Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 30 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/installdlgimpl.cpp b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/installdlgimpl.cpp
index 1f0bb5f..2bb8b4d 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/installdlgimpl.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/installdlgimpl.cpp
@@ -154,111 +154,112 @@ void InstallDlgImpl :: init( bool displayextrainfo )
QLabel *label = new QLabel( tr( "Destination" ), this );
layout->addWidget( label, 0, 0 );
destination = new QComboBox( FALSE, this );
layout->addWidget( destination, 0, 1 );
connect( destination, SIGNAL( highlighted( const QString & ) ),
this, SLOT( displayAvailableSpace( const QString & ) ) );
QLabel *label2 = new QLabel( tr( "Space Avail" ), this );
layout->addWidget( label2, 1, 0 );
txtAvailableSpace = new QLabel( "", this );
layout->addWidget( txtAvailableSpace, 1, 1 );
destination = 0x0;
txtAvailableSpace = 0x0;
QGroupBox *GroupBox2 = new QGroupBox( 0, Qt::Vertical, tr( "Output" ), this );
GroupBox2->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
GroupBox2->layout()->setMargin( 4 );
QVBoxLayout *GroupBox2Layout = new QVBoxLayout( GroupBox2->layout() );
output = new QMultiLineEdit( GroupBox2 );
GroupBox2Layout->addWidget( output );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( GroupBox2, 2, 2, 0, 1 );
btnInstall = new QPushButton( Resource::loadPixmap( "aqpkg/apply" ), tr( "Start" ), this );
layout->addWidget( btnInstall, 3, 0 );
connect( btnInstall, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( installSelected() ) );
- btnOptions = new QPushButton( Resource::loadPixmap( "aqpkg/config" ), tr( "Options" ), this );
+ btnOptions = new QPushButton( Resource::loadPixmap( "SettingsIcon" ), tr( "Options" ), this );
layout->addWidget( btnOptions, 3, 1 );
connect( btnOptions, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( optionsSelected() ) );
void InstallDlgImpl :: optionsSelected()
InstallOptionsDlgImpl opt( flags, this, "Option", true );
// set options selected from dialog
flags = opt.getFlags();
#ifdef QWS
Config cfg( "aqpkg" );
cfg.setGroup( "settings" );
cfg.writeEntry( "installFlags", flags );
void InstallDlgImpl :: installSelected()
if ( btnInstall->text() == tr( "Abort" ) )
if ( pIpkg )
displayText( tr( "\n**** User Clicked ABORT ***" ) );
displayText( tr( "**** Process Aborted ****" ) );
btnInstall->setText( tr( "Close" ) );
btnInstall->setIconSet( Resource::loadPixmap( "enter" ) );
else if ( btnInstall->text() == tr( "Close" ) )
emit reloadData( this );
// Disable buttons
btnOptions->setEnabled( false );
// btnInstall->setEnabled( false );
btnInstall->setText( tr( "Abort" ) );
btnInstall->setIconSet( Resource::loadPixmap( "close" ) );
if ( pIpkg )
output->setText( "" );
connect( pIpkg, SIGNAL(outputText(const QString &)), this, SLOT(displayText(const QString &)));
output->setText( "" );
Destination *d = dataMgr->getDestination( destination->currentText() );
QString dest = d->getDestinationName();
QString destDir = d->getDestinationPath();
int instFlags = flags;
if ( d->linkToRoot() )
instFlags |= MAKE_LINKS;
#ifdef QWS
// Save settings
Config cfg( "aqpkg" );
cfg.setGroup( "settings" );
cfg.writeEntry( "dest", dest );
pIpkg = new Ipkg;
connect( pIpkg, SIGNAL(outputText(const QString &)), this, SLOT(displayText(const QString &)));
// First run through the remove list, then the install list then the upgrade list
pIpkg->setOption( "remove" );
QListIterator<InstallData> it( removeList );
InstallData *idata;
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/installdlgimpl.h b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/installdlgimpl.h
index d7509bb..c30963e 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/installdlgimpl.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/installdlgimpl.h
diff --git a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.cpp b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.cpp
index dfe6d9c..7fa311d 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.cpp
