/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "security.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Security::Security( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : SecurityBase( parent, name, TRUE, fl ) { valid=FALSE; Config cfg("Security"); cfg.setGroup("Passcode"); passcode = cfg.readEntry("passcode"); passcode_poweron->setChecked(cfg.readBoolEntry("passcode_poweron",FALSE)); cfg.setGroup("Sync"); int auth_peer = cfg.readNumEntry("auth_peer",0xc0a88100);//new default int auth_peer_bits = cfg.readNumEntry("auth_peer_bits",24); selectNet(auth_peer,auth_peer_bits); connect(syncnet, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setSyncNet(const QString&))); /* cfg.setGroup("Remote"); if ( telnetAvailable() ) telnet->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("allow_telnet")); else telnet->hide(); if ( sshAvailable() ) ssh->setChecked(cfg.readEntry("allow_ssh")); else ssh->hide(); */ QString configFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/etc/opie-login.conf"; Config loginCfg(configFile,Config::File); loginCfg.setGroup("General"); autoLoginName=loginCfg.readEntry("AutoLogin",""); if (autoLoginName.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) { autoLogin=false; } else { autoLogin=true; } cfg.setGroup("SyncMode"); int mode = cfg.readNumEntry("Mode",2); // Default to Sharp syncModeCombo->setCurrentItem( mode - 1 ); connect(autologinToggle, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleAutoLogin(bool))); connect(userlist, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(changeLoginName(int))); connect(changepasscode,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changePassCode())); connect(clearpasscode,SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearPassCode())); loadUsers(); updateGUI(); dl = new QPEDialogListener(this); showMaximized(); } Security::~Security() { } void Security::updateGUI() { bool empty = passcode.isEmpty(); changepasscode->setText( empty ? tr("Set passcode" ) : tr("Change passcode" ) ); passcode_poweron->setEnabled( !empty ); clearpasscode->setEnabled( !empty ); autologinToggle->setChecked(autoLogin); userlist->setEnabled(autoLogin); } void Security::show() { //valid=FALSE; setEnabled(FALSE); SecurityBase::show(); if ( passcode.isEmpty() ) { // could insist... //changePassCode(); //if ( passcode.isEmpty() ) //reject(); } else { if (!valid) // security passcode was not asked yet, so ask now { QString pc = enterPassCode(tr("Enter passcode")); if ( pc != passcode ) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Passcode incorrect"), tr("The passcode entered is incorrect.\nAccess denied")); reject(); return; } } } setEnabled(TRUE); valid=TRUE; } void Security::accept() { applySecurity(); QDialog::accept(); QCopEnvelope env("QPE/System", "securityChanged()" ); } void Security::done(int r) { QDialog::done(r); close(); } void Security::selectNet(int auth_peer,int auth_peer_bits) { QString sn; if ( auth_peer_bits == 0 && auth_peer == 0 ) { sn = tr("Any"); } else if ( auth_peer_bits == 32 && auth_peer == 0 ) { sn = tr("None"); } else { sn = QString::number((auth_peer>>24)&0xff) + "." + QString::number((auth_peer>>16)&0xff) + "." + QString::number((auth_peer>>8)&0xff) + "." + QString::number((auth_peer>>0)&0xff) + "/" + QString::number(auth_peer_bits); } for (int i=0; icount(); i++) { if ( syncnet->text(i).left(sn.length()) == sn ) { syncnet->setCurrentItem(i); return; } } qDebug("No match for \"%s\"",sn.latin1()); } void Security::parseNet(const QString& sn,int& auth_peer,int& auth_peer_bits) { auth_peer=0; if ( sn == tr("Any") ) { auth_peer = 0; auth_peer_bits = 0; } else if ( sn == tr("None") ) { auth_peer = 0; auth_peer_bits = 32; } else { int x=0; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int nx = sn.find(QChar(i==3 ? '/' : '.'),x); auth_peer = (auth_peer<<8)|sn.mid(x,nx-x).toInt(); x = nx+1; } uint n = (uint)sn.find(' ',x)-x; auth_peer_bits = sn.mid(x,n).toInt(); } } void Security::loadUsers ( void ) { QFile passwd("/etc/passwd"); if ( passwd.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QTextStream t( &passwd ); QString s; QStringList account; while ( !t.eof() ) { account = QStringList::split(':',t.readLine()); // Hide disabled accounts if (*account.at(1)!="*") { userlist->insertItem(*account.at(0)); // Highlight this item if it is set to autologinToggle if ( *account.at(0) == autoLoginName) userlist->setCurrentItem(userlist->count()-1); } } passwd.close(); } } void Security::toggleAutoLogin(bool val) { autoLogin=val; userlist->setEnabled(val); if (!autoLogin) autoLoginName=userlist->currentText(); } void Security::setSyncNet(const QString& sn) { int auth_peer,auth_peer_bits; parseNet(sn,auth_peer,auth_peer_bits); selectNet(auth_peer,auth_peer_bits); } void Security::applySecurity() { if ( valid ) { Config cfg("Security"); cfg.setGroup("Passcode"); cfg.writeEntry("passcode",passcode); cfg.writeEntry("passcode_poweron",passcode_poweron->isChecked()); cfg.setGroup("Sync"); int auth_peer=0; int auth_peer_bits; QString sn = syncnet->currentText(); parseNet(sn,auth_peer,auth_peer_bits); cfg.writeEntry("auth_peer",auth_peer); cfg.writeEntry("auth_peer_bits",auth_peer_bits); /* cfg.setGroup("Remote"); if ( telnetAvailable() ) cfg.writeEntry("allow_telnet",telnet->isChecked()); if ( sshAvailable() ) cfg.writeEntry("allow_ssh",ssh->isChecked()); // ### write ssh/telnet sys config files */ QString configFile = QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/etc/opie-login.conf"; Config loginCfg(configFile,Config::File); loginCfg.setGroup("General"); if (autoLogin) { loginCfg.writeEntry("AutoLogin",autoLoginName); } else { loginCfg.removeEntry("AutoLogin"); } } } void Security::changeLoginName( int idx ) { autoLoginName = userlist->text(idx);; updateGUI(); } void Security::changePassCode() { QString new1; QString new2; do { new1 = enterPassCode(tr("Enter new passcode")); if ( new1.isNull() ) return; new2 = enterPassCode(tr("Re-enter new passcode")); if ( new2.isNull() ) return; } while (new1 != new2); passcode = new1; updateGUI(); } void Security::clearPassCode() { passcode = QString::null; updateGUI(); } QString Security::enterPassCode(const QString& prompt) { return Password::getPassword(prompt); } bool Security::telnetAvailable() const { // ### not implemented return FALSE; } bool Security::sshAvailable() const { // ### not implemented return FALSE; }