LightSettingsBase QDialog name LightSettingsBase geometry 0 0 355 532 sizePolicy 7 5 caption Light and Power Settings sizeGripEnabled false layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 3 spacing 3 QTabWidget name tabs layoutMargin layoutSpacing QWidget name tab title on Battery margin 5 spacing 3 QGroupBox name GroupBox3 enabled true title General Settings layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 5 spacing 3 QSpinBox name interval_lightoff suffix sec specialValueText never buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 0 lineStep 10 QLabel name TextLabel2_2 sizePolicy 3 1 text Light off after QLabel name TextLabel1_3 sizePolicy 3 1 text Dim light after QSpinBox name interval_dim suffix sec specialValueText never buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 0 lineStep 10 QSpinBox name interval_suspend suffix sec specialValueText never buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 0 lineStep 10 QLabel name TextLabel1_2 sizePolicy 3 1 text Suspend after QCheckBox name LcdOffOnly sizePolicy 7 0 text Deactivate LCD only (does not suspend) QGroupBox name GroupLight title Backlight layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 11 spacing 6 QSlider name brightness maxValue 255 lineStep 1 pageStep 16 tracking true orientation Horizontal tickmarks Right tickInterval 32 whatsThis set a fix value for backlight QSlider name contrast maxValue 255 lineStep 1 pageStep 16 tracking true orientation Horizontal tickmarks Right tickInterval 32 whatsThis set a fix value for contrast QLayoutWidget name Layout10 layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 3 QLabel name PixmapLabel2 pixmap image0 scaledContents false QLabel name TextLabel4 text Off name Spacer2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLabel name TextLabel5 text Full QLabel name PixmapLabel1 pixmap image1 scaledContents false QLayoutWidget name Layout9 layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 3 QCheckBox name auto_brightness text Use Light Sensor whatsThis By sensing the ambient light where you are using your device, the screen light can be adjusted automatically. The brightness setting still affects the average brightness. QPushButton name CalibrateLightSensor text Calibrate whatsThis Advanced settings for light sensor handling name Spacer4 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title on AC margin 5 spacing 3 QGroupBox name GroupBox4 enabled true title General Settings layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 5 spacing 3 QSpinBox name interval_lightoff_ac suffix sec specialValueText never buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 0 lineStep 10 QLabel name TextLabel1_3_2 sizePolicy 3 1 text Dim light after QSpinBox name interval_suspend_ac suffix sec specialValueText never buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 0 lineStep 10 QLabel name TextLabel1_2_2_3 sizePolicy 3 1 text Suspend after QSpinBox name interval_dim_ac suffix sec specialValueText never buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 3600 minValue 0 lineStep 10 QLabel name TextLabel2_2_2 sizePolicy 3 1 text Light off after QCheckBox name LcdOffOnly_ac sizePolicy 7 0 text Deactivate LCD only (does not suspend) QGroupBox name GroupBox8 title Backlight layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 11 spacing 6 QSlider name brightness_ac minValue 0 maxValue 255 lineStep 16 pageStep 16 value 255 tracking true orientation Horizontal tickmarks Right whatsThis set a fix value for backlight QSlider name contrast_ac minValue 0 maxValue 255 lineStep 16 pageStep 16 value 255 tracking true orientation Horizontal tickmarks Right whatsThis set a fix value for backlight QLayoutWidget name Layout20 layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 3 QLabel name PixmapLabel2_2_3 pixmap image0 scaledContents false QLabel name TextLabel6 text Off name Spacer3 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLabel name TextLabel7 text Full QLabel name PixmapLabel1_2_3 pixmap image1 scaledContents false QLayoutWidget name Layout10 layoutSpacing margin 0 spacing 3 QCheckBox name auto_brightness_ac text Use Light Sensor whatsThis By sensing the ambient light where you are using your device, the screen light can be adjusted automatically. The brightness setting still affects the average brightness. QPushButton name CalibrateLightSensor_ac text Calibrate whatsThis Advanced settings for light sensor handling name Spacer5 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title Warnings margin 5 spacing 3 QGroupBox name GroupBox5 title Warnings layoutMargin layoutSpacing margin 5 spacing 3 QLabel name TextLabel1 sizePolicy 3 5 text Low power warning interval alignment WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft wordwrap QSpinBox name lowSpinBox suffix % buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 80 minValue 2 whatsThis At what battery level should the low power warning pop up QSpinBox name warnintervalBox suffix sec specialValueText never wrapping true buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 300 minValue 0 lineStep 5 value 5 whatsThis how often should be checked for low power. This determines the rate popups occure in low power situations QSpinBox name criticalSpinBox prefix suffix % buttonSymbols PlusMinus maxValue 80 minValue 2 whatsThis At what battery level should the critical power warning pop up QLabel name TextLabel2 sizePolicy 1 5 text very low battery warning at QLabel name TextLabel3 sizePolicy 1 5 text critical power warning at name Spacer1 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 image0 789c5dd04d6ac3301005e0bd4f21ec5d280931b1c0941ca1a5cb42e962a4194956e2d8f9e9a294debd9e9168ec3cbcd0f72ca1b1372bf5fef6a2569be27a835b67950d70512bfceafbef8fcffd4f516eb59a9e7aabb6e55351ae9555afc389787d9ed6556bdbb6b5cc2b1376d0c08e79115a0090b74326258e4cb333b591cd27a66d6c6d1b669fa9134988162c328f99945831b1c11a65f32153271a2121a0cc1c3329b16392a69a3413327562101201c9669f4989c874dad54e36bb4c9d6885ce8173f2df24158049abff0eec14a479371de1f859573944873e00dd3b8353ba18e3e1de1dbcf7d04d31b3b39033eb8e1052aad9bdc64be262bec0b784e5cc81c78387efe0ae5b767decba785a76c3380cc379d9ad2fe3787df82fb394bfcfc51f5517a686 image1 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 CalibrateLightSensor clicked() LightSettingsBase calibrateSensor() CalibrateLightSensor_ac clicked() LightSettingsBase calibrateSensorAC() calibrateSensor() calibrateSensorAC() interval_dim interval_lightoff interval_suspend LcdOffOnly brightness auto_brightness CalibrateLightSensor tabs interval_lightoff_ac interval_suspend_ac interval_dim_ac LcdOffOnly_ac brightness_ac auto_brightness_ac CalibrateLightSensor_ac lowSpinBox warnintervalBox criticalSpinBox