/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2001 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "libflashplugin.h" #if 0 bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReadSamples( short *output, int channel, long samples, int stream ) { } bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReReadSamples( short *output, int channel, long samples, int stream ) { } bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReadMonoSamples( short *output, long samples, long& samplesRead, int stream ) { samplesRead = samples; } bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReadStereoSamples( short *output, long samples, long& samplesRead, int stream ) { } bool LibFlashPlugin::videoReadFrame( unsigned char **output_rows, int in_x, int in_y, int in_w, int in_h, ColorFormat color_model, int stream ) { } bool LibFlashPlugin::videoReadScaledFrame( unsigned char **output_rows, int in_x, int in_y, int in_w, int in_h, int out_w, int out_h, ColorFormat color_model, int stream ) { /* int format = MPEG3_RGB565; switch ( color_model ) { case RGB565: format = MPEG3_RGB565; break; case RGBA8888: format = MPEG3_RGBA8888; break; case BGRA8888: format = MPEG3_BGRA8888; break; } */ } bool LibFlashPlugin::videoReadYUVFrame( char *y_output, char *u_output, char *v_output, int in_x, int in_y, int in_w, int in_h, int stream ) { } FlashHandle file; FlashDisplay *fd; #endif LibFlashPlugin::LibFlashPlugin() { file = NULL; fd = 0; } #include #include static int readFile(const char *filename, char **buffer, long *size) { FILE *in; char *buf; long length; printf("read files\n"); in = fopen(filename,"r"); if (in == 0) { perror(filename); return -1; } fseek(in,0,SEEK_END); length = ftell(in); rewind(in); buf = (char *)malloc(length); fread(buf,length,1,in); fclose(in); *size = length; *buffer = buf; return length; } static void showUrl(char *url, char * /*target*/, void * /*client_data*/) { printf("get url\n"); printf("GetURL : %s\n", url); } static void getSwf(char *url, int level, void *client_data) { FlashHandle flashHandle = (FlashHandle) client_data; char *buffer; long size; printf("get swf\n"); printf("LoadMovie: %s @ %d\n", url, level); if (readFile(url, &buffer, &size) > 0) { FlashParse(flashHandle, level, buffer, size); } } bool LibFlashPlugin::open( const QString& fileName ) { printf("opening file\n"); delete fd; fd = new FlashDisplay; fd->pixels = new int[320*240*4]; fd->width = 200; fd->bpl = 320*2; fd->height = 300; fd->depth = 16; fd->bpp = 2; fd->flash_refresh = 25; fd->clip_x = 0; fd->clip_y = 0; fd->clip_width = 0; fd->clip_height = 0; char *buffer; long size; int status; struct FlashInfo fi; if (readFile(fileName.latin1(), &buffer, &size) < 0) exit(2); if (!(file = FlashNew())) exit(1); do status = FlashParse(file, 0, buffer, size); while (status & FLASH_PARSE_NEED_DATA); free(buffer); FlashGetInfo(file, &fi); //FlashSettings(flashHandle, PLAYER_LOOP); FlashGraphicInit(file, fd); #ifdef QT_QWS_DEVFS FlashSoundInit(file, "/dev/sound/dsp"); #else FlashSoundInit(file, "/dev/dsp"); #endif FlashSetGetUrlMethod(file, showUrl, 0); FlashSetGetSwfMethod(file, getSwf, (void*)file); printf("opened file\n"); } // If decoder doesn't support audio then return 0 here bool LibFlashPlugin::audioSetSample( long sample, int stream ) { return TRUE; } long LibFlashPlugin::audioGetSample( int stream ) { return 0; } //bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReadMonoSamples( short *output, long samples, long& samplesRead, int stream ) { return TRUE; } //bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReadStereoSamples( short *output, long samples, long& samplesRead, int stream ) { return FALSE; } bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReadSamples( short *output, int channels, long samples, long& samplesRead, int stream ) { return FALSE; } //bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReadSamples( short *output, int channel, long samples, int stream ) { return TRUE; } //bool LibFlashPlugin::audioReReadSamples( short *output, int channel, long samples, int stream ) { return TRUE; } // If decoder doesn't support video then return 0 here int LibFlashPlugin::videoStreams() { return 1; } int LibFlashPlugin::videoWidth( int stream ) { return 300; } int LibFlashPlugin::videoHeight( int stream ) { return 200; } double LibFlashPlugin::videoFrameRate( int stream ) { return 25.0; } int LibFlashPlugin::videoFrames( int stream ) { return 1000000; } bool LibFlashPlugin::videoSetFrame( long frame, int stream ) { return TRUE; } long LibFlashPlugin::videoGetFrame( int stream ) { return 0; } bool LibFlashPlugin::videoReadFrame( unsigned char **output_rows, int in_x, int in_y, int in_w, int in_h, ColorFormat color_model, int stream ) { return TRUE; } #include bool LibFlashPlugin::videoReadScaledFrame( unsigned char **output_rows, int in_x, int in_y, int in_w, int in_h, int out_w, int out_h, ColorFormat color_model, int stream ) { struct timeval wd; FlashEvent fe; /* delete fd; fd = new FlashDisplay; fd->pixels = output_rows[0]; fd->width = 300; // out_w; fd->bpl = 640; // out_w*2; fd->height = 200;//out_h; fd->depth = 16; fd->bpp = 2; fd->flash_refresh = 50; fd->clip_x = 0;//in_x; fd->clip_y = 0;//in_y; fd->clip_width = 300;//in_w; fd->clip_height = 200;//in_h; FlashGraphicInit(file, fd); */ long cmd = FLASH_WAKEUP; FlashExec(file, cmd, 0, &wd); fe.type = FeRefresh; cmd = FLASH_EVENT; FlashExec(file, cmd, &fe, &wd); /* for (int i = 0; i < out_h; i++) memcpy( output_rows[i], (char*)fd->pixels + i*fd->bpl, QMIN( fd->width * fd->bpp, out_w * fd->bpp ) ); */ memcpy( output_rows[0], (char*)fd->pixels, out_w * out_h * 2 ); } bool LibFlashPlugin::videoReadYUVFrame( char *y_output, char *u_output, char *v_output, int in_x, int in_y, int in_w, int in_h, int stream ) { return TRUE; } // Profiling double LibFlashPlugin::getTime() { return 0.0; } // Ignore if these aren't supported bool LibFlashPlugin::setSMP( int cpus ) { return TRUE; } bool LibFlashPlugin::setMMX( bool useMMX ) { return TRUE; }