{ "10 minutes", "10 Minuten", }, { "10th", "10." }, { "11th", "11." }, { "12 pm Format", "12 AM/PM Format" }, { "12th", "12." }, { "13th", "13." }, { "14th", "14." }, { "15th", "15." }, { "16th", "16." }, { "17th", "17." }, { "18th", "18." }, { "19th", "19." }, { "1 Day", "1 Tag" }, { "1 h", "1 Std" }, { "1 (Highest)", "1 (Höchster)" }, { "1st", "1." }, { "1st", "2." }, { "20th", "20." }, { "21st", "21." }, { "22nd", "22." }, { "23rd", "23." }, { "24:00 Hour Format", "24:00 Stunden Format" }, { "24th", "24." }, { "25th", "25." }, { "26th", "26." }, { "27th", "27." }, { "28th", "28." }, { "29th", "29." }, { "2nd", "2." }, { "30 minutes", "30 Minuten" }, { "30th", "30." }, { "31st", "31." }, { "3rd", "3." }, { "4th", "4." }, { "5 (lowest)", "5 (Niedrigster)" }, { "5th", "5." }, { "6th", "6." }, { "7th", "7." }, { "8th", "8." }, { "9th", "9." }, { "&Accept", "&Akzeptieren" }, { "Accept", "Akzeptieren" }, { "Accept A&ll", "A&lles Akzepieren" }, { "Access:", "Zugriff:" }, { "A corresponding event is missing in your calendar!", "Ein zugehöriges Ereignis fehlt in ihrem Kalender!" }, { "Actions", "Aktionen" }, { "Add Filter", "Filter Hinzufügen" }, { "&Add", "Hinzufügen" }, { "Add", "Hinzufügen" }, { "Additional email addresses:", "Zusätzliche E-Mail Adressen:" }, { "Additional email address:", "Zusätzliche E-Mail Adresse:" }, { "&Addressbook", "&Adressbuch" }, { "Address &Book...", "Adress&buch..." }, { "Agenda Size", "Agende Größe" }, { "Agenda Size:", "Größe der Agenda:" }, { "Agenda view:", "Agenda Anzeige:" }, { "Agenda view background color:", "Hintergrundfarbe der Agenda Anzeige:" }, { "All attendees", "Alle Teilnehmer" }, { "AllDayAgenda Height:", "Ganztagesagenda Höhe" }, { "Allday", "Ganztägig" }, { "Anonymous", "Anonym" }, { "Apply", "Bestätigen" }, //{ "Appointment Time ", "" }, { "Apr", "Apr" }, { "April", "April" }, //"Ask for every entry on conflict", "", { "Ask for preferences before syncing", "Vor dem Syncronisieren nachfragen" }, { "Ask for quit when closing KO/Pi", "Vor dem Beenden von KO/Pi nachfragen" }, { "Attendees", "Teilnehmer" }, { "Aug", "Aug" }, { "August", "August" }, //"Auto Insert IMIP Replies"), //"Auto Insert IMIP Requests"), { "Auto-Save", "Automatisches Abspeichern" }, { "Auto save delay in minutes:", "Auto Save Intervall in Minuten" }, //"Auto Save FreeBusy Replies", "" //"Auto Send FreeBusy Information"), //"Auto Send Refresh"), //"Due on: %1", "", //"be added to the standard resource", "", //"be asked which resource to use", "", { "Begin on:", "Starte mit:" }, { "Begins on: %1", "Starte mit: %1" }, { "From: %1 To: %2", "Vom: %1 Zum: %2" }, { "Bigger", "Größer" }, { "Biggest", "Am größten" }, { "Big", "Groß" }, { "On: %1", "Am: %1" }, { "On: %1 From:S %2 To: %3", "Am: %1 Vom:S %2 Zum: %3" }, { "Original event:

", "Original Ereignis:

" }, { " - both are modified after last sync", " - beide wurden nach der letzten Syncronisation verändert" }, { "Busy", "Belegt" }, { "&Cancel", "Abbre&chen" }, { "Cancel", "Abbrechen" }, { "Cannot delete To-Do\nwhich has children.", "Kann Todo nicht löschen,\n da noch Einträge vorhanden sind" }, { "Cannot delete To-Do which has children.", "Kann Todo nicht löschen, da noch Einträge vorhanden sind" }, //"Cannot move To-Do to itself or a child of itself"), //"Cannot purge To-Do which\nhas uncompleted children." //"Can't generate mail:\nNo attendees defined.