/* Copyright (C) 1999 Torben Weis This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "kurl.h" #ifndef KDE_QT_ONLY #include #include //US#include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32_ #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include //US#include #include #include static const QString fileProt = "file"; static QTextCodec * codecForHint( int encoding_hint /* not 0 ! */ ) { return QTextCodec::codecForMib( encoding_hint ); } static QString encode( const QString& segment, bool encode_slash, int encoding_hint ) { const char *encode_string; if (encode_slash) encode_string = "<>#@\"&%?={}|^~[]\'`\\:+/"; else encode_string = "<>#@\"&%?={}|^~[]\'`\\:+"; QCString local; if (encoding_hint==0) local = segment.local8Bit(); else { QTextCodec * textCodec = codecForHint( encoding_hint ); if (!textCodec) local = segment.local8Bit(); else local = textCodec->fromUnicode( segment ); } int old_length = local.length(); if ( !old_length ) return segment.isNull() ? QString::null : QString(""); // differenciate null and empty // a worst case approximation QChar *new_segment = new QChar[ old_length * 3 + 1 ]; int new_length = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < old_length; i++ ) { // 'unsave' and 'reserved' characters // according to RFC 1738, // 2.2. URL Character Encoding Issues (pp. 3-4) // WABA: Added non-ascii unsigned char character = local[i]; if ( (character <= 32) || (character >= 127) || strchr(encode_string, character) ) { new_segment[ new_length++ ] = '%'; unsigned int c = character / 16; c += (c > 9) ? ('A' - 10) : '0'; new_segment[ new_length++ ] = c; c = character % 16; c += (c > 9) ? ('A' - 10) : '0'; new_segment[ new_length++ ] = c; } else new_segment[ new_length++ ] = local[i]; } QString result = QString(new_segment, new_length); delete [] new_segment; return result; } static QString encodeHost( const QString& segment, bool encode_slash, int encoding_hint ) { // Hostnames are encoded differently // we use the IDNA transformation instead // Note: when merging qt-addon, use QResolver::domainToAscii here #ifndef KDE_QT_ONLY Q_UNUSED( encode_slash ); Q_UNUSED( encoding_hint ); return KIDNA::toAscii(segment); #else return encode(segment, encode_slash, encoding_hint); #endif } static int hex2int( unsigned int _char ) { if ( _char >= 'A' && _char <='F') return _char - 'A' + 10; if ( _char >= 'a' && _char <='f') return _char - 'a' + 10; if ( _char >= '0' && _char <='9') return _char - '0'; return -1; } // WABA: The result of lazy_encode isn't usable for a URL which // needs to satisfies RFC requirements. However, the following // operation will make it usable again: // encode(decode(...)) // // As a result one can see that url.prettyURL() does not result in // a RFC compliant URL but that the following sequence does: // KURL(url.prettyURL()).url() static QString lazy_encode( const QString& segment ) { int old_length = segment.length(); if ( !old_length ) return QString::null; // a worst case approximation QChar *new_segment = new QChar[ old_length * 3 + 1 ]; int new_length = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < old_length; i++ ) { unsigned int character = segment[i].unicode(); // Don't use latin1() // It returns 0 for non-latin1 values // Small set of really ambiguous chars if ((character < 32) || // Low ASCII ((character == '%') && // The escape character itself (i+2 < old_length) && // But only if part of a valid escape sequence! (hex2int(segment[i+1].unicode())!= -1) && (hex2int(segment[i+2].unicode())!