endif //PWM_EMBEDDED #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include "pwminit.moc" #endif |