/*************************************************************************** * * * copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Michael Buesch * * email: mbuesch@freenet.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * copyright (C) 2004 by Ulf Schenk * This file is originaly based on version 2.0 of pwmanager * and was modified to run on embedded devices that run microkde * * $Id$ **************************************************************************/ #ifndef __PWMDOC_H #define __PWMDOC_H #define PWM_FILE_VER (static_cast(0x05)) #define PWM_HASH_SHA1 (static_cast(0x01)) #define PWM_HASH_SHA256 (static_cast(0x02)) #define PWM_HASH_SHA384 (static_cast(0x03)) #define PWM_HASH_SHA512 (static_cast(0x04)) #define PWM_HASH_MD5 (static_cast(0x05)) #define PWM_HASH_RMD160 (static_cast(0x06)) #define PWM_HASH_TIGER (static_cast(0x07)) #define PWM_CRYPT_BLOWFISH (static_cast(0x01)) #define PWM_CRYPT_AES128 (static_cast(0x02)) #define PWM_CRYPT_AES192 (static_cast(0x03)) #define PWM_CRYPT_AES256 (static_cast(0x04)) #define PWM_CRYPT_3DES (static_cast(0x05)) #define PWM_CRYPT_TWOFISH (static_cast(0x06)) #define PWM_CRYPT_TWOFISH128 (static_cast(0x07)) #define PWM_COMPRESS_NONE (static_cast(0x00)) #define PWM_COMPRESS_GZIP (static_cast(0x01)) #define PWM_COMPRESS_BZIP2 (static_cast(0x02)) #define DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES (~(static_cast(0))) #define FILE_ID_HEADER "PWM_PASSWORD_FILE" #include "pwmexception.h" #include "pwmdocui.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef PWM_EMBEDDED #include "configuration.h" #else #include #include #endif #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::string; using std::pair; /* used in findEntry() function */ #define SEARCH_IN_DESC (1) #define SEARCH_IN_NAME (1 << 1) #define SEARCH_IN_PW (1 << 2) #define SEARCH_IN_COMMENT (1 << 3) #define SEARCH_IN_URL (1 << 4) #define SEARCH_IN_LAUNCHER (1 << 5) #define SEARCH_IN_ALL (SEARCH_IN_DESC | SEARCH_IN_NAME | \ SEARCH_IN_PW | SEARCH_IN_COMMENT | \ SEARCH_IN_URL | SEARCH_IN_LAUNCHER) /** document deeplocked. Data is out for lunch to disk */ #define DOC_STAT_DEEPLOCKED (1) /** encrypted document on disk is dirty. data has to go to disk. */ #define DOC_STAT_DISK_DIRTY (1 << 1) /** we are using a chipcard to encrypt the data */ #define DOC_STAT_USE_CHIPCARD (1 << 2) /** use "currentPw" to unlock. (This flag is set/unset by a timer) */ #define DOC_STAT_UNLOCK_WITHOUT_PW (1 << 3) class PwMDoc; class PwMView; class QFile; /* meta data for a PwMDataItem */ struct PwMMetaData { PwMMetaData() : updateInt (0) { } /** creation date of the PwMDataItem to which * this meta data belongs. */ QDateTime create; /** becomes valid on this date */ QDateTime valid; /** expire date */ QDateTime expire; /** update date (last updated at this date) */ QDateTime update; /** update interval (in minutes). Time since the * last update to remind the user to update the item. * 0 disables. */ unsigned long updateInt; //US ENH: enhancements of the filestructure /* each entry gets a unique id assigned */ string uniqueid; void clear() { create = QDateTime(); expire = QDateTime(); update = QDateTime(); updateInt = 0; uniqueid = KApplication::randomString(8); } PwMMetaData& operator = (const PwMMetaData& x) { create = x.create; expire = x.expire; update = x.update; updateInt = x.updateInt; uniqueid = x.uniqueid; return *this; } inline bool isValid() const { if (valid.isNull()) return true; return (valid < QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } inline bool isExpired() const { if (expire.isNull()) return false; return (expire < QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } inline bool isUpdateIntOver() const { if (updateInt == 0 || update.isNull()) return false; QDateTime d(update); return (d.addSecs(updateInt * 60) < QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } }; struct PwMDataItem { PwMDataItem() : lockStat (true) , listViewPos (-1) , binary (false) , rev (0) { } /** password description */ string desc; /** user-name */ string name; /** the