\n")); { "Can't generate mail:\nNo event selected.", "Kann e-Mail nicht erstellen:\nKein Ereignis ausgewählt." }, { "Categories...", "Kategorien..." }, { "Categories", "Kategorien" }, { "Category", "Kategorie" }, { "Center View", "Mittenansicht" }, { "Change", "Verändere" }, { "Cinema", "Kino" }, { "Click to add a new Todo", "Klicken, um ein neues Todo anzulegen" }, { "Clone Item", "Klone Eintrag" }, { "&Close", "S&chließen" }, { "Close", "Schließen" }, { "Close this dialog to abort deletion!", "Zum Abbrechen des Löschvorganges Dialog schließen!" }, { "Colors", "Farben" }, { "completed", "fertiggestellt" }, { "completed on %1", "fertiggestellt um %1" }, { "Complete", "Fertigstellen" }, //{ "concatenation of dates and time", "%1 %2" }, { "Confirm &deletes", "Löschvogang bestätigen" }, //"Copying succeed. Syncing not yet implemented" //"Copy remote file to local machine..." //{ "Could not find your attendee entry.\nPlease check the emails.")) }, { "Couldn't load calendar\n '%1'.", "Kann Kalender\n '%1' nicht laden." }, { "Counter-event Viewer", "Ereigniszähler Anzeige" }, //{ "counter proposal event","Counter-event:

" }, { "Daily ending hour:", "Tägl. Schlusszeit:" }, { "Daily starting hour:", "Tägliche Anfangszeit:" }, { "Daily", "Täglich" }, { "Date Format", "Datum Format" }, { "DateNavigator:(nr)" , "Datums Navigator" }, //{ "Date Range") }, { "Dates: ", "Datum: " }, { "Date && Time", "Datum && Zeit" }, { "Day begins at:", "Der Tag beginnt um:" }, { "Days in Next-X-Days:", "Tage in den Nächsten-X-Tagen:" }, { "Days in What's Next:", "Tage in Was-kommt-Nun:" }, { "day(s)", "Tag(e)" }, { "Days to show in Next-X-Days view:", "Welche Tage in Nächste-X-Tagen anzeigen:" }, { "day", "Tag" }, { "Dec", "Dez" }, { "December", "Dezember" }, { "Default alarm time:", "Standard Alarm Zeit:" }, //{ "Default appointment time:") }, //{ "Default Calendar Format") }, //{ "Default event color:") }, //{ "Default export file", "calendar.html")) }, { "Default", "Standard" }, //{ "Def. duration of new app.:") }, { "Delete All", "Lösche alles" }, { "Delete all selected", "Lösche alle ausgewählten" }, //{ "delete completed To-Dos","Purge Completed") }, //{ "delete completed To-Dos","Purge Completed") }, { "Delete Current", "Aktuellen löschen" }, { "Delete Event...", "Lösche Ereignis..." }, { "Delete Event", "Lösche Ereignis" }, { "&Delete", "Löschen" }, { "Delete", "Löschen" }, { "Delete Todo...", "Lösche Todo..." }, { "Delete To-Do", "Lösche Todo" }, { "Deleting item %d ...", "Lösche Eintrag %d..." }, { "Descriptions", "Beschreibungen" }, { "Deselect All", "Alles deselektieren" }, { "Details", "Details" }, { "Dinner", "Abendessen" }, //{ "%d item(s) found."), mMatchedEvents.count() ) }, //{ "%d items remaining in list."), count() ) }, { "Do you really want\nto close KO/Pi?", "Möchten Sie wirklich\nKO/PI verlassen?" }, //"Do you really want\nto remote sync?\n \n" //{ "Drop Event }, //{ "Drop To-Do")) }, //{ "Due Date")) }, //{ "Due: ")+ (static_cast(mIncidence))->dtDueTimeStr() }, //{ "Due Time")) }, //{ "Due:"),timeBoxFrame) }, { "Duration: ", "Dauer: " }, { "Edit...", "Bearbeite..." }, { "Edit", "Bearbeite" }, //{ "Edit Calendar Filters }, { "Edit Event...", "Bearbeite Ereignis..." }, { "Edit Event", "Bearbeite Ereignis" }, //{ "Edit exceptions"), Ok|Cancel }, { "EditorBox:", "Editor Fenster:" }, { "Edit Recurrence Range", "Bearbeite Wiederholung" }, //{ "&Edit..."),this,SLOT(popupEdit()))) }, { "Edit Todo...", "Berabeite Todo..." }, { "Edit To-Do", "Todo bearbeiten" }, //{ "Email:" ) ) }, { "E&mail address:", "E&mail