selectstoreui tr.h QDialog name selectstoreui geometry 0 0 279 304 caption Select target box layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name headlabel text <b>Store mail(s) to</b> alignment AlignCenter hAlign QLayoutWidget name Layout2 margin 0 spacing 6 QComboBox name folderSelection sizePolicy 3 0 QLabel name folderLabel text Folder: alignment AlignVCenter|AlignRight hAlign QComboBox name accountSelection sizePolicy 3 0 QLabel name accountlabel sizePolicy 1 1 text Account: alignment AlignVCenter|AlignRight hAlign Line name Line1 orientation Horizontal QCheckBox name newFoldersel text Create new folder QLineEdit name newFolderedit enabled false QLabel name newFolderLabel text Prefix will prepend, no need to enter it! alignment WordBreak|AlignCenter hAlign wordwrap Line name Line2 orientation Horizontal name Spacer2 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QCheckBox name selMove text Move mail(s) QCheckBox name useSize text apply only to mails smaller QSpinBox name sizeSpinBox suffix kB maxValue 8192 minValue 1 lineStep 1 value 5 selMove clicked() selectstoreui slotMoveMail() newFoldersel clicked() selectstoreui slotCreateNewFolder() accountSelection activated(int) selectstoreui slotAccountselected(int) folderSelection activated(int) selectstoreui slotFolderSelected(int) slotFolderSelected(int) slotAccountselected(int) slotCreateNewFolder() slotMoveMail() accountSelection folderSelection newFoldersel newFolderedit selMove