TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += qt warn_off DESTDIR= ../../bin TARGET = pwmpi include( ../../variables.pri ) INCLUDEPATH += . ../../ ../../libkdepim ../../microkde ../../microkde/kdecore ../../microkde/kdeui ../../microkde/kutils DEFINES += PWM_EMBEDDED CONFIG_PWMANAGER_GCRY DESKTOP_VERSION #enable this setting if you want debugoutput for pwmanager #DEFINES += CONFIG_DEBUG LIBS += -L../libcrypt/ LIBS += -L../../bin/ LIBS += -lmicrokde LIBS += -lmicrokdepim LIBS += -lzlib LIBS += -lkpmicrocipher LIBS += -lkpmicroerror LIBS += -lkpmicrompi LIBS += -lstdc++ unix:{ OBJECTS_DIR = obj/unix MOC_DIR = moc/unix } win32:{ DEFINES += _WIN32_ OBJECTS_DIR = obj/win MOC_DIR = moc/win QMAKE_LINK += /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /TP /GX /GR /Ehsc } #INTERFACES = \ #addentrywnd.ui \ #configwnd.ui \ #findwnd.ui \ #getmasterpwwnd.ui \ #pwgenwnd.ui \ #setmasterpwwnd.ui \ #subtbledit.ui #INTERFACES = \ #subtbledit.ui \ #HEADERS = \ #configuration_31compat.h \ #configuration.h \ #configwnd.h \ #configwndimpl.h \ #selftest.h #subtbledit.h \ #subtbleditimpl.h \ #compressbzip2.h \ HEADERS = \ addentrywnd_emb.h \ addentrywndimpl.h \ base64.h \ binentrygen.h \ blowfish.h \ commentbox.h \ compiler.h \ compressgzip.h \ findwnd_emb.h \ findwndimpl.h \ genpasswd.h \ getkeycardwnd.h \ getmasterpwwnd_emb.h \ getmasterpwwndimpl.h \ globalstuff.h \ gpasmanfile.h \ htmlgen.h \ htmlparse.h \ ipc.h \ libgcryptif.h \ listobjselectwnd.h \ listviewpwm.h \ printtext.h \ pwgenwnd_emb.h \ pwgenwndimpl.h \ pwmdoc.h \ pwmdocui.h \ pwmexception.h \ pwm.h \ pwminit.h \ pwmprefs.h \ pwmprint.h \ pwmtray.h \ pwmview.h \ pwmviewstyle_0.h \ pwmviewstyle_1.h \ pwmviewstyle.h \ randomizer.h \ rc2.h \ rencatwnd.h \ serializer.h \ setmasterpwwnd_emb.h \ setmasterpwwndimpl.h \ sha1.h \ waitwnd.h \ kcmconfigs/kcmpwmconfig.h \ kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.h #sources that need not be build #SOURCES = \ #advcommeditimpl.cpp \ #configuration.cpp \ #configwnd.cpp \ #configwndimpl.cpp \ #configuration_31compat.cpp \ #htmlparse.cpp \ #printtext.cpp \ #selftest.cpp \ #pwmprint.cpp \ #spinforsignal.cpp #subtbledit.cpp \ #subtbleditimpl.cpp \ #compressbzip2.cpp SOURCES = \ addentrywnd_emb.cpp \ addentrywndimpl.cpp \ base64.cpp \ binentrygen.cpp \ blowfish.cpp \ commentbox.cpp \ compressgzip.cpp \ findwnd_emb.cpp \ findwndimpl.cpp \ genpasswd.cpp \ getkeycardwnd.cpp \ getmasterpwwnd_emb.cpp \ getmasterpwwndimpl.cpp \ globalstuff.cpp \ gpasmanfile.cpp \ htmlgen.cpp \ ipc.cpp \ libgcryptif.cpp \ listobjselectwnd.cpp \ listviewpwm.cpp \ main.cpp \ pwgenwnd_emb.cpp \ pwgenwndimpl.cpp \ pwm.cpp \ pwmdoc.cpp \ pwmdocui.cpp \ pwmexception.cpp \ pwminit.cpp \ pwmprefs.cpp \ pwmtray.cpp \ pwmview.cpp \ pwmviewstyle_0.cpp \ pwmviewstyle_1.cpp \ pwmviewstyle.cpp \ randomizer.cpp \ rc2.cpp \ rencatwnd.cpp \ serializer.cpp \ setmasterpwwnd_emb.cpp \ setmasterpwwndimpl.cpp \ sha1.cpp \ waitwnd.cpp \ kcmconfigs/kcmpwmconfig.cpp \ kcmconfigs/pwmconfigwidget.cpp