From 03c81e6d55d1a837e543a00f6e0a7334e96f1eef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wudoo Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 20:53:34 +0000 Subject: Updates !!! --- (limited to 'i18n') diff --git a/i18n/sl/addressbook.ts b/i18n/sl/addressbook.ts index 7e9aee2..abdeb78 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/addressbook.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/addressbook.ts @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ AddressSettingsBase Arrange Edit Fields - Uredi polja + Uredi urejevalna polja Select the field order: @@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ Write Mail To - Napiši sporočilo + Pošlji epošto Beam Entry - Pošlji vnos preko IR + Prežarči vnos My Personal Details @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ vnesete podatke! Can not edit data, currently syncing - Ne morem urediti podatkov, trenutno sinhroniziram + Ne morem urejati podatkov, trenutno sinhroniziram Edit My Personal Details @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Izhod? Unfiled - Neizpolnjeno + Brez Font @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Izhod? Name Title - Imenski naslov + Naziv First Name @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ Izhod? Armania - Armania + Armanija Aruba @@ -427,11 +427,11 @@ Izhod? Australia - Avrstralija + Avstralija Austria - Astrija + Avstrija Azerbaijan @@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ Izhod? Bouvet Island - Bovet Island + Bouvetski otoki Brazil @@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ Izhod? Dominican Republic - Dominikanska Republika + Dominikanska republika East Timor @@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ Izhod? Estonia - Estonia + Estonija Ethiopia @@ -631,11 +631,11 @@ Izhod? Falkland Islands - Falkland Islands + Falklandski otoki Faroe Islands - Faroe Island + Faroeski otoki Fiji @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ Izhod? Gambia - Gamia + Gambija Georgia @@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ Izhod? Guyana - Guyana + Gujana Haiti @@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ Izhod? Korea - Korea + Koreja Laos @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ Izhod? Latvia - Latvia + Latvija Lebanon @@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ Izhod? Lesotho - Lestosha + Lestoša Liberia @@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ Izhod? Lithuania - Lituana + Lithuana Luxembourg @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ Izhod? Namibia - Namibia + Namibija Nauru @@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ Izhod? Nicaragua - Nikarakvu + Nikaragva Niger @@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ Izhod? Qatar - Quatr + Qutar Reunion diff --git a/i18n/sl/advancedfm.ts b/i18n/sl/advancedfm.ts index bf3c68a..11f4664 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/advancedfm.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/advancedfm.ts @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ Do you really want to delete Ali res želite izbrisati + @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ Note - + Opomba Could not rename @@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ AdvancedFm Output - NapredniDu izhod + Izhod iz programa command failed! @@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ Advancedfm Beam out - Naprednidu prežarči ven + Prežarči ven Ir sent. @@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ already exists Do you really want to delete it? - že obstaja Ali res želite izbrisati? + že obstaja. +Ali jo res želite izbrisati? Copy @@ -179,28 +181,33 @@ Do you really want to delete it? Could not copy - + Ne morem kopirati to - + v + Could not move - + Ne morem prenesti + Advanced FileManager is copyright 2002 by L.J.Potter<> and is licensed by the GPL - + Advanced FileManager +pravice pridržane 2002 +LJ.Potter<> +in je licencirano pod GPL Add To Documents - + Dodaj med dokumente diff --git a/i18n/sl/appearance.ts b/i18n/sl/appearance.ts index d052631..c2b7f19 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/appearance.