setMasterPwWnd setMasterPwWnd 0 0 411 313 Set master-password okButton 10 280 107 27 &OK cancelButton 290 280 107 27 &Cancel mainTab 10 10 390 260 tab Normal password textLabel2 20 90 340 20 Please enter the new master-password: textLabel3 20 160 340 20 Please enter the password again: textLabel1 10 20 370 40 Box Using a normal password-string to encrypt the data. WordBreak|AlignCenter pwEdit_1 20 120 340 20 Password pwEdit_2 20 190 340 20 Password tab Key-card (chipcard) textLabel1_2 10 20 370 40 Box Using a PwM key-card to encrypt the data. WordBreak|AlignCenter textLabel2_2 20 190 170 20 selected card: AlignVCenter|AlignRight selCardButton 20 130 350 40 &Select the currently inserted card as key-card genCardButton 80 90 230 28 &generate new key-card curCardIdLabel 200 190 170 20 okButton clicked() setMasterPwWnd okButton_slot() cancelButton clicked() setMasterPwWnd cancelButton_slot() genCardButton clicked() setMasterPwWnd genCardButton_slot() selCardButton clicked() setMasterPwWnd selCardButton_slot() pwEdit_1 pwEdit_2 okButton cancelButton okButton_slot() cancelButton_slot() genCardButton_slot() selCardButton_slot()