DatebookPluginConfigBase QWidget name DatebookPluginConfigBase geometry 0 0 228 267 caption DatebookPluginConfigBase whatsThis margin 11 spacing 6 QCheckBox name CheckBox1 text Show location whatsThis Check this if the location of an appointment should be shown for each one QCheckBox name CheckBox2 text Show notes whatsThis Check this if the note attached to an appointment should be shown for each one QCheckBox name CheckBox3 text Show only later appointments whatsThis Check this if only appointments later then current time should be shown QCheckBox name CheckBox4 text Show time in extra line QLayoutWidget name Layout3 margin 0 spacing 6 QSpinBox name SpinBox1 maxValue 10 whatsThis How many appointments should be shown maximal. In chronical order QLabel name TextLabel1 text How many appointment should be shown? alignment WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft wordwrap QLayoutWidget name Layout2 margin 0 spacing 6 QSpinBox name SpinBox2 specialValueText only today maxValue 21 whatsThis How many more days should be in the range QLabel name TextLabel2 text How many more days alignment WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft wordwrap name Spacer2 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20