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/appearance.ts @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Enable background image - Vklopi sliko ozadja + Vklopi sliko v ozadju Default @@ -97,39 +97,39 @@ Tab style: - + Stil zavihka: Tabs - + Zavihki Tabs w/icons - + Zavihki - ikone Drop down list - + Roletni seznam Drop down list w/icons - + Roletni seznam - ikone Top - + Zgoraj Bottom - + Spodaj Enable advanced options in Opie apps - + Vklopi napredne izbire v Opie programih Advanced - + Napredno diff --git a/i18n/sl/appskey.ts b/i18n/sl/appskey.ts index 7959c81..c1f78bd 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/appskey.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/appskey.ts @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Calendar - + Koledar diff --git a/i18n/sl/bounce.ts b/i18n/sl/bounce.ts index 9d2d3d1..ccd7ae7 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/bounce.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/bounce.ts @@ -3,98 +3,106 @@ KJezzball Bounce - + Odoboj &New game - + &Nova igra &Pause game - + &Ustavi igro &About - + &O &Game - + &Igra Score: 00 - + Točke: 00 Lives: 0% - + Življenj: 0% Filled: 00% - + Zapolnjeno: 00% Time: 00 - + Čas: 00 Bounce Level %1 - + Stopnja odboja %1 Score: %1 - + Točke: %1 Game paused. Press P to continue! - + Igra zaustavljena. +Pritisnite P za nadaljevanja! Game Over! Score: %1 - + Konec igra! +Točke: %1 Time: %1 - + Čas: %1 Lives: %1 - + Življenj: %1 Filled: %1% - + Zapolnjeno: %1% Filled: 0% - + Zapolnjeno: 0% Successfully cleared more than 75%. - + Uspešno ste odtranili več kot 75%. + %1 points: 15 points per life - + %1 točk: 15 točk na življenje + %1 points: Bonus - + %1 točk: Bonus + %1 points: Total score - + %1 točk: Skupno točk + + On to level %1. You get %2 lives this time! - + Na stopnji %1. +Dobite %2 življenj! diff --git a/i18n/sl/buzzword.ts b/i18n/sl/buzzword.ts index 076f679..2f0ece2 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/buzzword.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/buzzword.ts @@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ BuzzWord buZzword - + buZzword &New game - + &Nova igra &Game - + &Igra <h1><b>BINGO !</b></h1> - + <h1><b>BINGO !</b></h1> diff --git a/i18n/sl/calculator.ts b/i18n/sl/calculator.ts index 29e5fe9..42e3f07 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/calculator.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/calculator.ts @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Standard - + Običajen diff --git a/i18n/sl/checkbook.ts b/i18n/sl/checkbook.ts index 78f2c2f..303c47f 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/checkbook.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/checkbook.ts @@ -3,284 +3,284 @@ QCheckDetailsBase Transaction Details - + Podrobnosti transakcije QCheckEntry Automobile - + Avto Bills - + Račun CDs - + CDji Clothing - + Oblačila Computer - + Računalnik DVDs - + DVDji Eletronics - + Elektronika Entertainment - + Zabava Food - + Hrana Gasoline - + Bencin Misc - + Različno Movies - + Filmi Rent - + Najem Travel - + Potovanje Debit Charge - + Dolg Written Check - + Ček Transfer - + Prenos Credit Card - + Kreditna kartica Work - + Delo Family Member - + Član družine Misc. Credit - + Različni krediti Automatic Payment - + Avtomatsko plačilo Cash - + Gotovina QCheckEntryBase Account Transaction - + Transakcija računa $ - + SIT Category: - + Kategorija: Description: - + Opis: Type: - + Tip: Amount: - + Količina: Automobile - + Avto Bills - + Računi CDs - + CDji Clothing - + Oblačila Computer - + Računalnik DVDs - + DVDji Eletronics - + Elektronika Entertainment - + Zabava Food - + Hrana Gasoline - + Bencin Misc - + Različno Movies - + Filmi Rent - + Najem Travel - + Potovanje Check Number: - + Številka čeka: Extra Fee: - + Dodaten honorar: Additional Notes: - + Dodatne opombe: Date: - + Datum: Debit Charge - + Dolg Written Check - + Ček Transfer - + Prenos Credit Card - + Kreditna kartica Deposit - + Depozit Payment - + Plačilo QCheckGraphBase Account Graph - + Graf računa QCheckMMBase Main Menu - + Glavni menu Select from the check books below or click the "New" icon in the toolbar. - + Izberite iz čekovne knjižice spodaj ali kliknite "Nov" ikono na orodni vrstici. QCheckNameBase Check Book Name - + Ime čekovne knjižice Name... - + Ime... Please name your check book (limit: 15 characters): - + Prosim imenujte vašo čekovno knjižico (15 znakov): &Done - + &Narejeno QCheckViewBase Account Transactions - + Transakcija računa $0.00 - + 0,00 SIT Balance: - + Stanje: QObject Out of Space - + Zmanjkalo prostora There was a problem creating @@ -289,7 +289,12 @@ for this program. Please free up some space and try again. - + Prišlo je do problema pri kreiranju +nastavitvenih informacij +za ta program. + +Prosim sprostite nekaj prostora in +poizkusite ponovno. diff --git a/i18n/sl/citytime.ts b/i18n/sl/citytime.ts index cbf7b33..9b67f0b 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/citytime.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/citytime.ts @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Restore Time Zone - Restoriraj časovni pas + Ponastavi časovni pas There was a problem setting your timezone.Your time may be wrong now... diff --git a/i18n/sl/clock.ts b/i18n/sl/clock.ts index 0472bb2..1259236 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/clock.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/clock.ts @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Clock: Alarm was missed. - + Ura: Zamudili ste alarm. diff --git a/i18n/sl/confedit.ts b/i18n/sl/confedit.ts index a4f440a..ae09452 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/confedit.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/confedit.ts @@ -3,76 +3,76 @@ EditWidget File Name: - + Ime datoteke: Group: - + Skupina: Key: - + Ključ: Value: - + Vrednost: ListViewConfDir Files - + Datoteke Could not open - + Ne morem odpreti The directory - + Imenik could not be opened. - + ne more biti odprta. ListViewItemConfFile Could not open - + Ne morem odpreti The file - + Datoteka could not be opened. - + ne more biti odprta. no group - + ni skupine MainWindow Conf File Editor - + Urejevalnik nastavitvenih datotek Save - + Shrani Revert - + Prvotno stanje Delete - + Izbriši diff --git a/i18n/sl/embeddedkonsole.ts b/i18n/sl/embeddedkonsole.ts index d41e12c..c31c8a6 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/embeddedkonsole.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/embeddedkonsole.ts @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ Command List - + Seznam ukazov diff --git a/i18n/sl/kbill.ts b/i18n/sl/kbill.ts index 7d56865..663c724 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/kbill.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/kbill.ts @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ <b>The Rules</b><p>kBill has been painstakingly designed and researched in order to make it as easy to use for the whole family as it is for little Sally. Years - nay - days of beta testing and consulting with the cheapest of human interface designers have resulted in a game that is easy to use, yet nothing at all like a Macintosh.<p><UL><LI>Whack the Bills (click)</LI><LI>Restart the computer (click)</LI><LI>Pick up stolen OSes & return (drag) them to their respective computers</LI><LI>Drag the bucket to extinguish sparks</LI><LI>Scoring is based on total uptime, with bonuses for killing Bills.</LI></UL><P>As for the rest, you can probably work it out for yourself. We did, so it can't be too hard - <b>PRAVILA</b><p>kBill je bil načrtovan z mislimi na lahko uporabo.