-rw-r--r-- | noncore/unsupported/mail2/composer.cpp | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/unsupported/mail2/mail.pro | 2 |
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/mail2/composer.cpp b/noncore/unsupported/mail2/composer.cpp index 72a7242..03dacae 100644 --- a/noncore/unsupported/mail2/composer.cpp +++ b/noncore/unsupported/mail2/composer.cpp @@ -1,412 +1,415 @@ #include <qmultilineedit.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> +#include <opie/ofiledialog.h> +//#include "attachdiag.h" + #include "addresspicker.h" #include "listviewplus.h" #include "smtphandler.h" -#include "attachdiag.h" #include "composer.h" #include "rename.h" AttachViewItem::AttachViewItem(QListView *parent, Attachment &attachment) : QListViewItem(parent), _attachment(attachment) { setPixmap(0, _attachment.docLnk().pixmap().isNull() ? Resource::loadPixmap("UnknownDocument-14") : _attachment.docLnk().pixmap()); setText(0, _attachment.newName().isEmpty() ? _attachment.fileName() : _attachment.newName()); setText(1, _attachment.description()); } Composer::Composer(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl, bool sendQueue) : ComposerBase(parent, name, fl), _inLoop(false) { _sendQueued = sendQueue; abort->setEnabled(false); to->setFocus(); connect(sendmail, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotSendMail())); connect(queuemail, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotQueueMail())); connect(addressbook, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotOpenAddressPicker())); connect(addattach, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotAddAttach())); connect(delattach, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotDelAttach())); connect(from, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotFromChanged(int))); connect(attachPopup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotPopupHandler(int))); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotFillStuff())); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotResizing())); } Composer::~Composer() { hide(); } void Composer::hide() { QWidget::hide(); if (_inLoop) { _inLoop = false; qApp->exit_loop(); } } void Composer::exec() { show(); if (!_inLoop) { _inLoop = true; qApp->enter_loop(); } } void Composer::setSendMail(SendMail &sendMail) { to->setText(sendMail.to()); cc->setText(sendMail.cc()); bcc->setText(sendMail.bcc()); subject->setText(sendMail.subject()); message->setText(sendMail.message()); _inReplyTo = sendMail.inReplyTo(); QValueList<Attachment> attachments = sendMail.attachments(); QValueList<Attachment>::Iterator it; for (it = attachments.begin(); it != attachments.end(); it++) { (void) new AttachViewItem(attachView, *it); if (attachView->isHidden()) attachView->show(); } } void Composer::slotResizing() { from->setMaximumWidth(width() - fromBox->width()); from->resize(width() - fromBox->width(), y()); if (_sendQueued) slotSendQueued(); } void Composer::slotPopupHandler(int itemid) { if (attachView->currentItem() == NULL) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("Please select an entry first."), tr("Ok")); return; } if (itemid == POPUP_ATTACH_RENAME) { QString tmp = Rename::rename(attachView->currentItem()->text(0), this); if (tmp != QString(0)) attachView->currentItem()->setText(0, tmp); } else if (itemid == POPUP_ATTACH_DESC) { QString tmp = Rename::getText(tr("Set Description"), tr("<div align=center>Description"), this); if (tmp != QString(0)) attachView->currentItem()->setText(1, tmp); } else if (itemid == POPUP_ATTACH_REMOVE) { attachView->takeItem(attachView->currentItem()); } } void Composer::slotSendMail() { if (to->text().find(QRegExp(".*\\@.*\\..*")) == -1) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>You have to specify a recipient.<br>(eg: foo@bar.org)</p>"), tr("Ok")); return; } SendMail smail; smail.setFrom(from->currentText()); smail.setReplyTo(replyto->text()); smail.setTo(to->text()); smail.setCc(cc->text()); smail.setBcc(bcc->text()); smail.setSubject(subject->text()); smail.setMessage(message->text()); smail.setNeedsMime(attachView->childCount() == 0 ? false : true); smail.setAccount(accountsLoaded[from->currentItem()]); if (priority->currentItem() == POPUP_PRIO_LOW) { smail.setPriority("Low"); // No i18n on purpose } else if (priority->currentItem() == POPUP_PRIO_NORMAL) { smail.setPriority("Normal"); // No i18n on purpose } else if (priority->currentItem() == POPUP_PRIO_HIGH) { smail.setPriority("High"); // No i18n on purpose } QValueList<Attachment> attachments; QListViewItem *item; for (item = attachView->firstChild(); item != 0; item = item->itemBelow()) { attachments.append(((AttachViewItem *)item)->attachment()); } smail.setAttachments(attachments); QString header, message; MailFactory::genMail(header, message, smail, this); if (header.isNull() || message.isNull()) return; // Aborted. abort->setEnabled(true); SmtpHandler *handler = new SmtpHandler(header, message, accountsLoaded[from->currentItem()], to->text()); connect(handler, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(slotSendFinished())); connect(handler, SIGNAL(error(const QString &)), SLOT(slotSendError(const QString &))); connect(handler, SIGNAL(status(const QString &)), status, SLOT(setText(const QString &))); } void Composer::slotSendQueued() { qDebug("Sending queued messages"); Config cfg( "mailqueue", Config::User ); cfg.setGroup( "Settings" ); _sendCount = 0; _sendError = 0; _toSend = cfg.readNumEntry( "count", 0 ); if (_toSend == 0) close(); qDebug("%i messages to send", _toSend); QString str; for (int i=1;i<=_toSend;i++) { qDebug("sending message %i",i); cfg.setGroup( "Mail_" + QString::number(i) ); SendMail smail; str = cfg.readEntry("from"); qDebug("setFrom %s",str.latin1()); smail.setFrom( str ); str = cfg.readEntry("reply"); qDebug("setReplyTo %s",str.latin1()); smail.setReplyTo( str ); QString toAdr = cfg.readEntry("to"); qDebug("to %s",toAdr.latin1()); smail.setTo( toAdr ); //to->text()); str = cfg.readEntry("cc"); qDebug("setCc %s",str.latin1()); smail.setCc( str ); //cc->text()); smail.setBcc( cfg.readEntry("bcc") ); //bcc->text()); str = cfg.readEntry("subject"); qDebug("setSubject %s",str.latin1()); smail.setSubject( str ); //subject->text()); str = cfg.readEntryCrypt("message"); qDebug("setMessage %s",str.latin1()); smail.setMessage( str ); //message->text()); smail.setNeedsMime( cfg.readBoolEntry("mime") ); //attachView->childCount() == 0 ? false : true); qDebug("setting account [%i]",cfg.readNumEntry("account")); Account accnt = accountsLoaded[ cfg.readNumEntry("account") ]; smail.setAccount( accnt ); //accountsLoaded[from->currentItem()]); int prio = cfg.readNumEntry( "priority" ); qDebug("setting priority %i",prio); if (prio == POPUP_PRIO_LOW) { smail.setPriority("Low"); // No i18n on purpose } else if (prio == POPUP_PRIO_NORMAL) { smail.setPriority("Normal"); // No i18n on purpose } else if (prio == POPUP_PRIO_HIGH) { smail.setPriority("High"); // No i18n on purpose } QValueList<Attachment> attachments; Attachment a; QString an; int ac = cfg.readNumEntry( "attachments", 0 ); qDebug("%i Attachments",ac); for (int j = 0; i < ac; ac++) { an = "Attachment_" + QString::number( j ); qDebug(an.latin1()); a.setFileName(cfg.readEntry( an + "fileName" )); a.setNewName(cfg.readEntry( an + "newName" )); a.setDescription(cfg.readEntry( an + "description" )); a.setDocLnk( DocLnk( cfg.readEntry( an + "docLnk" )) ); attachments.append( a ); } smail.setAttachments(attachments); qDebug("putting mail together"); QString header, message; MailFactory::genMail(header, message, smail, this); if (header.isNull() || message.isNull()) continue;//return; // Aborted. // abort->setEnabled(true); qDebug("Sending to %s",toAdr.latin1()); SmtpHandler *handler = new SmtpHandler(header, message, accnt ,toAdr); connect(handler, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(slotSendQueuedFinished())); connect(handler, SIGNAL(error(const QString &)), SLOT(slotSendQueuedError(const QString &))); connect(handler, SIGNAL(status(const QString &)), status, SLOT(setText(const QString &))); } } void Composer::slotQueueMail() { if (to->text().find(QRegExp(".*\\@.*\\..*")) == -1) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>You have to specify a recipient.<br>(eg: foo@bar.org)</p>"), tr("Ok")); return; } Config cfg( "mailqueue", Config::User ); cfg.setGroup( "Settings" ); int count = cfg.readNumEntry( "count", 0 ); count++; cfg.writeEntry( "count", count ); qDebug("queueing mail %i",count); cfg.setGroup( "Mail_" + QString::number( count )); cfg.writeEntry( "from", from->currentText() ); cfg.writeEntry( "reply", replyto->text()); cfg.writeEntry( "to", to->text()); cfg.writeEntry( "cc", cc->text()); cfg.writeEntry( "bcc", bcc->text()); cfg.writeEntry( "subject", subject->text()); cfg.writeEntryCrypt( "message", message->text()); cfg.writeEntry( "mime", attachView->childCount() == 0 ); cfg.writeEntry( "account", from->currentItem()); cfg.writeEntry( "priority", priority->currentItem() ); cfg.writeEntry( "attachments", attachView->childCount() ); Attachment a; QListViewItem *item; QString an; int i = 0; for (item = attachView->firstChild(); item != 0; item = item->itemBelow()) { a = ((AttachViewItem *)item)->attachment(); an = "Attachment_" + QString::number( i++ ); cfg.writeEntry( an + "fileName", a.fileName() ); cfg.writeEntry( an + "newName", a.newName() ); cfg.writeEntry( an + "description", a.description() ); cfg.writeEntry( an + "docLnk", a.docLnk().file() ); } QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Success"), tr("<p>The mail was queued successfully.