= -1)) || (character == '?') || // Start of query delimiter (character == '@') || // Username delimiter (character == '#') || // Start of reference delimiter ((character == 32) && (i+1 == old_length))) // A trailing space { new_segment[ new_length++ ] = '%'; unsigned int c = character / 16; c += (c > 9) ? ('A' - 10) : '0'; new_segment[ new_length++ ] = c; c = character % 16; c += (c > 9) ? ('A' - 10) : '0'; new_segment[ new_length++ ] = c; } else new_segment[ new_length++ ] = segment[i]; } QString result = QString(new_segment, new_length); delete [] new_segment; return result; } static void decode( const QString& segment, QString &decoded, QString &encoded, int encoding_hint=0, bool updateDecoded = true ) { decoded = QString::null; encoded = segment; int old_length = segment.length(); if ( !old_length ) return; QTextCodec *textCodec = 0; if (encoding_hint) textCodec = codecForHint( encoding_hint ); if (!textCodec) textCodec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); QCString csegment = textCodec->fromUnicode(segment); // Check if everything went ok if (textCodec->toUnicode(csegment) != segment) { // Uh oh textCodec = codecForHint( 106 ); // Fall back to utf-8 csegment = textCodec->fromUnicode(segment); } old_length = csegment.length(); int new_length = 0; int new_length2 = 0; // make a copy of the old one char *new_segment = new char[ old_length + 1 ]; QChar *new_usegment = new QChar[ old_length * 3 + 1 ]; int i = 0; while( i < old_length ) { bool bReencode = false; unsigned char character = csegment[ i++ ]; if ((character <= ' ') || (character > 127)) bReencode = true; new_usegment [ new_length2++ ] = character; if (character == '%' ) { int a = i+1 < old_length ? hex2int( csegment[i] ) : -1; int b = i+1 < old_length ? hex2int( csegment[i+1] ) : -1; if ((a == -1) || (b == -1)) // Only replace if sequence is valid { // Contains stray %, make sure to re-encode! bReencode = true; } else { // Valid %xx sequence character = a * 16 + b; // Replace with value of %dd if (!character && updateDecoded) break; // Stop at %00 new_usegment [ new_length2++ ] = (unsigned char) csegment[i++]; new_usegment [ new_length2++ ] = (unsigned char) csegment[i++]; } } if (bReencode) { new_length2--; new_usegment [ new_length2++ ] = '%'; unsigned int c = character / 16; c += (c > 9) ? ('A' - 10) : '0'; new_usegment[ new_length2++ ] = c; c = character % 16; c += (c > 9) ? ('A' - 10) : '0'; new_usegment[ new_length2++ ] = c; } new_segment [ new_length++ ] = character; } new_segment [ new_length ] = 0; encoded = QString( new_usegment, new_length2); // Encoding specified if (updateDecoded) { QByteArray array; array.setRawData(new_segment, new_length); decoded = textCodec->toUnicode( array, new_length ); array.resetRawData(new_segment, new_length); QCString validate = textCodec->fromUnicode(decoded); if (strcmp(validate.data(), new_segment) != 0) { decoded = QString::fromLocal8Bit(new_segment, new_length); } } delete [] new_segment; delete [] new_usegment; } static QString decode(const QString &segment, int encoding_hint = 0) { QString result; QString tmp; decode(segment, result, tmp, encoding_hint); return result; } static QString cleanpath(const QString &path, bool cleanDirSeparator=true) { if (path.isEmpty()) return QString::null; int len = path.length(); bool slash = (len && path[len-1] == '/') || (len > 1 && path[len-2] == '/' && path[len-1] == '.'); // The following code cleans up directory path much like // QDir::cleanDirPath() except it can be made to ignore multiple // directory separators by setting the flag to false. That fixes // bug# 15044, mail.altavista.com and other similar brain-dead server // implementations that do not follow what has been specified in // RFC 2396!! (dA) QString result; int cdUp, orig_pos, pos; cdUp = 0; pos = orig_pos = len; while ( pos && (pos = path.findRev('/',--pos)) != -1 ) { len = orig_pos - pos - 1; if ( len == 2 && path[pos+1] == '.' && path[pos+2] == '.' ) cdUp++; else { // Ignore any occurances of '.' // This includes entries that simply do not make sense like /..../ if ( (len || !cleanDirSeparator) && (len != 1 || path[pos+1] != '.' ) ) { if ( !cdUp ) result.prepend(path.mid(pos, len+1)); else cdUp--; } } orig_pos = pos; } if ( result.isEmpty() ) result = "/"; else if ( slash && result.at(result.length()-1) != '/' ) result.append('/'); return result; } bool KURL::isRelativeURL(const QString &_url) { int len = _url.length(); if (!len) return true; // Very