@@ -312,64 +312,81 @@ void MainWindow :: setDocument( const QString &doc )
serversList->setCurrentItem( i );
serverSelected( 0 );
// Now set the check box of the selected package
for ( QCheckListItem *item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
item != 0 ;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->text().startsWith( package ) )
item->setOn( true );
void MainWindow :: displaySettings()
SettingsImpl *dlg = new SettingsImpl( mgr, this, "Settings", true );
if ( dlg->showDlg() )
stack->raiseWidget( progressWindow );
stack->raiseWidget( networkPkgWindow );
delete dlg;
+void MainWindow :: closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e )
+ // If install dialog is visible, return to main view, otherwise close app
+ QWidget *widget = stack->visibleWidget();
+ if ( widget != networkPkgWindow && widget != progressWindow )
+ {
+ if ( widget ) delete widget;
+ stack->raiseWidget( networkPkgWindow );
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ e->accept();
+ }
void MainWindow :: displayFindBar()
void MainWindow :: displayJumpBar()
void MainWindow :: repeatFind()
searchForPackage( findEdit->text() );
void MainWindow :: findPackage( const QString &text )
actionFindNext->setEnabled( !text.isEmpty() );
searchForPackage( text );
void MainWindow :: hideFindBar()
void MainWindow :: hideJumpBar()
@@ -750,94 +767,96 @@ void MainWindow :: searchForPackage( const QString &text )
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
// cout << "checking " << item->text().lower() << endl;
if ( item->text().lower().find( text ) != -1 )
// cout << "matched " << item->text() << endl;
packagesList->ensureItemVisible( item );
packagesList->setCurrentItem( item );
void MainWindow :: updateServer()
QString serverName = serversList->currentText();
// Update the current server
// Display dialog
// Disable buttons to stop silly people clicking lots on them :)
// First, write out ipkg_conf file so that ipkg can use it
Ipkg *ipkg = new Ipkg;
ipkg->setOption( "update" );
InstallDlgImpl *dlg = new InstallDlgImpl( ipkg, tr( "Refreshing server package lists" ),
tr( "Update lists" ) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ), this, SLOT( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ) );
- dlg->showMaximized();
+ stack->addWidget( dlg, 3 );
+ stack->raiseWidget( dlg );
// delete progDlg;
void MainWindow :: upgradePackages()
// We're gonna do an upgrade of all packages
// First warn user that this isn't recommended
// TODO - ODevice????
QString text = tr( "WARNING: Upgrading while\nOpie/Qtopia is running\nis NOT recommended!\n\nAre you sure?\n" );
QMessageBox warn( tr( "Warning" ), text, QMessageBox::Warning,
QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape | QMessageBox::Default ,
0, this );
if ( warn.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes )
// First, write out ipkg_conf file so that ipkg can use it
// Now run upgrade
Ipkg *ipkg = new Ipkg;
ipkg->setOption( "upgrade" );
InstallDlgImpl *dlg = new InstallDlgImpl( ipkg, tr( "Upgrading installed packages" ),
tr ( "Upgrade" ) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ), this, SLOT( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ) );
- dlg->showMaximized();
+ stack->addWidget( dlg, 3 );
+ stack->raiseWidget( dlg );
void MainWindow :: downloadPackage()
bool doUpdate = true;
if ( downloadEnabled )
// See if any packages are selected
bool found = false;
if ( serversList->currentText() != LOCAL_SERVER )
for ( QCheckListItem *item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
item != 0 && !found;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->isOn() )
found = true;
// If user selected some packages then download the and store the locally
// otherwise, display dialog asking user what package to download from an http server
// and whether to install it
if ( found )
@@ -920,103 +939,105 @@ void MainWindow :: downloadSelectedPackages()
if ( item->isOn() )
ipkg.setPackage( item->text() );
ipkg.runIpkg( );
