configWnd configWnd 0 0 490 318 PwManager Configuration okButton 10 280 107 27 &OK Alt+O cancelButton 370 280 107 27 &Cancel Alt+C tabWidget2 10 10 470 260 tab Look && feel Category on top Category-list left windowStyleComboBox 220 180 210 28 textLabel1_5 30 180 180 20 Window-style: AlignVCenter|AlignRight textLabel1_4 30 40 400 20 Font for the password entries: selEntrFontButton 30 90 160 27 select Font currEntrFont 30 70 230 20 TabPage File none gzip bzip2 compressionComboBox 290 50 150 28 textLabel1_6 10 50 270 20 *.pwm file compression: AlignVCenter|AlignRight textLabel1_8 10 90 270 20 permissions: AlignVCenter|AlignRight permissionLineEdit 290 90 142 27 3 fileBackupCheckBox 80 140 360 23 Make file backup before saving tab Timeout pwTimeoutSpinBox 390 50 55 23 textLabel1 10 20 370 80 Password timeout (timeout to hold password in memory, so you don't have to re-enter it, if you already have entered it) [set to 0 to disable]: WordBreak|AlignVCenter textLabel1_7 10 110 370 80 Auto-lock timeout (auto lock document after this amount of seconds) [set to 0 to disable]: WordBreak|AlignVCenter lockTimeoutSpinBox 390 140 55 23 autoDeepLockCheckBox 60 180 380 25 deep-lock on autolock tab Autostart textLabel1_3 30 30 400 20 Open this file automatically on startup: autoStartLineEdit 30 50 360 20 browseAutoStButton 400 50 30 20 ... autostartDeeplockedCheckBox 40 80 390 25 open deeplocked tab External apps textLabel2 20 40 280 20 Favourite browser: AlignVCenter|AlignRight browserLineEdit 310 40 130 27 xtermLineEdit 310 100 130 27 textLabel3 20 100 280 20 Favourite X-terminal: AlignVCenter|AlignRight tab Miscellaneous trayCheckBox 30 30 400 20 Show icon in system-tray openUnlockedCheckBox 30 80 400 20 Open document with passwords unlocked autoMinimizeCheckBox false 50 50 380 25 auto-minimize to tray on startup don't lock normal lock deep-lock minimizeLockComboBox 310 170 120 27 textLabel1_9 30 180 270 20 auto-lock on minimize: AlignVCenter|AlignRight kwalletEmuCheckBox 30 110 400 25 KWallet emulation wndCloseCheckBox 30 140 430 24 Do not minimize windows into tray. (Close the window) okButton clicked() configWnd okButton_slot() cancelButton clicked() configWnd cancelButton_slot() browseAutoStButton clicked() configWnd browseAutoStButton_slot() selEntrFontButton clicked() configWnd selEntrFontButton_slot() trayCheckBox toggled(bool) autoMinimizeCheckBox setEnabled(bool) pwTimeoutSpinBox trayCheckBox okButton cancelButton okButton_slot() cancelButton_slot() browseBgButton_slot() browseAutoStButton_slot() selEntrFontButton_slot()