short relative URL. const QChar *str = _url.unicode(); // Absolute URL must start with alpha-character if (!isalpha(str[0].latin1())) return true; // Relative URL for(int i = 1; i < len; i++) { char c = str[i].latin1(); // Note: non-latin1 chars return 0! if (c == ':') return false; // Absolute URL // Protocol part may only contain alpha, digit, + or - if (!isalpha(c) && !isdigit(c) && (c != '+') && (c != '-')) return true; // Relative URL } // URL did not contain ':' return true; // Relative URL } KURL::List::List(const KURL &url) { append( url ); } KURL::List::List(const QStringList &list) { for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) { append( KURL(*it) ); } } QStringList KURL::List::toStringList() const { QStringList lst; for( KURL::List::ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); it++) { lst.append( (*it).url() ); } return lst; } KURL::KURL() { reset(); } KURL::~KURL() { } KURL::KURL( const QString &url, int encoding_hint ) { reset(); parse( url, encoding_hint ); } KURL::KURL( const char * url, int encoding_hint ) { reset(); parse( QString::fromLatin1(url), encoding_hint ); } KURL::KURL( const QCString& url, int encoding_hint ) { reset(); parse( QString::fromLatin1(url), encoding_hint ); } KURL::KURL( const KURL& _u ) { *this = _u; } QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & s, const KURL & a) { QString QueryForWire=a.m_strQuery_encoded; if (!a.m_strQuery_encoded.isNull()) QueryForWire.prepend("?"); s << a.m_strProtocol << a.m_strUser << a.m_strPass << a.m_strHost << a.m_strPath << a.m_strPath_encoded << QueryForWire << a.m_strRef_encoded << Q_INT8(a.m_bIsMalformed ? 1 : 0) << a.m_iPort; return s; } QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & s, KURL & a) { Q_INT8 malf; QString QueryFromWire; s >> a.m_strProtocol >> a.m_strUser >> a.m_strPass >> a.m_strHost >> a.m_strPath >> a.m_strPath_encoded >> QueryFromWire >> a.m_strRef_encoded >> malf >> a.m_iPort; a.m_bIsMalformed = (malf != 0); if ( QueryFromWire.isEmpty() ) a.m_strQuery_encoded = QString::null; else a.m_strQuery_encoded = QueryFromWire.mid(1); return s; } #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROTOCOL KURL::KURL( const QUrl &u ) { *this = u; } #endif KURL::KURL( const KURL& _u, const QString& _rel_url, int encoding_hint ) { // WORKAROUND THE RFC 1606 LOOPHOLE THAT ALLOWS // http:/index.html AS A VALID SYNTAX FOR RELATIVE // URLS. ( RFC 2396 section 5.2 item # 3 ) QString rUrl = _rel_url; int len = _u.m_strProtocol.length(); if ( !_u.m_strHost.isEmpty() && !rUrl.isEmpty() && rUrl.find( _u.m_strProtocol, 0, false ) == 0 && rUrl[len] == ':' && (rUrl[len+1] != '/' || (rUrl[len+1] == '/' && rUrl[len+2] != '/')) ) { rUrl.remove( 0, rUrl.find( ':' ) + 1 ); } if ( rUrl.isEmpty() ) { *this = _u; } else if ( rUrl[0] == '#' ) { *this = _u; QString ref = decode(rUrl.mid(1), encoding_hint); if ( ref.isNull() ) ref = ""; // we know there was an (empty) html ref, we saw the '#' setHTMLRef( ref ); } else if ( isRelativeURL( rUrl) ) { *this = _u; m_strQuery_encoded = QString::null; m_strRef_encoded = QString::null; if ( rUrl[0] == '/') { if ((rUrl.length() > 1) && (rUrl[1] == '/')) { m_strHost = QString::null; } m_strPath = QString::null; m_strPath_encoded = QString::null; } else if ( rUrl[0] != '?' ) { int pos = m_strPath.findRev( '/' ); if (pos >= 0) m_strPath.truncate(pos); m_strPath += '/'; if (!m_strPath_encoded.isEmpty()) { pos = m_strPath_encoded.findRev( '/' ); if (pos >= 0) m_strPath_encoded.truncate(pos); m_strPath_encoded += '/'; } } else { if ( m_strPath.isEmpty() ) m_strPath = '/'; } KURL tmp( url() + rUrl, encoding_hint); *this = tmp; cleanPath(false); } else { KURL tmp( rUrl, encoding_hint); *this = tmp; // Preserve userinfo if applicable. if (!