#include "datebookweeklst.h" #include "datebook.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include bool calcWeek(const QDate &d, int &week, int &year,bool startOnMonday = false); DateBookWeekLstHeader::DateBookWeekLstHeader(bool onM, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : DateBookWeekLstHeaderBase(parent, name, fl) { setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); labelDate->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); forwardweek->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); forwardweek->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("forward") ); forwardmonth->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); forwardmonth->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("fastforward") ); backweek->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); backweek->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("back") ); backmonth->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); backmonth->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("fastback") ); DateBookWeekLstHeaderBaseLayout->setSpacing(0); DateBookWeekLstHeaderBaseLayout->setMargin(0); //setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed,QSizePolicy::Expanding)); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Fixed)); connect(backmonth, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prevMonth())); connect(backweek, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(prevWeek())); connect(forwardweek, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextWeek())); connect(forwardmonth, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextMonth())); connect(labelDate, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pickDate())); connect(dbl, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SIGNAL(setDbl(bool))); bStartOnMonday=onM; } DateBookWeekLstHeader::~DateBookWeekLstHeader(){} void DateBookWeekLstHeader::setDate(const QDate &d) { int year,week,dayofweek; date=d; dayofweek=d.dayOfWeek(); if(bStartOnMonday) dayofweek--; else if( dayofweek == 7 ) /* we already have the right day -7 would lead to the same week */ dayofweek = 0; date=date.addDays(-dayofweek); calcWeek(date,week,year,bStartOnMonday); QDate start=date; QDate stop=start.addDays(6); labelDate->setText( QString::number(start.day()) + "." + Calendar::nameOfMonth( start.month() ) + "-" + QString::number(stop.day()) + "." + Calendar::nameOfMonth( stop.month()) +" ("+ tr("w")+":"+QString::number( week ) +")"); date = d; // bugfix: 0001126 - date has to be the selected date, not monday! emit dateChanged(date); } void DateBookWeekLstHeader::pickDate() { static QPopupMenu *m1 = 0; static DateBookMonth *picker = 0; if ( !m1 ) { m1 = new QPopupMenu( this ); picker = new DateBookMonth( m1, 0, TRUE ); m1->insertItem( picker ); connect( picker, SIGNAL( dateClicked( int, int, int ) ),this, SLOT( setDate( int, int, int ) ) ); //connect( m1, SIGNAL( aboutToHide() ), //this, SLOT( gotHide() ) ); } picker->setDate( date.year(), date.month(), date.day() ); m1->popup(mapToGlobal(labelDate->pos()+QPoint(0,labelDate->height()))); picker->setFocus(); } void DateBookWeekLstHeader::setDate(int y, int m, int d) { setDate(QDate(y,m,d)); } void DateBookWeekLstHeader::nextWeek() { setDate(date.addDays(7)); } void DateBookWeekLstHeader::prevWeek() { setDate(date.addDays(-7)); } void DateBookWeekLstHeader::nextMonth() { setDate(date.addDays(28)); } void DateBookWeekLstHeader::prevMonth() { setDate(date.addDays(-28)); } DateBookWeekLstDayHdr::DateBookWeekLstDayHdr(const QDate &d, bool /* onM */, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : DateBookWeekLstDayHdrBase(parent, name, fl) { date=d; static const QString wdays=tr("MTWTFSSM", "Week days"); char day=wdays[d.dayOfWeek()-1]; //dont use dayOfWeek() to save space ! label->setText( QString(QObject::tr(QString(QChar(day)))) + " " +QString::number(d.day()) ); add->setText("+"); if (d == QDate::currentDate()) { QPalette pal=label->palette(); pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, QColor(0,0,255)); label->setPalette(pal); /* QFont f=label->font(); f.setItalic(true); label->setFont(f); label->setPalette(QPalette(QColor(0,0,255),label->backgroundColor())); */ } else if (d.dayOfWeek() == 7) { // FIXME: Match any holiday QPalette pal=label->palette(); pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, QColor(255,0,0)); label->setPalette(pal); } connect (label, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showDay())); connect (add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newEvent())); } void DateBookWeekLstDayHdr::showDay() { emit showDate(date.year(), date.month(), date.day()); } void DateBookWeekLstDayHdr::newEvent() { QDateTime start, stop; start=stop=date; start.setTime(QTime(10,0)); stop.setTime(QTime(12,0)); emit addEvent(start,stop,"",0); } DateBookWeekLstEvent::DateBookWeekLstEvent(const EffectiveEvent &ev, int weeklistviewconfig, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : OClickableLabel(parent,name,fl), event(ev) { // old values... lastday = "__|__", middle=" |---", Firstday="00:00", QString s,start,middle,end,day; qDebug("weeklistviewconfig=%d",weeklistviewconfig); if(weeklistviewconfig==NONE) { // No times displayed. // start.sprintf("%.2d:%.2d-",ev.start().hour(),ev.start().minute()); // middle.sprintf("<--->"); // end.sprintf("-%.2d:%.2d",ev.end().hour(),ev.end().minute()); // day.sprintf("%.2d:%.2d-%.2d:%.2d",ev.start().hour(),ev.start().minute(),ev.end().hour(),ev.end().minute()); } else if(weeklistviewconfig==NORMAL) { // "Normal", only display start time. start.sprintf("%.2d:%.2d",ev.start().hour(),ev.start().minute()); middle.sprintf(" |---"); end.sprintf("__|__"); day.sprintf("%.2d:%.2d",ev.start().hour(),ev.start().minute()); } else if(weeklistviewconfig==EXTENDED) { // Extended mode, display start and end times. start.sprintf("%.2d:%.2d-",ev.start().hour(),ev.start().minute()); middle.sprintf("<--->"); end.sprintf("-%.2d:%.2d",ev.end().hour(),ev.end().minute()); day.sprintf("%.2d:%.2d-%.2d:%.2d",ev.start().hour(),ev.start().minute(),ev.end().hour(),ev.end().minute()); } if(ev.event().type() == Event::Normal) { if(ev.startDate()==ev.date() && ev.endDate()==ev.date()) { // day event. s=day; } else if(ev.startDate()==ev.date()) { // start event. s=start; } else if(ev.endDate()==ev.date()) { // end event. s=end; } else { // middle day. s=middle; } } else { s=""; } setText(QString(s) + " " + ev.description()); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editMe())); setAlignment( int( QLabel::WordBreak | QLabel::AlignLeft ) ); } void DateBookWeekLstEvent::editMe() { emit editEvent(event.event()); } DateBookWeekLstView::DateBookWeekLstView(QValueList &ev, const QDate &d, bool onM, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : QWidget( parent, name, fl ) { Config config("DateBook"); config.setGroup("Main"); int weeklistviewconfig=config.readNumEntry("weeklistviewconfig", NORMAL); qDebug("Read weeklistviewconfig: %d",weeklistviewconfig); bStartOnMonday=onM; setPalette(white); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding)); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); qBubbleSort(ev); QValueListIterator it; it=ev.begin(); int dayOrder[7]; if (bStartOnMonday) { for (int d=0; d<7; d++) dayOrder[d]=d+1; } else { for (int d=0; d<7; d++) dayOrder[d]=d; dayOrder[0]=7; } // Calculate offset to first day of week. int dayoffset=d.dayOfWeek(); if(bStartOnMonday) dayoffset--; else if( dayoffset == 7 ) dayoffset = 0; for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { // Header DateBookWeekLstDayHdr *hdr=new DateBookWeekLstDayHdr(d.addDays(i-dayoffset), bStartOnMonday,this); connect(hdr, SIGNAL(showDate(int,int,int)), this, SIGNAL(showDate(int,int,int))); connect(hdr, SIGNAL(addEvent(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &, const QString &, const QString &)), this, SIGNAL(addEvent(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &, const QString &, const QString &))); layout->addWidget(hdr); // Events while ( (*it).date().dayOfWeek() == dayOrder[i] && it!=ev.end() ) { if(!(((*it).end().hour()==0) && ((*it).end().minute()==0) && ((*it).startDate()!