TodayConfigMiscBase QWidget name TodayConfigMiscBase geometry 0 0 201 190 caption Form1 whatsThis Check this if today should be autostarted on resume. margin 11 spacing 6 QCheckBox name CheckBoxAuto text autostart on resume? QCheckBox name CheckBoxHide text tiny banner whatsThis Have small banner QLayoutWidget name Layout3 margin 0 spacing 6 QSpinBox name SpinBoxTime suffix min maxValue 1440 whatsThis How many minutes has the PDA been suspended before the autostart feature kicks in on resume QLabel name TextLabel1 text minutes inactive alignment WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft whatsThis How many minutes has the PDA been suspended before the autostart feature kicks in on resume wordwrap QLayoutWidget name Layout2 margin 0 spacing 6 QSpinBox name SpinBoxIconSize suffix pixel maxValue 64 whatsThis Set the icon size in pixel QLabel name TextLabel2 text icon size QLayoutWidget name Layout1 margin 0 spacing 6 QSpinBox name SpinRefresh suffix sec specialValueText never maxValue 7200 whatsThis How often should Today refresh itself QLabel name TextLabel3 text refresh name Spacer1 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20