/* (c) 2001-2004 by Marcin Wiacek, Walek and Michal Cihar */ #ifndef __gsm_misc_h #define __gsm_misc_h #include "../gsmcomon.h" /** * Enum defines ID for various phone and SIM memories. * Phone modules can translate them to values specific for concrete models * Two letter codes (excluding VM) are from GSM 07.07 */ typedef enum { /** * Internal memory of the mobile equipment */ MEM_ME=1, /** * SIM card memory */ MEM_SM, /** * Own numbers */ MEM_ON, /** * Dialled calls */ MEM_DC, /** * Received calls */ MEM_RC, /** * Missed calls */ MEM_MC, /** * Combined ME and SIM phonebook */ MEM_MT, /** * Fixed dial */ MEM_FD, /** * Voice mailbox */ MEM_VM } GSM_MemoryType; /* --------------------------- resetting phone settings ------------------- */ typedef enum { GSM_RESET_PHONESETTINGS = 1, GSM_RESET_USERINTERFACE, GSM_RESET_USERINTERFACE_PHONESETTINGS, GSM_RESET_DEVICE, GSM_RESET_FULLFACTORY } GSM_ResetSettingsType; /* --------------------------- security codes ------------------------------ */ /** * Definition of security codes. */ typedef enum { /** * Security code. */ SEC_SecurityCode = 0x01, /** * PIN. */ SEC_Pin, /** * PIN 2. */ SEC_Pin2, /** * PUK. */ SEC_Puk, /** * PUK 2. */ SEC_Puk2, /** * Code not needed. */ SEC_None } GSM_SecurityCodeType; #define GSM_SECURITY_CODE_LEN 15 /** * Security code definition. */ typedef struct { /** * Actual code. */ char Code[GSM_SECURITY_CODE_LEN+1]; /** * Type of the code. */ GSM_SecurityCodeType Type; } GSM_SecurityCode; /* ---------------------------- keyboard ----------------------------------- */ typedef enum { GSM_KEY_NONE = 0x00, GSM_KEY_1 = 0x01, GSM_KEY_2, GSM_KEY_3, GSM_KEY_4, GSM_KEY_5, GSM_KEY_6, GSM_KEY_7, GSM_KEY_8, GSM_KEY_9, GSM_KEY_0, /** * # */ GSM_KEY_HASH, /** * * */ GSM_KEY_ASTERISK, GSM_KEY_POWER, /** * in some phone ie. N5110 sometimes works identical to POWER */ GSM_KEY_GREEN, /** * (c) key in some phone: ie. N5110 */ GSM_KEY_RED, /** * doesn't available in some phones as separate button: ie. N5110 */ GSM_KEY_INCREASEVOLUME, /** * doesn't available in some phones as separate button: ie. N5110 */ GSM_KEY_DECREASEVOLUME, GSM_KEY_UP = 0x17, GSM_KEY_DOWN, GSM_KEY_MENU, /** * doesn't available in some phone: ie. N5110 */ GSM_KEY_NAMES } GSM_KeyCode; GSM_Error MakeKeySequence(char *text, GSM_KeyCode *KeyCode, int *Length); /* ------------------------------- display features ------------------------ */ typedef enum { GSM_CallActive = 1, /** * blinking envelope */ GSM_SMSMemoryFull, GSM_FaxCall, GSM_UnreadSMS, GSM_DataCall, GSM_VoiceCall, GSM_KeypadLocked } GSM_DisplayFeature; typedef struct { int Number; GSM_DisplayFeature Feature[7]; } GSM_DisplayFeatures; /* ----------------------------- power source ------------------------------ */ typedef enum { GSM_BatteryPowered = 1, GSM_BatteryConnected, GSM_BatteryNotConnected, GSM_PowerFault } GSM_ChargeState; typedef struct { /** * Signal strength in percent, -1 = unknown */ int BatteryPercent; /** * Charge state */ GSM_ChargeState ChargeState; } GSM_BatteryCharge; /* ------------------------------ categories ------------------------------- */ #define GSM_MAX_CATEGORY_NAME_LENGTH 50 typedef enum { Category_ToDo = 1, Category_Phonebook } GSM_CategoryType; typedef struct { GSM_CategoryType Type; int Location; unsigned char Name[(GSM_MAX_CATEGORY_NAME_LENGTH + 1)*2]; } GSM_Category; typedef struct { GSM_CategoryType Type; int Used; } GSM_CategoryStatus; /* ------------------- radio FM stations ---------------------------------- */ #define GSM_MAX_FMSTATION_LENGTH 12 #define GSM_MAX_FM_STATION 20 typedef struct { int Location; char StationName [(GSM_MAX_FMSTATION_LENGTH+1)*2]; double Frequency; } GSM_FMStation; /* ----------------------- filesystem ------------------------------------- */ typedef enum { GSM_File_Java_JAR = 1, GSM_File_Image_JPG, GSM_File_Image_BMP, GSM_File_Image_GIF, GSM_File_Image_PNG, GSM_File_Image_WBMP, GSM_File_Video_3GP, GSM_File_Sound_AMR, GSM_File_Sound_NRT, /* DCT4 binary format */ GSM_File_Sound_MIDI, #ifdef DEVELOP GSM_File_MMS, #endif GSM_File_Other } GSM_FileType; typedef struct { int Used; /* how many bytes used */ unsigned char Name[300]; /* Name */ bool Folder; /* true, when folder */ int Level; GSM_FileType Type; unsigned char ID_FullName[400]; unsigned char *Buffer; GSM_DateTime Modified; bool ModifiedEmpty; /* File attributes */ bool Protected; bool ReadOnly; bool Hidden; bool System; } GSM_File; GSM_Error GSM_ReadFile(char *FileName, GSM_File *File); GSM_Error GSM_JADFindData(GSM_File File, char *Vendor, char *Name, char *JAR, char *Version, int *Size); void GSM_IdentifyFileFormat(GSM_File *File); typedef struct { int Free; int Used; } GSM_FileSystemStatus; /* ----------------------------- GPRS access points ----------------------- */ typedef struct { int Location; unsigned char Name[300]; unsigned char URL[500]; bool Active; } GSM_GPRSAccessPoint; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ typedef enum { GSM_Date_DDMMYYYY = 1, GSM_Date_MMDDYYYY, GSM_Date_YYYYMMDD } GSM_DateFormat; typedef struct { unsigned char DateSeparator; GSM_DateFormat DateFormat; bool AMPMTime; } GSM_Locale; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void ReadVCALDateTime(char *Buffer, GSM_DateTime *dt); void SaveVCALDateTime(char *Buffer, int *Length, GSM_DateTime *Date, char *Start); void SaveVCALText(char *Buffer, int *Length, char *Text, char *Start); bool ReadVCALText(char *Buffer, char *Start, char *Value); #endif /* How should editor hadle tabs in this file? 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