#include "obex.h" #include "btobex.h" #include "obexbase.h" #include "receiver.h" using namespace OpieObex; /* OPIE */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Opie::Core; /* QT */ #include #include #include #include /* STD */ #include #include #include #include // int system #include #include /* TRANSLATOR OpieObex::Receiver */ Receiver::Receiver(RecType type) { if (type == REC_IRDA) m_obex = new Obex(this, "Receiver"); else m_obex = new BtObex(this, "Receiver"); connect(m_obex, SIGNAL(receivedFile(const QString&) ), this, SLOT(slotReceived(const QString&) ) ); m_obex->receive(); } Receiver::~Receiver() { m_obex->setReceiveEnabled( false ); delete m_obex; } void Receiver::slotReceived( const QString& _file ) { QString file = _file; int check = checkFile(file); if ( check == AddressBook ) handleAddr( file ); else if ( check == Datebook ) handleDateTodo( file ); else handleOther( file ); } void Receiver::handleAddr( const QString& str ) { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/addressbook", "setDocument(QString)" ); e << str; } /* we can not say for sure if it's a VEevent ot VTodo */ void Receiver::handleDateTodo( const QString& str ) { QCopEnvelope e0("QPE/Application/todolist", "setDocument(QString)"); e0 << str; QCopEnvelope e1("QPE/Application/datebook", "setDocument(QString)" ); e1 << str; } /* * Handle other asks if it should accept the * beamed object and creates a DocLnk */ void Receiver::handleOther( const QString& other ) { OtherHandler* hand = new OtherHandler(); hand->handle( other ); } void Receiver::tidyUp( QString& _file, const QString& ending) { /* libversit fails on BASE64 encoding we try to sed it away */ QString file = _file; char foo[24]; // big enough (void)::strcpy(foo, "/tmp/opie-XXXXXX"); int fd = ::mkstemp(foo); if ( fd == -1 ) return; (void)::strncat( foo, QFile::encodeName(ending), 4 ); _file = QString::fromLocal8Bit( foo ); QString cmd = QString("sed -e \"s/^\\(X-MICROSOFT-BODYINK\\)\\;/\\1:/;\" < %2 > %2 ").arg( Global::shellQuote(file)).arg( Global::shellQuote(_file) ); (void)::system( QFile::encodeName(cmd) ); cmd = QString("rm %1").arg( Global::shellQuote(file) ); (void)::system( QFile::encodeName(cmd) ); } int Receiver::checkFile( QString& file ) { int ret; QString ending; if (file.right(4) == ".vcs" ) { ret = Datebook; ending = QString::fromLatin1(".vcs"); }else if ( file.right(4) == ".vcf") { ret = AddressBook; ending = QString::fromLatin1(".vcf"); }else ret = Other; if (ending.isEmpty() ) return ret; /** * currently the parser is broken in regard of BASE64 encoding * and M$ likes to send that. So we will executed a small * tidy up system sed script * At this point we can also remove umlaute from the filename */ tidyUp( file, ending ); return ret; } /* TRANSLATOR OpieObex::OtherHandler */ OtherHandler::OtherHandler() : QVBox() { QHBox* box = new QHBox(this); QLabel* lbl = new QLabel(box); lbl->setText(tr("Received:")); m_na = new QLabel(box); QFrame* frame = new QFrame(this); frame->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine ); frame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken ); m_view = new QTextView(this); box = new QHBox(this); QPushButton *but = new QPushButton(box); but->setText(tr("Accept") ); connect(but, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT(accept()) ); but = new QPushButton(box); but->setText(tr("Deny") ); connect(but, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT(deny() ) ); raise(); showMaximized(); } OtherHandler::~OtherHandler() { } void OtherHandler::handle( const QString& file ) { m_file = file; m_na->setText(file); DocLnk lnk(file); QString str = tr("

You received a file of type %1 ( )What do you want to do?").arg(lnk.type() ).arg(lnk.icon() ); m_view->setText( str ); } /* * hehe evil evil mmap ahead :) * we quickly copy the file and then we'll create a DocLnk for it */ void OtherHandler::accept() { QString na = targetName( m_file ); copy(m_file, na ); DocLnk lnk(na); lnk.writeLink(); QFile::remove(m_file); delete this; } void OtherHandler::deny() { QFile::remove( m_file ); delete this; } QString OtherHandler::targetName( const QString& file ) { QFileInfo info( file ); /* $HOME needs to be set!!!! */ Global::createDocDir(); QString newFile = QPEApplication::documentDir()+ "/"+ info.baseName(); QString newFileBase = newFile; int trie = 0; while (QFile::exists(newFile + "."+info.extension() ) ) { newFile = newFileBase + "_"+QString::number(trie) ; trie++; } newFile += "." + info.extension(); return newFile; } /* fast cpy */ void OtherHandler::copy(const QString& src, const QString& file) { FileManager *fm; if(!fm->copyFile(src,file)) { owarn << "Copy failed" << oendl; } }