Adresse" }, { "(EmptyEmail)" , "(KeineEmail)" }, { "(EmptyName)", "(KeinName)" }, //{ "Enable automatic saving of calendar") }, //{ "Enable group scheduling") }, //{ "Enable project view") }, //{ "Enable Recurrence"), this ) }, //{ "Enable scrollbars in month view cells") }, //{ "Enable tooltips displaying summary of ev.") }, //{ "End after"), rangeBox ) }, //{ "End by:"), rangeBox ) }, //{ "End Date")) }, { "End:", "Ende:" }, //{ "End Time", "E)) }, { "English", "Englisch" }, //{ "Enter filter name: }, //{ "Error", "Fehler" }, //{ "Error loading template file '%1'." }, //{ "Event already exists in this calendar.") }, { "Event", "Ereignis" }, { "Event list", "Ereignis Liste" }, //{ "Event list view uses full window") }, //{ "Events and To-Dos that need a reply:") + "\n" }, //{ "Events: ") + "\n" }, //{ "Events have to be completely included"), topFrame) }, //{ "Events"),incidenceGroup) }, { "Event Viewer:", "Ereignis Anzeige" }, //{ "Event Viewer"),Ok|User1,Ok,false }, //{ "Event will be sent to:")+"" }, //{ "every"), this ) }, { "Exceptions...", "Ausnahmen..." }, { "Exceptions", "Ausnahmen" }, { "Exclude holidays", "Ohne Ferien" }, { "Exclude Saturdays", "Ohne Samstage" }, //{ "Export to HTML with every save"),&(KOPrefs::instance()->mHtmlWithSave) }, { "Feb", "Feb" }, { "February", "Februar" }, //{ "Filter disabled }, //{ "Filter position: ") + QString::number ( mSelectionCombo->currentItem()+1 )) }, //{ "Filter selected: }, { "&Find", "Finden" }, { "Fonts", "Zeichensätze" }, //{ "Force take local entry always")) }, //{ "Force take remote entry always")) }, //{ "Form1" ) ) }, //{ "Free Busy Object")) }, { "Free", "Frei" }, { "Friday", "Freitag" }, { "Fri", "Fr" }, //{ "From: %1 To: %2 %3").arg(from).arg(to }, //{ "From:"),rangeWidget)) }, { "Full &name:", "Vor- und &Nachname:" }, //{ "Full path and file name required!"), topFrame) }, { "General", "Allgemein" }, { "German", "Deutsch" }, { "Gifts", "Geschenke" }, //{ "Group Automation"),0 }, //{ "Group Scheduling"),0 }, { "Help", "Hilfe" }, { "Hide Dates", "Daten ausblenden" }, { "Highlight color:" "Hervorhebungsfarbe" }, { "Holiday color:", "Ferien Farbe" }, { "hour(s)", "Stunde(n)" }, //{ "iCalendar")) }, //{ "If attendee is in addressbook")) }, //{ "If organizer is in addressbook")) }, //{ "If requested from an email in addressbook")) }, //{ "If this counter-event is a good proposal for your event, press 'Accept'. All Attendees will then get the new version of this event }, //{ "In %1 days: ").arg( i ) + ""+day }, //{ "Incomplete Todo:") + "\n" }, { "Information", "Information" }, { "Invalid search expression,\ncannot perform ", "Kann Suche nicht ausführen" }, { "Jan", "Jan" }, { "January", "Januar" }, { "JournalView:", "Journal Ansicht" }, { "Jul", "Jul" }, { "July", "Juli" }, { "Jump to date", "Springe zum Datum" }, { "June", "Juni" }, { "Jun", "Jun" }, { "Kids", "Kinder" }, //{ "KMail", "KMail" }, { "KO/E Find ", "KO/E Suchen " }, { "KO/E Find: ", "KO/E Suchen: " }, { "KO/Pi is starting ... ", "KO/Pi startet ..." }, { "Language:(nyi)", "Sprache" }, { "Language:", "Sprache" }, { "Large", "Etwas mehr" }, { "List View:", "Listenansicht" }, { "Load/Save", "Laden/Speichern" }, { "Load Template", "Lade Vorlage" }, { "Locale", "Spracheinstellung" }, { "Local temp file:", "Lokales temp. Datei:" }, //"Local temp file:\n " //"Local temp file:\n..." { "Location: ", "Ort: " }, { "Location:", "Ort:" }, { "Mail client", "Mail Programm" }, { "Mail Client", "Mail