LightSettingsBase QDialog name LightSettingsBase geometry 0 0 415 532 caption Light and Power Settings sizeGripEnabled false layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QTabWidget name TabWidget3 layoutMargin layoutSpacing QWidget name tab title on Battery margin 3 spacing 3 QGroupBox name GroupBox3 enabled true title General Settings layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QLayoutWidget name Layout8 margin 0 spacing 6 QSpinBox name interval_dim suffix seconds buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 10 lineStep 15 QCheckBox name screensaver_lightoff sizePolicy 1 0 text Light off after checked true QSpinBox name interval_suspend suffix seconds buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 10 lineStep 15 QSpinBox name interval_lightoff suffix seconds buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 10 lineStep 15 QCheckBox name screensaver_dim sizePolicy 1 0 text Dim light after checked true QLabel name TextLabel1_2 text Suspend after QCheckBox name LcdOffOnly text Deactivate LCD only (does not suspend) QGroupBox name GroupBox9 title Backlight layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QSlider name brightness maxValue 255 lineStep 16 pageStep 16 tracking true orientation Horizontal tickmarks Right tickInterval 32 QLayoutWidget name Layout10 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name PixmapLabel2 pixmap image0 scaledContents false QLabel name TextLabel4 text Off name Spacer2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLabel name TextLabel5 text Full QLabel name PixmapLabel1 pixmap image1 scaledContents false QGroupBox name IpaqGroupBox title iPAQ layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QCheckBox name auto_brightness text Use light sensor whatsThis By sensing the ambient light where you are using your device, the screen light can be adjusted automatically. The brightness setting still affects the average brightness. name Spacer4 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title on AC margin 3 spacing 3 QGroupBox name GroupBox4 enabled true title General Settings layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QLayoutWidget name Layout9_3 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel1_2_2_3 text Suspend after QSpinBox name interval_dim_ac_3 suffix seconds buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 10 lineStep 15 QSpinBox name interval_suspend_ac_3 suffix seconds buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 10 lineStep 15 QSpinBox name interval_lightoff_ac_3 suffix seconds buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 10 lineStep 15 QCheckBox name screensaver_lightoff_ac_3 sizePolicy 1 0 text Light off after checked true QCheckBox name screensaver_dim_ac_3 sizePolicy 1 0 text Dim light after checked true QCheckBox name LcdOffOnly_2_3 text Deactivate LCD only (does not suspend) QGroupBox name GroupBox8 title Backlight layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QSlider name brightness_ac_3 minValue 0 maxValue 255 lineStep 16 pageStep 16 value 255 tracking true orientation Horizontal tickmarks Right QLayoutWidget name Layout20 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name PixmapLabel2_2_3 pixmap image2 scaledContents false QLabel name TextLabel6 text Off name Spacer3 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLabel name TextLabel7 text Full QLabel name PixmapLabel1_2_3 pixmap image1 scaledContents false QGroupBox name IpaqGroupBoxAC title iPAQ layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QCheckBox name auto_brightness_ac_3 text Use light sensor whatsThis By sensing the ambient light where you are using your device, the screen light can be adjusted automatically. The brightness setting still affects the average brightness. name Spacer5 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title Advanced Settings margin 3 spacing 3 QGroupBox name GroupBox5 title Warnings layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 4 spacing 3 QLayoutWidget name Layout18 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel1 text Low power warning interval alignment WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft wordwrap QSpinBox name lowSpinBox suffix % maxValue 80 minValue 2 whatsThis At what battery level should the low power warning pop up QSpinBox name warnintervalBox suffix seconds maxValue 60 minValue 5 whatsThis how often should be checked for low power. This determines the rate popups occure in low power situations QSpinBox name criticalSpinBox prefix suffix % maxValue 80 minValue 2 whatsThis At what battery level should the critical power warning pop up QLabel name TextLabel2 text very low battery warning at QLabel name TextLabel3 text critical power warning at QGroupBox name LightSensorGroupBox title iPAQ Light Sensor (127 steps) layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QLayoutWidget name Layout7 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel9 text Steps QSpinBox name LightStepSpin maxValue 126 minValue 1 whatsThis How many different steps should be handled by the light sensor. Values between 1 and 126 are allowed. QLabel name TextLabel10 text Minimum value to turn display on QLayoutWidget name Layout9 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name PixmapLabel2_2 pixmap image0 scaledContents false QSlider name LightMinValueSlider maxValue 127 tracking false orientation Horizontal tickmarks Right QLabel name PixmapLabel1_2 pixmap image1 scaledContents false QLayoutWidget name Layout8 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name TextLabel11 text Shift QSpinBox name LightShiftSpin maxValue 126 name Spacer1 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 image0 789cd3d7528808f055d0d2e72a2e492cc94c5648ce482c52d04a29cdcdad8c8eb5ade6523234530022130543251d2e253d856405bffcbc54105b19c856360003103711c4354b324b364b06719340dcb434b36488ac1e1a2020a6acac8c2ea60cc54862606ea232b218541b5810452c3111432c510f550c22886a1e482c115d0c2c88e6168818babaa4a42462c48082cae8e68102011a06b5d65c004336518f image1 789c6d8ec10ac2300c86ef7b8ad0ff36a4730777111f41f1288887b4b3e8610a3a0f22bebb6dd3d54d0ca5cdffe54f9aaaa4dd764d6555dc7beecf96ec896f54b68fae7bee0fab57a1ea86fc5950ad6685d2646973bd1c43ce3ec73c46903648e79a5624443a27d20cd2b9382704747e124382f11a7c5e30b364b957b331866331b3800c38f70282121c7c628367c098c1e0eb03121ccd4b46fcb0f80b26bb4833987f76b6d6f274de5fe6a1a031d30969f55e161fe4715f7b image2 789cd3d7528808f055d0d2e72a2e492cc94c5648ce482c52d04a29cdcdad8c8eb5ade6523234530022130543251d2e253d856405bffcbc54105b19c856360003103711c4354b344b314b04719340dcb434b31488ac1e1a2020a6acac8c2ea60cc54862606ea232b218541b5810452c3111432c510f550c22886a1e482c115d0c2c88e6168818babaa4a42462c48082cae8e68102011a06b5d65c0041d3518e screensaver_dim toggled(bool) interval_dim setEnabled(bool) screensaver_lightoff toggled(bool) interval_lightoff setEnabled(bool) auto_brightness screensaver_dim interval_dim screensaver_lightoff interval_lightoff interval_suspend brightness