This is the Windows version of KO/Pi and KA/Pi (, the platform independent PIM programs based on the PIM programs (KOrganizer and KAddressbook) of KDE (www.kdeorg). KO/Pi or KA/Pi are licensed under the GPL. Please read the file kdepim/licence.txt Contents of the packages and how to install: ***************************************************** 1) Windows 32 ***************************************************** NOTE: There are two version for Windows available: The file, wich is for Windows 2000/XP and the file, wich is for Windows 98/ME. The functionality is almost the same, but in the version for Windows 98/ME is "Import from Outlook" disabled to make it running on Windows 98/ME. Filename: Package contains: KO/Pi KA/Pi Phone access(kammu.exe) Libs for file, dir, qtopia resources. Download file. Unzip the file, then you are almost done. When installing these package for the first time, you will need to install some needed dlls which are available in an extra package "kdepim334.dll". This additional package contains the Qt3 library qt-mt334.dll and the MSVC library msvcr71.dll and the MSVC library mfc71u.dll. You can download the "kdepim334.dll" package at: Please choose there package/project/file: general Files for KDE/Pim Needed Windows Dlls For details read the file Migration-Howto.txt in the package.