/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef AC3_H #define AC3_H #include "mpeg3real.h" #define MAX_AC3_FRAMESIZE 1920 * 2 + 512 extern int mpeg3_ac3_samplerates[3]; /* Exponent strategy constants */ #define MPEG3_EXP_REUSE (0) #define MPEG3_EXP_D15 (1) #define MPEG3_EXP_D25 (2) #define MPEG3_EXP_D45 (3) /* Delta bit allocation constants */ #define DELTA_BIT_REUSE (0) #define DELTA_BIT_NEW (1) #define DELTA_BIT_NONE (2) #define DELTA_BIT_RESERVED (3) typedef mpeg3_real_t mpeg3ac3_stream_samples_t[6][256]; typedef struct { /* Bit stream identification == 0x8 */ int bsid; /* Bit stream mode */ int bsmod; /* Audio coding mode */ int acmod; /* If we're using the centre channel then */ /* centre mix level */ int cmixlev; /* If we're using the surround channel then */ /* surround mix level */ int surmixlev; /* If we're in 2/0 mode then */ /* Dolby surround mix level - NOT USED - */ int dsurmod; /* Low frequency effects on */ int lfeon; /* Dialogue Normalization level */ int dialnorm; /* Compression exists */ int compre; /* Compression level */ int compr; /* Language code exists */ int langcode; /* Language code */ int langcod; /* Audio production info exists*/ unsigned int audprodie; int mixlevel; int roomtyp; /* If we're in dual mono mode (acmod == 0) then extra stuff */ int dialnorm2; int compr2e; int compr2; int langcod2e; int langcod2; int audprodi2e; int mixlevel2; int roomtyp2; /* Copyright bit */ int copyrightb; /* Original bit */ int origbs; /* Timecode 1 exists */ int timecod1e; /* Timecode 1 */ unsigned int timecod1; /* Timecode 2 exists */ int timecod2e; /* Timecode 2 */ unsigned int timecod2; /* Additional bit stream info exists */ int addbsie; /* Additional bit stream length - 1 (in bytes) */ int addbsil; /* Additional bit stream information (max 64 bytes) */ unsigned char addbsi[64]; /* Information not in the AC-3 bitstream, but derived */ /* Number of channels (excluding LFE) * Derived from acmod */ int nfchans; } mpeg3_ac3bsi_t; typedef struct { /* block switch bit indexed by channel num */ unsigned short blksw[5]; /* dither enable bit indexed by channel num */ unsigned short dithflag[5]; /* dynamic range gain exists */ int dynrnge; /* dynamic range gain */ int dynrng; /* if acmod==0 then */ /* dynamic range 2 gain exists */ int dynrng2e; /* dynamic range 2 gain */ int dynrng2; /* coupling strategy exists */ int cplstre; /* coupling in use */ int cplinu; /* channel coupled */ unsigned short chincpl[5]; /* if acmod==2 then */ /* Phase flags in use */ int phsflginu; /* coupling begin frequency code */ int cplbegf; /* coupling end frequency code */ int cplendf; /* coupling band structure bits */ unsigned short cplbndstrc[18]; /* Do coupling co-ords exist for this channel? */ unsigned short cplcoe[5]; /* Master coupling co-ordinate */ unsigned short mstrcplco[5]; /* Per coupling band coupling co-ordinates */ unsigned short cplcoexp[5][18]; unsigned short cplcomant[5][18]; /* Phase flags for dual mono */ unsigned short phsflg[18]; /* Is there a rematrixing strategy */ unsigned int rematstr; /* Rematrixing bits */ unsigned short rematflg[4]; /* Coupling exponent strategy */ int cplexpstr; /* Exponent strategy for full bandwidth channels */ unsigned short chexpstr[5]; /* Exponent strategy for lfe channel */ int lfeexpstr; /* Channel bandwidth for independent channels */ unsigned short chbwcod[5]; /* The absolute coupling exponent */ int cplabsexp; /* Coupling channel exponents (D15 mode gives 18 * 12 /3 encoded exponents */ unsigned short cplexps[18 * 12 / 3]; /* fbw channel exponents */ unsigned short exps[5][252 / 3]; /* channel gain range */ unsigned short gainrng[5]; /* low frequency exponents */ unsigned short lfeexps[3]; /* Bit allocation info */ int baie; /* Slow decay code */ int sdcycod; /* Fast decay code */ int fdcycod; /* Slow gain code */ int sgaincod; /* dB per bit code */ int dbpbcod; /* masking floor code */ int floorcod; /* SNR offset info */ int snroffste; /* coarse SNR offset */ int csnroffst; /* coupling fine SNR offset */ int cplfsnroffst; /* coupling fast gain code */ int cplfgaincod; /* fbw fine SNR offset */ unsigned short fsnroffst[5]; /* fbw fast gain code */ unsigned short fgaincod[5]; /* lfe fine SNR offset */ int lfefsnroffst; /* lfe fast gain code */ int lfefgaincod; /* Coupling leak info */ int cplleake; /* coupling fast leak initialization */ int cplfleak; /* coupling slow leak initialization */ int cplsleak; /* delta bit allocation info */ int deltbaie; /* coupling delta bit allocation exists */ int cpldeltbae; /* fbw delta bit allocation exists */ unsigned short deltbae[5]; /* number of cpl delta bit segments */ int cpldeltnseg; /* coupling delta bit allocation offset */ short cpldeltoffst[8]; /* coupling delta bit allocation length */ short cpldeltlen[8]; /* coupling delta bit allocation length */ short cpldeltba[8]; /* number of delta bit segments */ unsigned short deltnseg[5]; /* fbw delta bit allocation offset */ short deltoffst[5][8]; /* fbw delta bit allocation length */ short deltlen[5][8]; /* fbw delta bit allocation length */ short deltba[5][8]; /* skip length exists */ int skiple; /* skip length */ int skipl; /* channel mantissas */ short chmant[5][256]; /* coupling mantissas */ unsigned short cplmant[256]; /* coupling mantissas */ unsigned short lfemant[7]; /* -- Information not in the bitstream, but derived thereof -- */ /* Number of coupling sub-bands */ int ncplsubnd; /* Number of combined coupling sub-bands * Derived from ncplsubnd and cplbndstrc */ int ncplbnd; /* Number of exponent groups by channel * Derived from strmant, endmant */ int nchgrps[5]; /* Number of coupling exponent groups * Derived from cplbegf, cplendf, cplexpstr */ int ncplgrps; /* End mantissa numbers of fbw channels */ unsigned short endmant[5]; /* Start and end mantissa numbers for the coupling channel */ int cplstrtmant; int cplendmant; /* Decoded exponent info */ unsigned short fbw_exp[5][256]; unsigned short cpl_exp[256]; unsigned short lfe_exp[7]; /* Bit allocation pointer results */ short fbw_bap[5][256]; /*FIXME figure out exactly how many entries there should be (253-37?) */ short cpl_bap[256]; short lfe_bap[7]; } mpeg3_ac3audblk_t; /* Bit allocation data */ typedef struct { int sdecay; int fdecay; int sgain; int dbknee; int floor; short psd[256]; short bndpsd[256]; short excite[256]; short mask[256]; } mpeg3_ac3_bitallocation_t; /* Mantissa data */ typedef struct { unsigned short m_1[3]; unsigned short m_2[3]; unsigned short m_4[2]; unsigned short m_1_pointer; unsigned short m_2_pointer; unsigned short m_4_pointer; } mpeg3_ac3_mantissa_t; #endif