_u.m_strUser.isEmpty() && m_strUser.isEmpty() && (_u.m_strHost == m_strHost) && (_u.m_strProtocol == m_strProtocol)) { m_strUser = _u.m_strUser; m_strPass = _u.m_strPass; } } } void KURL::reset() { m_strProtocol = QString::null; m_strUser = QString::null; m_strPass = QString::null; m_strHost = QString::null; m_strPath = QString::null; m_strPath_encoded = QString::null; m_strQuery_encoded = QString::null; m_strRef_encoded = QString::null; m_bIsMalformed = true; m_iPort = 0; } bool KURL::isEmpty() const { return (m_strPath.isEmpty() && m_strProtocol.isEmpty()); } void KURL::parse( const QString& _url, int encoding_hint ) { //kdDebug(126) << "parse " << _url << endl; // Return immediately whenever the given url // is empty or null. if ( _url.isEmpty() ) { m_strProtocol = _url; return; } QString port; bool badHostName = false; int start = 0; uint len = _url.length(); const QChar* buf = _url.unicode(); const QChar* orig = buf; QChar delim; QString tmp; uint pos = 0; // Node 1: Accept alpha or slash QChar x = buf[pos++]; if ( x == '/' ) goto Node9; if ( !isalpha( (int)x ) ) goto NodeErr; // Node 2: Accept any amount of (alpha|digit|'+'|'-') // '.' is not currently accepted, because current KURL may be confused. // Proceed with :// :/ or : while( pos < len && (isalpha((int)buf[pos]) || isdigit((int)buf[pos]) || buf[pos] == '+' || buf[pos] == '-')) pos++; if ( pos+2 < len && buf[pos] == ':' && buf[pos+1] == '/' && buf[pos+2] == '/' ) { m_strProtocol = QString( orig, pos ).lower(); pos += 3; } else if (pos+1 < len && buf[pos] == ':' ) // Need to always compare length()-1 otherwise KURL passes "http:" as legal!! { m_strProtocol = QString( orig, pos ).lower(); //kdDebug(126)<<"setting protocol to "<= 1 && path[ len - 1 ] == '/' ) len--; } else if ( path[ len - 1 ] == '/' ) return fname; // Does the path only consist of '/' characters ? if ( len == 1 && path[ 0 ] == '/' ) return fname; // Skip last n slashes int n = 1; if (!m_strPath_encoded.isEmpty()) { // This is hairy, we need the last unencoded slash. // Count in the encoded string how many encoded slashes follow the last // unencoded one. int i = m_strPath_encoded.findRev( '/', len - 1 ); QString fileName_encoded = m_strPath_encoded.mid(i+1); n += fileName_encoded.contains("%2f", false); } int i = len; do { i = path.findRev( '/', i - 1 ); } while (--n && (i > 0)); // If ( i == -1 ) => the first character is not a '/' // So it's some URL like file:blah.tgz, return the whole path if ( i == -1 ) { if ( len == (int)path.length() ) fname = path; else // Might get here if _strip_trailing_slash is true fname = path.left( len ); } else { fname = path.mid( i + 1, len - i - 1 ); // TO CHECK } return fname; } void KURL::addPath( const QString& _txt ) { if (hasSubURL()) { KURL::List lst = split( *this ); KURL &u = lst.last(); u.addPath(_txt); *this = join( lst ); return; } m_strPath_encoded = QString::null; if ( _txt.isEmpty() ) return; int i = 0; int len = m_strPath.length(); // NB: avoid three '/' when building a new path from nothing if ( len == 0 ) { while( _txt[i] == '/' ) ++i; } // Add the trailing '/' if it is missing else if ( _txt[0] != '/' && ( len == 0 || m_strPath[ len - 1 ] != '/' ) ) m_strPath += "/"; // No double '/' characters i = 0; if ( len != 0 && m_strPath[ len - 1 ] == '/' ) { while( _txt[i] == '/' ) ++i; } m_strPath += _txt.mid( i ); } QString KURL::directory( bool _strip_trailing_slash_from_result, bool _ignore_trailing_slash_in_path ) const { QString result = m_strPath_encoded.isEmpty() ? m_strPath : m_strPath_encoded; if ( _ignore_trailing_slash_in_path ) result = trailingSlash( -1, result ); if ( result.isEmpty() || result == "/" ) return result; int i = result.findRev( "/" ); // If ( i == -1 ) => the first character is not a '/' // So it's some URL like file:blah.tgz, with no path if ( i == -1 ) return QString::null; if ( i == 0 ) { result = "/"; return result; } if ( _strip_trailing_slash_from_result ) result = result.left( i ); else result = result.left( i + 1 ); if (!m_strPath_encoded.isEmpty()) result = decode(result); return result; } bool KURL::cd( const QString& _dir ) { if ( _dir.isEmpty() || m_bIsMalformed ) return false; if (hasSubURL()) { KURL::List lst = split( *this ); KURL &u = lst.last(); u.cd(_dir); *this = join( lst ); return true; } // absolute path ? if ( _dir[0] == '/' ) { m_strPath_encoded = QString::null; m_strPath = _dir; setHTMLRef( QString::null ); m_strQuery_encoded = QString::null; return true; } // Users home directory on the local disk ? if ( ( _dir[0] == '~' ) && ( m_strProtocol == fileProt )) { m_strPath_encoded = QString::null; m_strPath = QDir::homeDirPath(); m_strPath += "/"; m_strPath += _dir.right(m_strPath.length() - 1); setHTMLRef( QString::null ); m_strQuery_encoded = QString::null; return true; } // relative path // we always work on the past of the first url. // Sub URLs are not touched. // append '/' if necessary QString p = path(1); p += _dir; p = cleanpath( p ); setPath( p ); setHTMLRef( QString::null ); m_strQuery_encoded = QString::null; return true; } KURL KURL::upURL( ) const { if (!query().isEmpty()) { KURL u(*this); u.setQuery(QString::null); return u; }; if (!hasSubURL()) { KURL u(*this); u.cd("../"); return u; } // We have a subURL. KURL::List lst = split( *this ); if (lst.isEmpty()) return KURL(); // Huh? while (true) { KURL &u = lst.last(); QString old = u.path(); u.cd("../"); if (u.path() != old) break; // Finshed. if (lst.count() == 1) break; // Finished. lst.remove(lst.fromLast()); } return join( lst ); } QString KURL::htmlRef() const { if ( !hasSubURL() ) { return decode( ref() ); } List lst = split( *this ); return decode( (*lst.begin()).ref() ); } QString KURL::encodedHtmlRef() const { if ( !hasSubURL() ) { return ref(); } List lst = split( *this ); return (*lst.begin()).ref(); } void KURL::setHTMLRef( const QString& _ref ) { if ( !hasSubURL() ) { m_strRef_encoded = encode( _ref, true, 0 /*?*/); return; } List lst = split( *this ); (*lst.begin()).setRef( encode( _ref, true, 0 /*?*/) ); *this = join( lst ); } bool KURL::hasHTMLRef() const { if ( !hasSubURL() ) { return hasRef(); } List lst = split( *this ); return (*lst.begin()).hasRef(); } void KURL::setProtocol( const QString& _txt ) { m_strProtocol = _txt; m_bIsMalformed = false; } void KURL::setUser( const QString& _txt ) { m_strUser = _txt; } void KURL::setPass( const QString& _txt ) { m_strPass = _txt; } void KURL::setHost( const QString& _txt ) { #ifndef KDE_QT_ONLY m_strHost = KIDNA::toUnicode(_txt); if (m_strHost.isEmpty()) m_strHost = _txt.lower(); // Probably an invalid hostname, but... #else m_strHost = _txt.lower(); #endif } void KURL::setPort( unsigned short int _p ) { m_iPort = _p; } void KURL::setPath( const QString & path ) { if (isEmpty()) m_bIsMalformed = false; if (m_strProtocol.isEmpty()) { m_strProtocol = fileProt; } m_strPath = path; m_strPath_encoded = QString::null; } void KURL::setDirectory( const QString &dir) { //US this has to be fixed. endsWith is not available in my distribution //US if ( dir.endsWith("/")) //US setPath(dir); //US else setPath(dir+"/"); } void KURL::setQuery( const QString &_txt, int encoding_hint) { if (!_txt.length()) { m_strQuery_encoded = _txt; return; } if (_txt[0] =='?') m_strQuery_encoded = _txt.mid(1); else m_strQuery_encoded = _txt; int l = m_strQuery_encoded.length(); int i = 0; QString result; while (i < l) { int s = i; // Re-encode. Break encoded string up according to the reserved // characters '&:;=/?' and re-encode part by part. while(i < l) { char c = m_strQuery_encoded[i].latin1(); if ((c == '&') || (c == ':') || (c == ';') || (c == '=') || (c == '/') || (c == '?')) break; i++; } if (i > s) { QString tmp = m_strQuery_encoded.mid(s, i-s); QString newTmp; decode( tmp, newTmp, tmp, encoding_hint, false ); result += tmp; } if (i < l) { result += m_strQuery_encoded[i]; i++; } } m_strQuery_encoded = result; } QString KURL::query() const { if (m_strQuery_encoded.isNull()) return QString::null; return '?'