/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "datebooksettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DateBookSettings::DateBookSettings( bool whichClock, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : DateBookSettingsBase( parent, name, modal, fl ), ampm( whichClock ) { init(); QObject::connect( qApp, SIGNAL( clockChanged(bool) ), this, SLOT( slotChangeClock(bool) ) ); QArray categories; comboCategory->setCategories( categories, "Calendar", tr("Calendar") ); m_loader = 0; m_manager = 0; m_PluginListView->header()->hide(); m_PluginListView->setSorting(-1); } DateBookSettings::~DateBookSettings() { } void DateBookSettings::setStartTime( int newStartViewTime ) { if ( ampm ) { if ( newStartViewTime >= 12 ) { newStartViewTime %= 12; if ( newStartViewTime == 0 ) newStartViewTime = 12; spinStart->setSuffix( tr(":00 PM") ); } else if ( newStartViewTime == 0 ) { newStartViewTime = 12; spinStart->setSuffix( tr(":00 AM") ); } oldtime = newStartViewTime; } spinStart->setValue( newStartViewTime ); } int DateBookSettings::startTime() const { int returnMe = spinStart->value(); if ( ampm ) { if ( returnMe != 12 && spinStart->suffix().contains(tr("PM"), FALSE) ) returnMe += 12; else if (returnMe == 12 && spinStart->suffix().contains(tr("AM"), TRUE)) returnMe = 0; } return returnMe; } void DateBookSettings::setPluginList(Opie::Core::OPluginManager*aManager,Opie::Core::OPluginLoader*aLoader) { m_manager = aManager; m_loader = aLoader; if (!aManager||!aLoader) return; Opie::Core::OPluginItem::List inLst = m_loader->allAvailable(true); QCheckListItem *pitem = 0; for ( Opie::Core::OPluginItem::List::Iterator it = inLst.begin(); it != inLst.end(); ++it ) { pitem = new QCheckListItem(m_PluginListView,(*it).name(),QCheckListItem::CheckBox); pitem->setOn( (*it).isEnabled() ); Opie::Datebook::HolidayPluginIf*hif = m_loader->load(*it,IID_HOLIDAY_PLUGIN); if (!hif) continue; Opie::Datebook::HolidayPlugin*pl = hif->plugin(); if (!pl) continue; Opie::Datebook::HolidayPluginConfigWidget*cfg = pl->configWidget(); if (!cfg) continue; QWidget * dtab = new QWidget(TabWidget,pl->description()); QVBoxLayout*dlayout = new QVBoxLayout(dtab); dlayout->setMargin(2); dlayout->setSpacing(2); cfg->reparent(dtab,0,QPoint(0,0)); dlayout->addWidget(cfg); TabWidget->insertTab(dtab,pl->description()); m_cfgWidgets.append(cfg); } } void DateBookSettings::savePlugins() { QValueList::Iterator it; for (it=m_cfgWidgets.begin();it!=m_cfgWidgets.end();++it) { (*it)->saveConfig(); } } void DateBookSettings::pluginItemClicked(QListViewItem *aItem) { if (!aItem||!m_manager||!m_loader) return; QCheckListItem*pitem = ((QCheckListItem*)aItem); Opie::Core::OPluginItem::List lst = m_loader->allAvailable( true ); for ( Opie::Core::OPluginItem::List::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) { if ( QString::compare( (*it).name() , pitem->text(0) ) == 0 ) { m_manager->setEnabled((*it),pitem->isOn()); break; } } } void DateBookSettings::setAlarmPreset( bool bAlarm, int presetTime ) { chkAlarmPreset->setChecked( bAlarm ); if ( presetTime >=5 ) spinPreset->setValue( presetTime ); } bool DateBookSettings::alarmPreset() const { return chkAlarmPreset->isChecked(); } int DateBookSettings::presetTime() const { return spinPreset->value(); } void DateBookSettings::slot12Hour( int i ) { if ( ampm ) { if ( spinStart->suffix().contains( tr("AM"), FALSE ) ) { if ( oldtime == 12 && i == 11 || oldtime == 11 && i == 12 ) spinStart->setSuffix( tr(":00 PM") ); } else { if ( oldtime == 12 && i == 11 || oldtime == 11 && i == 12 ) spinStart->setSuffix( tr(":00 AM") ); } oldtime = i; } } void DateBookSettings::init() { if ( ampm ) { spinStart->setMinValue( 1 ); spinStart->setMaxValue( 12 ); spinStart->setValue( 12 ); spinStart->setSuffix( tr(":00 AM") ); oldtime = 12; } else { spinStart->setMinValue( 0 ); spinStart->setMaxValue( 23 ); spinStart->setSuffix( tr(":00") ); } } void DateBookSettings::slotChangeClock( bool whichClock ) { int saveMe; saveMe = spinStart->value(); if ( ampm && spinStart->suffix().contains( tr("AM"), FALSE ) ) { if ( saveMe == 12 ) saveMe = 0; } else if ( ampm && spinStart->suffix().contains( tr("PM"), FALSE ) ) { if ( saveMe != 12 ) saveMe += 12; } ampm = whichClock; init(); setStartTime( saveMe ); } void DateBookSettings::setJumpToCurTime( bool bJump ) { chkJumpToCurTime->setChecked( bJump ); } bool DateBookSettings::jumpToCurTime() const { return chkJumpToCurTime->isChecked(); } void DateBookSettings::setRowStyle( int style ) { comboRowStyle->setCurrentItem( style ); } int DateBookSettings::rowStyle() const { return comboRowStyle->currentItem(); }