</p><p>The queue contains ")+QString::number(count)+tr(" mails.</p>"), tr("Ok")); } void Composer::slotSendError(const QString &error) { status->setText(tr("<font color=#ff0000>Error occoured during sending.</font>")); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>%1</p").arg(error), tr("Ok")); } void Composer::slotSendQueuedError(const QString &error) { _sendError++; qDebug("error send mail %i",_sendCount); status->setText(tr("<font color=#ff0000>Error occoured during sending.</font>")); QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>%1</p").arg(error), tr("Ok")); } void Composer::slotSendFinished() { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Success"), tr("<p>The mail was sent successfully.</p>"), tr("Ok")); status->setText(QString(0)); abort->setEnabled(false); } void Composer::slotSendQueuedFinished() { _sendCount++; qDebug("finished send mail %i of %i (error %i)",_sendCount,_toSend,_sendError); if (_sendCount < _toSend) return; if (_sendError == _toSend) close(); QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Success"), tr("<p>The queued mails ")+QString::number(_toSend-_sendError)+tr(" of ")+QString::number(_toSend)+(" were sent successfully.</p>"), tr("Ok")); Config cfg( "mailqueue", Config::User ); cfg.setGroup( "Settings" ); cfg.writeEntry( "count", 0 ); for (int i=1;i<=_sendCount;i++) { cfg.setGroup( "Mail_" + QString::number(i) ); qDebug("remove mail %i", i); cfg.clearGroup(); cfg.removeEntry( "Mail_" + QString::number(i) ); } close(); } void Composer::slotFillStuff() { QValueList<Account> accounts = ConfigFile::getAccounts(); int i = 0; QValueList<Account>::Iterator it; for (it = accounts.begin(); it != accounts.end(); it++) { if (!(*it).email().isEmpty() && !(*it).smtpServer().isEmpty() && !(*it).smtpPort().isEmpty()) { if (!(*it).realName().isEmpty()) from->insertItem((*it).realName() + " <" + (*it).email() + ">", i); else from->insertItem((*it).email()); accountsLoaded.append(*it); i++; } } } void Composer::slotFromChanged(int id) { Account account = accountsLoaded[id]; if (account.defaultCc()) cc->setText(account.cc()); if (account.defaultBcc()) bcc->setText(account.bcc()); if (account.defaultReplyTo()) replyto->setText(account.replyTo()); if (!account.signature().isEmpty()) message->setText(message->text() + "\n\n-- \n" + account.signature()); } void Composer::slotOpenAddressPicker() { if (!to->isHidden() && cc->isHidden() && bcc->isHidden()) { if (to->text().isEmpty()) { to->setText(AddressPicker::getNames()); } else { to->setText(to->text() + ", " + AddressPicker::getNames()); } } else if (to->isHidden() && !cc->isHidden() && bcc->isHidden()) { if (cc->text().isEmpty()) { cc->setText(AddressPicker::getNames()); } else { cc->setText(cc->text() + ", " + AddressPicker::getNames()); } } else if (to->isHidden() && cc->isHidden() && !bcc->isHidden()) { if (bcc->text().isEmpty()) { bcc->setText(AddressPicker::getNames()); } else { bcc->setText(bcc->text() + ", " + AddressPicker::getNames()); } } } void Composer::slotAddAttach() { - DocLnk lnk = AttachDiag::getFile(this); + DocLnk lnk = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 1,"/"); +// DocLnk lnk = AttachDiag::getFile(this); if (lnk.name().isEmpty()) return; Attachment attachment; attachment.setFileName(lnk.file()); attachment.setNewName(lnk.name()); attachment.setDocLnk(lnk); (void) new AttachViewItem(attachView, attachment); } void Composer::slotDelAttach() { if (attachView->currentItem() == NULL) return; attachView->takeItem(attachView->currentItem()); } diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/mail2/mail.pro b/noncore/unsupported/mail2/mail.pro index 76b7996..cd21d4a 100644 --- a/noncore/unsupported/mail2/mail.pro +++ b/noncore/unsupported/mail2/mail.pro @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ TEMPLATE = app CONFIG = qt warn_on debug #CONFIG = qt warn_on release HEADERS = accounteditor.h \ addresspicker.h \ attachdiag.h \ composer.h \ composerbase.h \ configdiag.h \ folderwidget.h \ listviewplus.h \ mailtable.h \ mainwindow.h \ mainwindowbase.h \ opendiag.h \ rename.h \ searchdiag.h \ viewmail.h \ viewmailbase.h SOURCES = accounteditor.cpp \ addresspicker.cpp \ attachdiag.cpp \ composer.cpp \ composerbase.cpp \ configdiag.cpp \ folderwidget.cpp \ listviewplus.cpp \ mailtable.cpp \ main.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ mainwindowbase.cpp \ opendiag.cpp \ rename.cpp \ searchdiag.cpp \ viewmail.cpp \ viewmailbase.cpp INTERFACES = accounteditorbase.ui \ addresspickerbase.ui \ configdiagbase.ui \ opendiagbase.ui \ renamebase.ui \ searchdiagbase.ui INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include libmail -LIBS += -lmail -lqpe +LIBS += -lmail -lqpe -lopie TARGET = mail DESTDIR = $(OPIEDIR)/bin |