TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += qt warn_on TARGET = kopi OBJECTS_DIR = _obj/ MOC_DIR = _moc DESTDIR= ../bin include( ../variables.pri ) INCLUDEPATH += ../microkde ../ interfaces ../microkde/kdecore ../microkde/kdeui ../microkde/kio/kfile ../microkde/kio/kio ../libkdepim #../qtcompat DEFINES += KORG_NOPLUGINS KORG_NOARCHIVE KORG_NOMAIL DEFINES += KORG_NODCOP KORG_NOKALARMD KORG_NORESOURCEVIEW KORG_NOSPLITTER #KORG_NOPRINTER KORG_NOKABC KORG_NODND DEFINES += KORG_NOLVALTERNATION DEFINES += DESKTOP_VERSION unix : { staticlib: { TARGET = kopi_linux LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc_qtopia.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc_file.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc_dir.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokdepim.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokcal.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokde.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc_qtopia.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc_file.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc_dir.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokdepim.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokcal.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc.a LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokde.a LIBS += ../libical/lib/libical.a LIBS += ../libical/lib/libicalss.a } else { LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokdepim.so LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokcal.so LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokde.so LIBS += ../bin/libxmicrokabc.so #LIBS += -lbluetooth #LIBS += -lsdp #LIBS += -lldap } OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix MOC_DIR = moc/unix } win32: { RC_FILE = winicons.rc DEFINES += _WIN32_ LIBS += ../bin/xmicrokdepim.lib LIBS += ../bin/xmicrokcal.lib LIBS += ../bin/xmicrokde.lib LIBS += ../bin/xmicrokabc.lib LIBS += ../libical/lib/ical.lib LIBS += ../libical/lib/icalss.lib #LIBS += atls.lib QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win MOC_DIR = moc/win #olimport section importol: { debug: { LIBS += mfc71ud.lib QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:uafxcw.lib } release: { LIBS += mfc71u.lib } DEFINES += _OL_IMPORT_ HEADERS += ../outport/msoutl9.h \ koimportoldialog.h SOURCES += ../outport/msoutl9.cpp \ koimportoldialog.cpp #olimport section end TARGET = kopi_xp } else { TARGET = kopi_me } } #The following line was changed from INTERFACES to FORMS3 by qt3to4 FORMS3 = kofilterview_base.ui #filteredit_base.ui # kdateedit.h \ HEADERS += datenavigatorcontainer.h \ filteredit_base.h \ alarmclient.h \ calendarview.h \ customlistviewitem.h \ datenavigator.h \ docprefs.h \ filtereditdialog.h \ incomingdialog.h \ incomingdialog_base.h \ interfaces/korganizer/baseview.h \ interfaces/korganizer/calendarviewbase.h \ journalentry.h \ kdatenavigator.h \ koagenda.h \ koagendaitem.h \ koagendaview.h \ kocounterdialog.h \ kodaymatrix.h \ kodialogmanager.h \ koeditordetails.h \ koeditorgeneral.h \ koeditorgeneralevent.h \ koeditorgeneraltodo.h \ koeditorrecurrence.h \ koeventeditor.h \ koeventpopupmenu.h \ koeventview.h \ koeventviewer.h \ koeventviewerdialog.h \ kofilterview.h \ koglobals.h \ koincidenceeditor.h \ kojournalview.h \ kolistview.h \ kolocationbox.h \ komonthview.h \ koprefs.h \ koprefsdialog.h \ kotimespanview.h \ kotodoeditor.h \ kotodoview.h \ kotodoviewitem.h \ koviewmanager.h \ kowhatsnextview.h \ ktimeedit.h \ lineview.h \ mainwindow.h \ navigatorbar.h \ outgoingdialog.h \ outgoingdialog_base.h \ publishdialog.h \ publishdialog_base.h \ savetemplatedialog.h \ searchdialog.h \ statusdialog.h \ timeline.h \ timespanview.h \ version.h \ ../kalarmd/alarmdialog.h \ SOURCES += datenavigatorcontainer.cpp \ filteredit_base.cpp \ calendarview.cpp \ datenavigator.cpp \ docprefs.cpp \ filtereditdialog.cpp \ incomingdialog.cpp \ incomingdialog_base.cpp \ journalentry.cpp \ kdatenavigator.cpp \ koagenda.cpp \ koagendaitem.cpp \ koagendaview.cpp \ kocounterdialog.cpp \ kodaymatrix.cpp \ kodialogmanager.cpp \ koeditordetails.cpp \ koeditorgeneral.cpp \ koeditorgeneralevent.cpp \ koeditorgeneraltodo.cpp \ koeditorrecurrence.cpp \ koeventeditor.cpp \ koeventpopupmenu.cpp \ koeventview.cpp \ koeventviewer.cpp \ koeventviewerdialog.cpp \ kofilterview.cpp \ koglobals.cpp \ koincidenceeditor.cpp \ kojournalview.cpp \ kolistview.cpp \ kolocationbox.cpp \ komonthview.cpp \ koprefs.cpp \ koprefsdialog.cpp \ kotimespanview.cpp \ kotodoeditor.cpp \ kotodoview.cpp \ kotodoviewitem.cpp \ koviewmanager.cpp \ kowhatsnextview.cpp \ ktimeedit.cpp \ lineview.cpp \ main.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ navigatorbar.cpp \ outgoingdialog.cpp \ outgoingdialog_base.cpp \ publishdialog.cpp \ publishdialog_base.cpp \ savetemplatedialog.cpp \ searchdialog.cpp \ statusdialog.cpp \ timeline.cpp \ timespanview.cpp \ ../kalarmd/alarmdialog.cpp HEADERS += calprintbase.h calprinter.h calprintplugins.h cellitem.h #The following line was changed from INTERFACES to FORMS3 by qt3to4 FORMS3 += calprintdayconfig_base.ui \ calprintmonthconfig_base.ui \ calprinttodoconfig_base.ui \ calprintweekconfig_base.ui SOURCES += calprintbase.cpp calprinter.cpp calprintplugins.cpp cellitem.cpp #The following line was inserted by qt3to4 QT += xml qt3support #The following line was inserted by qt3to4 CONFIG += uic3