+m_strQuery_encoded; } QString KURL::decode_string(const QString &str, int encoding_hint) { return decode(str, encoding_hint); } QString KURL::encode_string(const QString &str, int encoding_hint) { return encode(str, false, encoding_hint); } QString KURL::encode_string_no_slash(const QString &str, int encoding_hint) { return encode(str, true, encoding_hint); } bool urlcmp( const QString& _url1, const QString& _url2 ) { // Both empty ? if ( _url1.isEmpty() && _url2.isEmpty() ) return true; // Only one empty ? if ( _url1.isEmpty() || _url2.isEmpty() ) return false; KURL::List list1 = KURL::split( _url1 ); KURL::List list2 = KURL::split( _url2 ); // Malformed ? if ( list1.isEmpty() || list2.isEmpty() ) return false; return ( list1 == list2 ); } bool urlcmp( const QString& _url1, const QString& _url2, bool _ignore_trailing, bool _ignore_ref ) { // Both empty ? if ( _url1.isEmpty() && _url2.isEmpty() ) return true; // Only one empty ? if ( _url1.isEmpty() || _url2.isEmpty() ) return false; KURL::List list1 = KURL::split( _url1 ); KURL::List list2 = KURL::split( _url2 ); // Malformed ? if ( list1.isEmpty() || list2.isEmpty() ) return false; unsigned int size = list1.count(); if ( list2.count() != size ) return false; if ( _ignore_ref ) { (*list1.begin()).setRef(QString::null); (*list2.begin()).setRef(QString::null); } KURL::List::Iterator it1 = list1.begin(); KURL::List::Iterator it2 = list2.begin(); for( ; it1 != list1.end() ; ++it1, ++it2 ) if ( !(*it1).equals( *it2, _ignore_trailing ) ) return false; return true; } /*US we do not need this functions QMap< QString, QString > KURL::queryItems( int options ) const { return queryItems(options, 0); } QMap< QString, QString > KURL::queryItems( int options, int encoding_hint ) const { if ( m_strQuery_encoded.isEmpty() ) return QMap(); QMap< QString, QString > result; QStringList items = QStringList::split( '&', m_strQuery_encoded ); for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = items.begin() ; it != items.end() ; ++it ) { int equal_pos = (*it).find( '=' ); if ( equal_pos > 0 ) { // = is not the first char... QString name = (*it).left( equal_pos ); if ( options & CaseInsensitiveKeys ) name = name.lower(); QString value = (*it).mid( equal_pos + 1 ); if ( value.isEmpty() ) result.insert( name, QString::fromLatin1("") ); else { // ### why is decoding name not neccessary? value.replace( '+', ' ' ); // + in queries means space result.insert( name, decode_string( value, encoding_hint ) ); } } else if ( equal_pos < 0 ) { // no = QString name = (*it); if ( options & CaseInsensitiveKeys ) name = name.lower(); result.insert( name, QString::null ); } } return result; } QString KURL::queryItem( const QString& _item ) const { return queryItem( _item, 0 ); } QString KURL::queryItem( const QString& _item, int encoding_hint ) const { QString item = _item + '='; if ( m_strQuery_encoded.length() <= 1 ) return QString::null; QStringList items = QStringList::split( '&', m_strQuery_encoded ); unsigned int _len = item.length(); for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).startsWith( item ) ) { if ( (*it).length() > _len ) { QString str = (*it).mid( _len ); str.replace( '+', ' ' ); // + in queries means space. return decode_string( str, encoding_hint ); } else // empty value return QString::fromLatin1(""); } } return QString::null; } US we do not need this functions*/ void KURL::removeQueryItem( const QString& _item ) { QString item = _item + '='; if ( m_strQuery_encoded.length() <= 1 ) return; QStringList items = QStringList::split( '&', m_strQuery_encoded ); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ) { if ( (*it).startsWith( item ) || (*it == _item) ) { QStringList::Iterator deleteIt = it; ++it; items.remove(deleteIt); } else { ++it; } } m_strQuery_encoded = items.join( "&" ); } void KURL::addQueryItem( const QString& _item, const QString& _value, int encoding_hint ) { QString item = _item + '='; QString value = encode( _value, true, encoding_hint ); if (!m_strQuery_encoded.isEmpty()) m_strQuery_encoded += '&'; m_strQuery_encoded += item + value; } // static KURL KURL::fromPathOrURL( const QString& text ) { if ( text.isEmpty() ) return KURL(); KURL url; if ( text[0] == '/' ) url.setPath( text ); else url = text; return url; }