/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* [main.C] Konsole */ /* */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1997,1998 by Lars Doelle */ /* */ /* This file is part of Konsole, an X terminal. */ /* */ /* The material contained in here more or less directly orginates from */ /* kvt, which is copyright (c) 1996 by Matthias Ettrich */ /* */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* Ported Konsole to Qt/Embedded */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) 2000 by John Ryland */ /* */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "konsole.h" #include "keytrans.h" class EKNumTabBar : public QTabBar { public: void numberTabs() { // Yes, it really is this messy. QTabWidget needs functions // that provide acces to tabs in a sequential way. int m=INT_MIN; for (int i=0; i it(*tabList()); int x=INT_MAX; for( QTab* t; (t=it.current()); ++it ) { int tx = t->rect().x(); if ( txm ) { x = tx; left = t; } } if ( left ) { left->setText(QString::number(i+1)); m = left->rect().x(); } } } }; class EKNumTabWidget : public QTabWidget { public: EKNumTabWidget(QWidget* parent) : QTabWidget(parent) { } void addTab(QWidget* w) { QTab* t = new QTab(QString::number(tabBar()->count()+1)); QTabWidget::addTab(w,t); } void removeTab(QWidget* w) { removePage(w); ((EKNumTabBar*)tabBar())->numberTabs(); } }; // This could be configurable or dynamicly generated from the bash history // file of the user static const char *commonCmds[] = { "ls ", //"ls -la ", "cd ", "pwd", //"cat", //"less ", //"vi ", //"man ", "echo ", "set ", //"ps", "ps aux", //"tar", //"tar -zxf", "grep ", //"grep -i", //"mkdir", "cp ", "mv ", "rm ", "rmdir ", //"chmod", //"su", // "top", //"find", //"make", //"tail", "cardctl eject", "ifconfig ", // "iwconfig eth0 ", "nc localhost 7777", "nc localhost 7776", //"mount /dev/hda1", /* "gzip", "gunzip", "chgrp", "chown", "date", "dd", "df", "dmesg", "fuser", "hostname", "kill", "killall", "ln", "ping", "mount", "more", "sort", "touch", "umount", "mknod", "netstat", */ "exit", NULL }; Konsole::Konsole(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : QMainWindow(parent, name, fl) { QStrList args; init("/bin/sh",args); } Konsole::Konsole(const char* name, const char* _pgm, QStrList & _args, int) : QMainWindow(0, name) { init(_pgm,_args); } void Konsole::init(const char* _pgm, QStrList & _args) { b_scroll = TRUE; // histon; n_keytab = 0; n_render = 0; setCaption( tr("Terminal") ); setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "konsole" ) ); Config cfg("Konsole"); cfg.setGroup("Konsole"); // initialize the list of allowed fonts /////////////////////////////////// cfont = cfg.readNumEntry("FontID", 1); QFont f = QFont("Micro", 4, QFont::Normal); f.setFixedPitch(TRUE); fonts.append(new VTFont(tr("Micro"), f)); f = QFont("Fixed", 7, QFont::Normal); f.setFixedPitch(TRUE); fonts.append(new VTFont(tr("Small Fixed"), f)); f = QFont("Fixed", 12, QFont::Normal); f.setFixedPitch(TRUE); fonts.append(new VTFont(tr("Medium Fixed"), f)); // create terminal emulation framework //////////////////////////////////// nsessions = 0; tab = new EKNumTabWidget(this); tab->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::Bottom); connect(tab, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(switchSession(QWidget*))); // create terminal toolbar //////////////////////////////////////////////// setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); QPEToolBar *menuToolBar = new QPEToolBar( this ); menuToolBar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); QPEMenuBar *menuBar = new QPEMenuBar( menuToolBar ); fontList = new QPopupMenu( this ); for(uint i = 0; i < fonts.count(); i++) { VTFont *fnt = fonts.at(i); fontList->insertItem(fnt->getName(), i); } fontChanged(cfont); connect( fontList, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fontChanged(int) )); menuBar->insertItem( tr("Font"), fontList ); QPEToolBar *toolbar = new QPEToolBar( this ); QAction *a; // Button Commands a = new QAction( tr("New"), Resource::loadPixmap( "konsole" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( newSession() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); a = new QAction( tr("Enter"), Resource::loadPixmap( "konsole/enter" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hitEnter() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); a = new QAction( tr("Space"), Resource::loadPixmap( "konsole/space" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hitSpace() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); a = new QAction( tr("Tab"), Resource::loadPixmap( "konsole/tab" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hitTab() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); a = new QAction( tr("Up"), Resource::loadPixmap( "konsole/up" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hitUp() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); a = new QAction( tr("Down"), Resource::loadPixmap( "konsole/down" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hitDown() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); a = new QAction( tr("Paste"), Resource::loadPixmap( "paste" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hitPaste() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); /* a = new QAction( tr("Up"), Resource::loadPixmap( "up" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hitUp() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); a = new QAction( tr("Down"), Resource::loadPixmap( "down" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( hitDown() ) ); a->addTo( toolbar ); */ QPEToolBar *secondToolBar = new QPEToolBar( this ); secondToolBar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); QComboBox *commonCombo = new QComboBox( secondToolBar ); // commonCombo->setEditable( TRUE ); for (int i = 0; commonCmds[i] != NULL; i++) commonCombo->insertItem( commonCmds[i], i ); connect( commonCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( enterCommand(int) )); // create applications ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// setCentralWidget(tab); // load keymaps //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KeyTrans::loadAll(); for (int i = 0; i < KeyTrans::count(); i++) { KeyTrans* s = KeyTrans::find(i); assert( s ); } se_pgm = _pgm; se_args = _args; // read and apply default values /////////////////////////////////////////// resize(321, 321); // Dummy. QSize currentSize = size(); if (currentSize != size()) defaultSize = size(); } void Konsole::show() { if ( !nsessions ) { newSession(); } QMainWindow::show(); } void Konsole::initSession(const char*, QStrList &) { QMainWindow::show(); } Konsole::~Konsole() { while (nsessions > 0) { doneSession(getTe()->currentSession, 0); } Config cfg("Konsole"); cfg.setGroup("Konsole"); cfg.writeEntry("FontID", cfont); } void Konsole::fontChanged(int f) { VTFont* font = fonts.at(f); if (font != 0) { for(uint i = 0; i < fonts.count(); i++) { fontList->setItemChecked(i, (i == (uint) f) ? TRUE : FALSE); } cfont = f; TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { te->setVTFont(font->getFont()); } } } void Konsole::enterCommand(int c) { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { QString text = commonCmds[c]; te->emitText(text); } } void Konsole::hitEnter() { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { te->emitText(QString("\r")); } } void Konsole::hitSpace() { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { te->emitText(QString(" ")); } } void Konsole::hitTab() { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { te->emitText(QString("\t")); } } void Konsole::hitPaste() { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { te->pasteClipboard(); } } void Konsole::hitUp() { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { QKeyEvent ke( QKeyEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Up, 0, 0); QApplication::sendEvent( te, &ke ); } } void Konsole::hitDown() { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { QKeyEvent ke( QKeyEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Down, 0, 0); QApplication::sendEvent( te, &ke ); } } /** This function calculates the size of the external widget needed for the internal widget to be */ QSize Konsole::calcSize(int columns, int lines) { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { QSize size = te->calcSize(columns, lines); return size; } else { QSize size; return size; } } /** sets application window to a size based on columns X lines of the te guest widget. Call with (0,0) for setting default size. */ void Konsole::setColLin(int columns, int lines) { if ((columns==0) || (lines==0)) { if (defaultSize.isEmpty()) // not in config file : set default value { defaultSize = calcSize(80,24); // notifySize(24,80); // set menu items (strange arg order !) } resize(defaultSize); } else { resize(calcSize(columns, lines)); // notifySize(lines,columns); // set menu items (strange arg order !) } } /* void Konsole::setFont(int fontno) { QFont f; if (fontno == 0) f = defaultFont = QFont( "Helvetica", 12 ); else if (fonts[fontno][0] == '-') f.setRawName( fonts[fontno] ); else { f.setFamily(fonts[fontno]); f.setRawMode( TRUE ); } if ( !f.exactMatch() && fontno != 0) { QString msg = i18n("Font `%1' not found.\nCheck README.linux.console for help.").arg(fonts[fontno]); QMessageBox(this, msg); return; } if (se) se->setFontNo(fontno); te->setVTFont(f); n_font = fontno; } */ // --| color selection |------------------------------------------------------- void Konsole::changeColumns(int columns) { TEWidget* te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { setColLin(columns,te->Lines()); te->update(); } } //FIXME: If a child dies during session swap, // this routine might be called before // session swap is completed. void Konsole::doneSession(TESession*, int ) { TEWidget *te = getTe(); if (te != 0) { te->currentSession->setConnect(FALSE); tab->removeTab(te); delete te->currentSession; delete te; nsessions--; } if (nsessions == 0) { close(); } } void Konsole::newSession() { TEWidget* te = new TEWidget(tab); te->setBackgroundMode(PaletteBase); te->setVTFont(fonts.at(cfont)->getFont()); tab->addTab(te); TESession* se = new TESession(this, te, se_pgm, se_args, "xterm"); te->currentSession = se; connect( se, SIGNAL(done(TESession*,int)), this, SLOT(doneSession(TESession*,int)) ); se->run(); se->setConnect(TRUE); se->setHistory(b_scroll); tab->setCurrentPage(nsessions); nsessions++; } TEWidget* Konsole::getTe() { if (nsessions) { return (TEWidget *) tab->currentPage(); } else { return 0; } } void Konsole::switchSession(QWidget* w) { TEWidget* te = (TEWidget *) w; QFont teFnt = te->getVTFont(); for(uint i = 0; i < fonts.count(); i++) { VTFont *fnt = fonts.at(i); bool cf = fnt->getFont() == teFnt; fontList->setItemChecked(i, cf); if (cf) { cfont = i; } } }