/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ // redone by Maximilian Reiss #include "settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_VERSION >= 300 #include #endif #include using namespace Opie; LightSettings::LightSettings( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags ) : LightSettingsBase( parent, name, TRUE, WStyle_ContextHelp ) { if ( ODevice::inst()->hasLightSensor() ) { // Not supported yet - hide until implemented CalibrateLightSensor->setEnabled( false ); CalibrateLightSensorAC->setEnabled( false ); } else { // if ipaq no need to show the sensor box auto_brightness->hide(); CalibrateLightSensor->hide(); auto_brightness_ac_3->hide(); CalibrateLightSensorAC->hide(); } Config config( "qpe" ); config.setGroup( "Screensaver" ); int interval; // battery spinboxes interval = config.readNumEntry( "Interval_Dim", 20 ); if ( config.readNumEntry("Dim",1) == 0 ) { interval_dim->setSpecialValueText( tr("never") ); } else { interval_dim->setValue( interval ); } interval = config.readNumEntry( "Interval_LightOff", 30 ); if ( config.readNumEntry("LightOff",1) == 0 ) { interval_lightoff->setSpecialValueText( tr("never") ); } else { interval_lightoff->setValue( interval ); } interval = config.readNumEntry( "Interval", 60 ); if ( interval > 3600 ) interval /= 1000; // compatibility (was millisecs) interval_suspend->setValue( interval ); // ac spinboxes interval = config.readNumEntry( "Interval_DimAC", 20 ); if ( config.readNumEntry("DimAC",1) == 0 ) { interval_dim_ac_3->setSpecialValueText( tr("never") ); } else { interval_dim_ac_3->setValue( interval ); } interval = config.readNumEntry( "Interval_LightOffAC", 30 ); if ( config.readNumEntry("LightOffAC",1) == 0 ) { interval_lightoff_ac_3->setSpecialValueText( tr("never") ); } else { interval_lightoff_ac_3->setValue( interval ); } interval = config.readNumEntry( "IntervalAC", 60 ); if ( interval > 3600 ) { interval /= 1000; // compatibility (was millisecs) } if ( config.readNumEntry("NoApmAC", 0) == 0 ) { interval_suspend_ac_3->setSpecialValueText( tr("never") ); } else { interval_suspend_ac_3->setValue( interval ); } // battery check and slider LcdOffOnly->setChecked( config.readNumEntry("LcdOffOnly",0) != 0 ); int maxbright = ODevice::inst ( )-> displayBrightnessResolution ( ); initbright = config.readNumEntry("Brightness",255); brightness->setMaxValue( maxbright ); brightness->setTickInterval( QMAX(1,maxbright/16) ); brightness->setLineStep( QMAX(1,maxbright/16) ); brightness->setPageStep( QMAX(1,maxbright/16) ); brightness->setValue( (maxbright*255 - initbright*maxbright)/255 ); // ac check and slider LcdOffOnly_2_3->setChecked( config.readNumEntry("LcdOffOnlyAC",0) != 0 ); int maxbright_ac = ODevice::inst ( )-> displayBrightnessResolution ( ); initbright_ac = config.readNumEntry("BrightnessAC",255); brightness_ac_3->setMaxValue( maxbright_ac ); brightness_ac_3->setTickInterval( QMAX(1,maxbright_ac/16) ); brightness_ac_3->setLineStep( QMAX(1,maxbright_ac/16) ); brightness_ac_3->setPageStep( QMAX(1,maxbright_ac/16) ); brightness_ac_3->setValue( (maxbright_ac*255 - initbright_ac*maxbright_ac)/255 ); // ipaq sensor config.setGroup( "lightsensor" ); auto_brightness->setChecked( config.readNumEntry("LightSensor",0) != 0 ); auto_brightness_ac_3->setChecked( config.readNumEntry("LightSensorAC",0) != 0 ); //LightStepSpin->setValue( config.readNumEntry("Steps", 10 ) ); //LightMinValueSlider->setValue( config.readNumEntry("MinValue", 70 ) ); //connect( LightStepSpin, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotSliderTicks( int ) ) ) ; //LightShiftSpin->setValue( config.readNumEntry("Shift", 0 ) ); // advanced settings Config conf("apm"); conf.setGroup( "warnings" ); warnintervalBox->setValue( conf.readNumEntry("checkinterval", 10000)/1000 ); lowSpinBox->setValue( conf.readNumEntry("powerverylow", 10 ) ); criticalSpinBox->setValue( conf.readNumEntry("powercritical", 5 ) ); connect( brightness, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( applyBrightness() ) ); connect( brightness_ac_3, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( applyBrightnessAC() ) ); } LightSettings::~LightSettings() { } void LightSettings::slotSliderTicks( int steps ) { // LightMinValueSlider->setTickInterval( steps ); } static void set_fl(int bright) { qDebug ( QString( "Brightness" ).arg( bright ) ); QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "setBacklight(int)" ); e << bright; } void LightSettings::reject() { set_fl(initbright); QDialog::reject(); } void LightSettings::accept() { if ( qApp->focusWidget() ) { qApp->focusWidget()->clearFocus(); } applyBrightness(); // bat int i_dim = ( !( interval_dim->specialValueText() == tr("never") ) ? interval_dim->value() : 0); int i_lightoff = ( !( interval_lightoff->specialValueText() == tr("never") ) ? interval_lightoff->value() : 0); int i_suspend = interval_suspend->value(); QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervals(int,int,int)" ); e << i_dim << i_lightoff << i_suspend; // ac int i_dim_ac = ( !( interval_dim_ac_3->specialValueText() == tr("never") ) ? interval_dim_ac_3->value() : 0); int i_lightoff_ac = ( !( interval_lightoff_ac_3->specialValueText() == tr("never") ) ? interval_lightoff_ac_3->value() : 0); int i_suspend_ac = interval_suspend_ac_3->value(); QCopEnvelope e_ac("QPE/System", "setScreenSaverIntervalsAC(int,int,int)" ); e << i_dim_ac << i_lightoff_ac << i_suspend_ac; Config config( "qpe" ); config.setGroup( "Screensaver" ); // bat config.writeEntry( "Dim", interval_dim->specialValueText() == tr("never") ); config.writeEntry( "LightOff", interval_lightoff->specialValueText() == tr("never") ); config.writeEntry( "LcdOffOnly", (int)LcdOffOnly->isChecked() ); config.writeEntry( "Interval_Dim", interval_dim->value() ); config.writeEntry( "Interval_LightOff", interval_lightoff->value() ); config.writeEntry( "Interval", interval_suspend->value() ); config.writeEntry( "Brightness", ( brightness->value() ) * 255 / brightness->maxValue() ); // ac config.writeEntry( "DimAC", interval_dim_ac_3->specialValueText() == tr("never") ); config.writeEntry( "LightOffAC", interval_lightoff_ac_3->specialValueText() == tr("never") ); config.writeEntry( "LcdOffOnlyAC", (int)LcdOffOnly_2_3->isChecked() ); config.writeEntry( "NoAPmAC", interval_suspend_ac_3->specialValueText() == tr("never") ); config.writeEntry( "Interval_DimAC", interval_dim_ac_3->value() ); config.writeEntry( "Interval_LightOffAC", interval_lightoff_ac_3->value() ); config.writeEntry( "IntervalAC", interval_suspend_ac_3->value() ); config.writeEntry( "BrightnessAC", ( brightness_ac_3->value()) * 255 / brightness_ac_3->maxValue() ); // only make light sensor stuff appear if the unit has a sensor if ( ODevice::inst()->hasLightSensor() ) { config.setGroup( "lightsensor" ); config.writeEntry( "LightSensor", (int)auto_brightness->isChecked() ); config.writeEntry( "LightSensorAC", (int)auto_brightness_ac_3->isChecked() ); //config.writeEntry( "Steps", LightStepSpin->value() ); //onfig.writeEntry( "MinValue", LightMinValueSlider->value() ); //config.writeEntry( "Shift", LightShiftSpin->value() ); } config.write(); // advanced Config conf("apm"); conf.setGroup( "Warnings" ); conf.writeEntry( "check_interval", warnintervalBox->value()*1000 ); conf.writeEntry( "power_verylow", lowSpinBox->value() ); conf.writeEntry( "power_critical", criticalSpinBox->value() ); QCopEnvelope e_warn("QPE/System", "reloadPowerWarnSettings()"); conf.write(); QDialog::accept(); } void LightSettings::applyBrightness() { if ( PowerStatusManager::readStatus().acStatus() != PowerStatus::Online ) { int bright = ( brightness->value() ) * 255 / brightness->maxValue(); set_fl(bright); } } void LightSettings::applyBrightnessAC() { // if ac is attached, set directly that sliders setting, else the "on battery" sliders setting if ( PowerStatusManager::readStatus().acStatus() == PowerStatus::Online ) { int bright = ( brightness_ac_3->value() ) * 255 / brightness_ac_3->maxValue(); set_fl(bright); } } void LightSettings::done(int r) { QDialog::done(r); close (); }