<p><UL><LI>Pretepi Bille(klikni)</LI><LI>Resetiraj računalnik (klikni)</LI><LI>Poberi ukradene OSe in vrni (prenesi) na njihov pravi računalnik</LI><LI>Prenesi koš v iskre</LI><LI>Točkovanje je osnovano na skupnem času, ko sistemi delujejo in bonusi za ubite Bille</LI></UL><P>Vse drugo lahko sami naredite. Mi smo naredili, torej ne more biti težko + <b>PRAVILA</b><p>kBill je bil načrtovan z mislimi na lahko uporabo. Po nekaj letih beta testiranja z najcenejšim vmesnikom je pripeljalo do igre ki je enostavna.<p><UL><LI>Pretepi Bille(klikni)</LI><LI>Resetiraj računalnik (klikni)</LI><LI>Poberi ukradene OSe & vrni (prenesi) na njihov pravi računalnik</LI><LI>Prenesi koš v iskre</LI><LI>Točkovanje je osnovano na skupnem času, ko sistemi delujejo in bonusi za ubite Bille</LI></UL><P>Vse drugo lahko sami naredite. Mi smo naredili, torej ne more biti težko diff --git a/i18n/sl/keypebble.ts b/i18n/sl/keypebble.ts index bbf8349..f4d0776 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/keypebble.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/keypebble.ts @@ -124,117 +124,117 @@ na ta račun, prosim poizkusite kasneje. New Connection - + Nova povezava Open Bookmark - + Odpri zaznamek Delete Bookmark - + Izbriši zaznamek Send Contrl-Alt-Delete - + Pošlji Control-Alt-Delete KVNCBookmarkDlgBase Bookmarks - + Zaznamki KVNCConnDlgBase VNC Viewer Connection - + VNC Server - + Strežnik Show Password - + Prikaži geslo Password: - Geslo: + Geslo: Bookmark Name: - + Ime zaznamka: Host Name: - Ime gostitelja: + Ime gostitelja: Display Number: - Številka prikazovalnika: + Številka prikazovalnika: Options - + Izbor Check for screen updates every: - Posodobi zaslon vsakih: + Posodobi zaslon vsakih: Milliseconds - Milisekund + milisekund Request 8-bit session - Zahtevaj 8-bitno sejo + Zahtevaj 8-bitno sejo Raise on bell - Vstani na zvonec + Vstani na zvonec Request shared session - Zahtevaj deljeno sejo + Zahtevaj deljeno sejo 1 - + 1 2 - + 2 4 - + 3 Scale Factor - + Faktor povečave Encodings - + Kodiranje Hextile encoding - Hextile kodiranje + Hextile kodiranje CoRRE encoding - CoRRE kodiranje + CoRRE kodiranje RRE encoding - RRE kodiranje + RRE kodiranje Copy rectangle encoding - Kopiraj pravokotno kodiranje + Kopiraj pravokotno kodiranje diff --git a/i18n/sl/kpacman.ts b/i18n/sl/kpacman.ts index b40c4f0..23c2c5c 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/kpacman.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/kpacman.ts @@ -3,62 +3,62 @@ Keys Ok - + Vredu Defaults - + Privzeto Cancel - + Prekliči Change Direction Keys - + Zamenjaj smerne tipke Undefined key - + Nedefinirana tipka Kpacman &New - + &Nova &Pause - + &Ustavi &Hall of fame - + &Hiša slave &Quit - + &Izhod &Hide Mousecursor - + &Skrij miškin kazalec &Select graphic scheme - + &Izberi grafično shemo &Pause in Background - + &Ustavi v ozadju &Continue in Foreground - + &Nadaljuj v ospredju Change &keys... - + Zamenjaj &tipke... @PACKAGE@ - @VERSION@ @@ -75,20 +75,34 @@ The design was strongly influenced by the pacman I like to thank my girlfriend Elke Krueers for the last 10 years of her friendship. - + @PACKAGE@ - @VERSION@ + +Joerg Thoennissen ( + +Pacman za KDE namizje + +Program bazira na kodi od ksnake +od Michel Filippi ( +Na obliko je močno vplival pacman +(c) 1980 MIDWAY MFG.CO. + +Rad bi se zahvalil svoji punci Elke Krueers za +10 letno prijateljstvo. + &Help - + &Pomoč Configuration Error - + Napaka pri nastavitvah There are no schemes defined, or no scheme is selected. - + Nobena shema ni definirana +ali pa ni nobena izbrana. @@ -98,54 +112,57 @@ or no scheme is selected. The file '@FONTNAME@' does not exist, or is of an unknown format. - + Bitpisava ne more biti uporabljena. + +Datoteka '@FONTNAME@' ne obstaja +ali pa je v neznani obliki. Referee GAME OVER - + KONEC IGRE PLAYER ONE - + IGRALEC ENA READY! - + PRIPRAVLJEN! PAUSED - + USTAVLJEN CHARACTER - + ZNAK / - + / NICKNAME - + VZDEVEK -SHADOW - + -SENCA "BLINKY" - + "UTRIPAJOČ" -SPEEDY - + -HITRI "PINKY" - + "ROŽNAT" -BASHFUL @@ -165,11 +182,11 @@ or is of an unknown format. QTOPIA PORT: CATALIN CLIMOV - + QTOPIA PORT: CATALIN CLIMOV PRESS CURSOR TO START - + PRITISNI SMERNO TIPKO ZA ZAČETEK @@ -180,7 +197,7 @@ or is of an unknown format. HIGH SCORE - + NAJVIŠJE TOČKE 2UP @@ -188,15 +205,15 @@ or is of an unknown format. CONGRATULATIONS - + ČESTITAM YOU HAVE ARCHIEVED - + DOSEGLI STE A SCORE IN THE TOP 10. - + TOČKE MED 10 NAJBOLJŠIMI. RNK SCORE NAME DATE @@ -204,7 +221,7 @@ or is of an unknown format. PAUSED - + USTAVLJENA You're going to create the highscore-file @@ -230,11 +247,7 @@ To use a different directory or filename for the highscores,specify them in the @YY@/@MM@/@DD@ - - - - - + @DD@.