password itself */ string pw; /** some comment */ string comment; /** an URL string */ string url; /** launcher. Can be executed as a system() command */ string launcher; /** locking status. If locked (true), pw is not emitted through getEntry() */ bool lockStat; /** position of this item in main "list-view" * If -1, the position is not yet specified and should be appended to the list */ int listViewPos; /** does this entry contain binary data? */ bool binary; /** meta data for this data item. */ PwMMetaData meta; /** data revision counter. This counter can be used * to easily, efficiently determine if this data item * has changed since some time. * This counter is incremented on every update. */ unsigned int rev; void clear(bool clearMeta = true) { /* NOTE: Don't use .clear() here to be * backward compatible with gcc-2 (Debian Woody) */ desc = ""; name = ""; pw = ""; comment = ""; url = ""; launcher = ""; lockStat = true; listViewPos = -1; binary = false; if (clearMeta) meta.clear(); } PwMDataItem& operator = (const PwMDataItem& x) { qDebug("oper=%s", x.desc.c_str()); desc = x.desc; name = x.name; pw = x.pw; comment = x.comment; url = x.url; launcher = x.launcher; lockStat = x.lockStat; listViewPos = x.listViewPos; binary = x.binary; meta = x.meta; rev = x.rev; return *this; } }; struct PwMCategoryItem { /** all PwMDataItems (all passwords) within this category */ vector d; /** category name/description */ string name; void clear() { d.clear(); name = ""; } }; struct PwMSyncItem { string syncName; QDateTime lastSyncDate; void clear() { lastSyncDate = QDateTime(); syncName = ""; } }; struct PwMItem { vector dta; vector syncDta; void clear() { dta.clear(); syncDta.clear(); } }; /** "Function Object" for sort()ing PwMDataItem::listViewPos */ class dta_lvp_greater { public: bool operator() (const pair &d1, const pair &d2) { return d1.second > d2.second; } }; /** list of PwMDoc documents and it's IDs */ class PwMDocList { public: struct listItem { /** document filename (known as ID, here) */ string docId; /** pointer to the document class */ PwMDoc *doc; }; PwMDocList() {} /** add a new item to the list */ void add(PwMDoc *doc, const string &id); /** changes the contents of an existing item */ void edit(PwMDoc *doc, const string &newId); /** remove the given item */ void del(PwMDoc *doc); /** get the item at index */ listItem getAt(int index) { return docList[index]; } /** find an entry with this id */ bool find(const string &id, listItem *ret = 0); /** returns a copy of the list */ const vector* getList() const { return &docList; } /** returns a new unique number to extend the name of * an unnamed document. */ static unsigned int getNewUnnamedNumber() { return unnamedDocCnt++; } protected: /* Hm, I think we shouldn't really use a "list" here, should we? * So I decided to actually use a vector. */ vector docList; /** This value is used to get a new number for yet unnamed * documents. It is incremented on every request. So it's * theoretically possible to overflow it, but... :) */ static unsigned int unnamedDocCnt; }; /** implements timers for the document */ class DocTimer : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum TimerIDs { id_mpwTimer, id_autoLockTimer, id_metaCheckTimer }; public: DocTimer(PwMDoc *_doc); ~DocTimer(); /** start the timer */ void start(TimerIDs timer); /** stop the timer */ void stop(TimerIDs timer); /** get the lock for a timer. * This lock is a recursive lock. When a lock is * held, the timer will be stopped and timeout is * guaranteed to not happen */ void getLock(TimerIDs timer); /** put a recursive timer lock */ void putLock(TimerIDs timer); protected slots: /** timeout slot for the mpw timer */ void mpwTimeout(); /** timeout slot for the autoLock timer */ void autoLockTimeout(); /** timeout slot for the metaCheck timer */ void metaCheckTimeout(); protected: /** pointer to the document associated with this timer. */ PwMDoc *doc; /** timer object for mpw timer */ QTimer *mpwTimer; /** timer object for the autoLock timer */ QTimer *autoLockTimer; /** timer object for the metaCheck timer */ QTimer *metaCheckTimer; /** lock counter for the mpw timer */ unsigned int mpwLock; /** lock counter for the autoLock timer */ unsigned int autoLockLock; /** lock counter for the metaCheck timer */ unsigned int metaCheckLock; }; /** Document class for PwM */ //US ENH: derived from KSyncInterfaces, to get called by PwM when a sync is required. // But PwMDoc is handling the sync by itself. class PwMDoc : public PwMDocUi, public KSyncInterface { Q_OBJECT friend class DocTimer; public: /** construtor */ PwMDoc(QObject* parent = 0, const char *name = 0); /** destructor */ ~PwMDoc(); /** returns a pointer to a list of all open documents */ static PwMDocList* getOpenDocList() { return &openDocList; } /** flag document dirty. dta changed */ void flagDirty() { setDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_DISK_DIRTY); emitDataChanged(this); } /** modified? */ bool isDirty() { return getDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_DISK_DIRTY); } /** save document to disk */ PwMerror saveDoc(char compress, const QString *file = 0); /** read document from file. * "openLocked is must be set to either of these values: * 0 == open with all entries unlocked * 1 == open with all entries locked * 2 == open deep-locked */ PwMerror openDoc(const QString *file, int openLocked); /** export document to ascii-textfile */ PwMerror exportToText(const QString *file); /** export document to gpasman / kpasman file */ PwMerror exportToGpasman(const QString *file); /** import document from ascii-textfile */ PwMerror importFromText(const QString *file, int format = -1); /** import document from gpasman / kpasman file */ PwMerror importFromGpasman(const QString *file); /** add new entry */ PwMerror addEntry(const QString &category, PwMDataItem *d, bool dontFlagDirty = false, bool updateMeta = true); /** add new category. This function doesn't flag the document dirty! */ PwMerror addCategory(const QString &category, unsigned int *categoryIndex, bool checkIfExist = true); /** rename an existing category */ bool renameCategory(const QString &category, const QString &newName); /** rename an existing category */ bool renameCategory(unsigned int category, const QString &newName, bool dontFlagDirty = false); /** delete an existing category */ bool delCategory(const QString &category); /** delete an existing category */ bool delCategory(unsigned int category, bool dontFlagDirty = false); /** returns a list of all category-names */ void getCategoryList(vector *list); /** returns a list of all category-names */ void getCategoryList(QStringList *list); /** returns a list of all entry-descs in the given category */ void getEntryList(const QString &category, QStringList *list); /** returns a list of all entry-descs in the given category */ void getEntryList(const QString &category, vector *list); /** returns a list of all entry-descs in the given category */ void getEntryList(unsigned int category, vector *list); /** returns a list of all entry-descs in the given category */ void getEntryList(unsigned int category, QStringList *list); /** delete entry */ bool delEntry(const QString &category, unsigned int index, bool dontFlagDirty = false); /** delete entry */ bool delEntry(unsigned int category, unsigned int index, bool dontFlagDirty = false); /** edit entry */ bool editEntry(const QString &oldCategory, const QString &newCategory, unsigned int index, PwMDataItem *d, bool updateMeta = true); /** edit entry */ bool editEntry(unsigned int oldCategory, const QString &newCategory, unsigned int index, PwMDataItem *d, bool updateMeta = true); /** finds the category with the "name" and return it's index */ bool findCategory(const QString &name, unsigned int *index); /** search for an entry "find" and check while searching only for * the data-fields specified by "searchIn". To set the "searchIn" * value, we may use one or more of the SEARCH_IN_* defines at * the top of this header-file. It returns the positions of all * matched entries in "foundPositions". If "breakAfterFound" is true, * the function terminates after the first occurence of the entry * and doesn't go on searching. So foundPositions->size() is never * > 1 if breakAfterFound is true. */ void findEntry(unsigned int category, PwMDataItem find, unsigned int searchIn, vector *foundPositions, bool breakAfterFound = false, bool caseSensitive = true, bool exactWordMatch = true, bool sortByLvp = false); /** see the above funtion. This function allows to set the category by name. */ void findEntry(const QString &category, PwMDataItem find, unsigned int searchIn, vector *foundPositions, bool breakAfterFound = false, bool caseSensitive = true, bool exactWordMatch = true, bool sortByLvp = false); /** returns number of entries */ unsigned int numEntries(const QString &category); unsigned int numEntries(unsigned int category) { return dti.dta[category].d.size(); } /** returns number of categories */ unsigned int numCategories() { return dti.dta.size(); } /** returns the name of the category at "index" */ const string* getCategory(unsigned int index) { return (&(dti.dta[index].name)); } /** returns the data of item at "index". * It unlocks the entry if it's locked and unlockIfLocked is true. * If the entry is locked, but unlockIfLocked is false, it'll not return * the pw. */ bool getEntry(const QString &category, unsigned int index, PwMDataItem *d, bool unlockIfLocked = false); bool getEntry(unsigned int category, unsigned int index, PwMDataItem *d, bool unlockIfLocked = false); /** returns the comment-string by looking at the category * and the listViewPos */ PwMerror getCommentByLvp(const QString &category, int listViewPos, string *foundComment); /** checks if a password is already available. (currentPw) */ bool isPwAvailable() { return (currentPw != ""); } /** un/lock entry at "index". If needed, ask for password. */ bool lockAt(const QString &category, unsigned int index, bool lock = true); bool lockAt(unsigned int category, unsigned int index, bool lock = true); /** returns the lock-status at "index" */ bool isLocked(const QString &category, unsigned int index); bool isLocked(unsigned int category, unsigned int index) { return dti.dta[category].d[index].lockStat; } /** returns the deeplock status */ bool isDeepLocked() { return getDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_DEEPLOCKED); } /** (un)lock all entries */ bool lockAll(bool lock); /** unlocks all entries tempoarly. * 1st NOTE: Be very careful with this function! :) * 2nd NOTE: After you have called unlockAll_Tempoary(); , * please DON'T forget to call unlockAll_Tempoary(true); * _before_ the user (or someone else) is able to change * the document! * 3rd NOTE: Please DON'T change "dta" while the data is tempoary * unlocked! This will cause corruption. */ bool unlockAll_tempoary(bool revert = false); /** deep-(un)locks the document. * deep-locking writes all data to the file, deletes all data * in memory, but doesn't close the document. * deep-locking is only available, if the user previously saved * the doc to a file (with a password). * If "saveToFile" is false, it does NOT write the data to the file! */ PwMerror deepLock(bool lock = true, bool saveToFile = true); /** is unlockable without pw? */ bool unlockWoPw() { return getDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_UNLOCK_WITHOUT_PW); } /** get the "currentPassword" */ const QString& getCurrentPw() { return currentPw; } /** open a window and request the user to change the mpw */ void changeCurrentPw(); /** set the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */ void setListViewPos(const QString &category, unsigned int index, int pos); /** set the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */ void setListViewPos(unsigned int category, unsigned int index, int pos); /** get the "listViewPos" variable of "dta" */ int getListViewPos(const QString &category, unsigned int index); /** set the maximum number of entries allowed */ void setMaxNumEntries(unsigned int num = DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES) { maxEntries = num; } /** get the maximum number of entries allowed */ unsigned int getMaxNumEntries() { return maxEntries; } /** ensure all listViewPos of all dta items are set. (are ! -1). * If there are some undefined entries, add them to the end of * the listViewPos(itions). */ void ensureLvp(); /** execute the "launcher" of this entry */ bool execLauncher(const QString &category, unsigned int entryIndex); /** see above */ bool execLauncher(unsigned int category, unsigned int entryIndex); /** open a browser with the URL-section of the given entry */ bool goToURL(const QString &category, unsigned int entryIndex); /** see above */ bool goToURL(unsigned int category, unsigned int entryIndex); /** returns true if there is no entry present in the document. * Note: The "default" Category is present everytime, so * it's checked for it's entries. */ bool isDocEmpty() { if (numCategories() > 1) return false; if (numEntries(0)) return false; return true; } /** returns the filename of this doc */ const QString& getFilename() { return filename; } /** returns the title of the doc */ QString getTitle(); /** sets the list-view-pointer hold in the doc */ void setListViewPointer(PwMView *_listView) { listView = _listView; } /** returns the list-view-pointer */ PwMView * getListViewPointer() { return listView; } /** try to delete the doc. The user may be asked to save * the data. The user may cancel the whole operation. * false is returned, then. */ bool tryDelete(); /** is the doc deleted? (with tryDelete() ) */ bool isDeleted() { return deleted; } /** returns the document timer object */ DocTimer * timer() { return _timer; } /** get a lock on the dataChanged signal. * If someone is holding a lock, the signal is not emitted. */ void getDataChangedLock() { ++dataChangedLock; } /** put the dataChanged lock */ void putDataChangedLock() { --dataChangedLock; } /** returns the revision count of the item at cat/index */ unsigned int getEntryRevCnt(unsigned int category, unsigned int index) { return dti.dta[category].d[index].rev; } /** returns a const pointer to the entries meta */ const PwMMetaData * getEntryMeta(unsigned int category, unsigned int index) { return &(dti.dta[category].d[index].meta); } /** is the entry at "category" "index" a binary entry? */ bool isBinEntry(unsigned int category, unsigned int index) { return dti.dta[category].d[index].binary; } public slots: /** wrapper for PwMTray */ void _deepUnlock(); signals: /** the data of the document has changed and must be updated * in all views. * NOTE: use emitDataChanged(PwMDoc *document) to emit this signal! */ void dataChanged(PwMDoc *document); /** the document class is going to close. This signal may be * used to nofify all views, that the user closed the document, * so the views can go down, too. */ void docClosed(PwMDoc *document); /** somebody just opened the document */ void docOpened(PwMDoc *document); /** this document object just got created */ void docCreated(PwMDoc *document); public: /** emit the dataChanged signal after checking for a lock */ void emitDataChanged(PwMDoc *document) { if (!dataChangedLock) emit dataChanged(document); } protected: /** current file for this doc */ QString filename; //US ENH: we need a place where we keep the syncentries. So I invented // struct PwMItem, that has a vector of PwMCategoryItem and vector of PwMSyncItem /** holds all data */ PwMItem dti; /** maximum number of entries */ unsigned int maxEntries; /** currently used password to encrypt data */ QString currentPw; /** current global document status flags */ unsigned int curDocStat; /** browser process for goToURL() */ KProcess browserProc; /** pointer to the list-view, using this document. * As there can only be one list-view per doc, we * don't need a list here. */ PwMView *listView; /** unnamedNum is used to store the "unnamed counter" * for this document, while it's unnamed. If it's 0, * we have to get a new unique one. */ unsigned int unnamedNum; /** is this doc going to be deleted (executing in destructor context) */ bool deleted; /** document