void MainWindow :: downloadRemotePackage()
// Display dialog
bool ok;
QString package = InputDialog::getText( tr( "Install Remote Package" ), tr( "Enter package location" ), "http://", &ok, this );
if ( !ok || package.isEmpty() )
// DownloadRemoteDlgImpl dlg( this, "Install", true );
// if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected )
// return;
// grab details from dialog
// QString package = dlg.getPackageLocation();
InstallData *item = new InstallData();
item->option = "I";
item->packageName = package;
QList<InstallData> workingPackages;
workingPackages.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
workingPackages.append( item );
InstallDlgImpl *dlg = new InstallDlgImpl( workingPackages, mgr, tr( "Download" ) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ), this, SLOT( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ) );
- dlg->showMaximized();
+ stack->addWidget( dlg, 3 );
+ stack->raiseWidget( dlg );
void MainWindow :: applyChanges()
stickyOption = "";
// First, write out ipkg_conf file so that ipkg can use it
// Now for each selected item
// deal with it
QList<InstallData> workingPackages;
workingPackages.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
for ( QCheckListItem *item = (QCheckListItem *)packagesList->firstChild();
item != 0 ;
item = (QCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling() )
if ( item->isOn() )
workingPackages.append( dealWithItem( item ) );
if ( workingPackages.count() == 0 )
// Nothing to do
QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Nothing to do" ),
tr( "No packages selected" ), tr( "OK" ) );
// do the stuff
InstallDlgImpl *dlg = new InstallDlgImpl( workingPackages, mgr, tr( "Apply changes" ) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ), this, SLOT( reloadData( InstallDlgImpl * ) ) );
- dlg->showMaximized();
+ stack->addWidget( dlg, 3 );
+ stack->raiseWidget( dlg );
// decide what to do - either remove, upgrade or install
// Current rules:
// If not installed - install
// If installed and different version available - upgrade
// If installed and version up to date - remove
InstallData *MainWindow :: dealWithItem( QCheckListItem *item )
QString name = item->text();
// Get package
Server *s = mgr->getServer( serversList->currentText() );
Package *p = s->getPackage( name );
// If the package has a filename then it is a local file
if ( p->isPackageStoredLocally() )
name = p->getFilename();
QString option;
QString dest = "root";
if ( !p->isInstalled() )
InstallData *newitem = new InstallData();;
newitem->option = "I";
newitem->packageName = name;
return newitem;
InstallData *newitem = new InstallData();;
newitem->option = "D";
diff --git a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.h b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.h
index d75e5d2..b2de871 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/mainwin.h
@@ -14,64 +14,67 @@
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef MAINWIN_H
#define MAINWIN_H
#include <qmainwindow.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
class DataManager;
class InstallData;
class InstallDlgImpl;
class QAction;
class QCheckListItem;
class QComboBox;
class QLabel;
class QLineEdit;
class QListView;
class QPEToolBar;
class QProgressBar;
class QWidgetStack;
class MainWindow :public QMainWindow
+ void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* e );
DataManager *mgr;
QWidgetStack *stack;
QPEToolBar *findBar;
QPEToolBar *jumpBar;
QLineEdit *findEdit;
QAction *actionFindNext;
QAction *actionFilter;
QAction *actionUpgrade;
QAction *actionDownload;
QAction *actionUninstalled;
QAction *actionInstalled;
QAction *actionUpdated;
QPixmap iconDownload;
QPixmap iconRemove;
int mnuShowUninstalledPkgsId;
int mnuShowInstalledPkgsId;
int mnuShowUpgradedPkgsId;
int mnuFilterByCategory;
int mnuSetFilterCategory;
// Main package list widget
QWidget *networkPkgWindow;
QComboBox *serversList;
QListView *packagesList;
QPixmap installedIcon;
QPixmap updatedIcon;
QString currentlySelectedServer;