@MM@.@YY@ diff --git a/i18n/sl/libcardmonapplet.ts b/i18n/sl/libcardmonapplet.ts index d896d50..9aa016d 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libcardmonapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libcardmonapplet.ts @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ Eject SD/MMC card - Vstavi SD/MMC kartico + Vstavite SD/MMC kartico Eject card 0: %1 - Vstavi kartico 0: %1 + Vstavite kartico 0: %1 Eject card 1: %1 - Vstavi kartico 1: %1 + Vstavite kartico 1: %1 diff --git a/i18n/sl/libdialup.ts b/i18n/sl/libdialup.ts index 5b1b7a2..f5a327e 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libdialup.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libdialup.ts @@ -143,19 +143,19 @@ Device: - + Naprava: IrDA - + IrDA PCMCIA - + PCMCIA Serial - + Serijska diff --git a/i18n/sl/libhomeapplet.ts b/i18n/sl/libhomeapplet.ts index 35433b8..63d41c4 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libhomeapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libhomeapplet.ts @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ HomeApplet Home shortcut - + Domača bljižnica Home - + Dom diff --git a/i18n/sl/libliquid.ts b/i18n/sl/libliquid.ts index 0f02647..eb24868 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libliquid.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libliquid.ts @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Custom translucency - + Nastavljena translucenca Menu color @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Opacity - + Preliv Use shadowed menu text @@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ Styles Liquid - Liquid + Liquid High Performance Liquid style by Mosfet - High Performance Liquid stil od Mosfeta + High Performance Liquid stil od Mosfeta diff --git a/i18n/sl/libmetal.ts b/i18n/sl/libmetal.ts index 8225ce0..4e11e4b 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libmetal.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libmetal.ts @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Styles Metal - + Kovnski diff --git a/i18n/sl/libnetmonapplet.ts b/i18n/sl/libnetmonapplet.ts index 96d409c..48a91a4 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libnetmonapplet.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libnetmonapplet.ts @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Enter password for %1: - Vpiši geslo za %1: + Vpišite geslo za %1: diff --git a/i18n/sl/libopie.ts b/i18n/sl/libopie.ts index 8e48bc1..a2188ca 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libopie.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libopie.ts @@ -148,34 +148,34 @@ OFontSelector Style - + Stil Size - Velikost + Velikost The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog - + Hitra rjava lisica skoči čez lenega psa OTimePickerDialogBase TimePicker - + izbiralecČasa Time: - + Čas: : - + : Pick Time: - + Izberi čas: diff --git a/i18n/sl/libqmultikey.ts b/i18n/sl/libqmultikey.ts index d1d7b71..d4029fe 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/libqmultikey.ts +++ b/i18n/sl/libqmultikey.ts @@ -3,62 +3,62 @@ ConfigDlg Multikey Configuration - + Nastavitve General Settings - + Splošne nastavitve Keymap File - + Datoteka ključev Current Language - + Trenutni jezik Add - + Dodaj Remove - + Odstrani Pickboard - + Izbirna plošča Key Repeat - + Ponavljanje tipke Colors - + Barve Key Color - + Barva tipke Key Pressed Color - + Barva pritisnjene tipke Line Color - + Barva črte Text Color - + Barva besedila InputMethods Multikey - + Večtipk -- cgit v0.9.0.2