=(*it).date()))) { // Skip events ending at 00:00 starting at another day. DateBookWeekLstEvent *l=new DateBookWeekLstEvent(*it,weeklistviewconfig,this); layout->addWidget(l); connect (l, SIGNAL(editEvent(const Event &)), this, SIGNAL(editEvent(const Event &))); } it++; } layout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(1,1, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); } } DateBookWeekLstView::~DateBookWeekLstView(){} void DateBookWeekLstView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) {e->ignore();} DateBookWeekLstDblView::DateBookWeekLstDblView(QValueList &ev1, QValueList &ev2, QDate &d, bool onM, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : QWidget( parent, name, fl ) { QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( this ); DateBookWeekLstView *w=new DateBookWeekLstView(ev1,d,onM,this); layout->addWidget(w); connect (w, SIGNAL(editEvent(const Event &)), this, SIGNAL(editEvent(const Event &))); connect (w, SIGNAL(showDate(int,int,int)), this, SIGNAL(showDate(int,int,int))); connect (w, SIGNAL(addEvent(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &, const QString &,const QString &)), this, SIGNAL(addEvent(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &, const QString &, const QString &))); w=new DateBookWeekLstView(ev2,d.addDays(7),onM,this); layout->addWidget(w); connect (w, SIGNAL(editEvent(const Event &)), this, SIGNAL(editEvent(const Event &))); connect (w, SIGNAL(showDate(int,int,int)), this, SIGNAL(showDate(int,int,int))); connect (w, SIGNAL(addEvent(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &, const QString &, const QString &)), this, SIGNAL(addEvent(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &, const QString &, const QString &))); } DateBookWeekLst::DateBookWeekLst( bool ap, bool onM, DateBookDB *newDB, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ), db( newDB ), startTime( 0 ), ampm( ap ), bStartOnMonday(onM) { setFocusPolicy(StrongFocus); layout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); layout->setMargin(0); header=new DateBookWeekLstHeader(onM, this); layout->addWidget( header ); connect(header, SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate &)), this, SLOT(dateChanged(QDate &))); connect(header, SIGNAL(setDbl(bool)), this, SLOT(setDbl(bool))); scroll=new QScrollView(this); scroll->setResizePolicy(QScrollView::AutoOneFit); layout->addWidget(scroll); view=NULL; Config config("DateBook"); config.setGroup("Main"); dbl=config.readBoolEntry("weeklst_dbl", false); header->dbl->setOn(dbl); } DateBookWeekLst::~DateBookWeekLst(){ Config config("DateBook"); config.setGroup("Main"); config.writeEntry("weeklst_dbl", dbl); } void DateBookWeekLst::setDate(const QDate &d) { bdate=d; header->setDate(d); } void DateBookWeekLst::setDbl(bool on) { dbl=on; redraw(); } void DateBookWeekLst::redraw() {getEvents();} QDate DateBookWeekLst::date() { return bdate; } // return the date at the beginning of the week... // copied from DateBookWeek QDate DateBookWeekLst::weekDate() const { QDate d=bdate; // Calculate offset to first day of week. int dayoffset=d.dayOfWeek(); if(bStartOnMonday) dayoffset--; else if( dayoffset == 7 ) dayoffset = 0; return d.addDays(-dayoffset); } void DateBookWeekLst::getEvents() { QDate start = weekDate(); //date(); QDate stop = start.addDays(6); QValueList el = db->getEffectiveEvents(start, stop); if (view) delete view; if (dbl) { QDate start2=start.addDays(7); stop=start2.addDays(6); QValueList el2 = db->getEffectiveEvents(start2, stop); view=new DateBookWeekLstDblView(el,el2,start,bStartOnMonday,scroll); } else { view=new DateBookWeekLstView(el,start,bStartOnMonday,scroll); } connect (view, SIGNAL(editEvent(const Event &)), this, SIGNAL(editEvent(const Event &))); connect (view, SIGNAL(showDate(int,int,int)), this, SIGNAL(showDate(int,int,int))); connect (view, SIGNAL(addEvent(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &, const QString &, const QString &)), this, SIGNAL(addEvent(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &, const QString &, const QString &))); scroll->addChild(view); view->show(); scroll->updateScrollBars(); } void DateBookWeekLst::dateChanged(QDate &newdate) { bdate=newdate; getEvents(); } void DateBookWeekLst::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { switch(e->key()) { case Key_Up: scroll->scrollBy(0, -20); break; case Key_Down: scroll->scrollBy(0, 20); break; case Key_Left: header->prevWeek(); break; case Key_Right: header->nextWeek(); break; default: e->ignore(); } }