Programm" }, { "March", "März" }, { "Mar", "Mär" }, { "May", "Mai" }, { "M. Bains line:", "M. Bains Linie:" }, { "Medium", "Medium" }, { "Method", "Methode" }, { "minute(s)", "Minute(n)" }, { "Monday", "Montag" }, { "Mon", "Mo" }, { "Monthly", "Monatlich" }, { "Month not long enough", "Monat ist nicht lang genug" }, { "month(s)", "Monat(e)" }, { "Month view:", "Monatsansicht" }, { "Month view uses category colors", "Monatsansicht benutzt die Kategorie Farben" }, { "Move &Down", "Nach unten verschieben" }, { "Move &Up", "Nach oben verschieben" }, { "Name:", "Name:" }, { "Name", "Name" }, { "\nAre you sure you want\nto delete this event?", "Sind Sie sicher, dass\n sie das Ereignis löschen möchten?" }, { "%n Days", "%n Tage" }, { "Never", "Nie" }, { "New event...", "Neues Ereignis..." }, { "New event", "Neues Ereignis" }, { "New Events/Todos should", "Meue Ereignisse/Todos sollten" }, { "&New", "&Neu" }, { "New", "Neu", }, { "New Sub-Todo...", "Neues Sub-Todo..." }, { "New Todo...", "Neues Todo..." }, { "New Todo", "Neues Todo" }, { "Next Alarm: ", "Nächster Alarm: ", }, { "&Next Day", "&Nächster Tag", }, { "Next days view uses full window", "Die Ansicht des nächsten Tages maximieren" }, { "Next month", "Nächster Monat" }, { "&Next Week", "&Nächste Woche" }, { "Next year", "Nächstes Jahr" }, { "Next Year", "Nächstes Jahr" }, { "%n h", "%n Std" }, //"\n \nTry command on console to get more\ndetailed info about the reason.\n" //{ "nobody@nowhere", " }, { "No ending date", "Kein End-Datum", }, { "No event, nothing to do.", "Kein Ereignis, nichts zu tun.", }, { "No event selected.", "Kein Ereignis selektiert" }, //{ "No event/todo were found matching\nyour search expression.\nUse the wildcard characters\n ' * ' and ' ? ' where needed."));"KO/E Find ")) }, { "No", "Nein" }, { "No program set", "Kein Programm ausgewählt", }, { "Normal", "Normal" }, { "[No selection]", "Keine Selektion", }, { "No sound set", "Kein Sound ausgewählt", }, { "no time ", "keine Zeit ", }, { "no time", "keine Zeit", }, { "No Time", "Keine Zeit" }, { "November", "November" }, { "Nov", "Nov", }, { "\nThis event recurs\nover multiple dates.\n", "\nDieses Ereignis wiederholt sich an mehreren Tagen.\n" }, //{ "occurrence(s)"), rangeBox ) }, { "October", "Oktober" }, { "Oct", "Okt", }, //{ "O-due!", " }, //{ "Okay, another question:\n\nDo you really want\nto erase your complete disk?\nI hope, the decision is now\na little bit easier! }, { "&OK", "&OK" }, { "Ok+Show!", "Ok+Anzeigen" }, { "Organizer: %1","Organizer %1" }, { "Organizer","Organizer" }, //{ "Overdue To-Do:") + "\n" }, { "Owner: ", "Besitzer: " }, { "Owner:", "Besitzer:" }, { "

Priority: %2

", "

Priorität: %2

" }, //{ "Personal Travel", }, //{ "

%1 % completed

" }, { "Pick a date to display", "Wähle einen Tag zum anzeigen aus" }, //{ "Playing '%1'").arg(fileName) }, //{ "Playing '%1'").arg(mAlarmSound) }, //{ "Please specify a valid due date.")) }, //{ "Please specify a valid end date, for example '%1'." }, //{ "Please specify a valid start date.")) }, //{ "Please specify a valid start date, for example '%1'." }, //{ "Please specify a valid start time.")) }, //{ "Please specify a valid start time, for example '%1'." }, //{ "Preferences - some settings need a restart (nr)")) }, { "Preferences - some settings need a restart (nr)", "Einstellungen - teilweise Neustart erforderlich" }, { "&Previous Day", "Vorheriger Tag" }, { "Previous month", "Vorheriger Monat" }, { "Previous Month", "Vorheriger