/*====================================================================== FILE: pvl.h CREATOR: eric November, 1995 (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom, http://www.softwarestudio.org ======================================================================*/ #ifndef __PVL_H__ #define __PVL_H__ typedef void* pvl_list; typedef void* pvl_elem; /* struct pvl_elem_t This type is private. Always use pvl_elem instead. The struct would not even appear in this header except to make code in the USE_MACROS blocks work */ typedef struct pvl_elem_t { int MAGIC; /* Magic Identifier */ void *d; /* Pointer to data user is storing */ struct pvl_elem_t *next; /* Next element */ struct pvl_elem_t *prior; /* prior element */ } pvl_elem_t; /* This global is incremented for each call to pvl_new_element(); it gives each * list a unique identifer */ extern int pvl_elem_count; extern int pvl_list_count; /* Create new lists or elements */ pvl_elem pvl_new_element(void* d, pvl_elem next,pvl_elem prior); pvl_list pvl_newlist(void); void pvl_free(pvl_list); /* Add, remove, or get the head of the list */ void pvl_unshift(pvl_list l,void *d); void* pvl_shift(pvl_list l); pvl_elem pvl_head(pvl_list); /* Add, remove or get the tail of the list */ void pvl_push(pvl_list l,void *d); void* pvl_pop(pvl_list l); pvl_elem pvl_tail(pvl_list); /* Insert elements in random places */ typedef int (*pvl_comparef)(void* a, void* b); /* a, b are of the data type*/ void pvl_insert_ordered(pvl_list l,pvl_comparef f,void *d); void pvl_insert_after(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e,void *d); void pvl_insert_before(pvl_list l,pvl_elem e,void *d); /* Remove an element, or clear the entire list */ void* pvl_remove(pvl_list,pvl_elem); /* Remove element, return data */ void pvl_clear(pvl_list); /* Remove all elements, de-allocate all data */ int pvl_count(pvl_list); /* Navagate the list */ pvl_elem pvl_next(pvl_elem e); pvl_elem pvl_prior(pvl_elem e); /* get the data in the list */ #ifndef PVL_USE_MACROS void* pvl_data(pvl_elem); #else #define pvl_data(x) x==0 ? 0 : ((struct pvl_elem_t *)x)->d; #endif /* Find an element for which a function returns true */ typedef int (*pvl_findf)(void* a, void* b); /*a is list elem, b is other data*/ pvl_elem pvl_find(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v); pvl_elem pvl_find_next(pvl_list l,pvl_findf f,void* v); /* Pass each element in the list to a function */ typedef void (*pvl_applyf)(void* a, void* b); /*a is list elem, b is other data*/ void pvl_apply(pvl_list l,pvl_applyf f, void *v); #endif /* __PVL_H__ */