timer */ DocTimer *_timer; /** lock counter for the "dataChanged" signal */ unsigned int dataChangedLock; /** list of all open documents */ static PwMDocList openDocList; protected: /** serialize "dta" and return it in "d". */ bool serializeDta(string *d); /** de-serialize "d" and overwrite "dta" */ bool deSerializeDta(const string *d, bool entriesLocked); /** write header to file */ PwMerror writeFileHeader(char keyHash, char dataHash, char crypt, char compress, QString *pw, QFile *f); /** write data-hash to file */ PwMerror writeDataHash(char dataHash, string *d, QFile *f); /** check header. Read header info and verify key-hash and filever. * returns length of header in "headerLength" */ PwMerror checkHeader(char *cryptAlgo, QString *pw, char *compress, unsigned int *headerLength, char *dataHashType, string *dataHash, QFile *f); /** check the data-hash */ PwMerror checkDataHash(char dataHashType, const string *dataHash, const string *dataStream); /** encrypt data "d" and write to "filename" */ PwMerror encrypt(string *d, const QString *pw, QFile *f, char algo); /** read data from file beginning at "pos", decrypt and return it */ PwMerror decrypt(string *d, unsigned int pos, const QString *pw, char algo, QFile *f); /** compress the data */ bool compressDta(string *d, char algo); /** uncompress the data */ bool decompressDta(string *d, char algo); /** internal import function for a text-file generated by PwM. * If this is not a valid PwM-exported file, it returns e_fileFormat */ PwMerror importText_PwM(const QString *file); /** PwM-text-import helper function to extract the name/pw/comment out * of one entry-line */ bool textExtractEntry_PwM(const char *in, ssize_t in_size, string *out); /** compare two strings */ bool compareString(const string &s1, const string &s2, bool caseSensitive, bool exactWordMatch); /** clears all document-data */ void clearDoc(); /** delete all empty categories */ void delAllEmptyCat(bool dontFlagDirty); /** set a document status flag */ void setDocStatFlag(unsigned int statFlag) { curDocStat |= statFlag; } /** unset a document status flag */ void unsetDocStatFlag(unsigned int statFlag) { curDocStat &= ~statFlag; } /** get a document status flag */ bool getDocStatFlag(unsigned int statFlag) const { return (curDocStat & statFlag); } /** set the "currentPassword" */ void setCurrentPw(const QString &pw) { currentPw = pw; setDocStatFlag(DOC_STAT_DISK_DIRTY); } /** make a backup-copy of the given file */ bool backupFile(const QString &filePath); /** copy a file from src to dst */ bool copyFile(const QString &src, const QString &dst); public: #ifdef PWM_EMBEDDED //US ENH: this is the magic function that syncronizes the local doc with the remote doc. PwMerror syncronize(KSyncManager* manager, PwMDoc* syncLocal, PwMDoc* syncRemote, int mode ); //takePwMDataItem returns the following values // 0 equal // 1 take local // 2 take remote // 3 cancel int takePwMDataItem( PwMDataItem* local, PwMDataItem* remote, QDateTime lastSync, int mode , bool full ); //the following methods are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode); //called by the syncmanager to indicate that the work has to be marked as dirty. virtual void sync_setModified(); //called by the syncmanager to ask if the dirty flag is set. virtual bool sync_isModified(); //called by the syncmanager to indicate that the work has to be saved. virtual void sync_save(); #endif private: //US ENH: helpermethods to access the sync data for a certain syncname. // It returns the syncdatas index bool findSyncData(const QString &syncname, unsigned int *index); /** add new syncdataentry */ PwMerror addSyncDataEntry(PwMSyncItem *d, bool dontFlagDirty = false); /** returns a pointer to the syncdata */ PwMSyncItem getSyncDataEntry(unsigned int index) { return *(dti.syncDta[index]); } /** delete entry */ bool delSyncDataEntry(unsigned int index, bool dontFlagDirty = false); PwMDataItem* findEntryByID(const QString &uid, unsigned int *category, unsigned int *index); QStringList getIDEntryList(); }; #endif