Monat" }, { "&Previous Week", "Vorherige Woche" }, { "Previous year", "Vorheriges Jahr" }, { "Previous Year", "Vorheriges Jahr" }, { "Printing", "Drucken" }, //{ "Prio")) }, //{ "Priority:"), h) }, { "Proceed", "Weiter" }, //{ "Purge }, //{ "read-only") + ")") }, { "Recur every", "Wiederh. alle" }, { "Recur in the month of", "Wiederh. im Monat" }, { "Recur on the", "Wiederh. am" }, { "Recur on this day", "Wiederh. am diesen Tag" }, { "Recurrence Range...", "Wiederholungs Zeitraum..." }, { "Recurrence Range", "Wiederholungs Zeitraum" }, { "Recurrence Rule", "Wiederholungs Regel" }, { "Recurrence", "Wiederholung" }, { "Recurs", "Wiederhole" }, "&Reject", "Abweisen", { "Reminder:", "Erinnerung:" }, //"Remote file:\n " //"Remote file:\n..." //{ "Remote file:"), topFrame) }, //{ "Remote IP:"), topFrame) }, //{ "Remote passwd:"), topFrame) }, //{ "Remote syncing (via ssh/scp) network settings "), topFrame) }, //{ "Remote user:"), topFrame) }, { "&Remove", "Entfe&rnen" }, { "Remove", "Entfernen" }, { "Request response", "Bemerkung anfordern" }, //{ "Retrieve &Messages" ) ) }, { "Role:", "Rolle:" }, { "Role", "Rolle" }, //{ "RSVP"),35) }, //{ "Running '%1'").arg(fileName) }, //{ "Running '%1'").arg(mAlarmProgram) }, { "Sat", "Sa" }, { "Saturday", "Samstag" }, //{ "Save Template"), Ok | Cancel, Ok, parent, 0 }, //{ "Scheduler - Incoming Messages" ) ) }, //{ "Scheduler Mail Client"),&(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPScheduler) }, //{ "Scheduler Mails Should Be"),&(KOPrefs::instance()->mIMIPSend) }, //{ "Scheduler - Outgoing Messages" ) ) }, { "Search for:", "Suche nach:" }, { "Search In", "Suche in" }, { "Search", "Suche" }, { "Select Addresses", "Wähle Adressen" }, { "Select all", "Wähle alles" }, { "Select a month", "Wähle Monat" }, //{ "Select a template to load:"), templates, 0, &ok ) }, { "Select a week", "Wähle Woche" }, { "Select a year", "Wähle Jahr" }, //{ "selected emails")) }, //{ "Select Template Name"), topFrame }, //{ "Select the current day")) }, //{ "Send copy to owner when mailing events") }, { "Send directly", "Sende direkt" }, //{ "Sendmail")) }, { "&Send Messages", "&Sende Nachrichten", }, //{ "Send to outbox")) }, { "Sep", "Sep" }, { "September", "September" }, //{ "Set your status }, //{ "Set Your Status")) }, { "Shopping", "Einkaufen" }, { "Short date in (WN/E) view", "Kurzdatum in (WN/E) Anzeige" }, { "Show Dates", "Zeige Daten" }, //{ "Show events that recur daily in date nav.") }, { "Show Event...", "Zeige Ereignis..." }, //{ "Show ev. that recur weekly in date nav.") }, //{ "Show Marcus Bains line") }, //{ "Show seconds on Marcus Bains line") }, //{ "Show summary after syncing") }, { "Show time as:", "Zeige Zeit als" }, { "Show Todo...", "Zeige To-Do" }, //{ "Show topmost todo prios in What's N.:") }, //{ "Show topmost todo prios in What's Next:") }, //{ "Show vertical screen (Needs restart)") }, { "&Show", "Zeige" }, { "Show...", "Zeige..." }, { "Show", "Zeige" }, { "Small", "Klein" }, { "Sorry", "Entschuldigung" }, //"Sorry, the copy command failed!\nCommand was:\n" //{ "Sort Id")) }, { "Start:", "Anfang:" }, { "Start Date", "Start Datum" }, { "Start Time", "Start Zeit" }, { "Status:", "Status:" }, { "Status","Status:" }, //{ "Stretched TB", " { "Summaries","Zusammenfassungen" }, { "Summary:","Zusammenfassung:" }, { "Summary","Zusammenfassung" }, { "Sunday", "Sonntag" }, { "Sun", "So" }, //{ "Sync Network"),0,0) }, { "Sync preferences:", "Sync Einstellungen" }, { "Sync Prefs", "Sync Einstellungen" }, { "Syncronize", "Daten abgleich" }, //{ "Take local entry on conflict")) }, //{ "Take newest entry on conflict")) }, //{ "Take remote entry on conflict")) }, //{ "Template '%1' does not contain a valid Todo." }, //{ "Template does not contain a valid Event." }, { "Template...", "Vorlage..." }, //{ "The event ends before it starts.\n }, //{ "The event has no attendees.")) }, //{ "The journal entries can not be\nexported to a vCalendar file.") }, //{ "The organizer %1", " }, //{ "The start date cannot be after the due date.")) }, //{ " - they have the same unique ID "), topFrame) }, { "This day", "Dieser Tag" }, { "This is an experimental feature. ", "Dieses Feature ist experimentel" }, //{ "This is a recurring event.") + "") }, { "This item will be\npermanently deleted.", "Dieser Eintrag wird\nkomplett gelöscht." }, { "This item will be permanently deleted.", "Dieser Eintrag wird komplett gelöscht." }, { "Thu", "Do" }, { "Thursday", "Donnerstag" }, { "Time associated", "Dazugehörige Zeit" }, { "Time bar:", "Zeit Intervall" }, { "Time && Date", "Zeit und Datum" }, { "Time Format", "Zeit Format" }, { "Time Labels:", "Zeit Markierungen:" }, { "Time: ", "Zeit: " }, { "Timezone:", "Zeitzone:" }, { "Tiny", "Sehr klein" }, { "To: ", "An: " }, { "To:", "An:" }, { "Today: ", "Heute: " }, //{ "To-Do: %1 }, //{ "Todo due today color:") }, //{ "To-do items:"),this) }, //{ "Todo overdue color:") }, //{ "Todos"),incidenceGroup) }, { "Todo", "Todo" }, { "To-do view shows completed Todos", "To-do Anzeige zeigt erledigte To-dos" }, { "ToDoView:", "Todo Anzeige:" }, { "Toggle Alarm", "Wechsle Alarm" }, { "Toggle Allday", "Umschalten Ganztag" }, //{ "toggle completed To-Dos","Hide/Show Completed") }, //{ "toggle completed To-Dos","Hide/Show Completed") }, { "Tomorrow: ", "Morgen: " }, // { "Toolbar", "Zugriffsleiste" }, { "Tue", "Di" }, { "Tuesday", "Dienstag" }, { "Two entries are in conflict, if: ", "Zwei Einträge haben einen Konflikt, wenn:" }, { "Unable to find template '%1'.", "Kann Vorlage '%1' nicht finden." }, { "University", "Universität" }, { "Unknown", "Unbekannt" }, { "Up", "Hinauf" }, //{ "&Use email settings from Control Center", " }, { "Use password (if not, ask when syncing)", "Passwort: (sonst jedesmal anfragen)" }, { "User defined (next page)", "Benutzer definiert (Nächste Seite)" }, { "User long date", "Benutz. lang. Datum" }, { "User short date", "Benutz. kurz. Datum" }, //{ "vCalendar")) }, { "View", "Ansicht" }, { "View", "Anzeige" }, { "View Fonts", "Zeige Schriften" }, { "Views", "Ansichten" }, //{ "VIP") }, { "Wed", "Mi" }, { "Wednesday", "Mittwoch" }, { "Week %1", "Woche %1" }, { "Weekly", "Wöchentlich" }, //{ "week(s) on:"), this ) }, { "Week starts on Sunday", "Wochenanfang Sonntags" }, { "What's Next View:", "What's Next Anzeige" }, { "What's next ?", "Was kommt als nächstes?" }, { "Working Hours", "Arbeitsstunden" }, { "Working hours color:", "Farbe der Arbeitsstunden" }, { "Write back existing entries only", "Nur exisitierende Einträge zurückschreiben" }, { "Write back synced file", "Syncronisierte Datei zurückschreiben" }, { "Yearly", "Jährlich" }, { "year(s)", "Jahr(e)" }, { "Yes", "Ja" }, { "You have %d item(s) selected.\n", "Sie haben %d Einträge ausgewählt.\n" }, { "You have to restart KOrganizer for this setting to take effect.","Sie müssem Korganizer neu starten, damit diese Einstellung aktiviert wird." }, //{ "Zoom In", "Hineinzoomen" }, //{ "Zoom Out", "Herauszoomen" },